
Streaming clouds tap hands and eyes.
"I’m so young. You used to practice martial arts. You have a good palm technique and a mysterious stick technique. It seems unusual."
"No wonder you can get sick repeatedly when you encounter changes."
Zhou Yi smiled without a word, and his figure slowly retreated into the darkness and disappeared.
A passage somewhere
Zhou Yi frowned at slowly forced to three people.
He didn’t want to get into trouble. He never thought that if he was out of luck, he couldn’t hide. He could meet foreigners in a place like this.
There is also a gas refiner.
With a wave of his hand, the gas refiner in the rear suddenly swelled up two earth-rock changes, and the python swooped down with amazing power.
Fossil molding!
Stone pythons are hard, fast and can be repaired even if they are smashed. Without other means, it is just right.
Two people were left to drink low, one before, and the other was cursed and killed.
Zhou Yi gently shook his head and suddenly disappeared.
A virtual shock exploded, and a fierce ape was wrapped in flames. Several people appeared in the middle of their hands, and the sticks set off a terrible fire.
The ape’s stick skill is perfect.
It is barely the first-order ape’s stick skill, and the power is comparable to the first-order spell proficiency stage.
What does this mean?
The spells practiced by the three men in the Black Wind Tunnel are mostly first order.
A stick blasted out a terrible force, which instantly broke into pieces, intercepted, and poured into the body, causing a savage body to break on the spot.
The shadow of the stick is heavy and unstoppable, and it is crushed forward.
Whether it’s a magic light or a magic weapon, everything is broken in front of the fierce ape
Even the spirit-refining man in Wan Ling Cave struggled for a few more breaths until he was killed on the spot by the same sad roar.
Zhou Yi didn’t stop there. His eyes suddenly turned red and looked somewhere.
Interlaced fire line spurts out from the eyes like a giant net covering the corner.
Fire eye surgery!
"Blare …"
Evil wind a swing a virtual shadow swept out from the staggered line of fire see Zhou Yi also want to start work quickly way
"It’s me"
"white repair!"
Zhou Yi gave a beating with a stick.
"It’s me" Bai Xiu face stiff way
"What a coincidence"
"Yes" Zhou Yi slowly put away and nodded indifferently.
"Brother Bai also came here to inspect?"
"Uh …" Bai Xiu touched the nose.
"Actually, I’m going to find a place where no one is hiding."
So do I/So am I/Me too.
Who knew there was someone here?
Zhou Yi smiled at each other.
"Brother Bai is modest. If I had known you, I wouldn’t have to do it by force."
"Walk slowly"
Watching Zhou Yi leave the straight back and disappear, Bai Xiufang looked back thoughtfully.

"So you and hope are"

"Twin sisters; Enemy "
"How many years have you been enemies with her?"
"What is hate from her?" Yin Yingying told a series of secrets that surprised everyone. Four people looked at her without doubt.
[Revenge] 3 Once (two thousand words broadcast)
"You are twin sisters. Why would you make enemies?"
"She is my own sister who is 1 minute and 57 seconds older than me. She is a healthy baby, and I was born with a serious heart disease. We took me abroad for treatment on the second day of birth. Because we can take a person, we put my sister in foster care. My mother goes back to China to see my sister once every three years. When she was five years old, her mother and friend died because of difficulties, and she was taken back to the silver house. Although she ate well all day, I lived well, but I met my father five times in a year. When she and her mother met for the third time, the two of them had an accident. My mother died. She was abandoned by her father. After I got sick, I took my housekeeper back to China and tried to find out about her. I learned that she was taken away by the old lady of the Asian underworld at that time. My housekeeper and I came to Alcatraz. My wife was somewhat human and promised to give my sister back to me, but my sister insisted on leaving the past to make her hate. My wife has always attached great importance to my sister, and her talent is not comparable to that of ordinary people. Since the first day she joined the underworld, she has personally taught her sister marksmanship and martial arts. Because it is stipulated that one of the four girls can live last, but my wife is afraid that others will cheat and harm her sister, so she changed the rule to two of the four girls. She is worried that it is redundant. My sister killed everyone except Xuelin in the first scene. Xuelin is very lucky that her number is the last one. She escaped from her sister. "
Jin Chenluo, Han Yizhe and Leng Lingxuan all looked at Xue Liner in unison.
"She said it’s true that I’m more than I want to live because of this rule."
"My sister is an outstanding person. She should be the most accurate marksman. On the day of her victory, my wife arranged five big men to test her, and all of them were defeated. The next day, she gave her the position of the boss of the Asian underworld to her sister. After sitting in this position, many people didn’t think it was a good opportunity for rebellion. As a result, the department was shattered by her sister. They planned to say that her sister is now recognized as the boss of the Asian underworld."
"Then she doesn’t have many enemies?"
"What do you say? There must be, but at least few people in Asia dare to compete with her. Her biggest enemy should be me. "
"your identity"
"She is the boss of the European underworld." Everyone looked for the sound source and saw Yin Yunxi with a sniper rifle in his right hand. "Yin Yunying, have you said enough?"
"Let’s get it over with today." Yin Yunxi raised his gun at Yin Yun Ying.
"Hey!" Silver Yun Ying tackled Xue Liner and others, and the bullet penetrated a wine bottle.
"Let’s go!" Yin Yingying took their hands and rushed out of the bar at once.
"Give me chase!" Yin Yunxi chased a man out of the bar with a sniper rifle.
"You go quickly and I’ll cover." Yin Yingying turned to shoot against the wall from time to time.
"no! How can we lose you? "
"Trust me, my men are coming. Go!"
"Then take care of yourself." Four people immediately left the range.
"Boss, here we come." Silver Yun Ying appeared in the sight of Yin Yunxi. She gently snorted, pulled out a Grenade from her waist, pulled out the tab and threw it at Silver Yun Ying.
"Get down!" Yin Chunjin bowed her head and left her and a girl when the blasting was over.
"Boss, you go and I’ll cover."
"Let’s go! This is an order! "
Two people hand in hand and ran back side by side.
"Never let them go! Chase me! " Silver allow and make a determined effort to say
"Yin Yingying, you can’t escape. Go to hell!" Silver Yun took the sniper rifle and pulled the trigger, but it was blocked by the person next to Silver Yun Ying.
“d! Ok, don’t chase it. It’s time to go back now. "

Yang Yan nodded and sighed naively. Her sigh immediately aroused Zong Xuan’s sympathy, and he almost felt that this sympathy was strange at the same time.

I thought, "Let me see, I will be so sympathetic to her. Ah! Is it because I know that she is good-looking? This is not too much, is it? "
Yan Yang did not say a word, but she thought about it. At this time, she found that although she was not beautiful, she naturally had an elegant and delicate charm and taste, which was a rare and attractive temperament
He suddenly said, "Show me how curious I am."
Yan Yang ate a surprised way "no! You will regret it. "
Zong Xuan said, "What?"
Yan Yang paused for a moment and seemed to summon up courage. "Because I have a secret vow, that is, the first thing I see except my relatives is my husband."
Zong Xuanyi smiled and said, "So that’s it. But if you don’t show your true colors all the time, how can you get married unless you rely on a matchmaker?"
Yang Yan said, "That’s no ritual. Who taught me to be so unlucky that I had to wander around the rivers and lakes?"
Zong Xuan listened to what she said pitifully, and his life and death were also in danger, so he did not rashly say, "Then you might as well see your fate. Anyway, I haven’t married yet. If you show your true colors, you may marry me. Of course, this is immortal. If you can’t live, you don’t have to talk about everything."
Yan Yang’s eyes widened to reveal an incredible expression, and her cheeks flushed. "Will you marry me?"? If I look decent. "
ZongXuan way "what? I’m not going to be a monk. "
She gritted her teeth. "Then I’ll take off my makeup."
ZongXuan way "discharge! I am waiting to see it! "
Yan Yang immediately began to see her relax her hair and wipe her hands, then took out a bottle of potions and poured more than ten drops. In a blink of an eye, her skin color first became very Bai Zhe. Look at her eyebrows and nose, and the whole face changed into a melon face and a pretty woman. Cried Zong Xuan.
He said, "Is this who you really are? Ah! How beautiful! "
Yan Yang shy tunnel "I’m PuLiuZi you don’t abandon me has been overjoyed".
Zong Xuan was close to her face, and it seemed that even how many pores were counted clearly. Then she kissed her cheek quickly. "Yes! This time, my mind is not easy to make up my face. "
Although Zong Xuan was kissing Yan Yang’s cheek, Yan Yang was infatuated with crazy in love. It turned out that when she first saw Zong Xuan, she was moved by his handsome appearance. Knowing that he was famous all over the world, Zong Xuan fell in love with her, but she thought that she was not worthy of such a famous person. I couldn’t believe that he would like herself.
Zong Xuan’s strict training is good at measuring people’s hearts. At this time, it is obvious that she has been confused and can’t help secretly thinking, "Whether I marry her afterwards or not, I have at least found a reliable helping hand in front of this catastrophe."
In order to make her more determined to help herself, Zongxuan said to her at the expense of playing with her feelings, "Are you still afraid to see your people and not prostrate yourself?" Your previous worries are not much ado about nothing. "
Yan Yang’s face was full of shyness. "Maybe I can believe what others say, but you have seen the world. Qin Xian and Duanmu maggot are both peerless talented women. They are just fireflies in front of me. How dare I be amazing?"
ZongXuan hold her soft yi way "different! Unlike them, they are good at martial arts and intelligence, but you are not gentle. Besides, who wants to marry a wife who is taller than himself? "
Yan Yang glanced at him and said, "You won’t make me happy, will you?"
Zong Xuan said, "I have to coax you. I believe you will help me even if I don’t say marry you, right?"
She sincerely said that this is indeed true. "Alas! I don’t know how to meet you and I can’t wait to help you. "
Zong Xuan said, "Now you tell me who the enemy is?"
Yang Yandao said, "That Mrs. Meng was originally a senior of my Flying Ring School. I heard that she was very beautiful and romantic, and she had an unusual relationship with many masters of the school."
Zong Xuan said, "It’s not surprising if she is a young woman."
Yang Yandao said, "That being said, the problem is that all her people always die soon, so all these sects should investigate the real cause of death."
ZongXuan way "oh! It turns out that those people are normal in appearance after death, so everyone should investigate if they know that there is a sword or fist injury after a violent death? "
Chapter 33 What you say will mean what you say
Yang Yandao said, "Not only the various factions, but also a senior in our faction went to find her to solve these problems, which affected the reputation of the faction. After some negotiations, there was no result. After claiming to correct the public and arrest her, I should offend her. Who knows that this senior fell ill in a few days and soon died!"
With a sad expression, she thought again and again, "it was thirty year ago! She is my aunt’s late father, so she has been depressed for many years. I still remember my late father’s expression … "
Zong Xuan patted the back of her hand to comfort her. "Since you want revenge, you don’t have to think about these past events."
Yang Yandao said, "Soon after my aunt died, some people died of illness. After several years, my master’s family died, and the rest of my family finally kept my flying circle."
Zong Xuan frowned and said, "So the sudden decline and extinction of the Tin Seal Sect is also due to the death of all factions?"
Yang Yandao "probably! Although I don’t know the details, one thing I do know is that there are many sects whose leaders are fascinated by her, which has caused several storms. Finally, the heads of these sects died of illness and the keepsakes and treasures of the sect have disappeared … "
Zong Xuan said, "As you said, this lost man of Meng is simply a mysterious girl? What is her martial arts? "
Yang Yandao "of course it is very high! Otherwise, she would not have lived long ago, but as far as I know, her only martial arts is stronger than her. "
ZongXuan big interested way "what’s her name? If you know his martial arts, what kind of martial arts did he learn? "
Yang Yandao: "His name is Yi Xia, and he is proficient in martial arts of various factions. This is of course given by his mother personally …"
After a pause, she added, "In the past ten years, our schools have almost completely died. They all went to the door to find that Meng Yi-xia and were killed by that Meng Yi-xia, so now some schools are really dead."
Zong Xuan said, "I remember you said that there is a special large array around her house, and you dare not break into it, and experts like Meng Yixia certainly dare not violate it."
Yang Yandao "yes! This is that chance for all of us to disappear and wait for revenge by sniper. "
Zong Xuan smiled slightly. "Are you Shangjia factions afraid that some of them will hide their whereabouts not for revenge?"
Yan Yang admitted, "Yes! Including me, I dare not show up for fear of being driven away by Meng Yixia’s door. Now we, the Meng family, have become irreconcilable. If we can’t destroy them, we will all be destroyed. "
Zong Xuan mused, "That Mrs. Meng is a talented woman of a generation. If you don’t act secretly when you are fighting, Mrs. Meng’s name must be far from many masters and famous artists today."
Yang Yandao said, "But her behavior is so hateful that it shames the door and destroys many sects from the Jianghu. No matter how strong she is, she can’t be admired."
Zong Xuan Zheng said, "The world is nothing more than infighting. The strong should be admired by all."
Yang Yandao "what shall I do if you say so? Surrender to her and wait for her to harm? "
Zong Xuan said, "Being at home is another problem. I say that the strong should be respected by all."
Yang Yandao said, "If you are brave and brave, of course, who can’t return to the heart?"
Zong Xuan suddenly lost in thought. He actually thought of the number of days after the exclusive villa destroyed Cuihua City. But the fact is not as he thought. Many people are frightened rather than admired. Does it mean that the strong have to follow the law of good and evil? What he thinks belongs to philosophical problems and involves moral values, but if he is an evil person by nature, he will never think of these problems.
Yan Yang added, "According to the teacher, it is difficult for the school to take advantage of the profound martial arts because of the loss of the secret martial arts. She said that this secret hat is aimed at this point by Mrs. Meng, and I have to take it back."
Zong Xuan said, "It’s so strange. You said earlier that you were afraid that the jar would fall into anger and commit suicide. It’s good that if she committed suicide, Meng Yixia’s concern would add hatred to pursue you, and he’s single and erratic. You can’t even find a shadow."
When they were talking, suddenly someone tapped two Yan Yang on the outside of the car to show nervousness. "They finally came!"

As time went on, Song Changgeng’s ruddy face lost color and became more and more haggard. For a long time, he suddenly opened his eyes and spat out one mouthful blood.

However, his face was full of laughter, and he finally passed &1; Yuanhuiqiu found the location of the East China Sea Silver Cicada Reef. Although it cost a lot, he was seriously injured because of forced transportation, but it was all worth it. Finally, he found this mysterious island that moved the East China Sea Silver Cicada Reef.
Chapter IV The Man of God from Outer Space
After two detailed calculations of blood consumption, Song Changgeng finally found this mysterious island, which is a whole silver-gray reef with smooth lines and a shape close to an insect called cicada.
The whole’ Yinchan Reef’ is in the shape of a strip. Song Changgeng roughly estimated that it is about one kilometer long, about 500 meters wide and more than 60 meters high above the water.
When he came to Yinchan Reef from Feijian, it was discovered that this silver-gray reef seems to be a special kind of ore and the whole reef has no plants.
After two days of searching, he finally found a hidden hole in the front end of the reef, which is an oval hole with a diameter of about four meters.
Inside is a spacious tunnel. After walking for nearly ten meters, Song Changgeng felt something in the air, but he didn’t see anything with the naked eye.
He passed through this barrier with a gentle effort, which seemed to be an invisible film. Song Changgeng guessed that it was an energy shield, and something might have been formed by law.
After that, he passed through four floors in the 100-meter tunnel, so that the protective cover can be seen in color and invisible to the naked eye, but the resistance is great.
After more than 100 meters of tunnel, he came to a spacious hall, which was said to be a hall rather than a cave, because the walls here were smooth and obviously processed
Looking at this hall, which is more than five meters high and more than thirty meters long and wide, Song Changgeng is a little dumbfounded because the decoration style here is very special and shows traces of the future scientific and technological era.
If it weren’t for him &1; Yuan Huiqiu saw his life in the next 300 years, especially in the 21 ST century, and he won’t have a special decoration style here
That is, in this era, people are all the same. They have not been baptized by the future technological era. When they see the decoration here, they will find the style here particularly beautiful.
The lines of the whole hall are soft and smooth, and there are no rigid straight lines at each corner, but they are round and arc-shaped, and all kinds of abstract decorations with soft lines make people feel very comfortable
In the center of the hall, there is a top-penetrating cylinder with a diameter of about three meters. The whole white is as warm as jade, and there is nothing special here.
Seeing this cylinder, Song Chang-geng, after several losses, Jingxue made &1; Yuan Huiqiu’s already pale and haggard face finally showed a happy smile.
He knew that if he didn’t guess the cylinder wrong, it was the control center here. After more than a year of twists and turns, he finally found it, and his fate added a variable.
Close your eyes and calm yourself down. Song Changgeng walked slowly to the front of this column with a little uneasy feelings and turned around it twice. There was nothing special about it. The whole column was as warm as white jade from bottom to top, and there was no sign or prominent mark, which made him feel puzzled.
Song Chang Gung tried to put his hand on the cylinder, and suddenly a flash of brilliance flashed across the whole cylinder, which lit up like a tube lamp.
Song Chang-geng was able to draw back his hand and retreat three steps after the change of the cylinder, while the one in front of the cylinder and the life-size virtual light and shadow were projected.
This is a two-meter-high adult male. He is a fit and gorgeous gold armor with a faint halo covering his body, leaving a handsome face of Zhang Zhongnian people.
Even though it is a virtual image, Song Chang-geng can still feel a faint coercion from his body. This phenomenon is not really coercion, but actually his own psychology.
Just as he was thinking, the virtual image gave a deep voice, and the deep tone was cleverly reflected by the spacious hall, and the reverberation added mystery and coercion.
"Hello, welcome. No matter how or why you can find it here, just say that you and I are destined to help each other."
Help? Same to you?’ Song Chang-geng frowned and learned to improve himself &1; Blood nerve > help each other? What can I do to help it? Do I have that ability?
Ignore Song Chang Gung’s doubts that the virtual image of the adult man is still talking according to the established program, and he should be told.
"I come from the universe and have a very special way of writing on this planet to study and study it. After a long time, I finally understand the mode and principle of this writing.
At the same time, I also integrated it with my own writing mode, thanking and popularizing this strange writing mode. I made three things and left them in this world.
The three objects are divided into large, medium and small sizes, and their functions are different. This’ Silver Cicada Reef’ is a medium-sized object, which is made of mobile synthetic materials.
There are many new technologies and things in the’ Yinchan Reef’ that I have produced after the integration of this world language technology and my own language model. "
Aliens? ?’ Song Chang-geng felt his head rise. What is this and what is it? Because of passing &1; Yuan Huiqiu > Seeing his life after 300 years, after the baptism of knowledge in the 21st century.
Song Chang-geng is keen to see from this virtual image discourse that this guy is actually from an alien, and he has also learned the unique technology of the earth and combined it with his own text.
This is simply ah! It’s really a wonder in the world.’ Song Changgeng sighed in his heart that he never thought of improving and perfecting here &1; Blood nerve > is actually an alien
The virtual image has paused here, apparently to let people digest what they just said. After all, in his view, it is difficult for them to fully understand what they are saying. It is estimated that these wonderful indigenous people must have regarded themselves as’ extraterrestrial gods’.
Chapter V Equivalence Exchange
In fact, people who came here before his idea was correct, including the old man of the blood god in the stone shrine, regarded him as an "extraterrestrial god" with an alternative like Song Changgeng.
"That I ask you? Have your own wisdom? What you say now is not preset, is it? " Song Chang Gung tentatively asked
He accidentally saw this virtual image pause after saying this, and his face was a little impatient, a little excited and a little contemptuous. It is hard to say that it is a preset program.
"eh? What makes you think that? But it’s nothing if I didn’t tell you. I do have some intelligence because my master belongs to the universe. It’s very simple to make an intelligent program. "
This virtual image of the "man of heaven" was stunned by Song Chang Gung-geng, but he still did his duty and said his things simply and concisely, with nothing to hide.
Because at the beginning, the’ man of heaven’ didn’t expect to hide this information when setting these times, which is not a secret in his view.
In the alien "the man of heaven", it seems that although this planet’s literature is very special, at the end of the day, its literature level is even higher than its own.
However, they are still in a very ignorant state. The most important point is that the special literary mode here, that is, they call it the cultivation of immortals or the method of cultivation, has been separated from the intelligent subject.
The so-called intelligent subject is a literary knowledge or technical body of ordinary human beings in the universe. If it can’t be accepted by ordinary people and can’t take root, it will enter a fork in the road.
In view of this, the "man of heaven" denies that this information is worth keeping secret, and it is not white to tell them that these original people are the same. He didn’t expect that there would be such an alternative in Song Changgeng.
After explaining these, the virtual image of the "man of heaven" shows that he doesn’t want to continue to discuss this issue, and he will continue to talk whether he understands it or not.
"Although I said that I left a lot of new technologies and things in the’ Silver Cicada Reef’, I have produced new technologies and things after the integration of this world language technology and my own language model.
But if you want to get these technologies or make these things, you have to pay the corresponding price. After all, in my opinion, it is not the right development mode to get in or out. "Here, the image pauses."

The shock wave surged, and the white master reappeared to show the immortal temple, Shanhai Seal, to protect himself, but he was still knocked back thousands of feet and vomited blood again in front of everyone.

This is like seeing a ghost. He was injured by someone’s own moves?
Even he had to admit that this sword was not exactly the same, but it was stronger in some aspects.
For example … Speed!
This is the powerful place of Qin Changfeng’s yellow armor after he touched the ultimate meaning of assimilation of this death.
In addition to the enemy’s defense, the Lord god armor of the virtual king’s sky can also limit the force of linking the sky to make the virtual king in the armor almost immortal.
Qin Changfeng’s yellow armor doesn’t have this kind of terror recovery ability, but it can darken the magical power of Daofa, which has been penetrated into armor, like transforming creatures into dark creatures, and finally re-type it through the way of flowers blooming on the other side!
Yan’s transformation ability is still limited because he has not yet mastered this ultimate meaning, and there are many shackles.
But it is foreseeable that in the future, when his mastery of the law of death reaches the level of virtual king to virtual law, he may not be able to achieve perfect transformation!
The whole world was silent, and no one could have imagined that the Great Devil had such a heavenly means.
This is a counterattack against the fairy method. If it can be put to use, who can compete with it?
Dead robbery!
While the white fairy Lord was absent for a short time, Qin Changfeng blew blood again through the void.
A drop of black blood flies out of the fairy-chasing charm and has a rapid speed, which makes the white fairy master look pale and seem unwilling to be touched.
The horror of black blood presenting the blood robbery seal is that after it contains the meaning of death, it can still control the blood storm outside the body, but now there are more dark erosion and forced transformation of terrible power.
This assimilation is far from ordinary dark forces, and the erosion after entering the body is more overbearing than it, and it is extremely incomplete to wipe out the target Yuan God, so that he can directly grasp the darkened flesh!
And still inherited the characteristics that the power of blood robbery marks doubles every second.
Once it is exposed by this dark blood, it will be twice as dangerous to live as Qin Changfeng’s puppet for every second.
Qin Changfeng didn’t want to slay this young fairy from the fairy land in the first world war, because he wanted this fairy body to have … once promised to find a body in the real world for the mysterious man transformed by a wisp of residual soul of the fairy monk king, but in front of him, this white fairy theory is perfect in every way.
Therefore, he didn’t call Xiao Mo to bury the tomb tower without warning, but tried to suppress it by himself.
It is naturally the best choice to commit blood robbery in battle, which has the limited possibility skill.
The white fairy Lord has just been shot back ten feet by Qin Changfeng, and he almost walked in front of the robbed ghost. Why don’t you feel concerned?
However, it is a little strange that he is somewhat complacent in his fright as if everything is under control …
"I have been waiting for you for a long time. Although the avatar is strong, do you know what the fairy realm is?"
He quietly whispered and suddenly changed his attitude from black blood to the body, but then Ruo Xu’s magic fairy temple above his head changed into a light and shadow again. At that moment, he slowly merged with himself, and an ancient and faint breath suddenly spread.
Then he really looked afraid and stepped back out of the place, leaving an almost identical light and shadow of himself, and Qin Changfeng’s blood robbery seal actually left a light and shadow body.
"Fairy Hall Method Time Curse!"
Light and shadow fly forward, which is different from Qin Changfeng’s. It’s not speed, but …!
It may have flown for more than a dozen breaths, but the outside world just passed for a moment, so Qin Changfeng appeared, even if it was faster, it was difficult to react and was directly hit by light and shadow.
This means that a fairy spell is added to the body! !
"Time curse is limited to reciprocating. You can end the cycle in your avatar …"
The indifferent whisper of the Lord in white reveals the horror of this immortal spell.
Limited circulation!
At this time, Qin Changfeng was horrified to find himself caught in a terrible trap. It didn’t always go back to the past, which made him go back to his childhood, and it didn’t always go to the future quickly, which made him rapidly aging, but several breaths flashed back and forth.
This instant is when he used blood to rob the seal.
So he didn’t end up in this trap and the target was still himself … The light and shadow from the white fairy Lord contained the blood seal, which made him incredibly able to shine the seal on himself when he crossed strangely!
Although the blood robbery seal can’t suddenly kill himself, the body will return to the past in every cycle, but there is a terrorist crisis in it … Although the body circulates in the middle, but only he has no memory, that is to say, his understanding of Taoism will not be erased by time.
So ….. As he repeatedly displays his mastery of this magical power, his skill becomes more and more powerful. One day, he will die and rob the seal and shine instantly!
In fact, there are only a handful of times to cast this magic spell, but almost all the targets of the previous magic spell have disappeared.
Although this kind of fairy method is suspected of helping the enemy cultivate magical powers, the problem is that the stronger your magical powers are, the faster you will die. If you really want to have this kind of harvest, you have to live first!
But this is a fairy spell. Is it so easy to understand?
The white fairy master is absolutely confident that he dares to display his nature. He once made an offer to a fairy. In the end, if he didn’t take the initiative to untie the curse, the result of this fairy might not be very good.
This time mantra is to create a cage for branching the long river of independent time. Qin Changfeng’s theory is repeated many times. The past tense of the outside world is extremely short, usually in the blink of an eye.
In the trap, Qin Changfeng was frightened and watched the proficiency of blood robbery printing rise.
From the first floor of the spiritual realm, he rose to the top of the room and then moved unswervingly towards perfection. He never regretted having such a powerful magical power like this moment.
In the limited circulation, the body is out of control, the machinery completes the skills, and his consciousness is released. Naturally, he thinks hard about the spell-breaking method as never before.
But at one time, he almost studied and wanted to talk about this dangerous situation from the beginning.
What’s more, even if he condensed out the mysterious degree of the immortal spell, I’m afraid the hope that Shiyuan could break the spell by himself is still slim.
I feel anxious, but as for his skill of resisting blood robbery, I have finally entered the top level of spiritual realm, transformed and sublimated, and gained strong extra abilities …
Chapter six hundred and ninety-seven Shura seal!
Shura seal!
Is the blood rob seal spirit condition after extreme sublimation of the new name is still given by heaven Qin Changfeng don’t accept it.
The myth of shura is that life is demigod and demiman, violent and murderous.
It is necessary to say more about how to have such a magical power endowed by heaven.
Total or corrosion blasting body die or be dark transformation theory Qin Changfeng shura war after.

Yiyi’s new "Fei Chang Raiders Following Fei Sheng Code" seeks to join the shelf collection! Dear sisters, support yiyi ~ ~ that you can temporarily fatten up if you don’t look at it. It’s always guaranteed that Yiyi will be updated after the year. Everyone knows it! ~ ~ Yao 1837 Chapter 1837 Set-up 44

Meng Yuanchao hey hey say with smile "Sue bro brother big say after seen heard of personnel over the years! If you trust your brother, you might as well talk to him. Maybe he can help you out! "
Su Jing and his eyes lit up, and Zhang Wenyue and Zhu Shao, those guys, will be fooling around. The serious idea is not to count on it. Maybe Meng Dage can really help himself!
Su Jinghe wanted to think about it, so he told Jessica Fong Ching everything about saving himself, except extremely private things.
Meng Yuanchao’s eyes twinkled and the other side was full of praise. He couldn’t help but sigh, "Sue, it’s very kind of you to marry such a good wife! Master Su has a unique vision, a unique vision! With this vision and knowledge, most people in this world are compared! "
"…" Su Jinghe touched his nose. Yes, yes, his father has a unique vision. It’s none of his business!
Well, it seems that this marriage really has nothing to do with him
Meng Yuanchao saw his one eye and couldn’t help laughing again. "Say again that I don’t like my sister-in-law who has the heart and the ability to take over the property. Isn’t this just going to your future trouble? There’s nothing wrong with you still living at large! Besides, your sister-in-law is yours, and it’s also her blessing that you like her, otherwise she can suffer. What are you afraid of? I am afraid that she will run away! "
In the final analysis, you really have nothing to correct!
"Eldest brother, don’t make fun of me!" Su Jinghe wry smile way "I just don’t admit that I have to admit that I really like her! Alas, she is going to be a good wife. It’s really annoying! "
Meng Yuanchao heart way that is not necessarily! You’ve been hanging around among flowers for years, but you only listen to flattery on weekdays. You really don’t know anything about women! Even with a limited understanding, please ask your wife-otherwise you can’t see clearly that those women are only after your silver!
"Are you really tempted?" Meng yuanchao asked with a smile
"Really!" Su Jinghe didn’t care about losing face. She said, "I don’t know what’s wrong. I’m not interested in seeing another woman now. It’s a shame to say it. I’m full of thoughts about her!"
Meng Yuanchao was a little surprised. His eyes were burning and stared at him. "It seems that you are really tempted! I don’t know how long this heart can move! "
Su Jinghe Zheng "What, what do you mean?"
Sure enough, I don’t know anything!
Meng Yuanchao sighed in his mind and patted Su Jing and his shoulder and sighed, "Aren’t you white? I think my sister-in-law must be a transparent person. It is impossible not to see that you are sincere, but because you are transparent in your heart and have a criminal record, how can she know if you are sincere for a day or two, a month or two, or a year or two? "
Su Jing and Daiju, is that right?
"A needle in a woman’s heart!" Meng Yuanchao is very experienced and added, "Women are different from men. There are many choices for objective men. You really don’t like her today, but you can be sincere to other women, but she can’t! Once her heart is devoted to you, there will be you in this life! To put it bluntly, siblings are afraid! "
"Afraid …" Su Jinghe blinked and suddenly realized, "Daughter-in-law doesn’t believe me!"
Meng Yuanchao turned supercilious look and finally didn’t get completely confused!
Don’t talk about siblings. If it were me, I wouldn’t believe you. This kind of statement is not very reliable for a person like Meng Yuanchao who has seen many things.
It’s more credible than sex is hard to move.
Su Jinghe sat with his eyes straight and half ringing without saying anything.
Meng Yuanchao drank three glasses of wine to see him or this soul out-of-body experience. He couldn’t help but open his five fingers and waved it in front of him. "What’s the matter? Silly? "
Su Jinghe brushed his hand aside and sighed, "What? I’m serious for a year or two. I’m afraid I’ll recognize her in this life!"
Meng Yuanchao saw that he didn’t like lying and laughed. "Really? A generation can grow! "
Su Jinghe see his one eye a serious way "nature really didn’t you see me just thinking about this problem? I can’t think about others anymore, there is her! "
"She’s not a stunning beauty," she said. "This possibility will not come to her!"
Meng Yuanchao almost gushed out a mouthful of wine "Gollum" and burst out laughing after swallowing it. "I said Sue bro, you are really real! I just don’t know what my sister-in-law will think if this is true! "
Su Jinghe laughed. "This is not in front of big brother!"
In front of his daughter-in-law, of course, he won’t say such words!
Who in a woman’s family wants to be told that she is not good-looking? Even if it’s true!
He Su Jinghe is not stupid and can’t understand this?
However, Meng Yuanchao Su Jinghe, who was laughing all the time, was a little uneasy and rubbed his hands. He smiled and said, "Meng Dage is not one of those people who gossip behind people’s backs, so he won’t tell my daughter-in-law, right?"
Meng Yuanchao ha ha laughs "What did you say just now? I didn’t hear you clearly! "
Su Jinghe one leng two people burst out laughing at each other.
Meng Yuanchao sighed, "You are really sincere. If you go to your sister-in-law and worry about her, you will naturally be sincere!"
Su Jing and his eyes lit up and said, "That’s what bothers me. She doesn’t know! Is there any good way for big brother? "
Meng Yuanchao said, "How do I know this? How do you convince her that you can’t think for yourself? If you want me to say it, don’t say that you have to change this problem first! "
"What’s wrong with …" Su Jinghe himself was a little guilty when he said this.
Sure enough, Meng Yuan gave him a white look, saying, "What am I talking about?" Eyes are still laughed "what mei xiang floor, flower floor, you don’t go in the future! Don’t go to your concubine rooms either! Tell her later that if you are willing, send them all away! "
He gave him a look and smiled. "Anyway, now you can’t see others in your eyes. It’s good to keep them!"
Su Jinghe nodded and smiled. "Big Brother said something!"
Meng Yuanchao laughed again. "And I said, don’t be annoyed with Sue’s business. You can’t have a generation without taking over, can you? If you don’t answer her, you have to. It’s not like a woman’s house to run outside all day! Don’t blame me for not waking you up. Chapter 1838 Set-up 45
This is right. Su Jing and his heart are troubled by the thought that his wife will deal with all kinds of messy men in the future.
A grind way "good! Sue home business from now on I take over the wife, just stay at home and have a baby! "
Meng Yuanchao sobbed at the corner of his mouth and added, "In fact, these are the most important things after they are reliable. You have to let her accept you from the bottom of my heart and agree with you. When the time comes, this will follow! Suddenly you ran in front of her and said these things seriously. Hehe, I am afraid that my sister-in-law may not believe you! "
Su Jinghe’s distress is also the case in front of him. If his wife believed him, she wouldn’t have asked him to go to my room! Besides, he wouldn’t have looked at her this morning, and he couldn’t say anything at all to accompany her to tea jargon!
Su Jinghe nodded deeply and asked Meng Yuanchao if there was any way for his daughter-in-law to accept and identify with herself from the bottom of her heart.
Meng Yuanchao actually didn’t finish believing that he was really going to fool his daughter-in-law wholeheartedly from now on. Don’t rush to make all kinds of promises with his daughter-in-law, otherwise, in case the Su family blames him one day, will he be wronged?
Besides, it’s more appropriate to let this guy suffer more and sharpen his sex, and think about it by the way, isn’t it

A few days later

The wooden spoon of Zhou Yi’s medicine furnace gently scraped out the black viscous liquid inside, and rubbed it into pills before the heat disappeared.
A little while
More than 30 pills have been cooled and shaped.
Picking up a pill and feeling a drug effect can’t help showing satisfaction.
This is after Zhou Yi’s improvement, Xiangu Decoction is added with some dead mushrooms, and its efficacy is much higher than that of the original Xiangu Decoction.
a grain of
Comparable to bowls of mushroom soup.
It’s a great supplement to the cultivation of the five poisons murderer.
However, for those who have reached this stage, the place is not big, but it is perfect to sell.
He has six yuan Dan!
"Six yuan Dan to assist the practice of fairy mushroom Dan is sold in exchange for Red Sands, and you can try to break through in half a year."
"the road can be expected"
I cleaned up a little for a week, changed my humble dress and hurried to the city.
Chapter 4 pale apes change
The city is still busy, and you can’t see the usual difference. Obviously, a few people died here.
Zhou Yi waited for a moment and Kang Rongfang arrived late.
"Brother Zhou"
Yao Yao hand over Kang Rong slow mouth.
"What do you want with me?"
Zhou yi nodded
"Remember that Brother Kang said that if you get a good elixir or have a weapon or Dan medicine at hand, you should ask your own people first?"
"If no one wants to buy, then set up a stall."
"Yes" Kang Rong one leng.
"It does happen."
Around Shuo De Tian Man, many gold diggers form a small group. If you have good things, you must first hold on to your own people.
Kang Rong straightened up and pulled himself together.
"Brother Zhou has something good to do?"
Zhou yi nodded
"I have refined some Dan medicine, which has a good effect on tempering the body and nourishing the essence. I am going to ask about the market."
"Brother Zhou knows an alchemist?" Kang Rong was a clot.
"The alchemist’s black wind tunnel is extremely rare. Brother Zhou can safely survive the ten-year gold rush."
He had been indifferent to Zhou Yi. After all, he had the impression that this person was timid and had a limited future, and nine times out of ten he could not cook a gold digger.
It’s not worth the effort
But an alchemist is different.
"when not"
Zhou Yi shook his head.
"It’s just a little medical knowledge and I have to say that I have some confidence in this fairy mushroom Dan by taking medicine."
Said from the body pulled out a porcelain way
"This Dan is made of dozens of kinds of mushroom essences, and it is a great supplement for us."
"Really?" Kang Rong touched the bar
"I don’t know anything about medicine, but Master Bao is an expert in medicine refining. Come with me."
Master Bao is the younger brother of the black wind tunnel. Unlike the gold digger, he was recruited by a gas refiner on his own craft.
It’s a special trick
And he didn’t practice the five poisons.
Compared with his brother in the black wind tunnel, his appearance is relatively normal, but he is old enough over fifty.
With wrinkles and sparse white hair, the whole person seems to be blown down by a gust of wind.
"Senior Bao"
Kang Rong di kou
"This Dan is called Xiangu Dan, which is refined by Zhou Xiong from dozens of exotic game essences. It is a great supplement to the essence of the flesh and blood."
Master Bao is noncommittal
What about taking dozens of herbal extracts? It’s just a layman. Most Dan medicines are not so complicated.
Good Dan medicine is not necessarily complicated!
This kind of deliberate talk about Dan medicine in complexity is to sell it at a good price or for fear that others will steal the alchemy.
Holding a medicine needle, gently dispersing Dan medicine and smelling the smell, Master Bao’s expression could not help but change slightly.

It is impossible to make up time after injury stoppage.

If he changed three people, it is estimated that he can directly grind away for nearly three minutes.
He changed players from the first minute of injury time.
One by one for everyone, every minute is obvious when procrastinating.
However, neither the fourth official nor the referee can refuse Lazio’s application for substitution, which is due process.
Even if they are always malicious, they can’t stop them.
The only thing they can do is to hope that Juventus will try their best not to let the game become a dead ball.
But this is beyond the control of Juventus players.
Lazio players will take the initiative to kick the football off the sideline and wake up the referee. They will change people.
The referee can’t turn a blind eye and change Lazio.
Of course, the referee can actually turn a blind eye. The tacit cooperation between the caddy and Juventus players in Gahard will make the football quickly thrown back into the field and will not be replaced by Lazio.
But Lazio players will fall to the ground because of cramps. Even if they pretend to do so, there is nothing they can do … Lazio players will put pressure on the referee to suspend the game.
So when the team doctor comes to toss around and change people … it will pass quickly.
Capello kept protesting lazio’s unethical behavior on the sidelines
While winning always pushes a field every minute …
Finally, nearly seven minutes after injury time, Juventus still failed to break the Lazio goal. The referee blew the whistle for the end of the game …
Lazio players and coaches rushed into the stadium when the whistle sounded.
They are excited to hug everyone.
If people don’t know this, Lazio will win the championship before beating Juventus away …
Chapter seventy-nine Go to the UEFA Cup final
When the referee blew the whistle at the end of the game, Lazio players and fans were excited and crazy as if they had won the league title.
Juventus fans, on the other hand, feel dejected.
They came to prepare all kinds of banners and slogans to celebrate the championship. None of them could wait to hang the slogan to celebrate Juventus’ 30th league title before the game. Now it looks like a joke, satirizing them all the time.
It’s a great thing to win the 30th league title in the club’s history in the first three rounds at home.
Juventus is the only one in Italian football.
This has been carefully prepared from the club to the fans, and the club has specially printed a batch of shirts with 30 crowns, which are intended to be changed by the players after the game and then celebrated the championship.
Now I can stay in the box.
Good luck, maybe one game, but bad luck, I’m afraid I’ll have to wait until the last game of the league.
Of course, with extreme bad luck, I’m afraid I won’t make it this season … but is it possible?
Juventus will never let the champion fall behind others!
It’s the kind of feeling that people rush in and lift the table after carefully preparing the party …
Lazio players and coaches are still celebrating at the stadium.
Juventus players ran into the dressing room with their heads down.
Juventus fans left, and many of them stayed where they were.
They still can’t accept that their team will win the championship before being defeated by Lazio at home …
Feel dejected, Juventus fans packed their things, and the banner proclaiming the 30th league crown was being taken from the stands by the fans.
They gradually rolled up this banner that was wrapped around a stand for four minutes, and then let people carry it away from the stand.
But in fact, they have nothing to be sad about, because their trend of winning the championship is unstoppable, even if Lazio wins them at the Alpine Stadium, the difference between the two teams will be reduced to four points.
But Lazio can no longer stop them. Juventus’ opponents in the remaining three league matches are Siena, Palermo and Reggina, and their opponents are all weak.
Siena and Palermo are relegated and worried about Europe.
Reggina need to avoid relegation, but their meeting with Juventus is the last game.
At that time, Juventus won the championship.
If Juventus win the first two games, even Lazio will win, and they will win the first round by four points.

Qin Yu glanced at Zhu Wei’s back and frowned thoughtfully.

"Zhu Wei, the group leader, is not the same as the third child. He has no bad intentions. He usually likes to joke and make fun of others." Qi Lin came over and said softly, "Don’t take it to heart!"
I don’t know if you’ve ever met someone like Zhu Wei in your life. No matter what your personality is, they are always willing to make some outrageous jokes. They don’t play around with themselves every day and don’t consider other people’s feelings. When you want to get angry with him, he always smiles and says, "We are just joking. Why are you so stingy?" And then go on like this and never change …
If you meet such a person in the ordinary circle, you may choose to stay away and ignore him, but Qin Yu can’t. Because Zhu Wei is his colleague, everyone needs to stir the horse spoon in a pot every day. You can’t avoid him, but he often gives orders for himself in front of ordinary police officers but grabs the team leader’s lines. How can Qin Yu work? And the most difficult thing is whether the three groups of these people are friends of Zhu Wei. You fucked him just after you came here, which is easy to make a contradiction …
What should we do?
Qin Yu weighed in his heart, and at the same time, Ji Lin also looked on coldly. He also wanted to see when the new kid would turn against Zhu Wei and whether he could be the leader of the three groups.
Late half an hour
Two police cars stopped at the intersection of muck street gate, and Qin Yu and others dressed in them loaded the car and strolled down the street.
Tuzha Street is the most chaotic place in the whole black block, where there are 10,000 people who live but have no stable jobs. There are at least seven women at the entrance of each shop with pink lights on both sides of the road. They are always posing and waving their hands to attract customers. In dark hutongs, you can often see "heavy smokers" sucking their noses and sweeping their eyes to the streets. Today, they may steal a day, grab a stutter and buy some happiness. Maybe they will be buried in this cold alley as soon as a heavy snow falls ..
Qin Yu has seen too many such people in the planning area, and his eyes are numb in this environment, so he bowed his head and walked forward.
The crowd marched for about a kilometer before stopping at the door of a shop without a facade.
Zhu Wei scratched his nose and whispered, "This family sells medicine."
"Look at no one." Qin Yu turned his head and glanced around and said, "I don’t know much about the situation here. Can I take people away if I catch them directly?"
Qi Lin thought, "Let’s go in again when someone comes to buy medicine."
Qin Yu thought for a long time with a frown on the side of the road and said, "Can they dare to buy and sell here without any preventive measures?" I’m afraid I can’t catch it, but I’m surprised. "
Zhu Wei immediately looked impatient when he heard this. "I told you that nobody cares about this before. If you want to clean it up, you have to be sudden. When you secretly investigate it, people will definitely hear the wind, and the resistance to solving the case will be much greater."
Qin Yu really doesn’t have the experience of living in the Ninth Special Zone, and he is not an old hand for the case detector. He turned his head for a long time and looked at Lao Hei and asked, "Do you think Zabi can be caught?"
"This kind of thing is really nobody’s business before." Old Hei Han almost replied, "But if you want to find out the news for a long time, it will definitely reveal that there is no secret in the company."
Qin Yu was silent for a few seconds and immediately spoke and ordered, "The police car is too ugly to come in … Old black and small six, you two put the car behind the street and we will leave as soon as we catch our car."
"Others randomly check a gun, ammunition and bulletproof vest." Qin Yu ordered again, "We will rush in as soon as people enter the opposite store."
"Ha ha you still wear body armor? You are so timid "Zhu Wei pie mouth quipped" this selling medicine has nothing to do with Jianghu status. A few years ago, I always beat them when I was patrolling … "
Qin Yu glanced at Zhu Wei and was still cautious and ordered, "Do something."
in half an hour
Two young men led an old man into the facade shop, and Qin Yu hid in an alley with a walkie-talkie and asked, "Look through the glass and see if you take medicine."
After waiting for a while, Qi Lin replied "Yes"
"Let’s move," Qin Yu immediately shouted, "Come in."
Voice down personal rushed to the front of the shop from three directions, raised my hand and pulled the wooden door and rushed into the room.
In the dark hall, next to the old counter, the medicine is being dressed at the moment, and a strong guy with a cigarette in the bar is looking at the door in amazement.
Before Zhu Wei stepped forward, his right hand held a gun and his left hand pointed to the strong guy and shouted, "Sergeant, hold your head and pull over!"
When the young man came to his senses and hurried back, he showed his waist pistol and no horse to hold his head.
In this chaotic environment, gangsters may do anything excessive when facing police officers. When Zhu Wei saw that he had a gun, he grabbed the young man’s neck with his left hand and ran for his head when he couldn’t get used to the butt.
"Bang bang …!"
Zhu Wei smashed the other side with a gun in a row, but the young man was still struggling. When he was in a hurry, he dragged the other side’s hair and crashed into the corner of the counter.
Blood flowed from the strong guy’s head, and his eyes turned and he fell to the ground.
At the same time, a bald man in a military coat rushed in and glanced at the room in amazement. He picked up the walkie-talkie and shouted, "Come out when the fucking shop 2 was swept!"
Quiet. After a short silence.
The street suddenly sounded deafening footsteps, and dozens of people rushed out of the bungalows on both sides of the road.
These people, armed with knives, steel pipes and chain guns, blocked the front of the facade shop like a tide.
Qin Yu looked at the vast crowd outside and instantly felt numb. He thought of the scene of grabbing food in the planned area and then unconsciously pushed the pistol insurance.
Zhu Wei through the glass to see the scene outside the forehead sweat swallowed "what … when the team developed to this scale? ….. It’s a little inflated … "
Chapter 10 Tuzha Street veteran covers the sky
The bald man’s shoulder was covered with a military coat, and the wooden stairs glanced coldly and was knocked down by Zhu Wei. The strong guy asked quietly, "Whose dog didn’t tie it and dared to come to my old horse shop for the whole thing?"
Qin Yu looked back at the door of the store with fine sweat on his forehead and saw that twenty people had pulled the door into the room and blocked the exit.
"We’re the superintendent," Zhu Wei said. "Don’t move. We’re here to solve the drug trafficking case."
"Hehe," the bald man sneered. "Who sells fake drugs here?"
Zhu Wei pointed to the counter with a gun in his hand and shouted, "We saw these people trading with our own eyes when we came."
"Do you see that you represent the law?" The bald man didn’t move the steps, raised his hand and pointed to the man at the door and shouted, "Ask them who saw people selling drugs in this room?"
At the door, more than 20 people didn’t say anything. Before carrying the guy in their hands, three groups of people surrounded the middle of the living room.
Zhu Wei was very embarrassed when he heard this, and he didn’t know what to say in situ. At the same time, he was a little timid because no one rushed in outside and looked at it as a good crop
Qin Yu hesitated briefly before taking a step.
At this time, the strong guy who was just knocked down by Zhu Wei sat up and screamed at his bleeding head, "How dare the dog hit me here?"
"You don’t move" JiLin next to the guy shouted a pointing at him.
"Don’t move? I go to your mother! " The strong guy immediately rushed up without saying anything, raised his fist and smashed Zhu Wei’s head. "Are you scaring your dad with a broken gun?"
Zhu Wei was beaten back three or four steps.

Ji night regression of looking at Ji Dong is like watching a monster patted his forehead "my god, my little ancestor, haven’t you seen the announcement? It’s called the sorority ball day tonight! There’s food in the canteen. Naturally, you won’t eat. Brother Frey asked me to come to you when he saw that you didn’t come. It turned out that you had long forgotten that I really loved you. "

After hearing what Ji Ye said, Ji Dong remembered that it was really three days since he saw the original announcement. Today was the time to call a dance, but he really didn’t have any idea about this social dance. He stopped and said, "Brother, this dance is not necessary and I am still young. This kind of dance is not suitable for me."
Ji Dong has been 15 years old these days, and he has not yet reached the age of 16 in the five elements of the mainland. However, in recent days, a series of changes have made him look more mature than when he first arrived at Tiangan College, and many of his heights have reached about 1.75 meters. Although his shoulders are slightly thin, his arrogant temperament is not very handsome, and his face also has an unspeakable attraction.
Ji night wounds hey hey a smile "little what! I’ve been through a lot when I was your age. Go and see Brother Frey, but he’s waiting for you. This is also a rare day for our cousin Congyang to get together. Even if you don’t plan to find the other half, you always have to eat and get something to eat. There are many delicious things today.
The college bought a frozen arowana from a big chamber of commerce. "
"Ice and snow arowana? What’s that? " Ji Dong asked curiously.
Ji night wounds hey hey smiled. "The ice and snow arowana is said to be a dragon subspecies with a body length of more than three meters. In seawater, the strength is greater than the most favorite cold body. It is a five-order Warcraft fish cake with delicate meat and delicious taste, which is even more delicious.
This is the main course today. Let’s try it together. "
Ji Dong is a little hungry when she comes to the belly. Isn’t it good to listen to Ji Ye’s remarks that she doesn’t want to go to the dance without fasting? There’s nothing to go when she’s full?
Thought of here, he no longer insisted that Ji Yeshu led them out of the school of Yin and Yang.
The party venue is very close to Congyang School, and no teaching building is unearthed. The open-air auditorium on the top floor of the teaching building is on the ground.
Although I have been in Congyang School for some time, Ji Dong has been practicing in Yin and Yang School for most of the time except for going out for a preliminary exam. This is the first time to set foot on a higher place in the teaching building.
There are five floors in the earthen teaching building, the main body of which is thick, yellow and gray. The owner represents Wu and Ji. Perhaps it is due to the establishment of the empire in Tiangan College, or it may be due to the respect of the position in the five elements of the earth. This teaching building is also the most magnificent of the five teaching buildings. Each floor is more than five meters high and hard. The marble stairs on the rock floor are decorated with gold, which looks dignified and stable as a stone.
Ji Ye’s wounds took Ji Dong all the way to the last stairway on the fifth floor, where four students, aged about 20, guarded. These are two official students who are responsible for the open-air dance gatekeepers, which shows that the status of Yin and Yang School students is respected.
The formal students who are also students want these students with special names.
Of course, the formal students will not be dissatisfied with this, but will feel very honored.
What’s wrong with some students who rank higher in Yin-Yang School, who are much stronger than most teachers in the college?
Four formal students of "Ji Xuechang" obviously know Ji Ye’s wounds, and when they see him, they stand and bow down to him.
Ji night wounds nodded with Ji Dong went inside.
A formal student hurried to the previous step, "Who is Senior Ji?"
Ji Dong’s public appearances were so few that there was one exchange day. No wonder these formal students didn’t know him.
Ji night wounds ha ha a smile "how three you still I ask private? This is Ji Dong, the No.49 student of Yin and Yang School. "
Ji Dong was a little hungry, took out his own trademark token and handed it to several formal students. Seeing that he was so young, he couldn’t help showing a somewhat envious look. After a little inspection, his token was immediately returned to him.
Climbing the last flight of stairs, Ji Dong suddenly felt suddenly enlightened when she pushed the door leading to the rooftop in front of Ji Ye’s wounds.
The night was fresh and a bit cool and refreshing, which made him practice all day. He suddenly felt that his brain was clear and his gas and blood were surging, and he could not express his satisfaction.
Walking out of the door, a huge auditorium comes into view. The floor of this earthen teaching building is covered with black marble with gold edges. Although it is the roof, there is no difference in the various arrangements of the auditorium. There are neat long tables and chairs on both sides, and there are all kinds of delicious food. There are generous and comfortable sofas at the corner. The whole roof is illuminated by more than 50 glazed palace lanterns. In the center, there is a round dance floor. A professional band is playing melodious music on the north side of the auditorium.
Looking up at the sky, I saw that the sky was full of stars, but my eyes were full of nobility and splendor.
This kind of feeling is really wonderful and very comfortable.
The students of Yin and Yang School know Ji Dong or not. Today, they all changed their gorgeous gifts, talked in twos and threes, or simply ate something leisurely and couldn’t say freehand brushwork.
There are ten men and ten women in the auditorium, and twenty students are interspersed with all kinds of drinks and drinks. There is no doubt that these should be the ordinary students who have been selected to attend the dance.
It turns out that their so-called participation is just to come.
Ji Dong’s eyes stayed at a huge semi-circular table on the south side. Behind the bar, two huge wine cabinets were short of thousands of kinds of wine, and three bartenders were busy mixing wine.