Gao Ge didn’t say anything. Xie got off the ladder with a bag.

At the door of Su Jinghuan’s office, she sang, took a deep breath and gently knocked at the door.
Chapter 3 Wedding Dress
Chapter 3
Gao Ge didn’t say anything. Xie got off the ladder with a bag.
At the door of Su Jinghuan’s office, she sang, took a deep breath and gently knocked at the door.
After a while, Su Jing came to "come in" from the door.
Sing a song to arrange a garment unlined upper garment gently pushed the door.
Su Jinghuan in the office is burying his head in processing files. I haven’t seen him for a while. The other party seems to be still the same, and the eyebrows seem to be more profound than before.
"There is something to say and nothing to fuck off!"
Su Jing is a little cold, obviously not in a good mood at the moment.
Sing back to God and say "Sue is always me"
Su Jinghuan raised his head with a lip lick.
Singing in a light blue trench coat and carrying a handbag, she stood tall and slim.
For a moment, Su Jinghuan sang in a trance, which reminded him of the time when she went to the piano room to wait for him with her drawing board many years ago.
So quietly, the notes in the piano room kept beating. He didn’t notice that she was discussing music scores and problems with the professor.
I talked for a long time until I was thirsty. At a glance, I saw Gao Song quietly looking at him at the door.
When she saw him looking over, she smiled gently and waved her hand to greet him. She gestured in sign language: You continue to be busy, regardless of me.
But how can you ignore it? Just seeing her waiting made him feel distressed, so he gave up discussing with the professor, came over and took her by the hand and pulled her into the piano room.
Section 21
These things have passed for many years, but every time I think of them, it seems like yesterday. He can’t forget singing at that time, and he can’t forget that unforgettable feeling.
Once he was separated from them, but when he was in front of her, he knew that they were separated from each other.
Singing my heart is still there. Where has your heart gone? Or is it true that you have no heart at all?
"Sue always takes a few minutes of your time."
The singing made Su Jinghuan come to her senses.
He frowned and pursed his lips in annoyance and looked at her. "What is it?"
Gao Song walked over and put the handbag on the tea table and bent down to take out a scroll from the inside and handed it to Su Jinghuan.
"Manager Su, what do you want?"
Su Jinghuan applied for a folding of the scroll painting staring at her hand for a long time without speaking.
I’ve been singing for a long time, and my arm is a little sore.
I was expecting to wake up again and suddenly listen to Su Jinghuan’s mouth. "It seems that you really can’t wait to get rid of me."
Singing and pursed lips didn’t speak.
What can she say at this time? Nothing.
Su Jinghuan got up and took it and laid the scroll on the table.
The picture scroll is a picture of a snowy mountain, and a boy in a white shirt is sitting on the edge of a cliff where the snow has not melted.
The boy’s posture is idle by sitting on the edge of the cliff, his eyes blurred and he looks at the distance. The red sun rises in Ran Ran. The whole painting is elegant in color and has no strong color. It looks very quiet by contrast, and a picture makes people feel peaceful.
Su Jinghuan looked at her fingers and clenched them.
It was a long time before he raised his eyes and said, "Do you remember all this?"
Not a question, but an affirmation.
Su Jinghuan was the only person who had seen the painting before it was finished. Even after so many years, he still remembers many details in the painting clearly.
For example, the standing pine and cypress tree behind the boy, and the string of red ropes on the boy’s wrist, he remembered every detail and sang the song completely.
Singing with eyes down, he said, "I learned to draw, observe and remember things better than ordinary people. Of course, it’s not surprising that I remember things myself."
"Isn’t it strange?"
Su Jinghuan sneered, "I don’t wonder why you deliberately explained that you are afraid of what I know? Still afraid to admit what? "
He pushed the song to the corner step by step and looked at her with sharp eyes.
Singing and avoiding can avoid looking up at his pupil.
"You asked me, of course, to explain that I have nothing to be afraid of being known by you and nothing to admit. However, in the final analysis, Mr. Su wants me to admit what I like you or I love you. If this is the case, I can." I sang "Su Jinghuan I like you."
The sound of heavy objects falling behind him
Sing zheng twist a head to see Xiao Yin pale in situ.
The heat preservation box was smashed and the soup splashed all over the floor.
Xiao Yin sarcastically smiled and whispered "disgusting"
With that, she turned and walked out, singing loudly and opening her mouth. She just wanted to explain that a huge force hit her behind her. She was unstable and planted two steps forward, hitting the corner of the desk and her face was white with pain. Su Jinghuan called Xiao Yin’s name and had chased it out of the office.
Singing loudly, I got up and rubbed the place where I was hurt and sighed, "In fact, you don’t love me anymore. Why don’t you be white?"
Everything in the quiet air is quiet, and no one answers her questions, and of course no one cares.
Gao Ge glanced at the desk painting, hesitated to take it, rolled it up and threw it into the wastebasket next to it.
Su Jinghuan, let’s stop here
Singing all the way back from the company was refreshing. Sugar cube stared at her for half a ring and twisted her eyebrows. "What happened to you?"
"Bah!" Give her a white look. "Don’t you see? I’m happy."
"I see it."
Sugar cube holds the bar "but what are you so happy about?"
She had a "you gave the painting to Su Jinghuan? Did he accept it? "

She is not stupid to know that once her news is reported by reporters, she will be caught by the city bureau people within two hours even if she runs far away.

The car can’t be used. With a big suitcase and big bags, people will definitely pay attention to it. At this moment, Lin Jiaxi can’t care so much. Her mind is that she can’t be arrested anyway.
Everything is being watched by others. She’s really fed up!
Lin Jiaxi quickly stuffed some valuable things into his carry-on bag, and gave up clothes, shoes, bags and other things.
She made sure several times that she didn’t go outside, so she went inside along the river.
This place is a blind spot for monitoring, and it is relatively safe.
Fortunately, it is not far from Bai Jiaqi Jiangbei Road Apartment.
Lin Jiaxi and Bai Jiaqi are small. Although they are not particularly good when they grow up, they somehow know each other. Bai Jiaqi is not hiding a lot from her.
When Bai Zhiyuan was still alive, Bai Jiaqi lived in this small apartment with Fang Qianru, and Jia Lin Xi knew it.
At this moment, there is no news of Fang Qianru’s remarriage after Bai Zhiyuan’s death. Think that Bai Jiaqi may also be in this small apartment.
Jiangbei Road Apartment Bai Jiaqi is walking back and forth with her arms around her.
Ding-dong, the doorbell rang, which startled Bai Jiaqi, who was thinking about it. Few people knew that she lived here. Who could it be now?
She put the bed in her room with her limbs tied and her mouth stuck with tape. Bai Xiling was stuffed into a sack again, trapped by the rope. I thought it was uneasy and dragged the sack into a cabinet.
Bai Xiling struggled constantly, and Nai was tied to the limbs and stretched out by the positive method.
Section 131
Bai Jiaqi didn’t go to the door until she finished all this. Through the cat’s eye, she saw Lin Jiaxi looking in all directions at the door and kept knocking at the door.
Damn it, she’s here!
Bai Jiaqi was in a bad mood and was afraid of causing any unnecessary trouble, so she wanted to pretend that no one was at home. She leaned against the door and looked at the outside carefully.
Lin Jiaxi saw nobody knocking at the door and shouted, "Bai Jiaqi, give me the door! I know you’re in there with someone behind me. If I get caught, you can’t run away! "
Sound is not big for Bai Jiaqi Lin Jiaxi is understanding.
She knows what she thinks in her heart.
Who will believe you if you are not at home at the moment?
"Bai Jiaqi, do you hear me? Give me the door if you don’t want unnecessary trouble!" The sound is a little louder. Bai Jiaqi is struggling that if Lin Jiaxi is so noisy, it might really cause unnecessary trouble.
Lin Jiaxi still wanted to talk, but he saw a collision in his ear.
Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang.
Bai Jiaqi is a little uncomfortable while secretly cursing Bai Xiling in his heart and pretending nothing happened on the surface.
It is impossible to convince Lin Jiaxi that there is no one in the room at the moment when the collision keeps going on.
She got up and wanted to go to the birthplace, but she saw Bai Jiaqi stop in front of her. "This is my home, please respect yourself."
Lin Jiaxi also pushed her rudely. Who cares about her home at this time? Lin Jiaxi is in a state of excitement all day today. Naturally, she pushed Bai Jiaqi down beside the sofa and walked quickly to the door.
If I didn’t guess wrong, the voice came from here.
She quickly crashed into the door, and it became more and more important. Jiaxi saw a wardrobe shaking in the small room.
Bai Jiaqi in the living room also knows that she can’t stop her and walks in slowly.
Lin Jiaxi has been in trouble and was shocked when he saw Bai Xiling. He looked at Bai Jiaqi in disbelief. "Bai Jiaqi’s heart is quite cruel. I really underestimated you!"
Bai Xiling is also regarded as Bai Jiaqi’s younger brother. She even tied her younger brother.
But it’s not surprising to think about her. After all, who knows whether Bai Zhiyuan died or not?
Bai Jiaqi didn’t say anything. Who cares?
Lin Jiaxi suddenly thought of something. He raised his eyebrows and seemed to know something.
At the beginning, Bai Zhiyuan died suddenly, but he left a will with his lawyer in case of emergency. For the time being, the Bai regiment is not included, but the villa is reserved for Bai Xiling.

With that, he took out his handkerchief and wiped the blood of the sword away from the stable.

When I came to a place about people, Zhong Li Yi held the wall and retched.
Who the hell is that man who died? It doesn’t matter at this moment. He still can’t restrain himself from seeing blood and vomiting. It’s the limit that the obstacle can last until now.
Of course, I didn’t think that this man could hide in the stable until I vomited, saying that he was more or less aware of his recent habits.
At this moment, Zhong Li-yi remembered that his pony was actually peeling off on weekdays. How did it get so weak these days?
Did someone deliberately give Ma medicine to let him see it?
This is absurd, but it is also very possible.
Because of this situation, it is really too numerous to mention how many people in the northern Bai family and the southern Tang family bitterly itch their teeth, which goes without saying; It is possible for those northern families to take over the north, but it has become a dream because of the arrival of Zhong Liyan. Naturally, these people don’t want Zhong Liyan to go to northern Xinjiang so safely.
At this moment, Zhong Li thought, "It turns out that these people are a little relaxed these days, so let’s play this cat-and-mouse game and see who can win."
Chapter VII Reality of Northern Xinjiang
Twenty-five years in the summer of Jia
Zhong Li didn’t have a snack at night because of stomach upset caused by something just now. At this time, Zhong Li was watching by candlelight.
He didn’t think impassability about the fact that someone assassinated himself, because Zhong Liyu knew how many people in this dynasty were looking forward to the collapse of the imperial clan from the moment he stepped into the deep capital.
Bai Qi’s mistake in the White House is too outrageous. He has been a military soldier for half his life and is nearly sixty years old, but he still doesn’t end well.
Although Zhong Li-yi was unable to cope with the situation in front of Jia Di, at least he could feel that Jia Di still had an imperial clan and did not intend to break with it.
Zhong Liyi didn’t have much ambition. He came to think that one day he would be able to own his fief and never return to Yuandu.
But now it seems unlikely.
The old prince was left in the deep, which made Zhong Liyi feel a little uneasy.
Jia Di’s attitude towards imperial clan seems to be changing a little bit.
When Liu Ji came in, Zhong Li was about to go to bed.
"General Liu doesn’t rest so late, but it’s evening?" Clock from her nature is to know his purpose and then speak first.
"Wang Yeying" Liu Ji made a ceremony and continued, "Wang Yehui captured the man and will interrogate him carefully at the end of the day. Yuan Chong, a civilian assassin, was entrusted by the White House General to assassinate Wang Yehui."
Zhong Liyan then lowered his eyes. "But the truth?"
Liu Ji then said, "Your Majesty is joking. At the end of such a big thing, you will always have to find out before you tell him."
Clock from her nodded after two interest rates when sink a way "this matter don’t have to zhang the assassin how to do general liu know if this matter out of the clock mountain city general liu also with the news out of the Zhongshan city!"
Zhong Li’s words are not urgent or slow, but there is an irresistible force. Liu Ji suddenly became white, so he dared not say "white" and left.
Zhong Liyi didn’t mean to shield the White House, nor did he feel that he owed it to the White House. He knew that if Jia Di didn’t punish Bai Luocheng, he didn’t want to expand the matter.
Zhong Li took out the waist jade and held it in his hand. The jade yellowed in the blue light and looked beautiful.
The jade-red tassel is a little old, and the one worn in the jade hole has become very thin, but fortunately, the tassel is made of Su Jin twisted gold thread, but it is strong and not broken.
"Master Mu Jin asks for an audience."
When yue said this, she put the sapphire in her hand in the drawer as early as snow.
"What are you doing here?"

Xiao Mu took a deep breath. "I don’t know what my mother said to you that made you misunderstand, but it was all with me. I was married and she is my wife, and I will be faithful to my life."

Kening in the front seat chuckled, "I didn’t say anything. What’s your hurry?"
She went on to say, "I know you’ve been married. I’ve met this girl. She’s … nice, but she’s putting on a show. Both our parents have already. We have that kind of two-way joint project, and most of them rely on it to maintain themselves. I think you should know that if it weren’t for my Xiao’s roots, we wouldn’t be able to fight for this project."
"I know thank you." Xiao Mu didn’t know what Kening thought.
This girl is not as simple as it seems. She is a very thoughtful girl, and she has a way of doing things, and she can’t finish it if she wants to be a foundation.
"So I don’t expose you, I can treat you like I don’t know anything." Corning’s tone is flat and he can’t hear any emotions from it.
Xiao Mu didn’t speak.
"What can I do to help you finish this project?" Corning paused and then said, "I just want to tell you that if you help me do this play, we will get what we want, and no one will suffer, right?"
Xiao Mu caressed Ye Qing’s back with one hand and patted Ye Qing with the other hand. He fell asleep in his arms and breathed smoothly.
He thought for a moment and still promised "yes"
Corning smiled with satisfaction.
It didn’t take long for the car to stop.
Xiao Mu holding Ye Qing car car kening looked at Xiao Mu away from the back face smile.
Ah-what is this woman? One day you will be defeated by this woman.
Soon, her red lips were smiling like flowers.
Jing Hu ya ju
Huo Yanming undressed Qiao Cen, wiped her with a hot towel, and slept with the lamp.
In the middle of the night, I saw Joe Cen in a daze, waking up and waking up. From time to time, I made some melody in my mouth, which was very low, but it didn’t seem very comfortable. When Huo Yanming turned on the light, I saw Joe Cen curled up on one side with one hand and a virtual stomach, and his forehead was covered with fine sweat.
Huo Yanming possessed herself to see her. "What’s wrong?"
He stretched out his hand to explore her forehead. Joe Cen was very cold. When he touched Huo Yanming’s warm hand, he hurriedly held it in his arms like finding a lifeline.
Huo Yanming was pulled by her, and she wanted to slowly pull it out and wake her up at the same time.
After shouting a few times, Qiao Cen responded. She still frowned at Huo Yanming and wondered, "What’s the matter?" The body was cold and the arms were hot. She realized that she was holding Huo Yanming and her hand was loose.
"Is it uncomfortable?" Huo Yanming’s voice is very low, and his heart is revealed in his tone.
"I have a stomachache …" Qiao Cenyin was extremely light and didn’t dare to look at Huo Yanming.
Finished was drinking with Ye Qing, but woke up at home. She had no impression at all! He must be drunk. Huo Yanming took her back. Then he must know he was drinking!
"Does it hurt badly? I’ll take you to the hospital "HuoYanMing is bound to get up.
Joe Cen quickly stopped him. "Nothing, don’t go to the hospital today … just drink a little wine to sleep like this." Joe Cen had some pain, and some empty sounds sounded powerful. Her whole body curled up and turned to look at Huo Yanming with some difficulty and simply turned over to face him.
"It’s really late. I’m sleepy," said Qiao Cen, closing her eyes and ignoring Huo Yanming.
Huo yanming nai
However, considering that my little girl ate so much food this afternoon and went to eat buffet hot pot later, according to her personality, she must definitely eat it later. She must have eaten too much and drank too much wine, which is probably indigestion, but she didn’t insist on it again. I’ll see later.
Huo Yanming tucked Joe Cen into his arms and patted her after sleeping with the lamp.
I don’t know if it stopped hurting later or if I slept peacefully in Huo Yanming’s arms. Qiao Cen didn’t wake up when he slept.
It’s two o’clock in the afternoon when Qiao Cen rubbed his eyes and sat up with the curtain still pulled.
She slept for so long …
Qiao Cen turned over and got a little headache and hungry.
She wanted to go to the kitchen to find something to eat, but she saw Jiang Ke and Shao Ruijun chatting in the living room, but she didn’t see Huo Yanming.
Qiao Cen’s expression was a little unintelligent. She just wanted to go back to her room, but she saw Shao Ruijun’s mouth. "I still want to sleep for so long. Let’s eat first."
Joe Cen smiled at the past, but he was embarrassed. He had a hard time sleeping in, and he didn’t grab the bag yet …
She scratched her head and smiled shyly.
Shao Ruijun nai smiled at Jiang Ke. "This child" sleeps so much at home, even if she is so reckless in front of her mother-in-law … That being said, it still doesn’t cover up the spoil in Shao Ruijun’s tone.
Jiang Ke is the so-called "young man, this is normal."
Huo Yanming walked out of the room with a cup of coffee in one hand and a pocket in the other. He probably heard their words just now, "She was not very comfortable last night."
Huo Yanming is wearing casual gray clothes at home, which makes the whole person extraordinarily slender. The black forehead secretly drapes slightly, which seems to reveal a lazy elegance.
"Not too comfortable? What’s wrong? " Shao Ruijun frowned and motioned for Qiao Cen to walk over. She reached out and explored Qiao Cen’s forehead.
Qiao Cen didn’t hide from her and touch her. She leaned against Shao Ruijun and said, "It’s okay, Mom."
Jiang Ke also sat over. "How about going to the hospital now?"
Qiao Cen shook her head. "It’s all right to have a sleep." She was slightly embarrassed. She wouldn’t have done this if she hadn’t been drinking last night, but this is absolutely impossible to say. She secretly glanced at Huo Yanming and felt a little guilty. The latter was a calm face and walked to the sofa next to her.
Joe Cen was thinking about how to avoid this topic, but he heard Feng Sao’s voice in the kitchen, "Come and eat when the food is hot."
Qiao Cen suddenly secretly rejoiced, "Come, come, horse!" Then I went there.

Whether the gene is high or low or maintained should be supported by some data.

Although I don’t want to admit it, the excellent level of Chen Yi’s gene is much higher than myself.
In other words, replacing Liu Xinyu with Chen Yi will get a high score in the neural response test.
And this kind of high score with continuity has always been the source of rewards for organizations to promote.
The information immediately caught the attention of an analyst when it returned to a laboratory of the Human Development Research Association through several layers of linkage devices.
He transferred it to a researcher.
The latter made some analysis and sent back information to Liu Xinyu again.
Soon the communication device in the right corner of the screen flashed.
Jin Douna, look at Chen Yi’s point in Shang’s test.
Liu Xinyu stretched out her head and saw that sentence in the past to redo the nerve test.
sure enough
She was worried that Chen Yi put on his helmet and said, "I have to do another test."
Chen’s classmates don’t doubt that he readily said "good"
She touched the green button on the side of a helmet and took a new round of testing.
The light on the top of the helmet flashed again.
Action na white something surprised to Liu Xinyu.
After years of arrogance, she did not immediately give a warning.
When Liu Xinyu doesn’t even look at Jin Douna after the test, the incomplete test will arouse suspicion, and Korean beauty knows this.
However, Jin Douna also saw that the white organization didn’t ask for another identity test because of suspicion, because whether it was qualified by helmets could prove identity, but it wasn’t an ID card.
And the latter’s ID card is the only way to prove it. At this time of patrol, no one will remotely question the identity of the person in charge of a region.
In fact, mutual qualification certificate is the most normal thing at this time.
However, it is natural for data such as neural response to fluctuate to some extent although it cannot be high through exercise. The research focus of this kind of gene level "Human Development Research Association" is to maintain a certain gene level with high efficiency.
It’s just like the track and field athletes who compete in the 100-meter race. They all have a good nerve reflex, and they all have a range of 12, but who can not rush to the first time has the same starting state and exercise.
For the "Human Development Research Association", it is not only the excellent genes, but also the excellent gene expression that they pay attention to.
all the best
Be alert to Chen Yi for three minutes like playing a game.
Soon the right corner once again represents the request and congratulations of the research department. 1. The nerve reflex is very good. Congratulations, please try again.
Chapter one hundred and forty-six Miss seduce Chen Yi?
Liu Xinyu hurriedly said, "Chen Yi once again …"

"I don’t know how many times King Kong can be immortal."

Fang Yunhan laughed in his heart and said, "But you can try more. If you don’t die in the sixth transformation, it will prove that he can die six times. If you don’t die in the seventh transformation, it will prove that this kung fu can be seven times."
Cheng Shifei merrily said, "That is to say, this martial art is really …"
Fang Yunhan cut him off. "Of course, you died for the sixth time, which means I misjudged the certificate. This martial art can indeed be used for five times."
Cheng Shifei’s face was bitter again. "How many times can this be?"
Fang Yunhan picked up the hip flask and didn’t pour it into the cup. He poured a sigh into his mouth and casually said, "Gu Santong, how many times can you believe it? I said how many times can you really believe it?"
"Then when will you believe your own feelings?"
He got up, loosened his finger, dropped the hip flask firmly and gently, and took a serious look at Cheng Shifei. "This skill is already your own thing, and you should know it best."
Cheng Shifei sighed and finally said in a somewhat confided tone, "I have heard that people have accumulated a little bit of things themselves to be practical. This martial arts is rooted in heaven. How can I have your confidence?"
"Self-confidence is a kind of strength, which is also a kind of self-confidence. You should have self-confidence when you have strength."
Fang Yunhan glanced at Cheng Shifei with a slight chill. "I don’t like to see anyone fail to live up to the treasures they already have."
"No matter what you spell or send, even if it is a gift, you don’t have to hesitate about the unknown, so you miss the future and live up to the past."
Language Fang Yunhan directly turned to the floor. He didn’t stop Cheng Shifei again. It doesn’t matter what Cheng Shifei did.
The candle crackled and burned out.
Cheng Shifei and other three people stayed in the lobby for quite a while without moving anything, as if they didn’t even say anything.
Finally, Cheng Shifei took the lead in arranging to fall asleep in his room.
The next day, he was full of energy and laughed and walked together.
It’s not far from Guihaiyidao’s home.
It will probably arrive before the middle of the day.
Chapter 222 Evil work and evil.
The 300-mile mirror reflects the lake in a shimmering way.
When you return to the sea, you will see the mirror not far from the lake.
The bamboo forest is sparse and leisurely, and the breeze blows through the bamboo leaves. There are several houses with a fence around them, which surrounds a courtyard.
Go back to the sea with one knife and the door shouted a few niang people should first.
Guan Haitang followed the door and said, "Auntie?"
"My mother has devoted herself to worshipping Buddha for three or five years, and she will go to Shuiyue Temple for two days from time to time. Maybe it’s unfortunate that I will come back."
Guihai explained a few words to Guan Haitang with a knife and turned to a small room next to him to push the window.
Although the sparrow is small and has all five internal organs, this courtyard is also divided into two bedrooms for hospitality.
This hut is where Lu Huanong, the mother of a knife, lives.
The bedroom is decorated neatly, and the fallen leaves in the courtyard have been cleaned not long ago. Everything is as usual. I should not have encountered any changes and returned to the sea. I turned my head and said to Fang Yunhan, who had just arrived from the carriage, "My father’s belongings are in my room. I’m going to get them now."
Although Cheng Shifei didn’t choose to escape last night, Guan Haitang motioned for them to solve the acupuncture points.

But what is even more surprising is that listening to the officer’s words, other officers in the room did not have the slightest surprise.

"After Jirat, you are responsible for leading the first and second companies to surround the public security brigade headquarters and send people in to tell them that they will be fine if they stay quietly in the headquarters."
"Landers, you are responsible for leading four companies into the palace. Remember that you need to make a move on the former arresters, so don’t cause too many deaths and injuries unless you fight hard. Also, be sure to keep your eyes open and never let the queen go!"
"Trass, you are responsible for leading the rest of the company to list the nobles one by one according to the list. These are the people that Orca’s adult wants to arrest."
The commanding officer said that it seemed that the distribution had finally ended, and when the other officers had confirmed their mission, the officers nodded and signaled that a bunch of officers immediately filed out of the barracks as if nothing had happened here.
However, at this time, the residence of Vanius, commander of the Roman Guards,
Vanius, who accepted the queen’s orders from the palace to defend the Roman city, had just returned home with anxiety. As a result, as soon as he stepped into the mansion, several sharp daggers held him by the neck.
"You, what do you want? !”
Vanius was stunned to see that the left and right knives threatened others, but they were all in the Guards. He couldn’t help but ask consciously.
"Commander Pavilion, don’t panic. We just need your help." An officer said lightly with a smile before walking.
Even if you leave a message of * _ *, it will be a success. Please work hard!
& You can read the release chapter, please remember the website. If you like snowy romance, write Glory to Rome.
Section 19 Goths move
"politics is really the most disgusting thing."
It took me a night to get to Orca, just outside Rome, and I was looking at the vast and magnificent buildings in the vast wilderness north of Eternal Capital. However, I felt sorry but didn’t return to this great city again. I should be excited or excited, but I was full of undisguised irritability.
Because Rome is just around the corner, but at least temporarily, he can enter the city proudly like a winner.
Although it seems that a mature politician should be indifferent, Oka’s anger can be seen through the small detail of holding the ravaged letter in his hand.
"Damn politics!"
Okadi complained
"You even scolded me." Aside, old Andrew was a pair of old gods.
"It’s not enough for hundreds of guards to pretend to stick to their death just because the walls are sparse, but it’s ridiculous that I have to stay put and negotiate with that’ woman’ again after reading this little letter!" I don’t know what was written in the letter in the speech. At the same time, Orca couldn’t help laughing with anger.
"The Sirata family is just trying to delay and seek a slim chance, and we will be in a hurry? Since she wants to negotiate, let’s talk about it. Does she still want to let my northern Xinjiang army retreat with one mouth? The city of Rome is already in our hands. If you can avoid a destruction and killing, isn’t that what Orca wants? "
Old Andrew couldn’t help smiling when he saw Orca’s anger. In his words, he showed that he was a winner, leisurely and detached
"Well, anyway, I can’t really risk being regarded as an enemy by the whole Roman city." Old Andrew’s words seemed to make Orca temporarily depressed and decided to agree to the queen’s conditions
Originally, after breaking the "Bo" river defense line, Oka ordered the infantry to March to Rome at normal speed, but he and old Andrew personally led the cavalry to travel overnight to prevent it from being too late, which made the Queen’s faction dying and cause any unexpected trouble. As a result, Oka led the cavalry to Rome early this morning and made a covert reconnaissance. It was gratifying to find that the defense of Rome was almost vulnerable. Obviously, even the strength of the Sirata family was bone-chilling in just half a day.
Just as Orca was finally about to finish preparing for the cavalry to raid and seize the city gate, an unexpected event abruptly interrupted the upcoming curtain call, which of course made Orca feel a kind of unspeakable nausea.
It turned out that the residents of the city accidentally discovered the trail of the cavalry cruising outside the city, and learned that the intelligence queen and Gaius Cassius Longinus were the nobles of the whole Roman city. They were surprised and hurriedly adjusted the wall defense of the palace guard. At the same time, a messenger with a full face of fear of’ color’ came to Orca with two legs trembling and handed a personal letter from Queen Justina.
And it is this letter that makes Orca almost furious to chop off the messenger’s head. Justina, the queen in the letter, actually asked for a supercilious’ kiss’ to negotiate with Orca again. If I just saw this person, I’m afraid I wouldn’t doubt whether the queen had suffered too much stabbing’ shock’ because of the fiasco of the’ Bo’ River War, and became delirious. The army of northern Xinjiang has arrived in the city. What qualifications do Roman soldiers have to talk about conditions with northern Xinjiang?
Justina, of course, is not really crazy. Seeing that the soldiers in northern Xinjiang have touched the Roman wall, Justina is still calm rather than rushing to let the whole Sirata family escape before the city is broken. It is enough to rely on.
Speaking of this, relying on it is actually not a high means. Justina said in her letter that she would never give up Rome easily. If Orca intends to storm, it means destroying Rome at all costs! Justina was threatening the death of Rome to "force" Orca to sit down and negotiate!
This is Justina, a person whose ambition is frustrated, but she doesn’t change her mind. It finally seems ridiculous to rely on it. However, when Orca and old Andrew read the letter, they both looked at each other and saw each other’s eyes. Nai and fear Justina succeeded. Orca had to choose to promise her terms. Maybe a different person will be dismissive of the queen’s reliance at this moment, such as the real rebels or invading barbarians. It is good that Rome is indeed an imperial symbol and has an unimaginable position among all Roman people. But what about the rebels or barbarians? They don’t care that they can brazenly break through the city’ gate’ and burn, kill and plunder in Rome.
However, in front of Rome at the moment, it is Oka. He has not abandoned his faith and national rebels, nor is he a barbarian who is a mutual enemy. He is the leader of northern Xinjiang and a leader who occupies half of the western empire. He is a patriot who tries his best to justify Rome to guide the way forward! The queen threatened that he could solve his weakness and he could bend.
It’s just like the gd army of bj attacked bj city like a roll in the arm during the Chinese Liberation War. When victory comes, the enemy can give up heavy weapons such as artillery, which can easily defeat the enemy, and choose precious life and light weapons to clear the obstacles inch by inch and seize the city.
This is the challenge and test that the just party must accept. This is not only a test of the courage and ability of the just person, but also a test of his heart. If victory "lures" and "confuses" you to give up your original persistent belief, it can mean that there is no qualitative difference between you and those politicians who are ambitious to compete for power and danger. It is just that your reason is more grandiose and deceptive.
Orca certainly wouldn’t choose to marry such a person. The belief in saving Rome is deeply rooted in his heart. Sometimes he doubts whether this obsession comes from the body owner who took possession of Rome after crossing. After all, he is an out-and-out Chinese in soul and mind. There is no reason for him to suddenly have such a deep feeling for this ancient country after coming to Rome. The only reasonable explanation is that the soul of the body owner who took possession of Rome has not completely dissipated, but he has merged together, and he knows from his memory that the soul naturally germinated a strong belief in saving Rome after the integration.
No matter what the truth is like Oka, I hope that I can bring a new and vivid future to Rome as a pure reformer instead of repeating the wars of usurpation by careerists again and again.
"Negotiation can be but go back and tell Empress Mian that this is the last time I call her that, and tell her that she can coerce the negotiation, but I will definitely report the result as Gratian Temple revenge! So if you don’t want the whole Sirata family to be buried with her, you’d better know how to do it! "
That’s Orca’s answer. After hearing these words, the messenger was already sweating profusely. Although he didn’t understand the complex psychology of these two players, Orca and Justina, the cold chill in the eyes of those cavalry in northern Xinjiang really made him tremble as if he were in a blade-crossed purgatory.
The messenger who received the reply galloped back to Rome with his horse as glad as he escaped from danger and never looked back. He told Gaius Cassius Longinus and Queen Justina, who were personally patrolling the wall to boost their morale, intact. After listening to the messenger’s retelling, especially the undisguised ultimatum warning from Orca, Justina and Gaius Cassius Longinus finally fell back to their throats.
However, it’s better than being glad that the plan was successfully implemented in secret last night. Justina and Gaius Cassius Longinus didn’t know that just when they slowed down and discussed one step, they should temporarily set up a camp in northern Xinjiang outside the city, such as getting more in the negotiations. Oka and old Andrew seem to have forgotten that the queen messenger brought more trouble than even the so-called negotiations were discussed by them.
"You really decided? Even if we can link up with those guards, such a plan as you once planned and deliberately retained people, it is still very risky. Orca, your previous choices all told me that you are a cautious person in vain, but now you insist on taking risks against your original intention, which makes me very puzzled. "Old Andrew, the military account, stared at Orca’s face with a puzzled face, but the question was even more tactful and direct and serious without any twists and turns.
"negotiation is an opportunity for that’ female’ to push the obvious outcome back to the eloquent battle. This kind of talk and negotiation will become an opportunity for the’ female’ to continue to play tricks. I won’t let her succeed!"
At this time, Orca’s face didn’t see any anger and irritability at all, as if all that was an illusion. His eyes were calm and thoughtful, but his first half of the answer didn’t really answer the old Andrew’s doubt, because the real key was the second half of the answer.
"I have just received the urgent military report from Aquila. According to the investigation, I learned that the Goths have recovered from the Huns’ shelter and have tens of thousands of troops on the edge of his sector, which may invade the imperial territory at any time! There are less than 20,000 field armies in Anquilla Handle. This strength alone is not enough to resist the huge Gothic army, and it is not hidden in the Huns of Dacia grassland. If this Gothic movement is really a precursor to a big war, we must solve all the stable political situation in front of us as soon as possible, and then form a corps to arrange joint defense. Otherwise, once the Anquilla defense area is outnumbered, it will face a fatal threat! "

There are three corpses around me, wolves outside the array, the king of ghosts who stripped off their clothes, and so on. Only Su Jing’s hostility to the "50,000 wolves" makes him feel that his eyes are closed once with the sun, and his eyes are dark and blooming!

The wolf didn’t dare to move. The small size of the body made it dark … The wolf can concentrate on Su Jing but can’t taste the eyes! When the wolf looks at me, I look at the wolf. It hides the knife in its eyes and I extinguish it! Let’s fight for an opportunity!
After the fight didn’t stop blinking, Su Jing stared at the evil wolf, refined the gods and birds, and the fire was burning. Su Jing’s eyes were hot and burned, but the evil wolf’s "poisonous eyes" were deadlocked. The evil wolf suddenly lowered his eyes as if he was afraid, but it was "afraid" and the fierce beast exploded and took off to pounce on Su Jing!
What if you can’t find a flaw or stab a flaw? It’s a big deal to kill a 50 thousand wolf and die endlessly
When several wolves in front came, they were all carrying wind and thunder, but this 50,000 wolf culled quietly … Not without rest. On the contrary, it caused movement like the sea crumbled, because it came too fast and left the sound behind.
Wolves jump like! Before the attack, it tried to be cautious, it was deceitful and careful, but once the offensive was launched, it changed, became decisive and brave, and went forward without killing or returning! Everything is the whole world, and its eyes are on this moment. There is a Su Jing in the eyes of the evil wolf.
Su Jing disappeared and changed into a dense fog!
The fog is very thick, people can see through it, even if they gather 50 thousand companions, the evil wolf can’t do it. It’s even more abrupt, and the fog spreads out to cover Su Jing!
The wolf army banned the law from magic weapons … In normal times, it was true. Su Jing was a treasure, but he was able to break in with the sun, but then the situation changed.
It’s all about spell change whether you are trapped or attacked together. If wolves want to use spells themselves, they naturally have to solve the "forbidden law" system in their own army.
It’s not forbidden to completely eliminate it. It’s the wolf who puts the law on the line a little to make his own army form a formation. However, Su Jing’s five senses quickly captured this weak key of qi movement early, and he moved to urge Bao to protect himself.
In fact, even the savage wolf’s "forbidding the dharma" is a spell, but Su Jing’s realm is still too low, and my dharma is broken …
Fog transpiration is not as diffuse as it used to be, and it is 70 miles away. Su Jingshen, Zhou Baizhang, and Fiona Fang don’t know whether it is his deliberate intention or the magic weapon power method with thin aura in the enemy line is all exhibited.
The "50,000 wolves" refused to stop and jump into the fog until they turned back.
A sudden gust of wind, gas explosion, rumbling and violent vibration scattered in all directions. This was due to the attack of "50,000 wolves" and it didn’t come until it got into the fog. At the same time, there were so many signs in the wolf vortex outside the array that 50 thousand wolves suddenly fell to the ground and died.
When 50,000 wolves die, it’s white, but the reason is that the "50,000 wolves" were killed in a catastrophe!
The wolf was dead when the potential bloomed.
Watching the thin clothes king in the distance was a big surprise! Even if the white fog is weird, even if the yang body is small and fierce, it is too much. You know that it is a total of 50,000 pretty wolves!
Surprised and angry, the king of thin clothes can’t smile and see some wolves die. If the casualties are too great, he, the nominal coach, is to blame. When he returns home, he will be punished. The thought of Yang Saburo and the wolf master’s means to deal with sinners can’t help but cause cold sweat behind the king of thin clothes. The fear in his heart melts into anger. "Su Xiaoyao Mo proudly killed’ 50,000 wolves’ and struck the fifth seventy-five …"
Words haven’t finished thin clothes Wang Meng closed his mouth, his eyes were wide open and his face was full of horror. He looked at the array heart and washed a boat in the fog.
A small boat is like a fishing boat caught by fishermen in Yanghuchuan. It’s not a big name. There is a small pennant in the canopy. On the one hand, it’s difficult to distinguish ghosts from others, and on the other hand, it’s more interesting to draw patterns. Three big locust trees have a fat rhubarb chicken.
If the ghost in the nether world knows this flag, and when he sees it, a word will naturally flash in his heart.
Nine catties of roosters crow and three mountains of gods support the sky!
Three locust trees, one chicken, and several top forces in the nether world cut the Zhu Wangqi!
In a small fishing boat … Cut King Zhu and command the sinking soldiers.
Friends are different. Most of the army horses are ordinary ghosts, not as magical as the army of evil spirits, but there are three elite soldiers who sink their boats. One is fierce and terrible, far better than the army of evil spirits!
The "fifty thousand wolves" in front of this army is not enough. It’s not too wrong to die seriously.
Su Jingchu once cast a mind on the "Xuan" when he was trapped in the monster array.
It’s a dark world, and 300,000 sunken boat soldiers are wrestling, and Chu Sanhuan, the main commander of the army, is no exception. They have been wrestling for ten months, and it will take another 99 years and two months to "finish".
When he was sleepy, Chu Sanhuan suddenly felt that the sun was shining in front of him.
Chu Sanhuan’s worship of the general and his knowledge are not bad. He knows that Su Jing is a magic weapon before him, and his eyes are cold and he didn’t start work.
"My Jenny nine princess has your home cut king zhu reconciliation to put you back! Let’s forget the past grievances and see if we are enemies or friends when we meet in Japan! " Su Jingyang took out the "Withdrawal Order Guide" sent before cutting the king of Zhu and gave it to Chu Sanhuan.
Lingjian is also a "projection". If Su Jing has something, he can project it into the treasure with the gods.
Su Jingyin resounded through the Xuan, and all the 300,000 sinking soldiers heard clearly that Chu Sanhuan’s smell was a big boost. "My king’s big order is to sink the boat. He said that he would stop fighting if he didn’t fight at the end! Please ask the king of Xiao Jiu to accept the treasure. "
"Don’t worry, if you have agreed to let Jenny go, you will definitely let her go … If it’s not Taiping Gankun outside, do you really want to go?" Su Jing primly said, "Pinch your fingers and move your fingers. Let Chu Sanhuan see the outside situation clearly."
"Wolf?" flashed into the eyes of General Ghost King.
Sue nodded at the scenic spot. "Yes, wolves are invading my Fucheng. You will never stop if you want to leave, but the wolves outside will not treat you as friends."
The wolf pawn is cruel, so it will be mistaken for the sinking soldier as the enemy alliance. Even if they know that this army is seeking a way out, they will not let the sinking ship leave the life and death.
After a short pause, Su Jing added to the tone, "I have decided to die together in Fucheng. You can decide for yourself whether to go or not."
The "Xuan" crystal is a magical treasure given to my brother from the temple by the skyscraper, not a secular instrument. When Su Jing left the ancient temple, this treasure had already recognized the Lord. Since then, he has been connected with his life. If people die, the spirit treasure will be destroyed. Ghosts and soldiers in the trapped treasure will also die with the treasure.
This heavy key Chu Sanhuan can also guess that the little nine kings are not letting them "make their own decisions" or gnashing their teeth and threatening that you will die if you don’t go out and fight wolves quickly!
"King Xiao Jiu knows who rules the wolves today? Is it the wolf master of Yang Sanlang’s three seedlings or his fierce wolf clan? " Chu Sanhuan is not hesitant, but wants to know as much as possible about the battlefield before going out.
Su Jing shook his head. "It’s not Yang Saburo or the wolf king, the wolf Lord, who led the army."
Chu Sanhuan was stunned. "Thin clothes king?"
"There are other feelings in the book. Now is not the time to elaborate. The king of thin clothes always takes refuge in the evil wolf to make an attack."
Su Jing said a word and Chu Sanhuan suddenly laughed … The old ghost with thin clothes took refuge in Yang Saburo because he was not interested, but he was not interested in one thing. The wolves respected themselves and despised others.
This battle was led by the king of thin clothes? That’s no problem. Neither Yang Saburo nor the wolf master will give him the real elite of the wolf clan to take charge.
Wolves have six sharp "walking" and "unchanging" finger families; "Er" and "change" mean that there are very few backbones in the army. They are all gold in the sand. Every grain is extremely rare. Among the six sharp ones, "Fa" and "Man" are the main force of the thin-clothed king of a large-scale army. "Man" is good, but this does not mean that he has brought the "Man" main force elite.
Yang saburo and the wolf master just transferred a group of ordinary wolves in the "savage" to thin clothes.
Seeing Chu Sanhuan laughing, Su Jing explained, "If the general thinks he can penetrate the wolf array, please prepare the deployment to go out and kill. Besides, I have one more thing to ask the general to succeed."
Chu Sanhuan frowned as if he had guessed Su Jing’s desire: "My king’s big order, King Xiao Jiu, ordered my department to return to the camp immediately, and the evil wolves outside the enemy of Jiuwangyi were not allowed to gather around and return to the camp. I led my troops to break through the breach, but it is another matter to help the cabinet start another war and really fight against this group of evil wolves. At the end, I will not be able to explain to my king and hope that the king of Xiao Jiu will be considerate."
Su Jing smiled and shook his head. "The general misunderstood me. I didn’t expect that. I wanted to ask the general to break through in that direction." And he reached out and pointed to the direction of the king of thin clothes outside the Xuan and in the battlefield
Chapter four hundred and ninety-one Solve the problem of sinking boat and scattering leaves.
Chu Sanhuan raised an eyebrow "thin clothes king? King Xiao Jiu thinks I can kill that old thing? " Said his tone is a bit odd "Xiao Jiu king but killed coach Wolf army will be broken? Other military horses may be like this; If the Wolf clan in Athens led the troops may also be so, but today’s battlefield this’ beheading’ way doesn’t work, but the king of thin clothes is just a puppet … "
Before Su Jing finished, he waved his hand and interrupted "I want him to die."
Chu Sanhuan happy smile "that’s no problem! At the end of the day, which direction will you seek to break through? "
After serious business, the general shouted and drank to make the army ready to leave and fight.
Soon as Chu Sanhuan nodded, Su Jing turned his mind and really put a magic weapon.
Xuan Lian evil spirits out!
A small boat with a canopy of three hundred thousand tigers and wolves killed "fifty thousand wolves" at one stroke, and then rushed out of the fog of the fox and appeared in the wolf array.


Streaming clouds tap hands and eyes.
"I’m so young. You used to practice martial arts. You have a good palm technique and a mysterious stick technique. It seems unusual."
"No wonder you can get sick repeatedly when you encounter changes."
Zhou Yi smiled without a word, and his figure slowly retreated into the darkness and disappeared.
A passage somewhere
Zhou Yi frowned at slowly forced to three people.
He didn’t want to get into trouble. He never thought that if he was out of luck, he couldn’t hide. He could meet foreigners in a place like this.
There is also a gas refiner.
With a wave of his hand, the gas refiner in the rear suddenly swelled up two earth-rock changes, and the python swooped down with amazing power.
Fossil molding!
Stone pythons are hard, fast and can be repaired even if they are smashed. Without other means, it is just right.
Two people were left to drink low, one before, and the other was cursed and killed.
Zhou Yi gently shook his head and suddenly disappeared.
A virtual shock exploded, and a fierce ape was wrapped in flames. Several people appeared in the middle of their hands, and the sticks set off a terrible fire.
The ape’s stick skill is perfect.
It is barely the first-order ape’s stick skill, and the power is comparable to the first-order spell proficiency stage.
What does this mean?
The spells practiced by the three men in the Black Wind Tunnel are mostly first order.
A stick blasted out a terrible force, which instantly broke into pieces, intercepted, and poured into the body, causing a savage body to break on the spot.
The shadow of the stick is heavy and unstoppable, and it is crushed forward.
Whether it’s a magic light or a magic weapon, everything is broken in front of the fierce ape
Even the spirit-refining man in Wan Ling Cave struggled for a few more breaths until he was killed on the spot by the same sad roar.
Zhou Yi didn’t stop there. His eyes suddenly turned red and looked somewhere.
Interlaced fire line spurts out from the eyes like a giant net covering the corner.
Fire eye surgery!
"Blare …"
Evil wind a swing a virtual shadow swept out from the staggered line of fire see Zhou Yi also want to start work quickly way
"It’s me"
"white repair!"
Zhou Yi gave a beating with a stick.
"It’s me" Bai Xiu face stiff way
"What a coincidence"
"Yes" Zhou Yi slowly put away and nodded indifferently.
"Brother Bai also came here to inspect?"
"Uh …" Bai Xiu touched the nose.
"Actually, I’m going to find a place where no one is hiding."
So do I/So am I/Me too.
Who knew there was someone here?
Zhou Yi smiled at each other.
"Brother Bai is modest. If I had known you, I wouldn’t have to do it by force."
"Walk slowly"
Watching Zhou Yi leave the straight back and disappear, Bai Xiufang looked back thoughtfully.

It is impossible to make up time after injury stoppage.

If he changed three people, it is estimated that he can directly grind away for nearly three minutes.
He changed players from the first minute of injury time.
One by one for everyone, every minute is obvious when procrastinating.
However, neither the fourth official nor the referee can refuse Lazio’s application for substitution, which is due process.
Even if they are always malicious, they can’t stop them.
The only thing they can do is to hope that Juventus will try their best not to let the game become a dead ball.
But this is beyond the control of Juventus players.
Lazio players will take the initiative to kick the football off the sideline and wake up the referee. They will change people.
The referee can’t turn a blind eye and change Lazio.
Of course, the referee can actually turn a blind eye. The tacit cooperation between the caddy and Juventus players in Gahard will make the football quickly thrown back into the field and will not be replaced by Lazio.
But Lazio players will fall to the ground because of cramps. Even if they pretend to do so, there is nothing they can do … Lazio players will put pressure on the referee to suspend the game.
So when the team doctor comes to toss around and change people … it will pass quickly.
Capello kept protesting lazio’s unethical behavior on the sidelines
While winning always pushes a field every minute …
Finally, nearly seven minutes after injury time, Juventus still failed to break the Lazio goal. The referee blew the whistle for the end of the game …
Lazio players and coaches rushed into the stadium when the whistle sounded.
They are excited to hug everyone.
If people don’t know this, Lazio will win the championship before beating Juventus away …
Chapter seventy-nine Go to the UEFA Cup final
When the referee blew the whistle at the end of the game, Lazio players and fans were excited and crazy as if they had won the league title.
Juventus fans, on the other hand, feel dejected.
They came to prepare all kinds of banners and slogans to celebrate the championship. None of them could wait to hang the slogan to celebrate Juventus’ 30th league title before the game. Now it looks like a joke, satirizing them all the time.
It’s a great thing to win the 30th league title in the club’s history in the first three rounds at home.
Juventus is the only one in Italian football.
This has been carefully prepared from the club to the fans, and the club has specially printed a batch of shirts with 30 crowns, which are intended to be changed by the players after the game and then celebrated the championship.
Now I can stay in the box.
Good luck, maybe one game, but bad luck, I’m afraid I’ll have to wait until the last game of the league.
Of course, with extreme bad luck, I’m afraid I won’t make it this season … but is it possible?
Juventus will never let the champion fall behind others!
It’s the kind of feeling that people rush in and lift the table after carefully preparing the party …
Lazio players and coaches are still celebrating at the stadium.
Juventus players ran into the dressing room with their heads down.
Juventus fans left, and many of them stayed where they were.
They still can’t accept that their team will win the championship before being defeated by Lazio at home …
Feel dejected, Juventus fans packed their things, and the banner proclaiming the 30th league crown was being taken from the stands by the fans.
They gradually rolled up this banner that was wrapped around a stand for four minutes, and then let people carry it away from the stand.
But in fact, they have nothing to be sad about, because their trend of winning the championship is unstoppable, even if Lazio wins them at the Alpine Stadium, the difference between the two teams will be reduced to four points.
But Lazio can no longer stop them. Juventus’ opponents in the remaining three league matches are Siena, Palermo and Reggina, and their opponents are all weak.
Siena and Palermo are relegated and worried about Europe.
Reggina need to avoid relegation, but their meeting with Juventus is the last game.
At that time, Juventus won the championship.
If Juventus win the first two games, even Lazio will win, and they will win the first round by four points.