Seeing Wang Ling holding Jiang Jiang’s arm to take pictures, her assistant silently retreated to the side.

Write a short message with your head down and press send.
[Jiang Jiang is pregnant]
Chu Qiao hasn’t had a rest yet. He got up when he saw this message and looked one leng.
Earlier, Yan Shaoqing humiliated her at a press conference, and her parents were furious. The Chu family and Yan family were once deadlocked, and she could not study abroad for two years, hoping that the matter would disappear.
Who knows-
It was only two days after I returned home that I learned that the two men were reasoning about their marriage, but I still couldn’t swallow that tone.
Wang Ling is their star-yue-qi artist. She has been well-known in the circle for the past two years, but she noticed it because she gave Jiang Jiang a blessing in Weibo a few days ago.
Chu Qiao, who is so good, naturally thinks of Gary to add some blocks to Yan Shaoqing and Jiang Jiang’s wedding.
She is a big girl in the company, and it is easy to manipulate one or two small assistants, but I didn’t expect this person to bring her the first news to be so blocked.
How old is Jiang Jiang?
I haven’t graduated from college yet.
People like Yan Shaoqing can’t help it. This will make her pregnant?
Chu Qiao took a deep breath with his mobile phone and walked slowly around the room for two times. He replied, "Where is Wang Ling staying at night?"
[Jinmao Resort Hotel near Jiangjia]
The text message came soon, and she took another look at her lips and continued to reply, "OK, let her contact me directly when I get to the hotel."
The assistant replied a word and installed the mobile phone.
When she was in the circle, it was not long, but she also vaguely knew that Miss Tuanda had previously been interested in Yan’s family, and she couldn’t even connect Wang Ling directly. What’s the good thing?
The assistant thought about it and felt a little toothache.
When Wang Ling took a few more photos, she quickly woke up and said, "It’s getting late, have a good sleep and a good mirror."
Wang Ling didn’t delay when she looked at her eyes with her mobile phone. She said goodbye to Jiang Jiang soon.
As soon as she left, Chu Jingyi followed.
Near eleven o’clock, Jiang Jiang sat on the sofa yawning repeatedly.
At her side, Li Min complained about two people who had just left. When the conversation turned, she advised her that "it is necessary to get up early and put on makeup, and go to bed quickly, otherwise your body will not stay up."
"Well, go to bed early." Tong Tong followed to have them, but his eyes fell on a few people not far away.
Jiang Zhuoning was surrounded by Joey and Demi from the moment they took pictures. They spoke English very fast, but her brain couldn’t turn around. The words "I miss you" and "Take us to play" were captured by the stars.
Jiang Zhuoning replied in distress situation. She couldn’t hear what he said because her voice was not high on her side.
Those two girls like him.
Very beautiful
Speak bright and cheerful, and have a good personality.
It seems that it is always very popular to talk about where Zhuo Ning is from one river
Foreign girls are no exception.
Tong Tong slowly bowed his head to entertain foolish ideas and felt very depressed, but he felt a little ashamed and wanted to find a place to hide.
"Tong Tong!"
A familiar sound suddenly fell on my ear.
Tong Tong looked up at Jiang Zhuoning’s side head in a startled way.
He raised his hand towards her and asked her to come to him.
TongTong one leng watched that a few girls are a face of curiously looked at her face suddenly red a bit.
"Jiang Zhuoning called you three"
Jiang Jiang took a look at her and couldn’t help laughing. Instead, he didn’t rush to make up his mind to see the show.
Tong Tong bit her lip and looked at her. There was no way to get up and walk towards Jiang Zhuoning. He lowered his hand and greeted Joey and others with a shy smile and said, "Hello."
"Her name is Tong Tong, and we are married." Jiang Zhuoning shook her hand and said solemnly.
"God, how can you get married!"
Joey and Demi screamed at once. The latter stared at Tong Tong’s eyes and said directly in front of everyone, "What a surprise, but I don’t mind if he can play with us for a few days?" It’s normal for such a handsome man to have more girlfriends, right? "
Tong Tong was a little silly.
What do they mean, they don’t mind being mistresses?
Tong Tong looked at Jiang Zhuoning a little blankly. Jiang Zhuoning also happened to look down at her.
Joey and Demi have never seen such a shy girl look at each other, but they both laughed and joked, "If you don’t talk, you agree, right?"
"No, no"
Tong Tong one leng hurriedly murmured, "You ask him what he means, I have no problem."
Her voice fell to the ground, and several people in the living room were quiet for a second, and suddenly they burst into laughter. Even Jiang Jiang and Li Minye were no exception.
Jiang Zhuoning looked at her handsome face and turned white with anger.
What do you mean she’s okay with it?
He has already said that they are married, and it is really wonderful that this man can give such an answer.
What do you mean, playing with another woman for a few days? Is she really not white?
Jiang Zhuoning held his breath in his throat, and when he saw one side, everyone laughed and leaned back and felt even more humiliated. Suddenly, he let her hand go directly to the floor to rest.
TongTong looked at his back some measures.
The others finally laughed enough. Joey almost burst into tears and blinked. "So Jiang Gong likes a good girl like you. Haha, we can’t compete."
"No," Tong Tong replied at once. "He doesn’t like me. We were forced to get married. Don’t get me wrong."
Jiang Zhuoning hasn’t gone far. When she heard this, she was even more stiff. She stepped up her pace and left directly.
Behind him came a burst of laughter.
Tong Tong was afraid that Jiang Zhuoning would be angry. At this moment, seeing the people laughing more and more, she also reacted for a while. She was impatient and said the wrong thing, which made her even more embarrassed. I don’t know if it was so good.

Looked up and saw that there was no Shen Xuefu figure. Jiang Muhan was relieved to take off his face skin mask. The difference is that his face is very handsome. If it is put in modern times, it will definitely be caught by talent scouts as a star column.

It’s a pity that the light in the room is too dim, so I can get a general outline
Shen Xuefu was stunned and then, just like in the TV play, she accidentally kicked over the bucket next to her calf.
Shen Xuefu was very flustered after hearing the sound of Mu Han, and she was even more flustered when she saw Jiang Muhan getting up from the bucket. If she was found, would her neck be directly erased as those novels said?
Don’t! She is so young and has two children to take care of. How can you just explain your life?
When Shen Xuefu looked up again, he found that Jiang Muhan had brought the human skin mask back to his face. I don’t know why Shen Xuefu breathed a sigh of relief and asked himself not to reveal that he had just seen his mask, so he probably wouldn’t die, would he?
Thought of here Shen Xuefu wryly leaned into a head.
"It’s me. Ha ha ha."
See bearer is not his enemy houjiang Mu Han corners of the mouth twitched up before he didn’t know that this guy has the habit of watching people bathe?
But I don’t know what it is to look at Shen Xuefu’s self-knowledge and indefensible, and then dare not be like before. Jiang Muhan actually played a role in Doby’s psychology.
"Since you want to see it, you might as well come in and have a close look."
After hearing Jiang Muhan’s words, Shen Xuefu came to strength and looked forward to walking into the screen, but she had not walked a few steps, and her foot slipped and fell into the bath bucket.
This chapter has been locked.
Chapter 5 New Plan
Shen Xuefu immediately set foot on the road back after getting what she needed, but before she left, she went to Qin Baixue as usual. I didn’t expect Qin Baige to be there.
"Xuefu got the antidote for Beibei?"
Qin Baixue took her hand and spoke very well after seeing the bearer, throwing Qin Baizhi aside directly.
The latter seems to have been used to being left out from time to time, and did not say what it is to spoil and look at two people.
Shen Xuefu smiled and patted Qin Baixue’s hand and told her what she had experienced these days. After chatting for a while, Shen Xuefu got up and was ready to leave.
"Is going to the cloud country? Why don’t you let your brother go with you? You are a girl, and you are uneasy about going out by yourself … "
Qin Baixue knew that Shen Xuefu’s first visit to Yaogu was to find Xuelian for her son Shen Beibei, and the second was because she was going to find herbs that could cure Wang Quan’s wife’s illness.
To say that Wang Quan is really a rare talent, smart and a forged iron.
It’s not very helpful to Shen Xuefu, but there is one thing that he can’t do, that is, he and his wife are very good, but his wife has a strange disease that can only be saved by medicine valley herbs
If ordinary people Shen Xuefu wouldn’t try so hard to find medicine, they would feel uncomfortable. That person is not an ordinary person.
"Well, it’s okay. I’m going to Yunguo by the way. You have a good rest and take care of Snow White in Taidian. I’ll go first."
Shen Xuefu raised his hand and patted Qin Xuetou, then simply explained a few words and went out to cross his horse.
Looking at Shen Xuefu’s freedom, Qin Baixue said that he didn’t envy it, but he couldn’t stand it if he went out on horseback or in a carriage.
Qin Baizhi looked at his sister’s yearning eyes and his heart was full of pain. How could he not know what his sister likes? But she doesn’t go out much now. She depends on drugs every day. If she goes out, how can she tell her parents if something goes wrong?
Thought of here Qin Bai touched Qin Xuetou didn’t speak.
On the other hand, Shen Xuefu worked hard all the way and finally arrived at Yunguo before the appointment with Wang Quan. After watching the scenery for a long time, Shen Xuefu was quiet.
"Wang Quan, I’m coming."
Finally, I came to Wang Quan’s house and patted his door, which was beaten from the inside.
When Wang Quan saw Shen Xuefu’s eyes lit up, he knew that Shen Xuefu would not break his word and invited her to the room to help his wife see a doctor.
Shen Xuefu looked around the room after she went in, which was not much different from when she came. If anything is different, it is that some big valuables seem to have disappeared.
Looking back at Wang Quan with a suspicious face.
The latter was looked a little embarrassed and scratched his head.
"She is in so much pain that I can’t help it. Can’t I sell something valuable and change some medicine for her?"
Listen, Wang Quan is a little sad. I don’t know what Shen Xuefu is also sad.
But Shen Xuefu didn’t ask about other people’s family habits, even if she was about to become her own person, she wasn’t interested in asking. She said coldly, lead the way, and then followed Wang Quan.
Shen Xuefu came to the back room and saw Wang Quan’s wife, who probably had no appetite to eat because of severe pain. She looked thinner than when she left.
Went over and took a pulse for her and found that although it was very weak, there was less Shen Xuefu who breathed a sigh of relief.
Then there is no expression on Shen Xuefu’s face when saving people.
But when she’s there, people will feel very at ease. It’s very simple to save Wang Quan’s wife. It’s just a matter of taking a few injections and taking a medicine. After Shen Xuefu has fixed everything, the woman who was lying in bed and dying can see some spirit with the naked eye.
"This can’t be a blip, can it?"
Listening to Wang Quan’s words, Shen Xuefu rolled his eyes. Are ancient people’s thoughts so free? It’s too much to think about it.
Wang Quan asked for a long time, but no one paid attention to himself. After looking back, he saw Shen Xuefu’s face of nai expression, and he realized that he had put my foot in my mouth for a while, but fortunately Shen Xuefu was not entangled in this matter.
"Miss Shen thanked you, and I am willing to be your genus."
"I’m sure I won’t refuse if you want."
Shen Xuefu tone is very natural, and Wang Quan won’t mind. After all, this is what he promised before. He immediately nodded and thanked Shen Xuefu for his kindness, but he was stopped by the latter.
I don’t know how these ancient people wanted to kowtow and kneel at every turn. Don’t you know that men have gold on their knees?
"I’ll let you kowtow to me when I’m not ready for you. I have to leave in advance, take care of your wife and promise to advance your salary."
Shen Xuefu never knew where to take out a whole piece of silver and threw it to Wang Quan. No matter what the expression of the latter was, he left the first time to get such a large amount of silver. Wang Quan was shocked.
On the other side, Kyoto
"What? You mean frustrated? !”
Shen Mengfu was so angry that she broke a favorite cup when she heard someone report to her, and those people hung their heads against the wall and trembled for fear that they would become a goal of Shen Mengfu.
In a huff, Shen Mengfu didn’t think so much. All she can think about now is how to kill that inexplicable night alliance leader.
She can’t figure out why she has nothing to share with her, and why she should be so targeted.
And come in and report that the page has been scared to death. If it weren’t for knowing that he was afraid that Shen Mengfu would be more angry, he might have been stunned directly.
"Come on, don’t kneel here. It’s an eyesore. Get out of here!"
After hearing this sentence, the page got up and rushed out of the room directly. Looking at the page’s back, Shen Mengfu was so angry that she could pull it out at will. A servant girl gave her two slaps as if she were still Japanese and gave her a heavy foot.
The servant girl also dare not say much. She can silently endure Shen Mengfu’s light and flint, and she came up with a box of wonderful ideas.

I’m alive, and I’m still the emperor, so I’ll think about it!

Without me as emperor, Jin Guo is not worthy of my pity!
I want to be the emperor, and then the kingdom of Jin will be valuable!
Otherwise … Just give me a martyr! I will neve let those who want my life succeed!
Yan hong’s eyes were bright and red, and he reached his order.
Nan at all costs!
Yan Hongliang’s will is unshakable.
He is going to pull himself out of the impregnable fortified city of River City, leaving a small number of troops to pretend to surround the garrison of this deterrent city. He will leave Boye with his main force to look for Shi Lieliang.
The two armies joined forces to carry out new tactics
All the way to the south, all the way to the siege, give full play to the advantages of Jin Jun’s forces, create a life passage for the main cavalry unit in the south, and on this basis, find the main field force of the Guangfu Army to fight a decisive battle and win.
Then, he once again asked Shi Lieliang to sweep away the fort of the rural dock around Boye City and arrest as many people as he could.
When he arrives in Boye, let the army kill these people in front of Boye defenders, and then pile up these people’s heads to build a Beijing view to deter Boye defenders from threatening them to surrender.
This Yan Hong Ben Shi seems to be Yan Hong Liang’s last attack on Boye City, which is also a policy.
His previous failure made Yan Yanliang stop trying to do this, but he didn’t expect Yan Yanliang to still give up.
"This tactic may not work, and the river city didn’t work before. Going on can only boost the morale of the thieves."
"Give it a try. If you can, of course, but if you can’t … then it’s purely as anger, not only to vent our anger, but also to let the army soldiers vent their anger. They have been holding it for too long."
Yan hong ran to see the meaning of Yan hong Liang immediately, so he stopped trying to discourage Yan hong Liang.
When this order went to Geshilieliang, Geshilieliang was surprised.
He immediately replied to Yan Hongliang that it was impossible to do so.
Doing so will greatly affect the attitude of Hebei people towards Xu Jin Guo, and they will have to face other city defenders in the future, which will greatly affect Xu Jin’s rule over Hebei again after the war.
The view of Beijing can make people fear for a while, but it can’t make people accept the rule sincerely, which is more harmful than good for Xu Jin.
He asked Yan Hongliang to take it back.
Yan Hongliang led the troops to Boye Road and received a letter of persuasion from Ge Shili Liangyan. He was furious and immediately sent people around him to denounce Ge Shili Liangyan and let him do things at once.
Yan Hongliang means that Boye City stuck to its guns and brought more than 3,000 losses to the Jin Army, hindering the Jin Army for a month, and then just gave up and left in despair?
What is the difference between that and defeat?
We are the attackers!
We will continue to attack!
We didn’t lose!
This is not a massacre, this is a declaration of war!
Yan Hongliang’s theory is indeed reasonable.
Both the attack on the river and the attack on the Bo Ye Jin Army failed, and now we have to implement the South Strategy and cannot continue to attack the city. This seems to be a failure to everyone.
Morale will be dealt a heavy blow, and there is nothing to increase soldiers’ hope of survival by rewarding them.
In order to maintain morale, we must do something to inspire the military, such as a hearty one-sided massacre
Yan Yanliang’s side was reprimanded by people around him, and he was very worried when he learned that the emperor was determined, so he talked about it with his side.
"Boye City is not determined to shake the Beijing concept, but it may further anger them. It is really hard to say that they will encounter obstacles in the future."
It’s right to move and stab into equal parts
After many siege, they also know how tough Boye City is, which will undoubtedly further stimulate them.
Shi Lieliang wanted to make one last effort.
So he ordered the army to attack the rural dock fort in all directions, plundered the people to collect food, grass and materials according to Yan Yanliang’s requirements, and hurried to visit Yan Yanliang who had not yet arrived in Boye.
After seeing Yan Yanliang, Shi Lieliang complained about the shortcomings of this matter and asked Yan Yanliang to change his decision.
Yan Hongliang was unexpectedly not angry.
After Ji Shili Liangyan finished, he sighed deeply and told himself and Yan Hong the reason why Ji Shili Liangyan said it again
"The foot soldiers can’t break through after a long battle, and their morale is greatly damaged. If they don’t make remedies, they won’t be able to fight the battle. Capturing the thieves in the dock can inspire morale and let the soldiers know that the big Jin Guo is still strong and still keep on the offensive."
With this, Yan Yanliang asked, "If you can’t do this, do you think this battle can still be fought?"
Ge Shili Liangbi almost didn’t say [that’s not withdrawing].
But he held back.
He knew that saying such a thing in front of Yan Hongliang was probably his own eulogy, and he still wanted to live and not die.
"I didn’t consider what I said."
"Then consider it now."
Wan Yanliang sighed, "Morale is the most important thing. Nothing is more important than morale. Are you white?"
Good words from Shi lie are right.
8 Jin j attacked the surrounding villages and docks, all of which were guarded, and all of them had simple earth walls or wooden fences, which had a certain defense against some bandits and bandits.
But these people obviously don’t realize that they are facing organized regular troops this time.
The regular army made a move, and they still want to get benefits?
In the past few days, many dock castles in the surrounding areas have been breached, and many Jin Jun have been victorious in the attack on dock castles. One victory after another, Jin Jun has been depressed and his morale has miraculously increased.
Chapter 421 No one will talk to the loser.
After a while, Wan Yanliang led his troops to Boye City, and he co-edited his main army, Shi Lieliang’s army, to reach the emperor’s order.
The soldiers were asked to show a special scene outside Boye City to build on-site teaching.
There is no doubt that this makes the nomads who are somewhat depressed very excited.
The nomads who were frustrated and depressed by the battlefield and were about to explode were almost forced to divide themselves into "prisoners", that is, the men, women and children who lost shelter in the dock were beheaded one by one.
Some people feel uncomfortable with beheading, so they cut a few more knives or kick people over with their knives to enjoy the piercing howl.
They killed in an safe place, and the soldiers of the Guangfu Army roared with anger at the biggest bull and the biggest arrow, but they still failed to hit them.
So the nomads from the army laughed, pointed to the city’s Guangfu army and teased it wantonly, and then constantly pushed the men, women and children to kill one by one.
City soldiers can’t hold back their anger and urge to attack. Even Zhang Changli didn’t resist cursing, so he will lead troops to attack and kill all those bastards.
They were stopped by Jiang Yu.
"You happy city hundreds of people? You hit the city gate and attacked tens of thousands of gold thieves outside. Really? What did they do? Isn’t that it? Stimulate us to go out?
If you attack now, they can immediately send cavalry to rob the city gate. It doesn’t matter if you die outside. What about 100 thousand people? Hmm? What should we do? You answer me! What should we do? ! "
Jiang Yu was furious and roared out, denouncing Zhang Changli’s impulse to organize disciplined soldiers, and he, the Shoujiang, followed suit.
How can you bear such a big impulse?
Zhang Changli and the soldiers were scolded and reared their heads.
Later, a soldier wiped his tears and asked Jiang Yu.
"Let’s really look at that? Watching the old folks kill all the gold thieves? "
Jiang Yu clenched his fist after biting his molar and popped out a few words through his teeth.
"Watch and remember to pay ten times!"
Patience for victory, ten times repayment after victory, etc
Boye defenders remember.
When the massacre was over, the crowds piled up, and the Jin army swaggered to build the Beijing view according to the instructions received by the emperor.

"The old man said," Thank you for your hard work. As soon as my mountain man comes, "he saw the monk carrying Wei Tuo without saying a word. The housekeeper looked at the monk and turned around and went in to Zhai.

W is waiting for the sophisticated family to come in and report back to W. "Liu Taizhen, a Sanqingguan outside Qingbo Gate, has come with a monk.
"who invited the monk?" "Zhou Fu said" must be an experienced person.
When you go out, you have to respect the monk to make a face for the old man. "In fact, it’s all wrong. I wonder if the monk is old, please be old, please be home. Actually, it’s not right. It’s a monk’s taste."
When the servant came out from the inside, Jigong opened his eyes and saw the servant’s height, thin waist and tied back, wearing sapphire satin, big leaves and free and unfettered towel, three blue embroidery, head-on inlaid with jewels and beaded clothes, double floating in sapphire satin, free and unfettered waist and silk sash, white socks and cloud uppers, such as Sanqiu Gu Yue, good-natured and three mountains, with five mountains and five mountains to stop the sea, a white beard and roots to see the meat.
Mr. W came out to meet the monk and handed in his hand, saying, "The monk invited Mr. Tao to sit inside." The old man said with some displeasure, "This is respectful to the monk.
When I saw the monk’s fuels, I cried to him to leave. "I don’t want to go in, but I want to redeem my clothes with five wax sticks. I am counting on dozens of taels of silver to be redeemed, and I have to go in with my colleagues. The room is a west-equipped room. There are two chairs on both sides of the fairy table. The calligraphy and painting of celebrities are very elegant. The monk’s old road has just brought tea to his family.
The monk said, "Let’s have a drink." At first glance, the monk knows me better, so he always comes here, reaching for himself regardless of each other.
The old man immediately ordered his family to wipe the table, cups and bowls when there was little wine, and set the banquet for the monk to sit in the middle without humility.
The old man didn’t want to say it in his heart. After eating three or four glasses of wine, he saw that Mr. Zhou was very respectful to the monk. The old man couldn’t help but ask Mr. Zhou, "How do you invite this monk?"
"When Mr. Zhou heard this, he repeatedly shook his head and said," It’s not that I invited me. I don’t know. It’s that I came with Master Tao.
"The old man said," I don’t know him. He said that he was invited by a foreign member. "The monk said," No, have another drink. "
"Mr. Zhou said," Good monk! Don’t you dare eat and drink? Somebody get him out of here!
"The family came to see the monk and asked Zhou Fu for a drink with a glass." Good monk, you got me. Get out!
"pandering to push the monk out of the gate and come in. Take a look at the monk and put Wei Tuo down.
Come and report that W has driven the monk away without Wei Tuo. W said, "Come back and give it to him. Don’t embarrass him."
"The old man drank the wine and asked," What goblins are in your house now that fascinate you? I’ll show you the Taoist symbols when I burn the ancient incense.
"Come to the old road and look at the fragrant brushwork. There is not much to rely on the Sanqingguan immortals to find a bowl of rice to eat.
Mr. Zhou said, "Now the goblin has changed into a girl who is our next-door neighbor, Wang Yuee. She looks like having wine with my son in the garden every night.
"An old-fashioned way is just one leng and an old-fashioned way thinks." I don’t want to see how the fairy can change people. If I don’t catch a demon, I’ll ask the fairy to catch me.
"I hesitated for a long time before I said," I need seven people to catch a demon, and I can only catch a demon if I am a hexagram chain.
"W said" can "call" Zhou Fu, you go with Master Dao to catch the demon "Zhou Fu said" No, I can’t be a COP and send someone else. "
"W.W. ordered" Zhou Lu to go "Zhou Lu said" No, I’m hurting my eyes ".W.W. Zhou is a kind man who doesn’t want to go to his own place. There will be disadvantages for Mrs. Yong, who will get up early?
W said, "Who’s going to catch a demon with Master Dao? I’ll give you twelve taels of silver if you go all night for nothing.
But it takes seven people who want to go. "Zhou Fu said next to him," I’ll go outside. "The outside said," Aren’t you upset?
"Zhou Fu said," I just got a fairy to buy a peony. It’s thick. "The member said," What do you need that for?
"Zhou Fu said," Just boil the water and drink it. "Mr. W said," You heard the silver bastard!
"Zhou Lu said," I’ll go. "The member said," Aren’t you an eyesore? "Zhou Lu said" no.
I’m an eyesore at home. "When I was young, all seven families had members." I asked, "What is Master Dao?
"The old man called for a pen, a single high table, a plush chair, a five-hall wax skewer, an incense burner, a plain wax, a pair of longevity incense, a money grain, a new pen, a skill of cinnabar, a money inkstone, a yellow burr, a parsley root, water, grains and white wormwood.
The foreign minister ordered him to ask, "Where is this thing, Master Dao?" The old man said, "Leave it in the back garden, and I’ll go right away."
"When I was young, it was already a lantern-lighting road, and I came to the garden road with seven people, each with a handy weapon. When I opened my eyes, I saw that the garden was very neat with flowers, flowers, trees, dense buildings, pavilions, water trees, pavilions, pavilions, courtyards, and carved columns. I really don’t thank Changchun grass for the Flower Festival at four o’clock.
In front of Laodaozhuang, I walked across the street and saw the white plaster wall, tiles and holes in the money. In the middle of the chessboard, I went in and took a look at the three-bedroom apartment, the north room, the three-bedroom apartment and the three-bedroom apartment. I saw that all the things I wanted in the hospital were ready.
When people came to the courtyard, they heard something moving and said, "What’s outside? Get out of here!
"The family said," Don’t shout, please come to Daoye to cure the demon. You were caught by the demon.
"Tell me" bullshit! "sophisticated also don’t answer, w back to the front desk to listen to sophisticated news.
Laodao asked all the family members to cheer him up in the outhouse. Laodao sat in the courtyard, waiting for the day to pay attention to the two drums, burning a candle respectfully and praying in his heart. "The leader of Sanqing, the deity Buddha, is a believer’s brother Liu Taizhen. I am the Laodao of Sanqing Temple. Now Zhou Zhai invites me to catch a demon, clean the house, retreat the demon and cure the disease. I hope that the deity Buddha will bless me and retreat the monster. I have to return to the temple to hang my robe and make a vow.
"After praying, the Taoist crown will be plucked from Baotou to untie the hair, and the sword coriander will be dipped in water, and the grain will be put on the sword, and the cinnabar will be thickened with Bletilla striata, and three charms will be drawn.
The old road said, "Zhou Fu, look at me. When the Taoist symbol burns, the wind is strong; The second operator arrested the demon; Three rune swords beheaded the monster and told him to show his true colors!
If people die, ghosts will die and turn to ashes, which will result in his life at that time. "Zhou Fu and other people watched the old-fashioned method and put the head symbol on the tip of the sword and saw it in the old crossing. I don’t know what to read."
After reading it, I heard the old man say, "Too old gentleman is in a hurry to forgive me!" Nodding the head, the operator took the sword and shook it. There was really a big fire on the ice tray, and the operator was thrown. Everyone looked at it and there was no wind.
Zhou Fu said, "Look, Lao Dao is a rumor." Zhou Lu said, "Don’t be busy and look at his second sign."
"In the old crossing, I chanted and threw out the second FuJian, but there was no movement. A look at the old road was really urgent. I posted the third FuJian and murmured. I just threw it out and saw a gust of wind.
As soon as this gust of wind passed, the old man opened his eyes and was scared out of his mind! Here comes a demon who wants to eat the old road.
Knowing life is like looking back at decomposition.
Sixth cycle
The old saying goes, after burning a gust of wind, I heard footsteps. The old-fashioned plan is that this demon must be blushing and hairy. When you look at it carefully, it turns out to be a beautiful and charming woman. Sure enough, the lotus is white and the willows are slender.
How can I see it? There are words to testify that the strange fragrance bursts into action, and it is difficult to draw and describe the whole body.

An Yan looked at his tall figure and handed him the box in his hand at the door and said coldly, "Take it and throw it away."

The bodyguard nodded "Good Sir"
Xiao Jing missed reaching out to the door with different steps, and then people were hugged before they turned around.
Where does the heart swell? It seems that the feeling and warmth have softened a lot, and there are more and more dust falling on the heart.
Looking down, I saw the horizontal wall in my waist and abdomen, and the thin white arms were very white and delicate.
It is very visual against his black shirt.
He raised his finger and grasped her finger. Unexpectedly, the finger in his palm was cold.
Xiao Jingmei twisted it, but instead of being held by her, she turned around and held her in her arms and sighed naively. "What happened suddenly?"
At the moment he turned around, Anyan had buried himself in his chest and heard him ask her to look up from his arms with a smile in her eyes. "Hug Mr. Xiao, don’t you like it?"
The charming appearance of a woman in front of her instantly made Xiao Jing feel like a few years ago, and her eyes were suddenly wet.
It is said that when the eyes are wet, there will be liquid dripping down, and you have to look up to force those liquids back into your eyes.
But he didn’t want to miss her long-lost expression, which he expected and cherished for a long time.
But there was no liquid dripping from his eyes, and his thin lips ticked "Yes, I like it"
No matter what she thinks at the moment, he is satisfied at this moment.
Feeling that she was cold, he pulled her body out of his arms a little bit and said to her, "You are cold, I’ll boil hot water for you, sit on the sofa and have some hot water, and I’ll take you out for dinner, huh?"
She hung her eyes and listened to his words, then smiled, and then got into his arms and held him tight and shook her head. "Don’t, don’t, I’m so sick of that thing that I don’t want to eat dinner."
Xiao Jing frowned and took her to the sofa, but the woman still stuck to him.
He looked down at his wrist watch. "It’s still early. We can eat later, but let’s have some hot water and then you can go out with me to buy food. What shall I do tonight?"
An Yan closed his eyes in his arms and smiled at the fox with a hint of ridicule. Now Mr. Xiao is really gentle
Such tenderness and caution belong to her now, and she should be happy. After all, some people can’t enjoy it, can they?
She shook her head again in a calm tone. "Don’t be disgusted by the dead mouse body. I don’t want to eat tonight and want to eat people-"
Xiao Jing hasn’t come here in vain. What do you mean by this? Seeing her looking up from his arms and sticking her lips to his lips in his wondering eyes, Xiao Jing was flattered at the moment.
What Ann also stick out your tongue and licked it gently.
Just for a moment, a rush of blood gas brought him the ultimate feeling.
An Yan held his shoulder and licked his tongue while complaining to him. "It seems to be very cold. I was on the balcony for a long time before you came, and my body was blown cold."
Then she gave him another dose of fierce medicine. "Actually, I don’t want to eat people. I want to eat you in such a cold day and I am so cold. You warm me up … Anyway, don’t women have desires?"
She just said that the man directly turned her slender body around and pressed her petite body on the sofa.
Xiao Jing held her strong arms on both sides and stared at her smiling eyes, then directly blocked her lips.
There is almost no skill in kissing, just biting from her lips to her tongue.
An Yan was a little scared, but he still hit himself in the mouth, and his flexible tongue came in, and his mouth was still smiling.
What she took the initiative to put her arm around his neck and slowly responded to his kiss-
The man suddenly stopped and looked at her quietly. At last, he leaned over and buried his face in her neck and shoulders, smelling her body and feeling relieved.
The voice is seductive and dumb with a strong taste of lust. "I won’t give you a second chance to escape without turning back. I won’t stop this time even if you don’t want to, huh?"
At the same time, he stroked her as soft and thick as a waterfall, and her hair was slender, while her joints and fingers were slowly moving through her hair, and her eyes were extremely hot.
An Yan looked up at his handsome face, which was very close to him, and looked at it for about three seconds. He directly sent his lips to him. "I said that women also have desires. Maybe I have desires today."
She didn’t feel that disgusting when she said this. On the contrary, she felt that she had suddenly come back in peace.
Bold and hot, not afraid of her.
Xiao Jing directly kissed deeply, and those broken pictures appeared in her mind. Her favorite is bright red roses, which many women don’t like.
Section 34
It’s not that red roses are ugly, but that they like that man and may not like them because red roses are too gaudy.

Chen Yi nodded and said, "I believe you."

"Then why do you want to take me away from Jiangning?"
"To avoid your mistakes," Chen Yi answered calmly.
Jin Douna paused, then Nai picked up a knife and fork to eat cod.
Chen Yi continued to chew shrimp meat and said, "Although I want to compete fairly with Shi Tianlin, because of his goal … his goal is to tell me that I can wronged him."
"Will you … kill him?"
"It’s up to you"
Jin Douna looked alert and looked up with vigilance.
Chen Yi smiled and waved and said, "You are me. Don’t try to be a honey trap."
Jin Dou Na’s instant blush faded a lot from her face.
"If I can turn against Shi Tianlin, I can bring him back to life. This is assuming that he is captured alive."
"You want me to turn against him?"
"No" Chen Yi put the last piece of shrimp in his mouth and said, "Zhu Guangliang knows a lot about this kind of thing, so let him practice his hands."
There are not many opportunities for Zhu Guangliang, a regional anti-espionage agency, to counter espionage.
"Well," Jin Douna didn’t want to turn herself against it.
"Have you talked to Liu Xinyu?" Chen yi suddenly asked 1
Jin Douna hesitated a nod.
"How do you say?"
"What do you mean?"
"Oh Shi Tianlin is going to replace Liu Xinyu, the captain of the action team. I’m afraid it will be cruel …"
"She should be fine."
"I hope so, but considering the reality …" Chen Yi shrugged and said, "Maybe you should go somewhere else."
This involves the letter problem. If this is a spy world, if you live in a spy world, then the process of meeting Jin Douna Shi Tianlin alone creates a possibility, a possibility of collusion. Considering these factors, it is obviously inappropriate to let Jin Douna take charge of the core issues.
Jin Douna has been trained. "Where do you want me to go?"
"another continent"
The next day, they arrived in the western continent.
A new world
Ancient trees in heaven, volcanic ash and China cement build huge rocks on the pavement, and tons of pale cattle are being peeled, and there are novelty and good smell. Insects are called every two hours in the wreath jar …
"Re?" Jin Douna doesn’t know any words to shape her mood at the moment.
"Re" seems to believe Jin Douna from the emotional point of view, but from the risk point of view, it is the best choice to come to the western continent unless you know exactly her Shi Tianlin conversation.
This is not only a new opportunity, but also a good end, just like Sherei, when he came to the western continent, it was indeed a punishment, but when he went back, one year later, two years later, he was bound to gain an advantage that the martial arts school students did not have.
In Jin Douna’s shocked eyes, Chen Yi took her in a jeep and said, "Although a little behind, there are lobsters as big as cows and amazing beef. If you need it, I’ll call a chef …"
"Will there be tuna as big as an elephant?" Jin Douna smiled. The environment in the western continent is like those most beautiful national parks. It is a good place for her to recuperate now.
Chapter three hundred and fifty-nine Deterrence (1)
"From today, Jin Douna is the logistics officer and financial officer of Xijiang Shuizhai in the western continent, and Yu Weichao and Li Feng will be handed over from today." Chen Yi called the diamond conference hall on the Xijiang Shuizhai floor to announce the decision.
"We will complete the transfer of property and logistics as soon as possible." Yu Weichao knew that the independent financial official must be a woman, which made him a little strange.
Xijiang Water Village has just entered a period of prosperity and money-making. The accounts are still clear, and the logistical pressure is not great. Jin Douna studied physiognomy when she was an assistant to Liu Xinyu, so she gently nodded and agreed to come.
"Li Feng take your teacher niang to see our territory" Chen Yi smiled.
It’s not good for a few people to keep their heads down when they didn’t hear what was said at this time. Except Yu Weichao, college students have seen Jin Douna and Liu Xinyu, and Chen Yi had a guess about them. Now it’s not too strange that the guess has been confirmed.
Jin Douna glanced at Chen Yi with great interest and went out. She also thought it was fun for a brand-new continent.
Chen Yi watched South Korean beauties leave their houses behind. Xijiang Shuizhai, a place where there are few women, is so eye-catching that even Chen Yi is no exception.
Looking back, Chen Yi said to Dayang, "Do you want to do a good job in the existing police station of Shuizhai security guards?"
"Criminal cases rarely occur. At present, Dai Adi and I are in charge of the diamond conference hall and the disputes between people on earth."
Everyone wanted to set up a police station, but Chen Yi didn’t give a response and asked, "What about the case of the earth person?"
Da Yang smiled and said, "Mainly Latin Americans often have petty theft."
Da Yang is very satisfied with his present life. He bribed informants to spy on the situation in various parts of the Mala city-state, trained spies to play the old-school spy war. The advanced concept of the 21st century has given him great pleasure in dealing with gentlemen in the Middle Ages. This is the life that the earth can no longer feel in its dreams.
Yu Weichao, Li Changning and Li Feng were all eager to report to Chen Yi, and so was Gong Shelei, but they were clumsy and followed Li Changning.
I have never seen such a sight before when Chen Yi was old, but now I report to my grandfather every day, and the workers don’t know how many.
He was in no hurry to pull the door and say, "Why don’t we talk about the ring road of Malacheng while walking?"
"We are in great trouble," she Lei finally found a chance to talk. "Three weeks after the ring road was built, we have lost two armored vehicles and killed 21 soldiers."
"Such a high casualty rate?" Chen Yi stopped and asked, "What is the morale of the soldiers?"
"It has been greatly affected," Yu Weichao took over and said, "We have to implement wartime subsidies to declare the battlefield along the ring road. Soldiers who enter the battlefield once will receive three times the salary this month, and then soldiers will be willing to go to the construction site in different periods. In addition, Red Wolf cooperated with She Lei to carry out a series of retaliatory actions. At present, the war zone is relatively stable."
Chen Yi then continued to go upstairs.
She Lei went on to report that "the master of fighting skill in Malacheng is very good, and three or five people can throw huge stones from the city wall and hit an armored vehicle rifle and heavy machine gun at one time. They didn’t have Milan anti-tank missiles to kill about four masters, but it was a little long when aiming, and the other side later hid behind the city wall like a mortar attack …"
"Then how do you solve it?" Chen Yi is interested.
Yu Weichao looked at Dayang with a smile. "Thanks to the help of the intelligence department, we didn’t want to cause the temple to counterattack, so we first spread the news through Malacheng Line that we would retaliate, and then we confirmed the source of the fighting knight who carried out the attack. If it caused harm, we would level his manor and arrest the people inside for compensation. If there was no manor, we would bomb and bury his mansion … There were two times when pure temple knights joined us and informed the temple of Malacheng to ask them to hand over the murderer .."
"The first time they refused, we organized 12 armored vehicles and destroyed them with guns. A cavalry barracks 12 kilometers away killed about three knights in retaliation. The second time they offered to pay compensation for a snail shell, and we agreed."
Chen Yi agrees that nodding to have compensation means recognizing that it is an established strategy to divide the temple and Malacheng. Those who belong to the knights of the temple may be the nobles of Malacheng and deliberately buy off the water in the temple. If the compensation is relatively reasonable, the goal has been achieved.

Since Duzun Villa leveled Cuihua City, it has been under their control, but it has been strictly forbidden for subordinates to offend Wulin people. There are many signs that several famous schools in Wulin have joined forces to fight against Duzun Villa. Of course, Songshan Shaolin Temple is the leader. It is said that Shaolin Temple has formed 500 Lohan troops to perform "Lohan Array" day and night.

It is said that there are dozens of other masters in this Lohan Army, including the Seven Killing Staff, Yan Wei, who have come back to the Jianghu. Of course, we have to deal with these Wulin sects to make the exclusive villa really dominate the world, so there is a lot of excitement and joy.
Yan Wei was very happy in his heart. Like a great magician, he made all kinds of subtle means to make this large group of young people willing to work hard without regret.
Now it’s time to set off another huge wave in the Jianghu of Zun Mountain Villa. In the warm cheers, the seven staves were killed, and Yan Wei slowly left the palace. The beautiful woman and the heavy-browed man followed closely and walked out of the cemetery. They boarded a carriage and quickly drove away.
Mojiazhuang returned to the usual atmosphere, but Luo Yang and his wife would not find the variation. Because Zhang Yan did not appear on this day, they felt that it was difficult to send them away, especially Yang Shidao.
In the evening, Jun came in and said, "No dinner today!"
Most people in Romania and Yang Er wonder if they are going to have a hunger policy. But the purpose?
Jun deliberately made them look at each other before smiling. "Master Zhuang, please welcome two gentlemen to the banquet. There is no meal here."
Luo Tingyu said, "It’s really strange that Lord Mo Zhuang is suddenly so polite. Do you know the reason?"
Ah Jun shook his head. "How can a mean person know? Probably preparing to send the gentlemen home? Little people this is a random guess, not to hear any news. "
Yang Shidao smiled and said, "But you must have some basis to think of sending us home!"
Ah Jun said, "Of course, it’s a little based on the fact that the two gentlemen were still asleep when the enemy invaded Zhuang last night! The enemy pulled a large group of people to come, and there were at least one thousand people, but we beat them back. "Luo and Yang had to pretend to be very surprised and ask for details."
Ah Jun added, "Zhuang has always been informed by the rich Japanese that there were several times when he came to attack, but he failed to retreat. This massive invasion was found by the fort, so it was shocking that the corpses piled up like a mountain to fight a big war."
He boasted a lot of words before finally saying, "Our villa owner borrowed a group of people from his friends, all of whom were alive and kicking to kill the Japanese, but it is said that the Japanese had already prepared to attack the villa twice. This time, it failed. The second time, I heard that it was the day after tomorrow. I’m afraid there are thousands of Japanese people. If the villa fails, it is only natural that no one will be sent home alive."
Luo, Yang this just suddenly nodded Luo Tingyu way "we can go home is a great event, but I heard that the enemy is going to attack on a large scale, but I couldn’t help being indignant! The imperial court can make the coastal citizens suffer from the Japanese pirates. "
Ah Jun led them out of Forget Sorrow Zhai and passed through several courtyards before they reached a hall, but when they saw the brightly lit banquet, Mo Yi, the owner of the manor, and Mo Yi, the owner of the Vu Thang Hall, introduced Xu as a false name after welcoming guests.
When the dining tables were delivered, four enchanting singers accompanied them into the wine to persuade them to eat the beautiful scenery. Luo and Yang pretended to be embarrassed.
Wine lead several rounds Moyi laughed. "You two make yourself at home. Today, my brother ordered someone to send me a message and asked me to treat you well. I didn’t expect that the two had a big position and made my brother dare not underestimate you! Ha … "
So tonight’s dinner is not going to send them home? Luo and Yang both watched everything very carefully. They were drunk a lot, and gradually became more and more drunk. They gradually reduced a lot of restraint and scruples. They were always joking with their singers, but they all returned to normal immediately after returning to Forget Worry, and they talked for a few words and went to their beds.
In the middle of the night, Luo Tingyu quietly got up and Yang Shidao didn’t wait for him to call, but also left the bed and landed. They carefully checked all over the room and went to the room to check it again, then went back to bed and lay still, but secretly talked.
Luo Tingyu way "you guessed it well this dinner? It means to get us out and search this place carefully. "
Yang Shidao said, "They are really amazing. If we hadn’t guessed it long ago, we wouldn’t be aware of anything different after being searched by them!"
Luo Tingyu said, "They didn’t find the weapon. Will his evidence stop suspecting us from now on?"
Yang Shidao said, "It’s hard to say because they also want us to bury the weapon outside the village."
They thought silently for a while in the dark. Luo Tingyu said, "Do you see how many clues they have obtained for me last night?"
Yang Shidao said, "Quite a lot. At least they already know that you are a Han Chinese, so they will doubt us."
Luo Tingyu frowned. "So the woman in yellow with long hair has told them all? Hum! Next time I touch her, I have to click on the acupuncture points to hide my face and have a clear look at my hair. "
Yang Shidao said, "Young Master should have done this a long time ago. Besides, you don’t have to be angry that she is the other party and invited the general. Of course, she will tell them that you are not a Japanese affair."
It makes sense for Luo Tingyu to think about it? Why didn’t she tell the people of Duzun Mountain Villa what she knew? However, it’s true that he was angry that she wouldn’t leak the news, and why didn’t he look at her at that time?
He thought for a moment and asked, "Teacher, do you want to know that I don’t look at her true face?"
Yang Shi said, "Let me know if you dare to make a wild guess!"
Luo Tingyu said, "I didn’t know until I thought about it. I was afraid that once I pulled her hair, I found that she was ugly and wouldn’t do it."
Yang Shidao was silent for a long time before saying, "So you already think she is beautiful in your mind? I wonder if it’s better than Miss Qin?
Chapter 10 The enemy is present
Luo Tingyu way "this … this …"
It was hard for him to make a comment when he thought about it seriously, because the long hair, bright eyes and dark eyes of the woman in yellow together made her become a mysterious and stunning beauty, while Qin Shuangbo was as elegant as a fairy, and she was another typical peerless beauty.
Yang Shidao a little shocked tunnel "what? Can she be compared with a girl in your mind? This is really incredible. I think there is no beauty comparable to Miss Qin in the afterlife. Even if I really love her deeply, I have to admit that Miss Qin is much more beautiful if I want to compare her with Miss Qin. "
Luo Tingyu said, "Did you have a girl in your heart when you said this?"
Yang Shidao said, "Yes, there is, but it’s not impossible to stay after a prey."
Luo Tingyu said, "That’s good. We have to be careful with her."
When they talked about it, they went to sleep separately. The next day, they watered and sprinkled flowers in the sunny courtyard and talked in a low voice.
Teacher Yang said, "If Ah Jun reveals that the news is true, there will be another tragic fight and killing tomorrow night."
Luo Tingyu said, "I hope this news is true, so I can have a chance to see the true face of the woman in yellow, but Ah Jun said that the number of Japanese invaders is too exaggerated, even if they attack on a large scale, they will not be at most. Three or five hundred people are already very powerful. This is not a confrontation between the two countries. How can there be thousands of people?"
Yang Shidao said, "Yes, he is really bragging! Since you’ve met the people of Zun Mountain Villa, you can’t help but ask a question, that is, if the enemy’s two masters, Xu and Ling Liu, besieged you and added dozens of frost teams, could you break through? "


Juan Thomas couldn’t help but be stupefied. This time, he really became speechless. He really didn’t expect that this arrogant general should touch the new world so much.
But when I looked at it, Joseph Juan Thomas suddenly reacted with a grin on his face. With the help of Joseph, the son of a bitch, it is not an exaggeration for Li to know this.
Busy smile: "Noble General Li didn’t expect you to know so much about the situation in the New World. I haven’t been to the New World for more than ten years, but when I returned to Reese last year, I heard that more and more Portuguese aristocratic businessmen have gone to the New World to set up farms to grow sugar. The labor and land there are very cheap, so there should be some profits! But as you said, the most profitable gold and spice business is still occupied by those who hate Spain! This is really a sad thing! "
Li Yuanqing slowly nodded his head.
Although he knows something about this history, he is not detailed about the specific time.
However, during this period, Li Yuanqing had learned more about the world situation with Joseph. He knew that it had been more than fifty years since the Great British-Spanish Naval Battle that changed the world pattern in the six years of the Apocalypse!
At this time, although Spain still maintains the position of the world’s top power, it is difficult to support their roots with the destruction of the’ enemy fleet’
"Hehe, the Spaniards are really annoying, but I don’t think they will be so good for long!"
The banquet lasted for about an hour and a half. Li Yuanqing had a meal and Juan Thomas, a Portuguese aristocrat, had a simple talk and went to their ready room to rest first.
But Joseph stayed.
At this time, a pure Cuban cigar was lit by a strong candlelight beside Juan Thomas Leigh, another small building in the Governor’s Mansion. He smiled at Joseph and said, "Gee! Poor boy! I can’t believe that you have lived in shame for so long at the hands of a yellow-haired monkey! Joseph, you are a disgrace to the British Empire! "
In the face of Juan Thomas’ abuse of Joseph, he was not angry at all
He glanced at Juan Thomas with a faint smile and took a cigar from a delicate box and put it by the candlelight. He took a sip and looked at Juan Thomas with a smile: "Dear Governor Thomas, my dearest cousin, you can laugh at me, but I also show you that you’d better not laugh at my distinguished master, otherwise I can’t save you when you have to pay a heavy price, even when your life is at stake!"
Juan Thomas was furious and the veins stood out on his forehead: "Joseph, you little punk who lost his ancestral property, you have been staying in China for these years. Are you stupid by those disgusting yellow monkeys?" Your master’s fleet? Ha ha! Ha ha ha ha "
Juan Thomas couldn’t help laughing. "In my opinion, it’s just a group of fat sheep! They don’t even have a gun! "
Joseph, however, ignored Juan Thomas’ ridicule and took a sip of his cigar: "Cousin, you may think so, but I warn you before that you’d better not try it easily."
Joseph paused and smiled: "Of course, I also know that you have absolutely no such resources, but I can also remind you that in today’s world, I am afraid that no one can stop my master and his warriors! The future is the same in the sea! "
"Bah! ! !”
Juan Thomas spat hard.
Almost pointed to Joseph’s nose and laughed: "Joseph owes you a noble birth. You are really a disgrace to the nobles of the British Empire! Not only are you willing to be a yellow-haired monkey slave, but you still advocate it like this? "
"Well, I know that bragging doesn’t cost money! I also know that your master did win many wars in the northern sector of the country, but Joseph, you have to be white! The future is the ocean age! These lowly yellow monkeys, they won’t have a chance! They are as stupid as pigs! Oh, by the way, aren’t two groups of pigs fighting in the northern defense zone of the country? "
Juan Thomas couldn’t help laughing.
Joseph didn’t refute this appearance, but sat back comfortably on the sofa and enjoyed his cigar.
Seeing Joseph like this, Juan Thomas was suspicious instead.
No one knows his cousin better than Juan Thomas.
Although this fellow’s heart is higher than the sky, his eyes are lower than his hands. He can make a lot of money in business several times, but he always pays for it.
But even then, this fellow still has a higher heart than the sky
But at this time, he was willing to act as a yellow-haired monkey slave far away from the’ mainstream world’, and he was even’ determined’ about it.
Thinking of Juan Thomas, his eyes narrowed slightly. He strode to Joseph and grabbed his chest and skirt. He said maliciously, "Joseph, tell me what your destination is?"
Chapter 657 Temporary Trade Agreement!
Thanks to the firsaru brothers for coming! ! Kneel and beg for positive subscription support!
The boat is now at the edge of the cliff, please support it!
Niu Gensheng, a green garden grass outside an exquisite private villa about two miles away from Macao Governor’s Office, is camping with more than 300 Qinbing.
Juan Thomas, who was photographed in Li Yuanqing’s distinguished position, did not dare to neglect, so he took out a governor’s private villa, Li Yuanqing and his wives and concubines couch.
Yinger, Cai, Wan’er, Liu Qiao, Shu Murong, Zhang Die and Zhao Meizong are sitting on the big sofa in the living room, talking and laughing.
This is the first time for them to see this pure western-style architectural pattern, and they feel very novel everywhere.
Li Yuanqing’s official residence in Changshengdao is very good, but the main style is solid, far from being as exquisite and luxurious as this villa.
In the master bedroom on the second floor, Zhang Baozhu is carefully coaxing her baby Shiro to sleep.
The little guy is almost two years old. Although he can’t speak fluently, he is very naughty, just like a monkey.
Although there are three maids and a grandmother to help, the little guy still consumes most of Zhang Baozhu’s energy every day.
Looking at Shiro from the wide open-air balcony, this little thing is still engaged in Mongolian wrestling with his mother. Li Yuanqing’s mouth can’t help but show a relaxed smile.
Although it is already in the subtropical category, it is only April and the wind is still a little cold.
However, for Li Yuanqing, who is in the north of Li Yuanqing all the year round, this little wind is just like a little girl’s hand, which won’t make him feel any discomfort.
There are still many lights on in the wide bay in the distance, and you can vaguely see the dripping ups and downs, which is the position of his fleet.

"So you and hope are"

"Twin sisters; Enemy "
"How many years have you been enemies with her?"
"What is hate from her?" Yin Yingying told a series of secrets that surprised everyone. Four people looked at her without doubt.
[Revenge] 3 Once (two thousand words broadcast)
"You are twin sisters. Why would you make enemies?"
"She is my own sister who is 1 minute and 57 seconds older than me. She is a healthy baby, and I was born with a serious heart disease. We took me abroad for treatment on the second day of birth. Because we can take a person, we put my sister in foster care. My mother goes back to China to see my sister once every three years. When she was five years old, her mother and friend died because of difficulties, and she was taken back to the silver house. Although she ate well all day, I lived well, but I met my father five times in a year. When she and her mother met for the third time, the two of them had an accident. My mother died. She was abandoned by her father. After I got sick, I took my housekeeper back to China and tried to find out about her. I learned that she was taken away by the old lady of the Asian underworld at that time. My housekeeper and I came to Alcatraz. My wife was somewhat human and promised to give my sister back to me, but my sister insisted on leaving the past to make her hate. My wife has always attached great importance to my sister, and her talent is not comparable to that of ordinary people. Since the first day she joined the underworld, she has personally taught her sister marksmanship and martial arts. Because it is stipulated that one of the four girls can live last, but my wife is afraid that others will cheat and harm her sister, so she changed the rule to two of the four girls. She is worried that it is redundant. My sister killed everyone except Xuelin in the first scene. Xuelin is very lucky that her number is the last one. She escaped from her sister. "
Jin Chenluo, Han Yizhe and Leng Lingxuan all looked at Xue Liner in unison.
"She said it’s true that I’m more than I want to live because of this rule."
"My sister is an outstanding person. She should be the most accurate marksman. On the day of her victory, my wife arranged five big men to test her, and all of them were defeated. The next day, she gave her the position of the boss of the Asian underworld to her sister. After sitting in this position, many people didn’t think it was a good opportunity for rebellion. As a result, the department was shattered by her sister. They planned to say that her sister is now recognized as the boss of the Asian underworld."
"Then she doesn’t have many enemies?"
"What do you say? There must be, but at least few people in Asia dare to compete with her. Her biggest enemy should be me. "
"your identity"
"She is the boss of the European underworld." Everyone looked for the sound source and saw Yin Yunxi with a sniper rifle in his right hand. "Yin Yunying, have you said enough?"
"Let’s get it over with today." Yin Yunxi raised his gun at Yin Yun Ying.
"Hey!" Silver Yun Ying tackled Xue Liner and others, and the bullet penetrated a wine bottle.
"Let’s go!" Yin Yingying took their hands and rushed out of the bar at once.
"Give me chase!" Yin Yunxi chased a man out of the bar with a sniper rifle.
"You go quickly and I’ll cover." Yin Yingying turned to shoot against the wall from time to time.
"no! How can we lose you? "
"Trust me, my men are coming. Go!"
"Then take care of yourself." Four people immediately left the range.
"Boss, here we come." Silver Yun Ying appeared in the sight of Yin Yunxi. She gently snorted, pulled out a Grenade from her waist, pulled out the tab and threw it at Silver Yun Ying.
"Get down!" Yin Chunjin bowed her head and left her and a girl when the blasting was over.
"Boss, you go and I’ll cover."
"Let’s go! This is an order! "
Two people hand in hand and ran back side by side.
"Never let them go! Chase me! " Silver allow and make a determined effort to say
"Yin Yingying, you can’t escape. Go to hell!" Silver Yun took the sniper rifle and pulled the trigger, but it was blocked by the person next to Silver Yun Ying.
“d! Ok, don’t chase it. It’s time to go back now. "

A few days later

The wooden spoon of Zhou Yi’s medicine furnace gently scraped out the black viscous liquid inside, and rubbed it into pills before the heat disappeared.
A little while
More than 30 pills have been cooled and shaped.
Picking up a pill and feeling a drug effect can’t help showing satisfaction.
This is after Zhou Yi’s improvement, Xiangu Decoction is added with some dead mushrooms, and its efficacy is much higher than that of the original Xiangu Decoction.
a grain of
Comparable to bowls of mushroom soup.
It’s a great supplement to the cultivation of the five poisons murderer.
However, for those who have reached this stage, the place is not big, but it is perfect to sell.
He has six yuan Dan!
"Six yuan Dan to assist the practice of fairy mushroom Dan is sold in exchange for Red Sands, and you can try to break through in half a year."
"the road can be expected"
I cleaned up a little for a week, changed my humble dress and hurried to the city.
Chapter 4 pale apes change
The city is still busy, and you can’t see the usual difference. Obviously, a few people died here.
Zhou Yi waited for a moment and Kang Rongfang arrived late.
"Brother Zhou"
Yao Yao hand over Kang Rong slow mouth.
"What do you want with me?"
Zhou yi nodded
"Remember that Brother Kang said that if you get a good elixir or have a weapon or Dan medicine at hand, you should ask your own people first?"
"If no one wants to buy, then set up a stall."
"Yes" Kang Rong one leng.
"It does happen."
Around Shuo De Tian Man, many gold diggers form a small group. If you have good things, you must first hold on to your own people.
Kang Rong straightened up and pulled himself together.
"Brother Zhou has something good to do?"
Zhou yi nodded
"I have refined some Dan medicine, which has a good effect on tempering the body and nourishing the essence. I am going to ask about the market."
"Brother Zhou knows an alchemist?" Kang Rong was a clot.
"The alchemist’s black wind tunnel is extremely rare. Brother Zhou can safely survive the ten-year gold rush."
He had been indifferent to Zhou Yi. After all, he had the impression that this person was timid and had a limited future, and nine times out of ten he could not cook a gold digger.
It’s not worth the effort
But an alchemist is different.
"when not"
Zhou Yi shook his head.
"It’s just a little medical knowledge and I have to say that I have some confidence in this fairy mushroom Dan by taking medicine."
Said from the body pulled out a porcelain way
"This Dan is made of dozens of kinds of mushroom essences, and it is a great supplement for us."
"Really?" Kang Rong touched the bar
"I don’t know anything about medicine, but Master Bao is an expert in medicine refining. Come with me."
Master Bao is the younger brother of the black wind tunnel. Unlike the gold digger, he was recruited by a gas refiner on his own craft.
It’s a special trick
And he didn’t practice the five poisons.
Compared with his brother in the black wind tunnel, his appearance is relatively normal, but he is old enough over fifty.
With wrinkles and sparse white hair, the whole person seems to be blown down by a gust of wind.
"Senior Bao"
Kang Rong di kou
"This Dan is called Xiangu Dan, which is refined by Zhou Xiong from dozens of exotic game essences. It is a great supplement to the essence of the flesh and blood."
Master Bao is noncommittal
What about taking dozens of herbal extracts? It’s just a layman. Most Dan medicines are not so complicated.
Good Dan medicine is not necessarily complicated!
This kind of deliberate talk about Dan medicine in complexity is to sell it at a good price or for fear that others will steal the alchemy.
Holding a medicine needle, gently dispersing Dan medicine and smelling the smell, Master Bao’s expression could not help but change slightly.