"Will the seed buds come?" Nishang asked

"Of course, I will dress up. You don’t know that eldest brother always fills the disc with seed buds. Elder sister has gained a few pounds." Before Nangong Yichen could answer the fence, she said it first and made a face at eldest brother.
So they’re a good thing, too. Almost? Hehe, no wonder cloud flying always urges them to tie the knot! With her, my heart is still flying
"You talk a lot!" Nangong Yichen reached out and knocked on the fence. It hurt to fall on the fence. Looking at Ye Lingfeng with a grin and injustice means asking for help.
Let’s marry back early! Ye Lingfeng has strengthened his belief that not everyone can bully this fence!
I felt two sharp eyes behind me. Nangong Yichen turned back and smiled. "General Ye Wang is a joke. This girl is pretending that you don’t want to be fooled by her."
"Ha ha" Ye Lingfeng is a few quick laugh. If you are a woman, you even hate to be so heavy-handed, right?
"Please also ask Kang Wangdian to report to the Emperor Ye Lingfeng as soon as possible. Can’t you stay here for a long time? Naturally, the sooner the better." Ye Lingfeng couldn’t wait to take the fence back to Ning now.
Is this distressed? The nangongshan dust lip-synching smile pretended not to hear anything and marched out.
"Eldest brother, you seem to be very worried about your sister-in-law?" Nishang asked with a smile
"Hum, that Nangong Yichen is a cold-hearted person. When do you think I was so right about you, Big Brother?" Ye Lingfeng asked
That’s true. This eldest brother has always spoiled her and told her not to say anything, but never said a word.
"Don’t worry, that fence is the darling of the emperor, and no one dares to be angry with her." Dress comforted him.
"I hope so!" Ye Lingfeng was noncommittal
"Come on, I’m going to sleep for a while. It’s really tiring all the way!" Nishang said
"Well, go." Ye Lingfeng is also ready to take a nap for a while. It’s finally relaxing here.
The biggest advantage of nishang is that you can fall asleep regardless of where you lie.
That Beiliu family actually wants to catch the fence. What is this? Ye Lingfeng can’t sleep well, but what can a princess threaten? It seems that it’s been too long since Simon’s rampage killed him. Many people have forgotten that Ye Lingfeng was angry and lost his life for thousands of miles. Before the fence fell, it was Princess Gulan, but now and after, it is his life guardian Ye Lingfeng. He will be interesting to see who is so bold and dare to start his life!
Chapter 4 quiet inside
In the evening, the fence fell and came to the post.
"General Ye, my eldest brother is waiting for you in Wangjianglou," she said with a smile.
"Thank you, Princess," Ye Lingfeng said politely.
"It’s almost a family. Why are you so polite?" Dress rolled his eyes and said
Both of them smiled awkwardly at each other.
"Let’s call each other names lest others don’t know who you are," said Nishang.
"All right, let’s go?" Hedge fall theory
A delicate carriage stopped at the entrance of the post office.
"I’d better ride a horse?" Ye Lingfeng said
"My carriage is very spacious," said the hedge.
"Oh, if I’m in the way, I’ll sit on the shaft?" Nishang stretched out his tongue.
"Let’s go together." The fence fell and pulled Ye Lingfeng’s hand, which he could not refuse.
The carriage is really spacious, with two rows of seats facing each other, and a small case with melons and cakes on it.
Two people sitting face to face smile but don’t talk.
"The fence falls, and your Gulan is very different from Ning!" Nishang said
"Yes," the fence smiles and the clothes are all long gowns and wide sleeves, but the Gulan people are similar to Hu.
"Is the hedge seed bud okay?" Nishang asked
"Good" fence still smiles.
"Hedge fall" Nishang shouted for a while and took pains to promise.
"Sister-in-law, do you think my eldest brother is good?" Dress pettiness suddenly asked
"Fine," replied the hedge.
"Haha, big brother said that you are very good!" Dress stretched out his hand and pushed Ye Lingfeng looked at them with a wry smile.
"We haven’t got married yet," the fence bowed in distress.
"But you promised just now!" Nishang was overjoyed and said
Ye Lingfeng corners of the mouth with a smile, this girl is a prick, but the fence falls, so he is still very happy.
Wangjianglou is the best restaurant in Gulan. Nangong Yichen has booked a bag in the innermost part of the second floor. He has lived in Ning for a period of time, and he knows something about the tastes of his brother and sister. He has ordered a big table of delicacies and told the kitchen to wait for the guests to come.
"Temple" Ye Lingfeng sees the ceremony.
"Let’s call each other names. After all, it’s not convenient outside." The Nangong Yichen lowered his voice.
"Good" Seed Bud was the first to approve of "Ye Dage’s dress. Are you here? How nice! " There was excitement in her voice that could not be conceal.
"Good seed bud girl" Ye Lingfeng said.
"Is the seed bud business good?" Dress forced not to ask
"Of course, it’s good that you don’t know how busy it was that day." This seed bud is more exciting than it is together
"Well, let’s talk over dinner first." The Nangong Yichen stopped her or I don’t know when she would say it.
"We have more game here. You try it." The nangongshan escaped from the way.
Bears’ paws and deer tendons are sighing, which can’t be bought even with money in modern times!
Sure enough, it was just like the hedge, and soon the seed bud piled up into a hill in front of it. Without saying much, the seed bud immediately buried herself in bitterness and ate two cheeks, which was very cute.
Ye Lingfeng also followed suit and picked vegetables for the fence from time to time.
Look at this, look at that. These two women are both happy.
"Why don’t you eat? Not to your appetite? " Seed bud suddenly noticed that the dress was wait for a while and looked at them without moving chopsticks.
"I have a toothache," said the dress whining.

W w w collect and organize, return or leave the club.

Chapter 6 is hanging by a thread (7)
Ning Shulang seems to have suddenly thought of something. He suddenly lost his strength and threw the doctor too much on the ground. He turned around and looked at the whole city lying on the bed. But now when he saw her, he thought of the doctor too much. He clenched his hands tightly and clenched his teeth and finally said, "Get rid of the child without anyone knowing!"
"Do it? !” Cure too much surprised to see the emperor.
Now the emperor has lost his mind, robbed the imperial concubine of Xilan country and imprisoned the emperor of Xilan country. These two things are already thinking that Xilan country has declared war, and now it is necessary to get rid of the dragon seeds in the belly of the imperial concubine.
However, the emperor said, who is willing to fight against the will unless he is tired of living?
Cure too much to think about this matter, we must find a way to tell the queen mother that the emperor can’t be so confused all the time.
However, Ning Shulang seems to have seen through the mind of the doctor too early. "Who dares to reveal a word to the Queen Mother about this matter?"
Cure too much scared and shivered all over. Not only that, but even the queen mother’s eyes and ears in the Dragon’s Rest Hall couldn’t help but feel guilty when she heard Ning Shulang’s words.
Ning Shulang gently held the palm of Qingcheng’s hand and fondled Qingcheng’s cheek. "I will never let your life be in danger, but I will never let you have children for him!"
He knows that the whole city will probably hate him even more when he knows it, but it’s better to hate him than to let him watch his favorite woman give birth to another man.
"Emperor, think twice. This whole girl is the noble imperial concubine of Xilan country. Do you intend to abort the fetal root in her belly?"
Cure too much noticed that Ning Shulang’s eyes faltered in the second half of the sentence and finally didn’t say it.
Although they don’t fully understand the whole thing, they have heard of the whole girl’s words more or less
Yan Huang’s micro-private tour brought back a stunning beauty from the people. The woman said that she would not hesitate to tell the emperor one day. This stunning beauty was bought by the harem ladies.
And one of the most serious words is that the emperor is so dependent on the queen mother to turn against her and produce hatred.
"I decide when it’s your turn to interrupt."
"I dare not. I don’t want the emperor to regret his life."
Ning Shulang hesitated. He looked at the whole city, such as butterfly wings and eyelashes, and slowly opened his eyes. Looking at Ning Shulang’s eyes, he unconsciously spread a layer of water mist, and his eyes showed a little less disgust and hostility. He helped his lips move. "Brother Lang" shouted out these three words, which seemed to have done all the strength of the whole city. Her eyebrows frowned slightly, "Help me, my child, please."
Blink of an eye tears flowed out. Ning Shulang quickly reached out to help her wipe away her face tears. The temperature of tears burned Ning Shulang’s hand and made his hand tremble with a jerk.
He knew that the whole city had heard the conversation just now, and that what she was calling his brother Lang was to save his child.
But he knew all this, but he couldn’t help it. She changed her original decision.
Allure, I really love you, but what’s wrong with you? What about me?
W w w collect and organize, return or leave the club.
Chapter 61 is hanging by a thread ()
That’s all. From the moment I met you, I should have known that you were a weakness sent to me by God, and all my decisions could be instantly disintegrated and changed by your words.
Cure too much waiting for NingShuLang finally decided to "try my best to hold her unborn child"
"Is the emperor" Cure too much and get up and leave quickly.
The whole city was quietly lying in the dragon’s rest hall after Ning Shulang served the medicine.
In the middle of the night, Ning Shulang went to the prison again and looked at Jun Yujue dying. His heart had no sense of accomplishment, but there was a sense of frustration.
He once regarded Jun Yujue as the enemy in his life, and his lifelong dream was to defeat Jun Yujue and unify the country. However, everything changed because of the appearance of Qingcheng.
His father once taught him that men, especially emperors who want to unify the country in the future, should never put * * * * in the first place, never let women dominate your thoughts, let alone let women influence or change you, otherwise you will never succeed in this life.
He kept in mind his father’s teachings, but when he met the whole city, he insisted on all his senses.
He no longer understands what his father insists on, and he doesn’t know what his father means by being a great man. He knows that he will protect his famous daughter in this life and have him around him for a week. It is so-called possibility. This is what others call a bad king.
"Do you know the whole pregnancy?" Ning Shulang’s words made Jun Yujue have a little reaction.
He slowly looked up at Ning Shulang, who was weaker yesterday than Jun Yujue today. His lips were chapped and bloodless, but his eyes were sharp. "What did you do to her?" Speak with strength
Ning Shulang smiled bitterly. "What else can I do? She’s moved, and the baby is afraid of curing too much. She says that it’s very likely that in the end, the mother’s life will be in danger. I’m going to take the opportunity to get rid of her baby, but she begged me."
He didn’t say anything more, but Congren understood. Obviously, he finally changed his decision because the whole city begged him.
"Am I stupid and cruel to get rid of her unborn child, but I am afraid that she will be very afraid that I will never meet her again because of this matter?"
Jun Yujue didn’t speak, but quietly looked at Ning Shulang. Ning Shulang and Jun Yujue said a lot that night. Two people talked all night like old friends. Of course, most of them were talking.
When Ning Shulang left, he ordered people to understand Jun Yujue’s rope. Jun Yujue didn’t understand at all. After all, Ning Shulang treated him like this and tortured him thousands of times in order to let the news get out and bring the whole city back. Now he has achieved his goal. He is tied to himself and there is nothing wrong with it.
Now that he has solved himself, he is not worried that he will resist and escape, because the whole city is in his hands and the baby is in the belly of the whole city, and he will definitely not leave the country.
The whole situation is a little stable. It’s already three days later. She’s not violently resisting, but she definitely doesn’t allow NingShulang to touch her.
She gradually realized that it was wishful thinking to confront Ning Shulang according to her own ability, and the situation of her baby was unstable, so it was impossible for her to take risks and confront Ning Shulang.
W w w collect and organize, return or leave the club.
Chapter 62 is hanging by a thread (9)
The whole situation is a little stable. It’s already three days later. She’s not violently resisting, but she definitely doesn’t allow NingShulang to touch her.
She gradually realized that it was wishful thinking to confront Ning Shulang according to her own ability, and the situation of her baby was unstable, so it was impossible for her to take risks and confront Ning Shulang.
Ning Shulang actually wants nothing more than to get her back to his memory. In that case, she might as well’ find the memory’ and then get in touch with outsiders.
Ning Shulang wasn’t around during the day, and the whole city took the opportunity to ask the maid around her about her past affairs, but those people seemed to have been ordered by Ning Shulang early in the morning, and no matter what she said, the maid was smiling without a word.

"Ling days blame me …"

Ling day directly interrupted Sue elegant words said with a smile
"Don’t blame you, blame them."
"They have no bottom line for your kindness."
"Now they get what they deserve!"
The taxi driver suddenly came running at this moment with a grateful way
"Thank you, gentlemen. Thank you!"
"They were touching porcelain just now."
"I’m not afraid when the police come."
"I’ll just go first."
With that, the taxi driver turned around and started the car.
"Wife, let’s go."
Ling Tian smiled and gently took Sue elegant shoulders and walked out.
When the crowd saw it, they quickly made way.
Ling Tianhe and Su Qingya just left without two steps, and suddenly a car floor oil sound came.
Woo ~ that taxi stepped on the bottom directly.
Towards LingTianHe Sue elegant bump up.
Next to the crowd suddenly stare big eyes a face of shock.
Taxi is one or two meters away from LingTianHe Sue elegant two people.
When people don’t respond at such a short distance,
I’m afraid even immortals can’t hide.
Sue elegant beautiful eyes suddenly revealed deep panic and despair.
I never thought that the taxi driver was thanking her and Ling Tian just now.
This moment will kill them.
Even if Ling Tian is strong, how can he hide at such a close distance?
Ling day face also changed.
My heart is not dark scold a really careless.
The taxi driver didn’t care if he didn’t have a murderous look.
But I didn’t expect to hide so deep and dwarf. They turned out to be a group
Ling day to like a hugged Sue elegant waist.
When I was hit by a taxi, I suddenly rolled.
It rolled to the top of the car and fell from the back of the car.
Then Sue elegant small waist hug a face of vigilance.
This can’t even be killed!
The onlookers were surprised that their mouths couldn’t close properly
The speed of Lingtian was too fast just now.
People arrived at the rear of the car without seeing how Ling Tian moved.
And unscathed!
Is this still a person?
The taxi driver was surprised, too. I didn’t expect it to hit the sky.
Eyes a cold hand steering wheel suddenly turned back to the front.
"Kill you!"
A loud roar loud, the taxi driver will step on the accelerator again and hit LingTianHe Sue elegant.
The onlookers were scared to death.
One by one, they hurried around for fear of being hit by a taxi
However, Ling Tian looked at the speeding taxi but her eyes narrowed and her eyes were cold.
There motionless murderous look is boiling up.
Seeing that the taxi is about to hit the body, the fingers suddenly move.
A cold mountain flies out!
For a moment, a tiny pinhole appeared on the windshield of the taxi.
The taxi driver’s ferocious face suddenly froze and his eyes became gods.
There is a silver needle on the forehead, trembling slightly.
Ling day took Sue elegant small waist a rotating light hid the taxi collision.
There was a loud noise and the taxi hit the railing of the road and stopped.

Gu off a debut and they immediately set off a heated discussion.

The main character here is how he can let a pretty boy take away his aura.
"Who are you?" Looking at the bearer with disdain while slightly drunk.
Gu Jue approached the cold step by step, and his eyes fell on him, which made his horse feel a little drunk.
This man’s eyes are terrible
However, due to the problem of dignity, I still have a lot of backbone. I raised my eyes and looked like "I asked you something. Who are you?"
Gu Jue moved his wrist and glanced at the corner. Su Wei smiled and looked at the ground. The meaning in the eyes of the bottle was aggravated. "Irish absinthe dares to touch my woman."
This is finally understood. He looked at Su Wei with his mouth wide open and finally put his eyes back on Gu Jueshen. "You are her gigolo boyfriend."
Su Wei looked at it with sympathy and pity again.
Even Su Chenran dare not say this. The handsome boy really has courage.
Despite silence, but the storm at the bottom of the eyes is piling up.
See gu off half a day didn’t reply, but he was intimidated by his own deterrence, so he laughed and said, "What kind of malicious role are you? I didn’t expect you to be a soft-footed shrimp, so you still deserve to enjoy the fairy beauty or die before it’s too late."
Before he finished speaking, his predecessor’s body moved, and then his scapula was severely buckled, and then a "click" sounded and the pain suddenly came to him.
The audience at the theatre gasped in succession.
Wow, this scene
That’s awesome
It’s the first time they’ve lived here for so long to see the young delinquents in such a mess. It’s really a feast.
"Never mind the symbolic lesson." Su Wei’s sly smile slowly turned from her mouth.
It feels so good to watch over and never beat anyone.
It’s a pity that I can’t do it now, otherwise her trick will be much more interesting than Gu Jue.
"You’re pleading with him." Gu Jue’s eyes clamped his shoulder blades with a light cup, and then his hands intensified, and he cried out in pain.
"Ah, ah, you, do you know who I am? I want to call the police. I want to call the police." Tears soared.
"It’s better to take care of one thing more than one thing less. The young master seems to be very painful." Su Weichun is a bystander, and his eyes are full of light with relish
It would be perfect if there were some strong poison at this time
Chapter 241 Domineering side leakage
"He has such great charm that he can persuade you to plead for mercy." Gu Jue’s cold eyes swept to a hand knife and chopped his back neck unceremoniously. Please search for it. It was so painful that he almost fainted, but every time he was about to faint, the man always tried not to press a hole in his heart at the right time, which made him have to come back.
He finally knows that this little fairy is not kind. He’s only adding fuel to the fire when he intercedes.
If you want a little beauty to say a word of intercession, the man’s mood will be almost one point, and he will suffer a little more.
But despite this pride, I still don’t want to bow my head and be soft
"You’ll be put in prison." Resentment gouged out Gu Jue.
He doesn’t believe that there are people in this world who are not afraid of going to prison.
I have to say it’s the truth.
There are really people in this world who are not afraid of going to jail.
When I heard this, I didn’t bother to hum a syllable from my nose. "I want to see if I get caught quickly or if you die quickly."
His face turned white and fear filled his handsome face.
God, how could he be so unlucky to meet such a desperate Lord?
"Never be honest, don’t" Su Wei smiled and leaned over his head, trying to stare back with a malicious and folded eye.
Su Wei Gu flattened her mouth.
"My woman, you dare to stare." Gu Jue grabbed his collar and gave off a cold aura.
Su Wei almost didn’t applaud.
I don’t care about you
Sure enough, fists are everything.
"No, no, no, I didn’t dare. I made a mistake once. It won’t happen again." He winced. This time he was really scared.
Who do you think he is afraid of?
I’m not afraid of position, position and temper, but I’m not afraid of death. That’s hard to say.
What is a little dignity in front of life?
"It’s late". With a snort of indifference, the long arm waved and the strong body was like a broken rag in a perfect parabola and smashed on the bar counter.
Dozens of bottles of famous wine "boom" should hit sweet drinks all over the floor.
"Ah," exclaimed the female boss, looking at the slowly flowing wine with a painful face.
This is a precious wine that she has collected for a long time. It’s really a waste of time.
"What a pity!" Su Wei looked at you deliberately, and you moved closer to the female boss with a rather sorry expression.
The female boss gave Su Wei a hard stare.
If it weren’t for her, this femme fatale bar could be destroyed like this?
The female boss still wants to teach her a good lesson to vent her anger, but she can’t help but shrink her head when she suddenly thinks of the scene.
She was so tall that she was smashed into patties.
The female boss has been afraid to go.
It’s better not to mess with such a terrible couple.
"Wife of shop-owner why don’t we talk about a condition? After all, it’s not good to bow our heads and not see our heads and see our injuries, isn’t it?" Su Wei smiled and took out a black card from his sunscreen pocket and deliberately put it on the bar to dawdle.
This-this is
Black gold card
Not only was the female boss startled, but even the onlookers around her gasped.
This woman has a black gold card.

"No, this is not your fire barbarian!" The mountain and sea giant was shocked that his fist had just been melted by the touch of a fire spear, and the fracture was entangled with causal force to prevent him from resuming the broken limb.

Answer him, it’s the old patriarch who growls at the fighting spirit, "Fire barbarians fight to the death!"
"Fight to the death!"
The body shivers, and the fire barbarian soldiers have the backbone and red eyes to rush out of the wall to attack the enemy. Behind them are the fire barbarians, women, children and the elderly. Unless they step on their bodies, they must not let an enemy step into the city.
Hum, a fire, a barbarian warrior’s blood, a fire, a fire, a piece of fire, a red fire lotus blooming in the blazing sea of fire, but now it’s all nine, but it doesn’t fall into the fame of purgatory fire
The fire instantly submerged the enemy department in front of it, and some of the big monks were injured before. This sudden detention was burned out by the red-violet in the fire.
No one screams, no one screams, there is silence and cold murder.
Today, everyone knows what is going on in this battle, but no one can tell.
Even if they win in the end, the fire barbarians can’t blame the people in the sanctuary for it. They can treat it as a foreign invasion, break their teeth and swallow it with blood, otherwise it will be a broken convention and a rule. At that time, the whole sanctuary will be burned again.
If we put it another way, this battle will be the test of the rise of the fire barbarians in the holy area, and they will be eligible for revival if they pass, otherwise they will be completely annihilated
Almost all the barbarians can send soldiers out without repairing the fire. There are two true fairyland elders left in the city with the last elite guarding them. They are the last line of defense against those enemies who are secretly stirring but have not yet made moves. If they are also struggling, it means that the fire barbarians are really on the brink of death.
Even in such a difficult situation, there is still a team composed of the most outstanding young brothers of the fire barbarians guarding the two saints at the top of the mountain.
When the old clan makes such an arrangement, it is necessary to prepare for the worst. The fire barbarians keep the last kind … The whole mountain city is faintly detached from the world, and the two saints can be said to be the safest place.
Of course, if someone really dares to take a big step against the two saints, they will definitely not hesitate to fight bloody battles.
Standing in the snow against the wind, the slender figure of the long blue silk dress flutters behind Qin Changfeng.
She didn’t make a move at last. It was the tempering that the fire barbarians had to go through when they got hope, and they should spend it by themselves.
Secondly, the most important thing for her at the moment is to protect Qin Changfeng, knowing that this distance is enough for the couple whose lives are connected to each other to have cause and effect, and cause and effect are always mutual. If something happens to Qin Changfeng at the moment, she will be immune to it herself.
Since she made that decision, Qin Changfeng has been closely linked to her rise and fall.
"Does the so-called God Kingdom marvel at the immortal Buddha who seems to be enlightened?" Someone in the virtual hidden spectators outside the battlefield looked at Qin Changfeng carefully and suddenly made a indecision.
"That’s true … I don’t know what he realized."
"It’s just some kind of avatar after all, and whatever he realizes, it’s a great opportunity for us."
"What chance?"
"Clear the potential opponent! Now that Xianyang has come, the immortal Buddha who can even contend with the potential of worshipping white will naturally be gone. I don’t need him to be an outsider from the spiritual world in the future. He really can’t die, but it’s no wonder that others have broken Doggie if he is possessed. "
"You mean … hurt and not die? But it’s too dry. It’s a bad face to blame. I’ll take off my skin before I die. "
"I’m afraid that the law will not blame the public, and besides, who can protect us with their own ancestors? The sanctuary can’t exile us all in the sea of misery. Who will support the sanctuary in the original fairyland?"
"Brother Wu, don’t hesitate. Don’t you want to bestow favor on the snow? Don’t you want this immortal Buddha to be immortal again? I hope you can fix her identity. Will she be yours sooner or later?"
A few people who speak are Buddha. If anyone knows about the sanctuary, he will be surprised to find that these are the top ten people in the ancient Cang sanctuary!
The most important thing about Qin Changfeng’s competition in the whole ancient Cang sanctuary is that they are naturally hard to compete for resources because they are in the same place. In this case, some people want to take the opportunity to waste Qin Changfeng and win his chance to enter the original fairyland.
You know, except Qin Changfeng and Chaoxue, the whole ancient Cang sanctuary can enter the original fairyland, and there are only five places for Buddha, which means that even the top ten Buddha have half the chance to become an immortal.
"Then try it, but remember that we have been here today and have never done anything about success or failure!"
"Brother Wu, don’t worry about disturbing the immortal Buddha’s enlightenment. It must be an enemy outside the country. Afterwards, we will dig three feet and find out the bones and ashes. Let’s avenge our immortal brother!"
Silence in the virtual sound Qin Changfeng suddenly appeared on the top of the rocky mountain, but a huge palm suddenly patted Qin Changfeng
This is the Buddha’s breath covered with gray hair, and his huge hand enveloped half of the mountain. Not far away, the huge pressure of the lake surged to the shore to form a stormy wave.
The teenagers on the top of the mountain are angry. Several teenagers have inspired their blood to show the giant method. The blood fire burns through the virtual fire. The difference between the barbarian monks is that their appearance and temperament have changed greatly
Men become uglier than men, but their bodies are magnificent, and their blood-red skin is bulging high by muscles and full of explosive power. Women are all beautiful and amazing, and they are known for their straightforwardness. Barbarian women actually exude enchanting charm, and every move reveals a slightly sinister but strong atmosphere.
A few people teamed up to actually make the original strong enough to make them shudder, and hold the top of their heads to death and not let it fall.
"Yi incredibly blood evolved this fire barbarian indeed as expected some doorways"
"It’s not the fire barbarians who have doorways, but their newly-acquired shenhuo kindling. This blood force must also be obtained from that kindling …"
There is no feature in the ethereal sound. Obviously, it is deliberately not to be recognized. With the divine power of the giant palm owner, a few teenagers who are less than the Buddha’s realm can no longer bear to detain and kneel down.
At the same time, another fist with a flashing road pattern blasted into the corner of the snow and sneered. These people either lost their minds or simply didn’t know how terrible it was for the true star tester.
The goddess Chao Lan did say that you can’t directly urge the life star to help the fire barbarians kill the enemy, but didn’t say that the enemy took the initiative to shoot them. They still have to stick to the agreement and wait to be killed.
However, when she was about to activate the real star, a figure suddenly appeared on the mountain peak, which was so powerful that it made people tremble. Even her eyes were as cold as stagnant water. She suppressed it with a finger, and with the intention of killing, she activated the star protector toward the snow, but it was also shocked to retreat back and the corners of her mouth directly overflowed with blood.
What a fairy and a dead man!
The so-called dead man’s completion of his goal is not at ease, even if he knows that killing Qin Changfeng will attract the Chamber of Commerce of the Kingdom to kill him, he will not care because he has no intention of leaving alive.

Gu Jiujiu immediately filled a bowl and handed it to Song Yuyan. "Sobbing up the hangover soup is also good for your stomach. It’s good for your stomach to drink," she said.

Song Yuyan looked at this black thing in the bowl and really doubted that it was definitely nourishing the stomach. Instead of drinking his stomach?
Seeing his hesitation, she said, "Come on, my mother often cooks this special hangover soup for my father. Believe me, it’s really no problem!" " She vowed to say
Section 4
Chapter I felt strange for the first time.
Song Yuyan looked at her sparkly big eyes and looked down at the things in the bowl for a moment and then drank them.
It would have been bitter, but I didn’t expect a little sweetness.
Gu Jiujiu watched him drink and smiled. He hurriedly took Song Yuyan’s bowl and gave him a little more. "You drink more. I think your stomach trouble seems to be quite severe. People with stomach trouble should pay more attention to nourishing their stomachs. I know that a big businessman like you has more social intercourse and entertainment, but you should control your drinking, otherwise your body will collapse and business will not be done." She is like a sparrow.
Song Yuyan looked at her deep eyes as if she wanted to suck in all her sounds and features.
Just now, her little smile swept over his heart like a feather, which made his heart feel strange for the first time.
Just when Gu Jiujiu wanted to clean the pots and bowls, Song Yuyan pulled her over. "Just let the servant do it." Without giving her any room to refuse, she pulled her out of the kitchen.
Gu Jiujiu was pulled back to the room by him. She looked at the man with full aura, and the atmosphere was really awkward. She scratched her head. "I went to bed." Then she ran to the bed and got into bed.
As soon as she ran to the bed, she got into the quilt and wrapped herself like a cicada pupa.
Song Yuyan looked at the bed and the little man looked soft. A little smile appeared on his lips and then he turned into the bathroom.
In the next few days, if Song Yuyan stays at home, Gu Jiujiu will cook something for him to drink, all of which are stomach-nourishing soup.
Of course, she did so in the case that Song Yuyan did not exclude it.
Gu Jiujiu cooked soup for him for a few days, and he was not bored. He drank it, and suddenly he felt that this man did not seem so difficult to get along with.
"What are you thinking?" Men are cold and sound up.
Gu Jiujiu realized that she had been staring at the man for a long time. She was a little embarrassed and quickly moved her eyes "nothing."
And the man obviously didn’t want to let her go easily. A pair of deep eyes looked at her with dribbling eyes.
"I don’t think you are as terrible as I heard."
Although it is a little scary for a man to be cold on weekdays, on the whole, it doesn’t make her feel as terrible as the outside world. At best, it’s a little cold and unpredictable, and he himself has a deterrent and is not angry and arrogant.
After she finished this sentence, Song Yuyan’s lip angle showed a slight smile.
His smile fell into her eyes.
Unlike what she had seen before, his smile was gloomy and terrible, but beautiful and charming.
"Well … actually, you look really good when you smile." She looked at him and muttered something absently.
For a second, she was suddenly pulled over by him and she had to sit on his leg.
She was shocked and struggled to go, but her waist became stronger. The man’s big hand had buckled her waist and made her unable to move.
"Song … Song Yuyan" her little hand unconsciously grabbed his clothes.
Song Yuyan looked at her, and her little face was a little reddish because of shyness, like a freshly ripe apple, which made people want to pick it.
Chapter 9 I don’t want my wife to be afraid of me
The outside world talks about him. He doesn’t know everything. Even if he knows others, he is mostly in awe of him, as if he were a scourge.
He never cared what others thought of him, but now … he cares not about others but about the little people in his arms.
He doesn’t want her to be afraid of him.
"Don’t be afraid of me." His thin lips gently spit out four words.
These four words are more like orders than discussions!
Gu Jiujiu leng leng didn’t react Song Yuyan this at the moment.
"Did you hear that?" His thin lips are light
Gu Jiujiu just came to her senses. After she came to her senses, she blurted out, "What?"
"I don’t want my wife to be afraid of me?" He Dao
Gu Jiujiu took a sip of his lips and then nodded, but then he remembered something that seemed to look at him. "Then don’t always be so cold after you … I won’t be afraid of you."
The way she bargained made him feel so cute. Nai chuckled, "I’ll try."
Gu Jiujiu was even more surprised to hear that he had promised himself. She really felt that she could not understand Song Yuyan more and more.
"You are quick to drink soup, it will be bad if it gets cold," she urged.
Song Yuyan nodded and let her go.
Gu Jiujiu is also on the right track in Song’s work, and he is very happy to work with music.
"jiujiu, you look so pale. Are you okay?" Jiang Ya saw that she was pale and worried and asked
Gu Jiujiu shook his head and pulled out a smile. "It’s all right when relatives come."
"Then drink more hot water. If you feel really uncomfortable, tell the supervisor to take a half-day off," Jiang Yaxin said.
Gu Jiujiu nodded his head.
Just as Jiang Ya was about to turn around and leave, Xiang Jiaqi came along.
"jiujiu, I still have some urgent things to deal with. This is Miss Wang’s urgent score. Could you please send it to this address?" Xiang Jiaqi put a score and a piece of paper in front of Gu Jiujiu.
Jiang Ya cast a glance at the note and frowned when he saw the address written on it. "Xiang Jiaqi, jiujiu is not feeling well. You’d better find someone else."
Xiang Jiaqi glanced at Gu Jiujiu contemptuously and then said, "So delicate? How long has it been here? It’s just that the back door is different. People are more expensive than us. jiujiu, I really can’t look around, so you are more idle. Everyone has something to do. Please help. "
Xiang Jiaqi’s sarcastic remarks made Jiang Ya very angry and impatient, so she had to have a good theory with her.
"Ya, I’m fine." Gu Jiujiu got up and picked up the table music and a note. "I’ll go and take a taxi."
Jiang Ya worried about looking at her "jiujiu, are you ok? You look terrible. "
Gu Jiujiu smiled gently and nodded, picked it up and left the office.
When she left the company door, she quickly got into a taxi and leaned against the door. Her delicate eyebrows screwed into a ball.
Gu Jiujiu’s health has been uncomfortable for a long time, and there is still a little bumpy and unstable on the way. Her stomach is like a thread. "Driver, please stop."

The white horse obviously didn’t expect that the collision turned out to be a hard bone. Suddenly, a ray of light came out of the shield and fell on it.

The weak light can paralyze the body, making the white horse’s body stiff and unable to dodge, and the front leg was immediately cut by an axe.
The speed of leg blood cross-flow exposing bone stubble also decreases.
Looked at the crowd is not big Korea fat hello from all directions.
"Network fast network!"
"The law …"
The white horse cried happily and finally appeared frightened
They tried hard to cover it with a big net, and the sharp iron kept cutting their fur.
It has no flexible hands. Once it is caught in the net, its speed and lethality drop sharply, and the more it struggles, the tighter the net is wrapped, and the more serious its injuries are.
But in the blink of an eye, I was covered in blood and cried out again and again
"Kill it!"
Han pang’s eyes are red, and his heart is not angry but excited.
He vaguely felt that he was about to usher in the third limit breakthrough, but he had been reluctant to kill this white horse recently.
Thoughts turn, he has grasped the pike and rushed to the near body, and his gun pointed at the white horse’s throat and stabbed it hard.
A black shadow appeared, first it was easy to hit the pike, and then when it was around, it was hard to beat Han Fat and fly him out.
"Stop it!"
At the same time a cold sound.
This sound is not Mandarin or the earth language, but everyone can understand it.
Chapter 15 Four people
When the shadow circled, it surrounded the one-horned white horse and then fell sharply, sweeping all directions from one point.
"snapped …"
At that time, the smoke was everywhere, and the crowd screamed again and again, except for those who were close to the white horse who were lifted and flew out.
Shadow retraction impressively is a dark whip, and a tall woman at one end is scanning the field coldly.
A woman dressed in pure black leather boots is like a kind of war and a close-fitting leather coat to show her good figure.
Short hair and delicate facial features
Nai’s oblique scar from the eyebrow to the bar destroyed this aesthetic feeling, and his eyes were too cold to look straight.
"Not bad!"
A girl came from behind with a light tone.
"It’s been less than ten days since I came here, and it should be considered to be relatively excellent in recent years."
"Few strong people can’t carry the white mane." There is another stereo that sounds different from the former and more stable and powerful.
"Just now, that shield should be a weapon with special effects, otherwise it is impossible to resist the white mane by just a few tiger bones."
"Sanzhuang is not such a good achievement."
As the sound approaches the three figures, they walk out of the darkness in sequence.
One person is tall and thin, his eyes are light, his hands are crossed on his chest, and he looks back and forth at all the people in the field, especially Chinese women.
Beside him is a stocky middle-aged man.
Male waist hanging double knives, sharp eyes, ignoring him to look at Zhou Jia, Han Pang and other powerful people
The last person is the most mysterious.
The whole person hides in a black cloak, skinny, and his right hand sticks out of the cloak, holding a root like a wooden stick interwoven with vines.

An hour later.

Thanks to the things in Jize’s hand, a tattered corpse was pulled out of the mud and put on the shore after cleaning.
"Xu Lao!"
Always keep discipline ze beside the old man carefully check the residual body before stepping forward.
The body is not as simple as it looks, and the flesh outside is almost corroded, leaving only bones in most places.
"Not Ji Xiangong"
Xu Lao gently shook his head.
"Nine times out of ten, it seems that Zhang Bingzhong, the bandit leader of Huntian, has indeed killed both of them."
Jize eyebrows haven’t mouth not far from the sound again.
"There’s another body here!"
"Wow …"
With the characteristics of fishing net salvage, another body is fished out of the mud, and the first body is placed side by side after cleaning.
It can also be seen from the bones that there was a great gap between the height of the deceased before his death. Zhang Bingzhong’s skeleton was broad and Ji Xian was thin.
"This is Ji Xiangong."
Need to command Xu Lao has been checked before and after
"Both of them were hit hard before their lives, including the yellow sand, the trace of Wan Li’s sword and Zhang Bingzhong’s boldness of vision."
"That is mutually assured destruction" JiZe shook his head tut tut lightly sigh.
"My brother is so reckless that he chooses to kill you one by one. Doesn’t he understand the reason why you don’t build a dangerous wall?"
At this time, Xu Lao looked up and looked dignified.
"The old man hasn’t finished yet. They both have another kind of wound besides the damage caused by each other’s skills."
"The same kind of injury!"
Doubt sounded.
Jize also lived expression eyes beckoned.
"Yes" Xu Lao nodded and continued
"The strong black iron is tough and rough, and the bones are as fine as gold. It is hard to hurt even if it is covered with miasma and venom accumulation."
"But in the past, the flesh and blood of the corpse have melted for so long, and it is almost obvious that there are not many."
In the previous step, he stretched out his hand and gently pointed to the neck, heart, waist and ribs of the body.
"These places were attacked just as fiercely as the last kill and they didn’t cause each other."
"Xu Lao" Su Jiuye’s mouth
"You mean there was a third party who killed Ji Xiangong Zhang Bingzhong and then dumped his body here?"
"Not bad!"
Xu Lao nodded
"After the man killed, he was prevented from being found and abandoned, and the poison barrier here was used to corrode the body."
"Are you sure?" Kizawa’s binocular contraction
"Being able to kill Ji Xian and the gangster Zhang Bingzhong at the same time is the peak of the black iron, and there are only a handful of people who are suspected of being so big and arrogant!"
And everyone is a famous person.
"It’s not necessarily such a master." Beautiful eyes flashing on one side.
"It is also possible that the man took advantage of Ji Xian’s mutual loss and then took advantage of it. Old Xu also said that they had each other’s skills and caused injuries."
"Not bad"
Xu Lao nodded
"But in any case, that man is extremely good at repairing. If he meets an old man, he is afraid of being no match."
"Who is there?"
Just then a man roared out of the dark.
Accompanied by a series of gold and iron blows, a man dressed as a herbalist was caught back by the Su family guards.
"Ji Gong!"
"Nine lords"
Hand over the guard
"This person is sneaking around and hiding secrets, but his mouth is hard and he won’t say anything."
Herb picker cold hum
"I went into the mountains to collect herbs and I don’t know what you said."
He is thin, ragged and his skin is wrinkled, and his appearance is even more plain. It seems that he is really a herbalist.
But is it easy to hide the smell from so many people?
The crowd will not believe it.
"Collecting medicine?" Dissolving the moon, Xi Xi, smiling, beautiful eyes flashing.
"You’re afraid you’ve come to the wrong place to fix it, but it’s a bit like a rogue on the periphery of Hongzeyu."
"Come on!"
Her voice was charming before she stepped.

It may be felt that the fact that Denmark and Norway are German sites for exhibitions and talks there can not achieve a balanced environment. The Soviet representative immediately expressed opposition and demanded that the venue of the talks be chosen in a third neutral country or a small non-belligerent area be demarcated on both sides’ fronts, and it can only be determined after reporting to the People’s Committee during the talks.

In response to this, the count said coldly, "There are casualties every day in the war and the losses of Soviet soldiers and civilians are much more than those of Germany-since your country insists on carefully arranging the schedule of the talks, we have no reason to blame you."
This remark was harsh to the Soviets, but they could argue that "we can’t treat such an important matter lightly"
Since there were differences in the talks here, after discussion, the two sides adjourned again, and the Soviet representatives contacted the Taiwanese government. The German representatives had afternoon tea in another wooden house prepared by the Swedish authorities, and the Soviet representatives did not wait for a reply from China until it was getting dark.
"We agreed in principle to hold in-depth talks in two weeks to discuss the specific issues of a truce. If the Swedish government agrees, we plan to set the meeting place somewhere in southeastern Sweden." The Soviet representative left a business office, so Prafa took the initiative to leave, and Logan and others also returned to their offices. At this time, no one thought at all how two glasses of whisky would affect Frick when the president was only six months old. You know that President Hindenburg was still able to drink from time to time …
When the adjutant came to report that William Frick suddenly fell into a coma and was taken to the central hospital, Logan took a nap at his desk for less than ten minutes. He suddenly dreamed that he was sitting on the top of a high mountain overlooking the world and then stopped.
Chapter 99 A critically ill notice (in)
Chapter 99 A critically ill notice (in)
"Heart disease? Is it serious? "
As soon as he arrived at the hospital, Logan couldn’t wait to throw these questions to his colleagues. Prime Minister Paul Prafa also drove here in a hurry.
Mel Carrasset, the head of the president’s office, replied with a worried face, "Dr. Dahl judged that the president’s heart disease is a serious infarction and there is no way to treat it through surgery. Drugs can help ban smoking and alcohol on weekdays, and be less angry and anxious."
"So the cause of this illness was drinking two glasses of whisky at noon?" Logan asked
Carrasset’s white and stocky middle-aged man adjusted his nose glasses. "The doctor said that the cause of infarct heart disease is very complicated, and the long-term latent disease may be slightly imperceptible, but in any case, the president’s current situation is not ideal ―― after the observation period these days, he must seriously cultivate for a while."
"Alas ….." Prafa shook his head. "The president has been working hard on national affairs for several months, and it is really time for him to have a good rest."
Logan looked around and asked, "Can we go in and visit now?"
"Just finished the needle, the hospital strongly advised us not to disturb the president’s rest, considering the actual situation …" Carrasset whispered, "The Prime Minister and Marshal had better stay in it for a while."
This is a nice guy who doesn’t want to offend anyone. Logan thought about seeing Prafa take off his hat and enter the ward, and he quickly followed him.
After decades of ups and downs, such as the German emperor’s period, Weimar period and Nazi’s democratic constitutional period, William Frick is like a tired traveler lying in bed and never waking up. His old face is like a waxed paper with no color in it.
Prafa walked slowly to the front of the bed and sat down gently without an armchair, staring down at his old comrade-in-arms and partners for many years. If it hadn’t been for Frick’s help, let alone the position of Chancellor of the Cabinet, even the position of Chancellor of Prussia would not be an "ordinary person" without deep political background and party support.
Logan silently walked to Prafa’s side and looked down at the German President who was also his political partner’s wife and grandfather. This is called Grandpa’s father-in-law in the East-or directly called Grandpa. Although the age difference between them is nearly forty, there is not such a big gap in communication. Political harmony has also "fortunately" achieved great things, forgetting those frustrations, and more admiration and gratitude.
Frick’s eyelids were motionless and his breathing was gentle and weak. Just as Logan’s visit was coming to an end, he saw Prafa approaching Frick and called two times.
Frick’s eyelids trembled slightly, and he slowly opened his eyes and then turned his head vigorously.
"Paul" He called Prafa’s name and saw Logan-nodded slightly as a greeting.
"How do you feel, President?" Prafa asked earnestly when Frick shook his head, and then gestured to the Prime Minister’s ear for a moment. Prafa turned to Logan and said, "Marshal, can you help me invite Mr. Carrasset in? There are some things that he needs to witness and record."
"Good" Logan immediately turned and walked to the door and called the president’s office in. When the two of them came to Frick’s window, the Prime Minister seemed to have had some simple exchanges with the president.
"Mr. Carrasset, please record the instructions from the President. This is very important," said Prafa, who gave these instructions.
"Mr. President, first of all, do you need to ask the National Assembly to introduce a state of emergency bill during your illness?"
Frick shook his head.
"Okay, second, is your condition announced?"
The president hesitated and nodded, and said in a trembling voice, "The public should be informed that it is unnecessary to be led by others to panic."
Then Prafa asked, "Third, if you are temporarily in a coma or your illness causes other laws to make decisions, will the cabinet act as president or appoint someone else?"
Frick hesitated for a long time on this question. He finally replied in a low voice, "It needs the president’s opinion … The foreign affairs and economic security advisory groups are led by Lent, mejkal and Hans respectively … The decision-making needs to be signed … The decree is jointly signed by the Prime Minister of the Cabinet … the Speaker of the National Assembly …"
When Carrasset quickly recorded these Prafa, he finally asked, "Do you have any other orders?"
Frick nodded for a long time before looking at Rogan and saying, "It is necessary for the national yuan to attend the occasion … and Hans Rogan … the special representative of the President will attend the rest … The unfinished matters shall be implemented in accordance with … the Constitution."
"Good charge is witnessed by me, Hans Logan and Mel Carrasset." Prafa was more relaxed when he finished these words]
Chapter 99 A critically ill notice ()
On 25th, 1942, Bromfors Shipyard in Hamburg.
Whenever these shipyards where large warships have been built appear colorful flags and people are surging, people will know that there will be big guys "born" here again. This time, people’s flags are much more than in the past, and the atmosphere is stronger. Not only that, but also the national military and political brains are not often seen in the shipyards, and their specifications are high.
At present, on the berth where the battleship Bismarck was built, there is a huge ship that looks bigger and more magnificent without the installation of floor buildings and naval guns. This is the Hindenburg-class battleship Hindenburg (h39), which was stopped for some reason on July 15, 1939. Its designed displacement reaches 550,000 tons, and it will be equipped with the latest communication equipment of the German navy with a 16-inch (4O6mm) giant gun 52 times the diameter.
"… only half a century ago, we were able to independently build a warship with a displacement of over 10,000 tons. At that time, we were called’ six armies were lame’ and we could rely on foreign fleets when involved in naval battles. During these 50 years, our naval exhibitions have devoted our hard work and national wisdom, our progress has attracted worldwide attention, and we have achieved national pride. More than 20 years ago, we once owned the world’s second ocean-going fleet, but the result of the war made us lose everything in an instant-fleet, machinery, We have become almost all the drawings, but we have the indomitable spirit, the courage to start from scratch, and no one can take away the wisdom. We have built the German class, the scharnhorst class, the Bismarck class, and the Zeppelin class. These ships have played an irreplaceable role in the process of breaking through the blockade of the North Sea and heading for the world ocean. We are really on the big ocean stage. The era of the German sea has already begun … "
Don’t write paper in front of the microphone in the viewing platform. There is no cowardice. During the Weixian Movement, you exercised your thinking, and your eloquence and courage were sublimated. Logan waved, encouraged and played up the pale strength of Prime Minister Paul Pula. When people were intoxicated at this time, they resonated, sometimes stirred their hearts, and sometimes their blood boiled. When they gave a speech, they probably forgot that it was a substitute for attending the ceremony because of a serious heart disease. President Frick said that the "special representative" forgot the straight military marshal system. It seems that the naval atmosphere here is somewhat different and forgot the young, handsome and capable old
The 10-minute speech was not long, but when Logan’s voice fell, he responded that he was like a mountain calling a tsunami.
Nearly 50,000 soldiers and people present were boiling from their hearts. At this moment, the ceremony of water unification is still long, and the process of outfitting has become secondary. What is important is that many confused lives have found a common direction here.
Not only major ceremonies and ceremonies, but also the special representative of the President, Rogan, appeared in the country like a catch-up. He suddenly felt that he could not only adapt to the once tired atmosphere and breath, but also be adept at politicians and celebrities with his rich battlefield experience and ordinary people’s foresight. He returned to the Victorian Movement and gave brilliant speeches to instill his thoughts and ideas into high-level audiences. Gravity will unite people in their respective positions and win their approval and support with unique charm, which has both the courage to stimulate ao mistakes and graceful dance steps. There are also impassioned confidences, and everything is gradually on track. The goal is to hold public elections after the war-the change from wartime government to normal government will be an opportunity that does not require much waiting.
In a subtle change, the month of 1942 quietly became history, and the calendar of September changed with the celebration of the founding of the Berlin Military Academy, the celebration of Wü rttemberg, the retirement ceremony of the disabled soldiers of the National Defence Force, and the water ceremony of the 60,000-ton ocean-going merchant ship "Ernst"; In the middle of the year, the signing ceremony of the German-Turkish Covenant, the frontline tour of condolences, and the promotion ceremony of Mo Deer and other generals; The Hindenburg-class battleship No.2 "Adolf Hitler" (h4o) water ceremony, the inauguration ceremony of Kiel Naval Aviation Academy, and the visit to Spain in September were busy and full. People gradually forgot that President Frick, who was recuperating in the Alps, suddenly felt that he had a younger and more active leader.
At the end of September, guderian, chief of staff of Rogan Defence Force, flew to Orsko to inspect it. At this time, it lasted for nearly four weeks. After the fierce fighting, the battlefield was still full of various weapon wrecks. After the two sides constantly increased their troops and adjusted their strategies, this purely offensive and defensive battle gradually evolved into a thrilling armored battle. Only the Soviet Union invested more than 12oo tanks and self-propelled anti-tank guns, including the 37th heavy tank regiment of Molotov’s ace troops at the heavy weapon pole. During the period of scarcity, this was also the only tank combat unit of the Soviet army equipped with kv1 and kv2. The regiment should have turned the tide by participating in the war. However, they encountered their own "natural enemy"-the German 99th bomber wing equipped with cannon. As a result, they had already lost more than half of their lives before they reached the battlefield …
The dominant German troops invested a lot of No.4 H in the Battle of Orsko. At one time, the total number of tanks participating in the battle of No.4 G sharp-edged No.5 tank had a 2-to-1 advantage over the Soviet Union. In addition, about 12oo assault guns and self-propelled anti-tank guns supported the battle. In this battle to defend the southern end of the Ural Mountains, the Soviet Union invested the last elite of its own army, but except for September 17 and 1, they were briefly given a battlefield system. They were suppressed by the German Third Air Force for a long time and harassed by iao scale attacks and night bombing. The Soviet Union’s killed and captured personnel reached the second place. After the army lost its combat effectiveness, it dispatched troops to participate in the war. The fourth army also lost a large number of effective forces, which made the Soviet people’s anger plummet. Kazakhs not only went to the front line to participate in the war, but also made many incidents of surrendering to the Germans.
As far as the troops invested by both sides are concerned, the Battle of Orsk is not a quarter of the Battle of Moscow, but it has not affected it in the slightest. In addition to the troops deployed in the defense line of the Urals, the Soviet Union dispatched all the forces it could, many of which were best equipped. The guards with the highest quality finally failed to stop the Germans from bypassing the "Impossible to Break through Soviet Ma Qinuo" campaign. Just after the battle, the Germans sent armored troops to Kazakhstan regardless of fatigue, and at the same time dispatched the 22nd descending division to carry out parachute drop and aircraft drop along the way-the German steel torrent averaged 200 kilometers per day and indulged in Mercedes-Benz logistics in the vast grassland. It should be the only concern for commanders about the love war of local garrison troops in Kazakhstan. The Soviet armored troops that had previously occupied Astana were in Orr. The battle of Tusk rushed to the front line and exhausted the remaining Soviet troops, which forced Molotov’s highest battalion to deploy valuable mobile forces from the front line of the Urals again. However, the tired division was overwhelmed in the battle in the northern suburbs of Astana, and the tanks were one-sided.
"Ladies and gentlemen, I am entrusted by the President to express my highest respect and sincere thanks to you on behalf of the country."
In the field hospital camp, Logan bowed to the wounded soldiers in these countries. In the brutal war, five soldiers were often in the front line and died. They were suspected to be the most brave people. What Logan enjoyed most was the poetic and eventful years when his chief of staff presented medals of honor and medals of war injury to the officers and men on their sickbeds with emotion to appease them-these officers and men who were wounded by war were likely to be disabled.
One camp after another, when Logan’s back ached for the last time, suddenly men’s mouth was full of medical staff and wounded soldiers. These people were dressed in different clothes but had deja vu …
"Ladies and gentlemen, you have defended the German armored forces, the world’s number one country, you honor the people, your enemies fear you, your friends envy you, and the world respects you."
In the vast prairie, accompanied by the Chief of General Staff, Rogan toured the 19th Reconnected Armored Division. These tanks, which were improved by iao, were classified as "No.5 B" type, and the second batch of production-oriented tanks solved the previous common mechanical failures. They showed excellent performance in the war, which could suppress most advanced line equipment of Soviet tanks and make the tactics of German armored group even more powerful-according to the statistics of German unilateral battle damage, the loss ratio between German and Soviet tank units in the Battle of Orsk was 1: 24.
After entering October, the situation of the Soviet-German war is still moving in one direction. The huge strategic bomber forces of the German army bombed Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk and Novosibirsk day and night and attacked Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and other Soviet republics exhibited a "single offensive". Although even Stalin, who was in opposition, constantly called on the military and civilians to support the country’s fight against aggression, the red ship has come to its own end in a stormy way. Due to external forces, the republics have finally set off a "separation hao". Many Soviet combat troops either exploded mutiny or refused to go to the front or suppress their former brothers in hopeless circumstances. Finally, a coup by senior officers ended Molotov’s rule, and Stalin was forced to flee to the Far East to pray for peace with Germany.
Chapter 1 Competition for Power Top
The war is over.
A piece of Ural Armistice Agreement is far more harsh for the Soviet Union than the Brest Peace Treaty. It is said that the Soviet representative did not have tears when signing the agreement.
In this "first-Mover" war, the Soviets once took the absolute initiative. Their troops had advanced to just over a hundred kilometers away from Berlin. Their bombers had attacked Berlin for several days and even flew to the hinterland of Germany. They had made every German feel deeply uneasy, but this heavyweight game was finally won by the more powerful party. The result was not only that the Soviet Union lost its oil fields, Ports and most industrial facilities not only made this country, which once had the largest land area in the world, lose one third of its land, but the era ended with the separation of Ukraine, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Armenia, Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia from the Soviet Union.
Since the German army struck Poland in 1939-or traced back to the Sudetenland crisis in 1993-Europe’s long-lost peace has finally come. The flames of war have been burning for three years and two months, and the pattern of Europe has changed dramatically. Vichy France is on the side of a corner, and the British kingdom has fallen back from Russia for a hundred years. There will be a sound in Europe for a long time to come.
In the golden autumn, Germans took to the streets to celebrate their own victory. Old people, children and women held high flowers and iao flags and greeted the victorious army with happiness. People who dare to take risks have long queues in front of municipal offices to apply for government loans and licenses to run factories, mines or engage in large-scale planting in German-occupied areas; A large number of civil aviation or shipping companies have sprung up like mushrooms after rain. iaoiao billboards are full of job advertisements, and people seem to have a new university and an unprecedented passion to expand their careers.
In cafes and beer houses, people talk about it every day. The central topic is whether the government cabinet will continue after the war. Although the wartime cabinet showed good operational efficiency in the latter part of the war, due to the short time, they devoted most of their energy to maintaining national stability and didn’t really care about people’s livelihood and welfare. During the schacht cabinet period, the government’s promise to the people was still a long way off, so many people didn’t buy it, but preferred the "financial magic" intended to promote economic strength in Europe. As soon as the war in Europe was extinguished, schacht, a wizard with great influence in the European and American financial circles, hurried back to Germany from North America to show off his financial and economic achievements in the United States in just a few months. On the other hand, he announced in a high-profile way that he would regain the throne of the prime minister in a legal way-leading the Democratic Party to compete for the post-war elections.
The purpose of the post-war public election was not to elect the president of the country, but to decide the government ruler Adolf Hitler finally ascended the throne of the prime minister through public election in 1933. Although it was inseparable from the approval and support of the president of the country, the popular vote was the most decisive.
After two months’ rest, the current German President William Frick finally returned to his post. According to the constitution, he announced that the post-war general election will be held in mid-November and publicly praised the contribution made by the victory of the Prafalgar War on a series of occasions. Prafalgar’s victory seems to be great. However, he has hosted the victory parade in Berlin one after another. After the victory of the Axis camp in Daqing ceremony, Frick was once again hospitalized for heart disease and fell into a deep coma for several days. Although his health was hardly better than the president’s daily work, the veteran politician who regarded political life was unwilling to give up his lifelong dream. In this case, Hans Rogan, the "national Xi’ an consultant", continued to attend various important occasions as the "special representative of the president"-photos of him standing side by side with Prafa kept appearing in public, and people often mistakenly believed that they were close political partners, but the fact was that they soon became friends.
"When people are perfect, how many people can really be honest?"

Since Duzun Villa leveled Cuihua City, it has been under their control, but it has been strictly forbidden for subordinates to offend Wulin people. There are many signs that several famous schools in Wulin have joined forces to fight against Duzun Villa. Of course, Songshan Shaolin Temple is the leader. It is said that Shaolin Temple has formed 500 Lohan troops to perform "Lohan Array" day and night.

It is said that there are dozens of other masters in this Lohan Army, including the Seven Killing Staff, Yan Wei, who have come back to the Jianghu. Of course, we have to deal with these Wulin sects to make the exclusive villa really dominate the world, so there is a lot of excitement and joy.
Yan Wei was very happy in his heart. Like a great magician, he made all kinds of subtle means to make this large group of young people willing to work hard without regret.
Now it’s time to set off another huge wave in the Jianghu of Zun Mountain Villa. In the warm cheers, the seven staves were killed, and Yan Wei slowly left the palace. The beautiful woman and the heavy-browed man followed closely and walked out of the cemetery. They boarded a carriage and quickly drove away.
Mojiazhuang returned to the usual atmosphere, but Luo Yang and his wife would not find the variation. Because Zhang Yan did not appear on this day, they felt that it was difficult to send them away, especially Yang Shidao.
In the evening, Jun came in and said, "No dinner today!"
Most people in Romania and Yang Er wonder if they are going to have a hunger policy. But the purpose?
Jun deliberately made them look at each other before smiling. "Master Zhuang, please welcome two gentlemen to the banquet. There is no meal here."
Luo Tingyu said, "It’s really strange that Lord Mo Zhuang is suddenly so polite. Do you know the reason?"
Ah Jun shook his head. "How can a mean person know? Probably preparing to send the gentlemen home? Little people this is a random guess, not to hear any news. "
Yang Shidao smiled and said, "But you must have some basis to think of sending us home!"
Ah Jun said, "Of course, it’s a little based on the fact that the two gentlemen were still asleep when the enemy invaded Zhuang last night! The enemy pulled a large group of people to come, and there were at least one thousand people, but we beat them back. "Luo and Yang had to pretend to be very surprised and ask for details."
Ah Jun added, "Zhuang has always been informed by the rich Japanese that there were several times when he came to attack, but he failed to retreat. This massive invasion was found by the fort, so it was shocking that the corpses piled up like a mountain to fight a big war."
He boasted a lot of words before finally saying, "Our villa owner borrowed a group of people from his friends, all of whom were alive and kicking to kill the Japanese, but it is said that the Japanese had already prepared to attack the villa twice. This time, it failed. The second time, I heard that it was the day after tomorrow. I’m afraid there are thousands of Japanese people. If the villa fails, it is only natural that no one will be sent home alive."
Luo, Yang this just suddenly nodded Luo Tingyu way "we can go home is a great event, but I heard that the enemy is going to attack on a large scale, but I couldn’t help being indignant! The imperial court can make the coastal citizens suffer from the Japanese pirates. "
Ah Jun led them out of Forget Sorrow Zhai and passed through several courtyards before they reached a hall, but when they saw the brightly lit banquet, Mo Yi, the owner of the manor, and Mo Yi, the owner of the Vu Thang Hall, introduced Xu as a false name after welcoming guests.
When the dining tables were delivered, four enchanting singers accompanied them into the wine to persuade them to eat the beautiful scenery. Luo and Yang pretended to be embarrassed.
Wine lead several rounds Moyi laughed. "You two make yourself at home. Today, my brother ordered someone to send me a message and asked me to treat you well. I didn’t expect that the two had a big position and made my brother dare not underestimate you! Ha … "
So tonight’s dinner is not going to send them home? Luo and Yang both watched everything very carefully. They were drunk a lot, and gradually became more and more drunk. They gradually reduced a lot of restraint and scruples. They were always joking with their singers, but they all returned to normal immediately after returning to Forget Worry, and they talked for a few words and went to their beds.
In the middle of the night, Luo Tingyu quietly got up and Yang Shidao didn’t wait for him to call, but also left the bed and landed. They carefully checked all over the room and went to the room to check it again, then went back to bed and lay still, but secretly talked.
Luo Tingyu way "you guessed it well this dinner? It means to get us out and search this place carefully. "
Yang Shidao said, "They are really amazing. If we hadn’t guessed it long ago, we wouldn’t be aware of anything different after being searched by them!"
Luo Tingyu said, "They didn’t find the weapon. Will his evidence stop suspecting us from now on?"
Yang Shidao said, "It’s hard to say because they also want us to bury the weapon outside the village."
They thought silently for a while in the dark. Luo Tingyu said, "Do you see how many clues they have obtained for me last night?"
Yang Shidao said, "Quite a lot. At least they already know that you are a Han Chinese, so they will doubt us."
Luo Tingyu frowned. "So the woman in yellow with long hair has told them all? Hum! Next time I touch her, I have to click on the acupuncture points to hide my face and have a clear look at my hair. "
Yang Shidao said, "Young Master should have done this a long time ago. Besides, you don’t have to be angry that she is the other party and invited the general. Of course, she will tell them that you are not a Japanese affair."
It makes sense for Luo Tingyu to think about it? Why didn’t she tell the people of Duzun Mountain Villa what she knew? However, it’s true that he was angry that she wouldn’t leak the news, and why didn’t he look at her at that time?
He thought for a moment and asked, "Teacher, do you want to know that I don’t look at her true face?"
Yang Shi said, "Let me know if you dare to make a wild guess!"
Luo Tingyu said, "I didn’t know until I thought about it. I was afraid that once I pulled her hair, I found that she was ugly and wouldn’t do it."
Yang Shidao was silent for a long time before saying, "So you already think she is beautiful in your mind? I wonder if it’s better than Miss Qin?
Chapter 10 The enemy is present
Luo Tingyu way "this … this …"
It was hard for him to make a comment when he thought about it seriously, because the long hair, bright eyes and dark eyes of the woman in yellow together made her become a mysterious and stunning beauty, while Qin Shuangbo was as elegant as a fairy, and she was another typical peerless beauty.
Yang Shidao a little shocked tunnel "what? Can she be compared with a girl in your mind? This is really incredible. I think there is no beauty comparable to Miss Qin in the afterlife. Even if I really love her deeply, I have to admit that Miss Qin is much more beautiful if I want to compare her with Miss Qin. "
Luo Tingyu said, "Did you have a girl in your heart when you said this?"
Yang Shidao said, "Yes, there is, but it’s not impossible to stay after a prey."
Luo Tingyu said, "That’s good. We have to be careful with her."
When they talked about it, they went to sleep separately. The next day, they watered and sprinkled flowers in the sunny courtyard and talked in a low voice.
Teacher Yang said, "If Ah Jun reveals that the news is true, there will be another tragic fight and killing tomorrow night."
Luo Tingyu said, "I hope this news is true, so I can have a chance to see the true face of the woman in yellow, but Ah Jun said that the number of Japanese invaders is too exaggerated, even if they attack on a large scale, they will not be at most. Three or five hundred people are already very powerful. This is not a confrontation between the two countries. How can there be thousands of people?"
Yang Shidao said, "Yes, he is really bragging! Since you’ve met the people of Zun Mountain Villa, you can’t help but ask a question, that is, if the enemy’s two masters, Xu and Ling Liu, besieged you and added dozens of frost teams, could you break through? "