In fact, another reason why Shen Xintang visits less often is that Zhuang is always lukewarm to her, and almost never takes a look at her. Although she is very polite, Shen Xintang can feel that he doesn’t like her.

She also knows that Zhuang is also a person who deals with art, and most of his friends are famous and noble. Gui Yuan is particularly important to girls’ appearance and temperament. Shen Xintang looks ordinary and dresses very backward. He may think that such people entering and leaving his house are an insult to his family.
I can’t blame Shen Xintang for never coming.
Now Zhuang Yi looks haggard, her eyes are deep in the rim of her eyes, and her lips are blue and black, and a circle of beard comes out, which looks very decadent.
"It’s rare for Miss Shen to come to Qinghuan. Why don’t we go out for lunch?" Zhuang also looked up at Ye Qinghuan behind Shen Xintang.
"Do you have to find something for yourself?" Ye Qinghuan sneer at "just eat quietly at home honestly"
☆ Chapter 14 Abort the child! ☆
"Eat at home?" Zhuang was also robbed by Ye Qinghuan. Some of them were shameful, but they still kept their manners and good temper and asked, "What’s to eat at home? Eat instant noodles with quick-frozen dumplings again? "
"What’s the matter with Qinghuan?" Shen Xintang didn’t understand the situation. "Why do you eat instant noodles when you are pregnant now?"
"Hehe, Qinghuan and I can’t cook." Zhuang also rubbed his hands. "Just when you come, please persuade her to let her take the baby off!"
"ah? What? " Shen Xintang gave him a look of amazement and bewilderment, and then suddenly looked at the side. Ye Qinghuan felt quite strange.
"You don’t want to! I won’t kill this child! " Ye Qinghuan almost lost control and yelled at Zhuang. "Are you still not a person? Isn’t he your child? " Do you have spleen condition?
"Qing Huan!" Zhuang also sighed and finally took a step back. He rubbed his eyebrows and said sadly, "Well, let’s discuss this later. Don’t scare Miss Shen. She’s not welcome. Then you sit with Miss Shen and I’ll wash my face and see what else is in the refrigerator."
Zhuang also nodded to Shen Xintang in a very friendly way and went to health by himself.
Ye Qinghuan watched him into the health that self-effacing sat down.
"What’s the matter with Qinghuan?" Shen Xintang felt uneasy and asked eagerly.
"So you don’t know?" Ye Qinghuan reluctantly smiled and a few tears floated in his eyes. "I told you, others can’t avoid it. How can you still come to my house and you don’t know what happened?"
"Not so happy!" Shen Xintang said firmly and decisively, "Even if you really met something, I was the first person to run to your side. What do you think of our friendship? Do you think I’m a mercenary? You are going to tell me what happened? "
"There’s nothing you don’t know, so you can continue to be ignorant." Ye Qinghuan smiled bitterly and looked at her with eyes. "I really appreciate you coming to my house today. I’m really ashamed to compare with you."
"Don’t do that!" Shen Xintang shook her hand and pleaded, "Tell me quickly! I told you everything in secret. Tell me when you treat me as a friend! We are also a difficult sister! "
Qing Ye Huan was about to speak, and Zhuang also came out from the health. He smiled and said hello to Shen Xintang and went to the kitchen. Ye Qinghuan’s eyes followed him to the kitchen, and his face was complicated.
"Oh, there’s nothing in the refrigerator. Just order takeout!" Zhuang also came out from the kitchen to discuss tone of Ye Qinghuan said
"Can’t you? I think there is something in the refrigerator early! " Ye Qinghuan walked to the kitchen puzzled. It’s different now. She doesn’t want to eat ordinary takeout outside. She wants to taste two things. That’s not the average price.
Shen Xintang also followed Ye Qinghuan to the kitchen. Indeed, there is a box of half-drunk milk, two eggs, a cucumber and a few less fresh onions. There are less than ten dumplings left in the freezer, and the instant noodles in the cupboard are also out. There is a handful of dry noodles.
As the saying goes, a clever woman can’t cook rice, but she really can’t make anything decent.
"Then forget it and call it a takeaway!" Ye Qinghuan is so skillful that he accepts her husband’s suggestion, "What are you going to call?"
Zhuang also looked up at the sky and thought about it.
"I’ll do it!" Shen Xintang is eager to try. "It is better to eat instant noodles than to eat dried noodles. Would you like to eat noodles, Mr. Zhuang?"
"I don’t mind eating noodles." Zhuang also rubbed his hands and looked a little embarrassed. "But there is nothing in the refrigerator. What are you going to do?"
"I’ll give it a try!" Shen Xintang smiled gently and said to Ye Qinghuan, "I think no matter how bad it is, it is better than your instant noodles."
"Xin Tang, you are my guest. How can you cook?" Ye Qinghuan expressed his opposition to "let’s order takeout!"
"Actually, I don’t like to eat takeout!" Shen Xintang pushed her outside the kitchen and told Zhuang that "Mr. Zhuang, please take good care of a pregnant woman!" Qing Huan, don’t treat me like a guest. Isn’t that too strange? "
"Well, I’m looking forward to it." Ye Qinghuan laughed and said half-heartedly. "I haven’t tasted your cooking yet, but I remember your mother’s cooking is very good. I guess you won’t be too bad. Then we will have the luck to eat today! Thank you! "
Qing Ye Huan left the kitchen and put away her smile at the kitchen door.
Zhuang also took her to the servant room and praised the door in a rare way. "It’s really rare to have seen so many people like Miss Shen! It can be seen that we are all people with eyes! "
"Of course, are you and my friends like your friends?" Ye Qinghuan snorted from his nose. "How did you get along with the Asia-Pacific bankers today?"
"Don’t let me wait in the office for two and a half hours. The last sentence of’ ability’ sent me away." Zhuang also angrily pulled the tie that was well-behaved, and there was a feeling that the tiger fell flat and the dog bullied me. "Which of these former bankers didn’t try their best to win me over and wanted us to take the money to their bank. Now we are in trouble, and they are as hateful as gloating at jokes!"
"Don’t beg those vampire misers!" Ye Qinghuan stretched out his hand and stroked his hair. "I’ve figured out a way to get money."
"Is it true?" Zhuang also got excited and held Qing Ye’s hand emotionally. "What is the way?"
"Don’t touch me!" Ye Qinghuan glared at him angrily. "Don’t worry about what I do. I’ll get the money myself and the baby in my belly. You don’t like this baby, and I don’t expect you to raise him. I will raise it myself!"
"What did you say?" Zhuang also grabbed her shoulder and said in a hurry, "It is because I have no money that I will let you abort the child. With money, how can I be willing to let you take off the child? Tell me what you think of." Didn’t all your friends turn you down? What else can you do? "
Ye Qinghuan didn’t speak, but gouged out his hand bitterly. He winced in her eyes and withdrew his hand. He sighed and said, "I told you that I am also a victim. I really don’t know what will happen like that. Everything is so puzzling. I don’t even know which link went wrong. I really feel so wronged! I am more wronged than Dou E! "
"Don’t pretend to be there!" Ye Qinghuan snorted coldly. "You haven’t had a criminal record before!"
"I don’t have any criminal record. You always do!" Zhuang Yi also wrung his hands. "I was just playing along with others before, and all those things were before I met you. Why did you always hold on to them?"
"Forget it. There are outsiders here now. I don’t want to argue with you!" Ye Qinghuan took the initiative to stop fighting and warned him, "Be polite to my friend!"

(Please turn the page before the chapter is finished)

Qing smiled and filled Chen Jisheng with a glass of wine and took the lead in gulping it off for himself.
Chen Jisheng’s mood is also excellent. Laugh and drink to Li Yuanqing.
After a few more drinks, Li Yuanqing remained calm and said, "By the way, how long are you going to stay here this time, big brother?"
Chen Jisheng thought for a moment and suddenly laughed: "Yuan Qing, the situation is stable at this time. Everything is under the control of our army. I want to stay here for a little longer, so I won’t bother you, will I?"
In fact, Mao Wenlong gave Chen Jisheng an order to win over Li Yuanqing and stabilize the morale of the two southern Liaoning departments.
But at this time, how can Li Yuanqing "understand people’s minds" Chen Jisheng still need to win over?
He should go back to me overnight, but Zhang Pan’s case is just around the corner, which makes Chen Jisheng seem to have planted a thorn and a seed in his heart.
This choice is not difficult for him to make. Anyway, when Mao Wenlong didn’t stipulate this for him, he stabilized the overall situation here in Li Yuanqing.
Li Yuanqing and other experts? Chen Jisheng quickly understood his meaning and smiled: "Big Brother, let’s have another toast."
Accompany Chen Jisheng to drink wine and arrange accommodation for him. It is already late at night when Li Yuanqing returns to his tent.
Nianer hasn’t slept yet and is eagerly waiting for him to come back.
Seeing Nianer’s gaunt little face, Li Yuanqing couldn’t help laughing with some distress: "Has my little girl eaten?"
Read son shook his head but busy nodded "ye menservants have eaten menservants to wait on you to rest"
Li Yuanqing read a son expression in the heart has probably smiled and took the son in her arms "eaten? I’ll check to see if my belly is bulging. "
Said the Li Yuanqing potential will touch the lower abdomen.
Nian Er was ticklish and giggled. "I’m wrong. I won’t dare again."
Li Yuanqing touched her little face with some love. "You can eat first when I’m not here. I’m still a little hungry today. Let them fry some side dishes and let’s eat together."
Nian Er couldn’t help but be overjoyed. She likes to accompany Li Yuanqing to dinner most. She is busy and clever: "I’m going to get ready."
Looking at read son happy little face Li Yuanqing corners of the mouth can’t help but reveal a smile.
I’m going to have the third meal tonight, but what if I can make my woman feel better?
Chen Jisheng came to the camp and there was a lot of excitement.
Whether Chen Zhong or Zhang Pan Chen Jisheng is long-standing friendship, Wei Liang and Zhang Qiliang, both of whom are acquaintances.
Add Chen Jisheng is on behalf of Mao Wenlong. Chen Zhong and Zhang Pan, including Wei Liang and Zhang Qiliang, can’t help but say that this banquet will be one after another.
Of course, Li Yuanqing is indispensable to accompany him.
However, although the surface works are continuous, the troops in the camp have never been neglected
The improvement of the staff system seems to be a small change, but it has made all officers have a long memory, and they can think about the overall situation and take precautions after training.
In a flash, seven days passed.
These days, Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong’s two sentries and boats have been gathering in the mouth of Yalu River and the swimming basin, firmly monitoring the main force of the post-8 Jin J.
Li Yuanqing, Chen Zhong, Zhang Pan and Chen Jisheng, including Wei Liang and Zhang Qiliang, sometimes went to the river to inspect the situation.
Just after dinner on the evening of November 23rd, a group of people in Li Yuanqing were holding a military meeting when suddenly a sentry came to report that the river was frozen.
(End of chapter)
Chapter 44 Mao Wenlong arrived.
The news that the great river was frozen made everyone feel refreshed.
This means that the main force of the post-8 Jin Army has been able to cross the river and rush into the DPRK.
Big account
Chen Jisheng couldn’t help but be overjoyed and said, "The two prison officers, Yuan Qing, Lao Chen and Lao Zhang, have frozen the river. Everything is on track as expected. Let’s work together!"
Chen Zhong is also very excited. "We can’t neglect the fact that Yuan Qing, an adult of the two prison guards, is here. I’ll go back to arrange the army now and keep an eye on all the movements of 8 Jin J."
Seeing Chen Zhong rushing away, Zhang Pan couldn’t sit still. Busy way: "Yuan Qing, two adults of the prison army, I will also arrange the army now."
Said also busy hurry to leave.

Qiao Huan looks up at Mu Bei’s eyes and resists the feeling that she likes to be spoiled and taken care of, but this person can’t be Mu Bei before. After all, they are divorced.

"I’ll do it myself," said Qiao Huan quietly to Mubei, with a touch of alienation in his tone.
Mu Bei saw him like he didn’t realize it, and pretended not to see him. He was still busy with Qiao Huan’s care.
"Mubei!" Joe gave a loud cry. Can he listen to her?
"Don’t talk when eating, eat quickly, or you won’t be able to catch up from time to time." Mu Bei made a ban on Qiao Huan.
Qiao Huan was speechless. Every time Mu Bei spoke, there was always a heavy punch that hit cotton. It felt powerful but made her feel weak. She was always eaten by him.
Nai Qiaohuan no longer refused to be forced to accept Mubei’s care and bowed their heads and ate silently.
Mu Bei’s eyes have been fixed on Qiao Huan’s body. Seeing that she no longer resists his care, she is slightly relieved.
He is not afraid of Qiao Huan quarreling with him. He is afraid of Qiao Huan deliberately pulling him away. This is the last thing he wants to see. He will not let Qiao Huan leave him from his sight even if he is dead.
In that Ye Wenlun Mu Bei’s eyes darkened, and whether Qiao Huan regards him as his brother or not, he will get Ye Wenlun away from Qiao Huan as soon as possible.
Because he absolutely doesn’t allow a man to covet Qiao Huan all the time, every time I think about it, I feel uncomfortable and suppress an impulse to kill.
"What’s the matter with you?" Qiao Huan finally finished eating the food in the bowl and looked up to see Mu Bei’s cloudy eyes with a frosty face. She was one leng.
Mu Bei has never had such an expression. He has always been a soft MengMeng face that harms people and animals.
So MuBei let Qiao Huan since the back poured out a chill.
MuBei aware of their emotional exposure immediately change a smiling face to "eat? Let’s go when we’re full! " Say nothing about what just happened.
Qiao Huancong doesn’t ask Mu Bei, but she just wants to ask Mu Bei and won’t tell her.
Qiao Huan got up and walked out Mubei took out his wallet and put a pile of money on the table at random, followed Qiao Huan and walked out to the company. They were twenty minutes late when they left the meeting.
Qiao Huan face black to drop water, she glared at MuBei ruthlessly.
"I blame you for being late!"
Mu Bei has a face of the so-called "body is the most important thing compared with body"
Qiao Huan this what also can’t say it, once again ruthlessly glared at MuBei step up inhalation pushed the conference room door.
"Now," Qiao Huan said for a while without explaining the lateness when he entered the door.
People in the meeting room are quite dissatisfied with Qiao Huan’s lateness, but what can they do? The somebody else is the chairman of the board of directors is late, they don’t have to question Qiao Huan?
They don’t have the guts.
The meeting went on as usual. Assistant Mu Bei Qiao Huan naturally sat next to Qiao Huan, but he was still very serious when he was working. After the meeting, Mu Bei arranged the meeting and handed it to Qiao Huan.
Qiao Huan turned over the information in his hand and secretly praised it. I have to say that Mu Bei has a strong ability and it is difficult to make people admire it.
Mu Bei sat in front of Qiao Huan and looked at Qiao Huan with her chin in her hand.
When working hours, Qiao Huan becomes more charming and makes people look away.
"Qiao Huan, you are so beautiful" Mubei murmured.
Qiao Huan looked up and glanced at Mu Bei’s file in his hand, frowning slightly. "Why are you still here?"
Mu Bei was unhappy to hear Qiao Huan say this. "Qiao Huan, I am your assistant now. I am not here. Where am I?"
"Shouldn’t you be back in your office?"
"It’s my first day today." Mu Beixing Qiao Huan didn’t have his office on his first day.
However, he is happy that Qiao Huan works in the same office so that he can see Qiao Huan from time to time.
Qiao Huan remembered that Mu Bei picked up the table and asked the secret to come in on the first day of class.
Secret pushed the door and came in "Joe Dong!"
"Let the personnel department make room for the desire assistant as an office" Qiao Huan ordered to the secret.
"No," Mu Bei Qiang sat up straight and turned to the secret and said, "You have someone get me a desk and put it here." Mu Bei’s finger is not far from Qiao Huan
This position is near Qiao Huan. You can see Qiao Huan when you look up.
"eh!" Secret consternation eyes rested on Qiao Huan face "Joe dong …"
It’s the first time for her that someone has dared to share an office with the chairman, but there’s nothing wrong with Mu Beiqiao’s proposal of admiring Mu Bei.
"I’ll let people move the desk in." The secret hesitated for a moment and soon returned to absolute being. Before Qiao Huan could reply, he turned and walked away.
Qiao Huan was shocked. It was the first time for her to see the secret independent Zhang make a decision for the company. Did she ask her opinion? How can she be so sure that she will agree to share an office with Mubei?
Mu Bei smiled and sobbed a face of batting practice.
Qiao Huan a look swept past ruthlessly stared his one eye.
"Is it funny?" Grind your teeth and say
"Don’t feel funny is that you look so cute now." Mubei stopped laughing and looked at Qiao Huan with a face of earnest.
"I will never agree to share an office with you," Qiao Huan said bitterly.
And the result?
Mu Bei still shares an office with Qiao Huan. Mu Bei gave Qiao Huan a very good reason. Qiao Tuan is now in an unstable period. If news of their divorce comes out at this time, Qiao Tuan’s stock will definitely plummet.
Qiao Huan is silent
It is true that at this time, any sign of trouble in Qiao’s regiment may affect Qiao’s regiment, and Qiao Huan dare not take the risk.
It’s the same office as Mubei that makes Qiao Huan uncomfortable.
"Can you work hard?" Finally unbearable mu north hot eyes Qiao Huan looked up and grumpily said to mu north
He’s been staring at her like this. She can’t work at all.
Mu Bei looked like a koo. "I’ve been working hard. Have I been working hard?"
"Don’t keep staring at me," said Qiao Huan, biting his teeth.
Mu Bei’s eyes are smiling. "Qiao Huan, have you been secretly looking at me?"
Qiao Huan froze, but he kept staring at her. Why did it suddenly become that she was looking at him?
"If not, how do you know I’m looking at you?" Mubei looked satisfied.
Qiao Huan face a black.

"What is his constitution? The flesh is so powerful! Is it not enough to stand on the peak of the Taoist by the flesh? "

"The night king is too strong, but he can suppress Lu Chen, who has a great emperor, with a holy soldier."
Someone shook his head and said, "It’s not that the emperor’s soldiers can’t do it, but that Lu Chen’s power is too weak to revive the night king. I’m afraid he is really a saint and holds the world’s holy soldiers. It’s hard power to suppress people."
People who know Lu Chen look at the sky and clench their fists, because the night king will beat Lu Chen back again and again once he makes moves without stopping, regardless of his identity and face.
A lot of deep red is flowing, and every moment and every second, Lu Chen is losing the source of life.
"Brother Lu, come back to the array!"
Ye Fan Fang shouted that he could see that Liu Chengen had lost to the old monster who had lived for more than 5,000 years. The other side was the natural enemy of Tianjiao in the past 5,000 years. Who else can stop it if the predecessors did not recover?
Although Lu Chen keeps coughing up blood and his body keeps collapsing, he has always been secretly treated and has no intention of retreating.
The night king’s gun skill is the only thing Lu Chen has seen in his life. It is also unique in its loneliness and implied gun meaning. Leaving the other people aside, it is indeed a powerful enemy.
"Get out of the way, I’ll spare your life and accept your disciples."
After the night king shot out, he suddenly stopped. His eyes made no secret of Lu Chen’s appreciation.
It is the first time that he has lived for so many years to see such a stunning younger generation. Before he heard it, he knew that the other party was praised by the younger generation, and there was no water in it.
It’s not a matter of physique, speed of practice, etc. He feels that this young man has an enemy’s heart and mind, and it’s very rare to have such a realm at a young age, but it’s even more rare that he can have such fighting skills in the face of many strong people beyond himself.
It’s almost possible to judge this kind of thing, and no matter how much the master teaches, he can’t learn it. This kind of person is naturally suitable for fighting, and he can go far.
"You don’t have to. How can I worship a despicable teacher who can’t even fight head-on?"
Lu Chen refused, but also stimulated the night king.
There are too many variables now, and he doesn’t know when Jiang Taixu will recover. If he can’t stand being directly attacked by the night king in Jiang Taixu tonight, he may not be the opponent of the night king before he recovers.
The night king didn’t get angry when he heard Lu Chen’s words. How can he get angry when he practices to such a state because of a young player’s ridicule? He is indifferent and continues to make moves.
He could see that Lu Chen was using the demon emperor’s heart to urge the emperor’s soldiers, but how many times can you borrow this way?
When the demon emperor’s heart gives up on you, the pike in my hand will pass through your chest and crush you with your heart.
Jiang Yun and Jiang Yi joined forces against the enemy next to the Dragon Pool in Fangsheng City.
With the array method, they can deal with the original powerful words, but suddenly two evil spirits emerge, and they will never die.
When they were young, the two men were forced into the immortal mountain by Jiang Taixu, and as a result, they ate a kind of medicine that is very similar to the undead medicine. At last, the body corroded and grew up, and they were half dead. Now they have achieved alternative immortality. Now they are definitely monsters.
When the two men made a move, the law was in jeopardy. When the colorful clouds came, they suppressed two old people.
"Who are you, senior?"
Jiang Yi puzzled look at clouds fairy.
Jiang Yun’s array method made Caiyun fairy look at the old woman and suddenly woke up with a start. "You are Caiyun’s predecessor!"
When this statement came out, everyone around him was shocked.
Caiyunxian was the same age as Jiang Taixu’s bodhi old zu. She was a confidante when she was young. She has lived for four thousand years. I didn’t expect that she was still alive.
But time is really lamentable. Once the first pearl in the East, it is now dying and becoming a dying woman.
"Brother Taixu!"
Cai Yunxian once again saw Jiang Taixu’s old eyes with tears. "I didn’t expect to see you again in this life."
After 4,000 years, she finally saw that her lover’s emotions were uncontrollable and she entered the Dragon Pool and came to Jiang Taixu.
Jiang Taixu’s absorption of the Dragon Ball has reached the key moment at this time, and he has not directly opened his eyes. It seems to outsiders that he is still in silence.
Caiyunxian looked at Jiang Taixu’s old face and wept, trembling and stroking Jiang Taixu’s face. "Brother Tai Xu … Do you remember me?"
It’s not a beautiful picture for the thin old people to sit around and hug each other, but many people secretly wipe their tears when they see this scene.
Ye Fan also has feelings about the years. It suddenly occurred to him that Dacheng Eucharist can live for 10,000 years, but is it really a good thing to live for a long time?
When the world is silent in old age, don’t say that an old friend can’t even find a former enemy. Is that waiting for loneliness and sorrow?
The appearance of Caiyun Fairy made it clear that at least those great powers could not threaten them.
Even though Caiyunxian can’t compare with the bodhi old zu, but after all, it’s also a character who has lived for more than 5 thousand years, so they can’t guess.
Ordinary monks in the holy city don’t know, but the Jiang family certainly knows the monk’s higher level, which is why the Lord is also willing to rescue Jiang Taixu.
Jiang Taixu has been trapped in Zi Shan for 4,000 years, and now he is over 5,000 years old and still alive. It is conceivable that this is no longer the "Dacheng God King" because even Dacheng God King can only live for 4,000 years.
But the hard place like Jiang Taixu and Zi Shan has come alive. If we can save the ginger family, it will be quite contemporary, so we can move at will!
How terrible will the saints be in the post-barren ancient times? No one knows, but today they have seen it.
In the distance, the young man with the Daodao Emperor soldier was beaten and lost, and his body collapsed once. If it hadn’t been for the Daodao Emperor soldier’s protection, it would have turned into a mass of powder.
The middle-aged man in the darkness is like a king, like the master of this world. His every move, gesture and gesture are full of darkness, and the atmosphere of the road echoes the world. Even in the face of the emperor’s soldiers, he still holds the wind.
Contemporary saints!
This is the sage’s threat, not the weak can compete with foreign objects at will.
Caiyunxian wiped her tears at the corner of her eyes. "Is that child your apprentice? What a good boy. Don’t worry, I won’t let him die."
With that, she got up and her wish for this trip has been fulfilled. She can’t see Jiang Taixu. She can’t watch Lu Chen stop the enemy alone and finally die.
Seeing Jiang Taixu, her wish has been fulfilled. It’s also a good thing that the other party didn’t wake up. Then she won’t see her old ugly face now.
"What are you going to do, senior?"
Ye Fan felt wrong.
"to fight the night king"
Caiyunxian’s wide sleeves waved and rode in the wind, rushed out of the array and instantly killed the hidden power.
She flew behind Lu Chen and raised her hand, which was a fairy light to help Lu Chen relieve the pressure.
But the fairy light is like a bull in the sea, and the pike is as beautiful as ice and snow, and it melts in an instant when it meets the hot sun.
"There are not many people alive in my time. You have to come back and die."
The night king raised his hand with indifference, that is, he pointed a gun at Caiyun Fairy.
Liu Chen gritted his teeth again, and the spirit was chaotic and violet blocked it.
They are also saints, but the weakness and ants in front of the night king of Caiyun Fairy are generally not only due to the gap, but the one who is a novice saint has reached the later stage, and the night king still has two holy soldiers, even if he is a saint king at this time, he may not be able to get him in front of him.
Because the holy soldiers of the world are refined by the Great Sage and left to the realm of the night king, the recovery can be maximized. The power of these two holy soldiers can’t be compared with those of the mighty Lord who made the holy soldiers of the world.

There are dragons in the western continent, but the lizards have not flown too high when they become dragons, but it seems not too surprising that even powerful knights can go to the stratosphere and the powerful dragons go to the alien orbit outside the planet.

Actually, Chen Yi can feel Gao Yuan energy at some time.
I believe that the wonders of the temple battlefield will inevitably attract the attention of the dragon.
Unfortunately, no one can really guess what the dragon thinks.
Two days apart, the team that launched the satellite came to the passage pier.
The leader is still Lin Junren, who is now almost the most direct channel for high-level officials to the western continent. The whole satellite team consists of more than 17 people, and there are also more than 4 security teams.
A student in charge of loading and unloading the martial arts school was interested in touching the rocket and smiled. "My childhood dream was to send rockets."
Another martial arts school student ran to touch the assembled satellite and smiled. "When I was a child, my dream was to send satellites. We were born together!"
The lieutenant colonel in charge of nursing interrupted the two people with a sad face. "When you were young, rockets and satellites were already distributed. Don’t lift your hands and load the car quickly."
Now, the students in the martial arts school simply don’t care about the officers. "Ouch!" They say with a smile, "How can you load and unload without touching?"
"Of course it’s a crane!"
"We are all handcrafted here." The students greeted two people, like moving a table, and one person on both sides carried a foot to help them move the satellite to the shipping landing platform. It was also easy to do it by hand.
The team of chatting scientists also froze. A young man exclaimed, "We have a ton of satellites. How did they do it?"
The literary and art stevedores turned around and answered deeply, "Keep exercising a dream, and you can also be stevedores one day."
The loader of martial arts school is indeed a high-end profession. Now the foreign museum has taught the students of fighting spirit class that the prerequisite for registration is to be a channel loader.
After a short silence, a scientist suddenly shocked and said, "Exoskeleton equipment must be exoskeleton equipment!"
"Where did you see the exoskeleton?"
"That is to transform the body bones."
"Like Wolverine?"
"Almost titanium may add a little tungsten. What do you think so much tungsten gold is doing at the metal dock over there? It’s amazing. "
During the irrational discussion among scientists, a magical knight passed by and carried a 100-ton graded rocket car onto the deck of the ship.
The discussion came to an abrupt end when a girl hesitated to ask, "What is this …?"
"We are dazzled," the middle-aged scientist replied firmly.
Because the satellite detachment joined the channel and delayed the departure for one day, the unloading speed was not affected much
On the day they arrived in the western continent, the satellite team entered a tense calculation and installation, but in the end they were able to choose the launch base 5 kilometers east of Xijiang city-state and then the inspection team of Yuancheng martial arts school refused to protect it.
This made many old scientists angry, but Lin Junren said that the rocket launcher was still erected on time.
Then there is a long wait.
First launch in two weeks.
More than four security personnel and two martial arts school inspection teams surrounded the crude launch site.
Mo Shaoqiu came to "watch the fireworks" in high spirits and also commented, "Was the launch site in Cuba so shabby?"
"People call it camouflage, but why don’t we cement the ground well?" It’s more interesting to launch a rocket than Mo Shaoqiu’s family chat, which attracted two people to watch.
Chen Yi, who was besieged, quite adapted to this kind of dialogue, pointed and laughed. "Temporary things are not worth being cement."
Countdown horse
More than a hundred tons of rockets cheered and rose in flames, and then quickly disappeared after the white clouds.
At the same time, Chen Yi also felt the surge of huge source energy.
Almost a magical knight floated from the ground.
"What is this!" Is monitoring the screen white coat also suddenly cried.
If a looming line stops the rocket’s way, both must collide
Chen Yi pie pie cold so way "is a dragon"
Chapter five hundred and eleven Spells "aging"
Recently, the Shuilong Temple was about 12 kilometers away from the Xijiang city-state, and there was no worry about it, but when the light curtain expanded to 16 kilometers, Chen Yi paid attention.
But this is the first time he has seen the real dragon charm or observed the dragon.
It is roughly estimated that the dragon that appeared in high school at this time is seven kilometers short, slightly smaller than the one discovered by Chen Yi, but its shape is general. Second, I don’t know if it is a water dragon temple or just a water dragon heir.
If the former is enough, if the latter is enough, the power of the temple dragon will be re-estimated.
The shadow of the screen is fleeting, and the source energy disappears. The trace is short and there is little left for Chen Yi to think about.
The rocket satellite didn’t even rush out of the atmosphere. It adjusted its attitude as if it had reached orbit and plunged into the dark forest.
Many people have issued "Ah" regrets.
The officers in charge of security are nervous. Lieutenant Colonel immediately shouted, "Search team! The search team is ready to go. "
After shouting a word, he refreshed himself and realized that this place was not a launch base, and there were few people in his search team.
For a moment, Lieutenant Colonel was a little reluctant to bow to Chen Yi and said, "Mr. Chen’s satellites and rockets are important, please send a search team to find them."
Li Feng looked at Chen Yi and saw that he was silent and knew that these technical satellites and rockets in the 1990s were not worthy of being dispatched, so he went to the officer and advised, "Lieutenant Colonel Wang’s rocket is too far away from the Xijiang city-state, and we can’t get there. It’s not too late for you to be calm and wait until we assess the danger."
Chen Yi can’t look down on those backward satellites and rockets, but it’s fatal for Lieutenant Colonel in charge of security to lose satellites.
Without thinking, he said emotionally, "If you are afraid to give me two guides, I will take someone myself."
"Without a guide, your rocket landed in the human area, and no one has been there," Li Feng patiently explained. "The situation in the western continent is different from that on the earth. In many places, monsters are quite powerful and there are too many places with inconvenient transportation. There is no other way for your rocket to land than parachuting, and even if it is parachuting, you can’t transport it back. The dense forest in the western continent is a dangerous zone with a height of 100 meters."
What he said is also true. There are creatures with different habits at different levels in the dense forest hundreds of meters high, but it is very dangerous with one exception. Whether it is parachuting or airplane descending for tens of seconds, several teams of monsters will have a banquet. Fighting-level soldiers go to the people’s area to deliver vegetables. Even if explosives and other blasting methods are used, those towering trees will attract tens of thousands of powerful birds.
To meet the requirements of the lieutenant colonel, it is almost necessary to send a knight with seven levels of fighting skills, and the risk is huge.
These knights are more valuable than those old satellite technologies.
Lieutenant Colonel Chen Yi and others are still serious. "If it can’t be shipped back, it will have to be blown up. I can’t let it stay there. I have been professionally trained to give me a plane. I will parachute in and come out myself. Life and death will never worry you."

"Oh, that’s right, then." Ye Qianlong didn’t know it was Qiu Linlin’s fancy that she bought a stave, but it was just a cover-up

"Ye Qingchen you incredibly dare to touch my staff? You bitch! Give it to me! " A binge drinking from outside Ye Qianlong turned around and saw Qiu Linlin rushing in.
It’s not going to be difficult to come to Ye Qianlong. This guy went back on his word the second Qiu Linlin appeared.
When the man saw Ye Qianlong’s smile at the corner of his mouth, he knew that something was going to happen because he had taken it from Ye Qianlong’s hand and the staff had returned to Ye Qianlong’s hand when he didn’t know it.
"Miss Ye, this, this" man is scared to sweat, and the shopkeeper is not here. If anything happens, he can’t afford to bear it.
"Qiu Linlin, you said this staff was yours. Did this staff write your name?" Ye Qianlong held the stave and put his hands behind him.
Seeing Ye Qianlong like this, Qiu Linlin couldn’t help sneering, "You can’t laugh soon. My grandfather has brought news from the palace, and the imperial edict has been abolished. It is also necessary to make another decision. You don’t want to be too happy to provoke our Tianyan Temple, you and your Prime Minister’s Office. This good day is over."
"Oh yeah? Qiu Linlin, who gave you the courage to say this? Maybe your strength is already so high that you can cover the sky above the yellow? " Ye Qianlong’s voice suddenly rose, and everyone in this shop could hear it clearly.
Qiu Linlin didn’t know anything was cheating. "Sooner or later, this celestial world will be my Tianyan Temple. You are still alive, so cherish every day."
"Oh, the Tianyan Temple is really fierce." Ye Qianlong suddenly smiled and then threw the staff in his hand according to Qiu Linlin. "Since Tianyan Temple is so powerful, I won’t grab this staff with you. After all, I am timid and afraid that someone will punish my Jiuzu."
Qiu Linlin grabbed the staff and was very satisfied with Ye Qianlong’s practice. "You know, it’s good to be afraid. It’s light to punish nine families in Tianyan Temple."
"That makes sense." Ye Qianlong nodded, so he took a common law staff and threw a bag of gold coins at the guy who was opening his mouth and became speechless. He turned and roared off.
"I said Ye …" Qiu Linlin looked back with a staff, but before the words were finished, he stood in the same place because two tall figures at the door turned out to be Dongfang Fanhe Dongfang Lin.
"Your brother’s ability to develop the temple this day is so great that most of them don’t care about our royal family. Why didn’t I know?" Dongfang Lin looked at Qiu Linlin and said this word by word, and then he left the store. His face died of thirst with a cynical smile, but Qiu Linlin felt cold.
"Emperor brother, you don’t know this day, Yan Dian is fierce. If you are unhappy, you will punish Jiuzu." Oriental whoever said this raised his hand and all the exits of this weapons store were sealed.
Chapter two hundred and six Show
A Update the latest chapter of Poison Princess as soon as possible!
"No, it’s not." Qiu Linlin has been scared silly at this time. She also dares to talk privately. If this is in front of the royal family, she still has to converge, but she never thought that these two emperors would appear in this weapons store.
"It’s Ye Qingchen. Yes, it’s her. She set me up. I didn’t mean that." Qiu Linlin shook her whole body with fear, tugging at her staff tightly.
Dongfang Fan and Dongfang Lin fought to the death in private, but some things still stand in the same position.
Everyone in the shop squatted on the ground with their heads in their hands, and they were afraid to say anything. They just came out to buy a weapon. How could such a bad thing happen?
"From beginning to end Ye Qingchen but didn’t say anything outrageous is that you call names first and then your mouth is crazy? Do you think the emperor is blind? " Dongfang Fan always knew that this day Yan Dian was impure, which caught him and how could it be easily let go?
"Brother, should you be punished for trying to rebel?" Dongfang Lin cold loos way
"Soul-burning punishment" Dongfang Fan sneered and sank. "Take Qiu Linlin back to the palace and wait for his father’s mercy."
"No, you can’t arrest me. If you arrest me, my grandfather will not let you go." Qiu Linlin held the staff tightly and quickly read the spell. When the vines drilled from the ground, they trapped all the followers in the East.
"Still dare to resist? That is, the crime is aggravated. "Oriental’ s speech flies up and flies towards Qiu Linlin.
However, before the East caught Qiu Linlin, he was forced to retreat by a force and looked at Qiu Lao.
Qiu Lao pulled Qiu Linlin back and said coldly, "How dare you bully my granddaughter?"
"Bullying? How can we dare to bully her when you are so capable? Otherwise, if she is unhappy, she will punish my Jiuzu, but I don’t want to die. "Dongfang’s cold way.
Qiu Lao looked at Qiu Linlin as if he had been greatly frightened, and his heart was furious. But he still endured his hand when he came to worship the hall. An imperial edict appeared in his heart. "The emperor has re-purposed that because the master didn’t take part in one time, the gods will choose two people from Qiu Linlin and Ye Qingchen, and three rounds of competitions will be held to win. Many people will become gods. Now Linlin is a candidate for gods. If you attack her, it will be openly against your father."
"Qiu Lao joking since it is my father’s will, I should abide by it, but you can’t protect your baby granddaughter after this sacrifice ceremony." After that, Dongfang Fan took the lead and roared off.
Dongfang Lin looked at Qiu Lao and Qiu Linlin holding hands and smiled gently, "Watch your baby, dead old man."
Then everyone left Qiu Linlin and immediately burst into tears. "Grandpa, it’s a good thing you’re here."
Looking at Qiu Linlin’s pear flower with rain, Qiu Laoxin was heartbroken. "They will disappear completely after offering sacrifices to the main hall. Do you believe grandpa will let you sit in that high position?"
Qiu Linlin smell speech nodded his head, but his eyes were a little distracted in his dark eyes.
"Master, aren’t you worried about your competition with Qiu Linlin?" Gan Kun was lying on the windowsill, feeling that there was no fun to fight against Japan.
"Do you feel worried?" Ye Qianlong knows very well in his heart that although this is a fair competition, this competition is all about that. The man doesn’t even know who he is, but he has a deep friendship with Qiu Linlin. It is impossible to be partial to Qiu Linlin.
"Qiu Linlin is a step wood mage pharmacist and has a magic beast who can weave dreamland" silent low way.
Ye Qianlong speaks with eyebrows. To be honest, if it is better than pharmacology and repairing her, I’m really not afraid of Qiu Linlin. If Qiu Linlin wants to fight with her, it’s even more deadly.
"It’s said that the quantity will come in person during the Japanese competition, master. You should be more careful then." The silent words were just finished when the door was knocked.
Before Ye Qianlong called him in, the familiar figure had entered the house by himself, but this time he didn’t do anything rash. He decided coldly two meters before Ye Qianlong. "I know you’re not Qing Chen, but can you give her back to me?" I won’t keep you from doing things. I swear to my life. "
Ye Qianlong’s tea drinker gave a slight "Oriental Lin, I am Ye Qingchen"
"You when I was an idiot? How many times have I slept with Ye Qingchen? Don’t I know what she looks like? She is not perfect. If you go to the sacrificial hall, it will lead to the destruction of the whole celestial world, but you are not worried that you must not be her. You are not "Dongfang Lin deliberately lowered his voice as if he were worried that others would hear."
"You’re wrong, even if I’m not perfect, I can go to the sacrificial ceremony, because I want to never be peaceful and happy in the divine world, and I want to be destroyed in the divine world." Ye Qianlong looked up and took a sip of his tea, and his eyes made Dongfang Lin feel cold.
"The prime minister mansion people you also no matter? You don’t lie to me. "At this moment, Dongfang Lin thought that he had never known Ye Qingchen because her eyes were too horrible and calm like a backwater, with no waves and no anger.
"You and I don’t know your intention? I hate you, I hate this dirty world, and I want to destroy it. "Ye Qianlong even got a fright when he said this.
Dongfang Lin fists clenched "Qing Chen Me"
He knew that Ye Qingchen knew that he was benefiting her.
"Roll" Ye Qianlong’s hand moved the teacup and flew out of it. The power actually took Dongfang Lin out of the house together and slammed it on the wall outside the courtyard.
The guards in the courtyard immediately surrounded the past, only to find that the fallen man was san huang.
"Mother, what’s wrong with you?" Rose gently rubbed Ye Qianlong’s face, and her eyes were full of worries.
"Actually, instead of her, I have to help her do something she wants to do. If she knows that Dongfang Lin has been benefiting, she is afraid that she will want to kill this man. After all, she has been cheated of her feelings and body, but this man will die if she still lingers in the fireworks."
Ye Qianlong had just finished talking. Fox cocked his head and asked, "Boss, how do you know he has another woman?"
Rose disliked, "Stupid fox, this man smells too much of powder. If my former father had contacted other women, he would have taken a shower and changed clothes before he dared to see his mother."
"Huh?" Ye Qianlong sidelights
Rose was stunned. What did she just say?
Chapter two hundred and seven Out of his legacy
A Update the latest chapter of Poison Princess as soon as possible!
"Mother, you also know that Dad always doesn’t like to have women near him, but there are always some people who can’t avoid it." Rose was anxious to explain, but the more she explained, the more people smelled shattered glass.
After all, her memory will eventually return to that day, and everything will come out and will not be covered up.
Ye Qianlong didn’t sleep that night. The next morning, Prime Minister Ye waited outside the door early. When he saw Ye Qianlong knocking at the door, he went forward and said, "Miss, I will go with you today."
"You are my father, of course, you want to accompany me." Ye Qianlong took a few steps forward and gently took the arm of Prime Minister Ye. "Do you know who Quantity is?"

How to see how dazzling Luo Yan ran has never been jealous of anyone, but now she is really jealous of Yu Xinlan.

She had never seen such a gentle smile in Nancheng’s face, but he looked like this in every one of these photos she received.
It turned out that he was not incapable of gentleness, but gave it to others.
This time, Luo Yan ran really couldn’t bear it any longer. She directly handed the photos to Jin Yan and Shang An.
Jin Yan and Shang Anlai knew that Nancheng had a woman outside, but that was a few years ago.
The two of them always felt that it was impossible for Nancheng to stop paying attention to this matter after a woman spent too much time.
I didn’t expect her to stay with Nancheng after so long.
"Uncle and aunt, I think it’s hard for me to continue in Wanaki." Luo Yan ran sat on the sofa and looked at the two elders opposite with red eyes. "I’m sorry, uncle and aunt."
"Don’t take this matter to heart" Jin Yan took the initiative to comfort her "Nancheng always likes to play with men and women’s feelings, and this aspect is really not handled well enough. I assure you that this situation will never happen again after your engagement"
Luo Yan ran is a word that his daughter-in-law can not make a choice even if Nancheng doesn’t want to.
Jin Yan has always had a bad impression on Yu Xinlan.
Especially when Feng Qin learned that she had been a mistress, he felt that there was something wrong with this girl.
He didn’t interfere too much when he came to Nancheng for fun. Who knows that he has been playing for so many years, which is really not a good thing.
Although Jin Yan made a guarantee, Luo Yan ran still assured her that she was depressed. "Uncle and aunt actually know the photo person … We married her before she worked in Laofu Company. I have always regarded her as a good friend …"
Speaking of which, Luo Yan ran bit his lip. "I thought my second brother was different from others before, but I didn’t think too much about it. Now I really don’t know what to do. Maybe they love each other so much, so let them be together. I can quit."
"Yan ran silly child say what …"
Shang’ an has regarded Luo Yan ran as her own child. Look at her, so she feels bad.
Shang’ an took Luo Yan ran’s arm and said to her, "Don’t worry, your uncle and I both recognize you as a daughter-in-law. This girl can’t enter our house."
"But the second brother likes her very much. You can see it from the photos." Luo Yan ran kept clutching his fist and tried to bear it.
"No matter how much you like us, you can’t let a girl with a dirty net worth into our house."
Jin Yan sighed, "To be honest, I received photos from others a few years ago, and I know all about what this girl has done before."
"It’s my fault that I didn’t take it seriously. He was just having fun."
Jin Yan regrets it now. If he had taken it to heart, he might not have turned into what he is today.
But at that time, he really didn’t think that Nancheng would be recruited by such a woman. How could a person do such a foolish thing …
"I, she and I are very good friends. She was still having dinner with me the night before they went to Jiangcheng together."
Luo Yan ran sounded desperate. "I told her I was going to get engaged to my second brother, and she sent a blessing. I didn’t expect that-"
"This kind of girl should be a person with a problem."
After listening to Luo Yan ran’s words, Shang ‘an’s impression of Yu Xinlan plummeted.
How on earth can a girl do such a shameful thing?
It’s shameless to wish each other happiness while hanging on to each other’s boyfriend.
Jin Yan and Shang An comforted Luo Yan ran and comforted her for a long time. After Jin Yan and Shang An decided to take a time to talk to Yu Xinlan.
Of course, this matter is urgent and cannot be acted rashly.
Jin Yan always taught Nancheng a lesson, but he never forced him to do anything, let alone make decisions for him without his consent.
But this time he broke the precepts.
A month later, Jin Yan released the news that Nancheng and Luo Yan ran were married, which attracted a lot of publicity.
In recent years, Nancheng and Luoyan ran have really been very close. Many people speculate that they are lovers, but the parties have never responded positively.

"Sister Xiaolan" Conan pulled Mao Lilan out of the door and told her about his speculation.

"… brother Baishi also said that he was not sure how many robbers there were in the hospital. If a woman across the building escaped from the net when she was arrested, she might hurt the hostages.
"So he wants you to look after that child. When grandpa called her’ bow’ in the ward just now, the name of the child should be oral bow. You can find someone based on this."
It will be strange if there are too many parents in the children’s playground, and it is not difficult to look after a deceived little girl. Conan guessed that there should be at most one or two robbers Xiaolan there.
For him … He has to stay here to deal with the remaining two gangsters.
Although this decision is a bit risky and doesn’t conform to the decision he just made to be cautious, I believe even Baishi will make the same choice at this time of life-Conan quickly said himself.
"Mr. Baishi? Will he also go to the opposite side? " Mao Lilan was a little nervous after hearing the case. She was afraid of finding the wrong person and even more afraid of finding someone. Later, she didn’t save the child and looked around for Baishi.
Conan shook his head. "He fell asleep. Before going to bed, he said …"
Conan also wanted to make up something about Baishi who could tell himself the case when he was asleep, but just after he got there, he suddenly saw Kouliangfu take a deep breath in the hall and get up with a puff box.
"… there is no time to go!" A worry Conan unconsciously Kudou Shinichi tone again.
"Oh, good!" Mao Lilan was startled.
Combined with Conan’s unfinished words in front of her, this sentence is Baishi’s original words
Mr. shiraishi should speak in such a tone …
The situation must be more serious than she thought. There is no time to hesitate!
Chapter 173 Stop it! One of our own!
The pressure was too great, but Mao Lilan didn’t panic so much. Her eyes slowly ignited a small flame, clenched her fist, nodded and rushed up the stairs quickly.
Conan is coming towards this side with his head down. Kouliangfu stopped him in front of the corridor.
At this time, I finally showed a little advantage of being a child-the robbers would be alert for the first time if they talked to adults.
Conan took a good husband and said a few words. He found that the other party was not in the mood to chat and was ready to bypass him. After leaving, he went straight to the point, "Uncle, did someone ask you to use the weapon in the puff box to kill the man who was burned by fire?"
Kouliangfu’s expression convinced Conan that his speculation was probably true.
He pointed to the seat next to him, trying to pull the husband to sit.
Kouliangfu looked at his watch. There are still four minutes before the time limit.
He was dizzy and reflected on his own state.
Even a child can see at a glance that something is wrong. If a middle-aged man in the ward finds the problem, he will not only fail to save his daughter, but will probably be killed instead. After all, it is a vicious bank robber!
Fortunately, I met this naive and sensitive child and talked with him for a while, which might relieve my mood …
-Kouliangfu thought so.
However, after talking for a few words, he revealed that he had to act on the whole hour and was ready to get up and go to the ward. The boy’s face suddenly changed.
Conan wanted to wait for Mao Lilan to rescue the child before starting work on the robbers, but he didn’t expect Kouliangfu to act so early.
….. can’t wait any longer, can find all the robbers in one breath, and then put everyone down before they give the signal.
-Conan doesn’t know why he has such confidence, but it’s not enough for him to hesitate when he thinks about doing it and it’s urgent.
Think for a moment. Conan grabbed the puff box and took out a gun from it.
Kouliangfu couldn’t react. He could watch the children coming and going in the hall, raised his gun and said, "Wow, it’s a cool gun! Uncle, is this a real gun? Is it for me? "
Speaking Conan turned to observe the crowd.
Most people are bear children holding toy guns and fooling around.
But two people’s faces changed dramatically-one was the suspicious policeman, and the other was a burly Mediterranean uncle. His face was so shocked that he crumpled his newspaper.
There are two people? Conan has some surprises.
When the problematic policeman approached here by virtue of his identity and was about to fool the gun, Conan twisted his shoes to strengthen his feet.
At the same time, he pressed a waist.
The black-and-white sphere is rapidly expanded at the waistband opening-this is a new equipment developed by Agasa Hiroshi. The effect of the football waistband is unreasonable, and it can be made by making a football.
Conan just now this prop is still relatively conservative. He rubbed a normal type of football, which is also his most used weapon.
One foot flew out of the football, slammed into the wall, bounced back and hit the police officer in the face accurately.
Conan predicted that the placement of the football was another foot ball "Woo-",which flew out with the wind wrapped around it and chiseled into the strong man’s face in the Mediterranean.
Two robbers pounced.
Conan withdrew his feet and mouth, and Liangfu smiled confidently in his dull eyes.
However, he soon caught a glimpse of a man running to the stairs and looked back at him before leaving, which made him very flustered.
….. It’s not like the crowd should react.
Conan heart cold half … There is an accomplice!
Panting, Mao Lilan rushed to the top of the opposite building to buy tickets and ran into the open-air children’s playground.
There are many children playing in it, and at first glance, I don’t see any children in a wrong state.
This made her a little confused for a moment.
But when I think of Baishi’s reasoning ability in the past, Mao Lilan firmly believes that he is not wrong. He must have observed it carefully enough.
When Conan reported the situation just now, it seemed that the hostage robbers often peeped in the hospital with a pair of binoculars …
Mao Lilan looked up and focused on the side near the hospital.
Her eyes swept around and she soon stopped on a recliner.
Half-lying on the white plastic chair is a woman wearing sunglasses. At first glance, she looks like sunbathing, but when she looks closely, her hands are a little crooked, and she seems to have lost consciousness. There are binoculars beside her other hand.
….. What do you think is suspicious!
Mao Lilan was wary and walked over there. Soon she succeeded. A little girl without an adult was found near the woman.
The girl with a pair of ponytails is lively and outgoing, and Mao Lilan is very familiar. As soon as she talks, the girl tells everything.
She did ask for a bow to follow the woman on the couch. She had never seen that woman before today, but "Big Sister is very gentle and bought me food and said she would take me to see my father later!" "
Mao Lilan’s expression was a little stiff. After a moment, she took a deep breath in terror.
She knew that according to the "White Stone" reasoning, the girl’s father would be silenced and sent to see her father … Those animals even spared such a child!
Conan usually never gives up until the end.

Yang Yan nodded and sighed naively. Her sigh immediately aroused Zong Xuan’s sympathy, and he almost felt that this sympathy was strange at the same time.

I thought, "Let me see, I will be so sympathetic to her. Ah! Is it because I know that she is good-looking? This is not too much, is it? "
Yan Yang did not say a word, but she thought about it. At this time, she found that although she was not beautiful, she naturally had an elegant and delicate charm and taste, which was a rare and attractive temperament
He suddenly said, "Show me how curious I am."
Yan Yang ate a surprised way "no! You will regret it. "
Zong Xuan said, "What?"
Yan Yang paused for a moment and seemed to summon up courage. "Because I have a secret vow, that is, the first thing I see except my relatives is my husband."
Zong Xuanyi smiled and said, "So that’s it. But if you don’t show your true colors all the time, how can you get married unless you rely on a matchmaker?"
Yang Yan said, "That’s no ritual. Who taught me to be so unlucky that I had to wander around the rivers and lakes?"
Zong Xuan listened to what she said pitifully, and his life and death were also in danger, so he did not rashly say, "Then you might as well see your fate. Anyway, I haven’t married yet. If you show your true colors, you may marry me. Of course, this is immortal. If you can’t live, you don’t have to talk about everything."
Yan Yang’s eyes widened to reveal an incredible expression, and her cheeks flushed. "Will you marry me?"? If I look decent. "
ZongXuan way "what? I’m not going to be a monk. "
She gritted her teeth. "Then I’ll take off my makeup."
ZongXuan way "discharge! I am waiting to see it! "
Yan Yang immediately began to see her relax her hair and wipe her hands, then took out a bottle of potions and poured more than ten drops. In a blink of an eye, her skin color first became very Bai Zhe. Look at her eyebrows and nose, and the whole face changed into a melon face and a pretty woman. Cried Zong Xuan.
He said, "Is this who you really are? Ah! How beautiful! "
Yan Yang shy tunnel "I’m PuLiuZi you don’t abandon me has been overjoyed".
Zong Xuan was close to her face, and it seemed that even how many pores were counted clearly. Then she kissed her cheek quickly. "Yes! This time, my mind is not easy to make up my face. "
Although Zong Xuan was kissing Yan Yang’s cheek, Yan Yang was infatuated with crazy in love. It turned out that when she first saw Zong Xuan, she was moved by his handsome appearance. Knowing that he was famous all over the world, Zong Xuan fell in love with her, but she thought that she was not worthy of such a famous person. I couldn’t believe that he would like herself.
Zong Xuan’s strict training is good at measuring people’s hearts. At this time, it is obvious that she has been confused and can’t help secretly thinking, "Whether I marry her afterwards or not, I have at least found a reliable helping hand in front of this catastrophe."
In order to make her more determined to help herself, Zongxuan said to her at the expense of playing with her feelings, "Are you still afraid to see your people and not prostrate yourself?" Your previous worries are not much ado about nothing. "
Yan Yang’s face was full of shyness. "Maybe I can believe what others say, but you have seen the world. Qin Xian and Duanmu maggot are both peerless talented women. They are just fireflies in front of me. How dare I be amazing?"
ZongXuan hold her soft yi way "different! Unlike them, they are good at martial arts and intelligence, but you are not gentle. Besides, who wants to marry a wife who is taller than himself? "
Yan Yang glanced at him and said, "You won’t make me happy, will you?"
Zong Xuan said, "I have to coax you. I believe you will help me even if I don’t say marry you, right?"
She sincerely said that this is indeed true. "Alas! I don’t know how to meet you and I can’t wait to help you. "
Zong Xuan said, "Now you tell me who the enemy is?"
Yang Yandao said, "That Mrs. Meng was originally a senior of my Flying Ring School. I heard that she was very beautiful and romantic, and she had an unusual relationship with many masters of the school."
Zong Xuan said, "It’s not surprising if she is a young woman."
Yang Yandao said, "That being said, the problem is that all her people always die soon, so all these sects should investigate the real cause of death."
ZongXuan way "oh! It turns out that those people are normal in appearance after death, so everyone should investigate if they know that there is a sword or fist injury after a violent death? "
Chapter 33 What you say will mean what you say
Yang Yandao said, "Not only the various factions, but also a senior in our faction went to find her to solve these problems, which affected the reputation of the faction. After some negotiations, there was no result. After claiming to correct the public and arrest her, I should offend her. Who knows that this senior fell ill in a few days and soon died!"
With a sad expression, she thought again and again, "it was thirty year ago! She is my aunt’s late father, so she has been depressed for many years. I still remember my late father’s expression … "
Zong Xuan patted the back of her hand to comfort her. "Since you want revenge, you don’t have to think about these past events."
Yang Yandao said, "Soon after my aunt died, some people died of illness. After several years, my master’s family died, and the rest of my family finally kept my flying circle."
Zong Xuan frowned and said, "So the sudden decline and extinction of the Tin Seal Sect is also due to the death of all factions?"
Yang Yandao "probably! Although I don’t know the details, one thing I do know is that there are many sects whose leaders are fascinated by her, which has caused several storms. Finally, the heads of these sects died of illness and the keepsakes and treasures of the sect have disappeared … "
Zong Xuan said, "As you said, this lost man of Meng is simply a mysterious girl? What is her martial arts? "
Yang Yandao "of course it is very high! Otherwise, she would not have lived long ago, but as far as I know, her only martial arts is stronger than her. "
ZongXuan big interested way "what’s her name? If you know his martial arts, what kind of martial arts did he learn? "
Yang Yandao: "His name is Yi Xia, and he is proficient in martial arts of various factions. This is of course given by his mother personally …"
After a pause, she added, "In the past ten years, our schools have almost completely died. They all went to the door to find that Meng Yi-xia and were killed by that Meng Yi-xia, so now some schools are really dead."
Zong Xuan said, "I remember you said that there is a special large array around her house, and you dare not break into it, and experts like Meng Yixia certainly dare not violate it."
Yang Yandao "yes! This is that chance for all of us to disappear and wait for revenge by sniper. "
Zong Xuan smiled slightly. "Are you Shangjia factions afraid that some of them will hide their whereabouts not for revenge?"
Yan Yang admitted, "Yes! Including me, I dare not show up for fear of being driven away by Meng Yixia’s door. Now we, the Meng family, have become irreconcilable. If we can’t destroy them, we will all be destroyed. "
Zong Xuan mused, "That Mrs. Meng is a talented woman of a generation. If you don’t act secretly when you are fighting, Mrs. Meng’s name must be far from many masters and famous artists today."
Yang Yandao said, "But her behavior is so hateful that it shames the door and destroys many sects from the Jianghu. No matter how strong she is, she can’t be admired."
Zong Xuan Zheng said, "The world is nothing more than infighting. The strong should be admired by all."
Yang Yandao "what shall I do if you say so? Surrender to her and wait for her to harm? "
Zong Xuan said, "Being at home is another problem. I say that the strong should be respected by all."
Yang Yandao said, "If you are brave and brave, of course, who can’t return to the heart?"
Zong Xuan suddenly lost in thought. He actually thought of the number of days after the exclusive villa destroyed Cuihua City. But the fact is not as he thought. Many people are frightened rather than admired. Does it mean that the strong have to follow the law of good and evil? What he thinks belongs to philosophical problems and involves moral values, but if he is an evil person by nature, he will never think of these problems.
Yan Yang added, "According to the teacher, it is difficult for the school to take advantage of the profound martial arts because of the loss of the secret martial arts. She said that this secret hat is aimed at this point by Mrs. Meng, and I have to take it back."
Zong Xuan said, "It’s so strange. You said earlier that you were afraid that the jar would fall into anger and commit suicide. It’s good that if she committed suicide, Meng Yixia’s concern would add hatred to pursue you, and he’s single and erratic. You can’t even find a shadow."
When they were talking, suddenly someone tapped two Yan Yang on the outside of the car to show nervousness. "They finally came!"

Yiyi’s new "Fei Chang Raiders Following Fei Sheng Code" seeks to join the shelf collection! Dear sisters, support yiyi ~ ~ that you can temporarily fatten up if you don’t look at it. It’s always guaranteed that Yiyi will be updated after the year. Everyone knows it! ~ ~ Yao 1837 Chapter 1837 Set-up 44

Meng Yuanchao hey hey say with smile "Sue bro brother big say after seen heard of personnel over the years! If you trust your brother, you might as well talk to him. Maybe he can help you out! "
Su Jing and his eyes lit up, and Zhang Wenyue and Zhu Shao, those guys, will be fooling around. The serious idea is not to count on it. Maybe Meng Dage can really help himself!
Su Jinghe wanted to think about it, so he told Jessica Fong Ching everything about saving himself, except extremely private things.
Meng Yuanchao’s eyes twinkled and the other side was full of praise. He couldn’t help but sigh, "Sue, it’s very kind of you to marry such a good wife! Master Su has a unique vision, a unique vision! With this vision and knowledge, most people in this world are compared! "
"…" Su Jinghe touched his nose. Yes, yes, his father has a unique vision. It’s none of his business!
Well, it seems that this marriage really has nothing to do with him
Meng Yuanchao saw his one eye and couldn’t help laughing again. "Say again that I don’t like my sister-in-law who has the heart and the ability to take over the property. Isn’t this just going to your future trouble? There’s nothing wrong with you still living at large! Besides, your sister-in-law is yours, and it’s also her blessing that you like her, otherwise she can suffer. What are you afraid of? I am afraid that she will run away! "
In the final analysis, you really have nothing to correct!
"Eldest brother, don’t make fun of me!" Su Jinghe wry smile way "I just don’t admit that I have to admit that I really like her! Alas, she is going to be a good wife. It’s really annoying! "
Meng Yuanchao heart way that is not necessarily! You’ve been hanging around among flowers for years, but you only listen to flattery on weekdays. You really don’t know anything about women! Even with a limited understanding, please ask your wife-otherwise you can’t see clearly that those women are only after your silver!
"Are you really tempted?" Meng yuanchao asked with a smile
"Really!" Su Jinghe didn’t care about losing face. She said, "I don’t know what’s wrong. I’m not interested in seeing another woman now. It’s a shame to say it. I’m full of thoughts about her!"
Meng Yuanchao was a little surprised. His eyes were burning and stared at him. "It seems that you are really tempted! I don’t know how long this heart can move! "
Su Jinghe Zheng "What, what do you mean?"
Sure enough, I don’t know anything!
Meng Yuanchao sighed in his mind and patted Su Jing and his shoulder and sighed, "Aren’t you white? I think my sister-in-law must be a transparent person. It is impossible not to see that you are sincere, but because you are transparent in your heart and have a criminal record, how can she know if you are sincere for a day or two, a month or two, or a year or two? "
Su Jing and Daiju, is that right?
"A needle in a woman’s heart!" Meng Yuanchao is very experienced and added, "Women are different from men. There are many choices for objective men. You really don’t like her today, but you can be sincere to other women, but she can’t! Once her heart is devoted to you, there will be you in this life! To put it bluntly, siblings are afraid! "
"Afraid …" Su Jinghe blinked and suddenly realized, "Daughter-in-law doesn’t believe me!"
Meng Yuanchao turned supercilious look and finally didn’t get completely confused!
Don’t talk about siblings. If it were me, I wouldn’t believe you. This kind of statement is not very reliable for a person like Meng Yuanchao who has seen many things.
It’s more credible than sex is hard to move.
Su Jinghe sat with his eyes straight and half ringing without saying anything.
Meng Yuanchao drank three glasses of wine to see him or this soul out-of-body experience. He couldn’t help but open his five fingers and waved it in front of him. "What’s the matter? Silly? "
Su Jinghe brushed his hand aside and sighed, "What? I’m serious for a year or two. I’m afraid I’ll recognize her in this life!"
Meng Yuanchao saw that he didn’t like lying and laughed. "Really? A generation can grow! "
Su Jinghe see his one eye a serious way "nature really didn’t you see me just thinking about this problem? I can’t think about others anymore, there is her! "
"She’s not a stunning beauty," she said. "This possibility will not come to her!"
Meng Yuanchao almost gushed out a mouthful of wine "Gollum" and burst out laughing after swallowing it. "I said Sue bro, you are really real! I just don’t know what my sister-in-law will think if this is true! "
Su Jinghe laughed. "This is not in front of big brother!"
In front of his daughter-in-law, of course, he won’t say such words!
Who in a woman’s family wants to be told that she is not good-looking? Even if it’s true!
He Su Jinghe is not stupid and can’t understand this?
However, Meng Yuanchao Su Jinghe, who was laughing all the time, was a little uneasy and rubbed his hands. He smiled and said, "Meng Dage is not one of those people who gossip behind people’s backs, so he won’t tell my daughter-in-law, right?"
Meng Yuanchao ha ha laughs "What did you say just now? I didn’t hear you clearly! "
Su Jinghe one leng two people burst out laughing at each other.
Meng Yuanchao sighed, "You are really sincere. If you go to your sister-in-law and worry about her, you will naturally be sincere!"
Su Jing and his eyes lit up and said, "That’s what bothers me. She doesn’t know! Is there any good way for big brother? "
Meng Yuanchao said, "How do I know this? How do you convince her that you can’t think for yourself? If you want me to say it, don’t say that you have to change this problem first! "
"What’s wrong with …" Su Jinghe himself was a little guilty when he said this.
Sure enough, Meng Yuan gave him a white look, saying, "What am I talking about?" Eyes are still laughed "what mei xiang floor, flower floor, you don’t go in the future! Don’t go to your concubine rooms either! Tell her later that if you are willing, send them all away! "
He gave him a look and smiled. "Anyway, now you can’t see others in your eyes. It’s good to keep them!"
Su Jinghe nodded and smiled. "Big Brother said something!"
Meng Yuanchao laughed again. "And I said, don’t be annoyed with Sue’s business. You can’t have a generation without taking over, can you? If you don’t answer her, you have to. It’s not like a woman’s house to run outside all day! Don’t blame me for not waking you up. Chapter 1838 Set-up 45
This is right. Su Jing and his heart are troubled by the thought that his wife will deal with all kinds of messy men in the future.
A grind way "good! Sue home business from now on I take over the wife, just stay at home and have a baby! "
Meng Yuanchao sobbed at the corner of his mouth and added, "In fact, these are the most important things after they are reliable. You have to let her accept you from the bottom of my heart and agree with you. When the time comes, this will follow! Suddenly you ran in front of her and said these things seriously. Hehe, I am afraid that my sister-in-law may not believe you! "
Su Jinghe’s distress is also the case in front of him. If his wife believed him, she wouldn’t have asked him to go to my room! Besides, he wouldn’t have looked at her this morning, and he couldn’t say anything at all to accompany her to tea jargon!
Su Jinghe nodded deeply and asked Meng Yuanchao if there was any way for his daughter-in-law to accept and identify with herself from the bottom of her heart.
Meng Yuanchao actually didn’t finish believing that he was really going to fool his daughter-in-law wholeheartedly from now on. Don’t rush to make all kinds of promises with his daughter-in-law, otherwise, in case the Su family blames him one day, will he be wronged?
Besides, it’s more appropriate to let this guy suffer more and sharpen his sex, and think about it by the way, isn’t it