W w w collect and organize, return or leave the club.

Chapter 6 is hanging by a thread (7)
Ning Shulang seems to have suddenly thought of something. He suddenly lost his strength and threw the doctor too much on the ground. He turned around and looked at the whole city lying on the bed. But now when he saw her, he thought of the doctor too much. He clenched his hands tightly and clenched his teeth and finally said, "Get rid of the child without anyone knowing!"
"Do it? !” Cure too much surprised to see the emperor.
Now the emperor has lost his mind, robbed the imperial concubine of Xilan country and imprisoned the emperor of Xilan country. These two things are already thinking that Xilan country has declared war, and now it is necessary to get rid of the dragon seeds in the belly of the imperial concubine.
However, the emperor said, who is willing to fight against the will unless he is tired of living?
Cure too much to think about this matter, we must find a way to tell the queen mother that the emperor can’t be so confused all the time.
However, Ning Shulang seems to have seen through the mind of the doctor too early. "Who dares to reveal a word to the Queen Mother about this matter?"
Cure too much scared and shivered all over. Not only that, but even the queen mother’s eyes and ears in the Dragon’s Rest Hall couldn’t help but feel guilty when she heard Ning Shulang’s words.
Ning Shulang gently held the palm of Qingcheng’s hand and fondled Qingcheng’s cheek. "I will never let your life be in danger, but I will never let you have children for him!"
He knows that the whole city will probably hate him even more when he knows it, but it’s better to hate him than to let him watch his favorite woman give birth to another man.
"Emperor, think twice. This whole girl is the noble imperial concubine of Xilan country. Do you intend to abort the fetal root in her belly?"
Cure too much noticed that Ning Shulang’s eyes faltered in the second half of the sentence and finally didn’t say it.
Although they don’t fully understand the whole thing, they have heard of the whole girl’s words more or less
Yan Huang’s micro-private tour brought back a stunning beauty from the people. The woman said that she would not hesitate to tell the emperor one day. This stunning beauty was bought by the harem ladies.
And one of the most serious words is that the emperor is so dependent on the queen mother to turn against her and produce hatred.
"I decide when it’s your turn to interrupt."
"I dare not. I don’t want the emperor to regret his life."
Ning Shulang hesitated. He looked at the whole city, such as butterfly wings and eyelashes, and slowly opened his eyes. Looking at Ning Shulang’s eyes, he unconsciously spread a layer of water mist, and his eyes showed a little less disgust and hostility. He helped his lips move. "Brother Lang" shouted out these three words, which seemed to have done all the strength of the whole city. Her eyebrows frowned slightly, "Help me, my child, please."
Blink of an eye tears flowed out. Ning Shulang quickly reached out to help her wipe away her face tears. The temperature of tears burned Ning Shulang’s hand and made his hand tremble with a jerk.
He knew that the whole city had heard the conversation just now, and that what she was calling his brother Lang was to save his child.
But he knew all this, but he couldn’t help it. She changed her original decision.
Allure, I really love you, but what’s wrong with you? What about me?
W w w collect and organize, return or leave the club.
Chapter 61 is hanging by a thread ()
That’s all. From the moment I met you, I should have known that you were a weakness sent to me by God, and all my decisions could be instantly disintegrated and changed by your words.
Cure too much waiting for NingShuLang finally decided to "try my best to hold her unborn child"
"Is the emperor" Cure too much and get up and leave quickly.
The whole city was quietly lying in the dragon’s rest hall after Ning Shulang served the medicine.
In the middle of the night, Ning Shulang went to the prison again and looked at Jun Yujue dying. His heart had no sense of accomplishment, but there was a sense of frustration.
He once regarded Jun Yujue as the enemy in his life, and his lifelong dream was to defeat Jun Yujue and unify the country. However, everything changed because of the appearance of Qingcheng.
His father once taught him that men, especially emperors who want to unify the country in the future, should never put * * * * in the first place, never let women dominate your thoughts, let alone let women influence or change you, otherwise you will never succeed in this life.
He kept in mind his father’s teachings, but when he met the whole city, he insisted on all his senses.
He no longer understands what his father insists on, and he doesn’t know what his father means by being a great man. He knows that he will protect his famous daughter in this life and have him around him for a week. It is so-called possibility. This is what others call a bad king.
"Do you know the whole pregnancy?" Ning Shulang’s words made Jun Yujue have a little reaction.
He slowly looked up at Ning Shulang, who was weaker yesterday than Jun Yujue today. His lips were chapped and bloodless, but his eyes were sharp. "What did you do to her?" Speak with strength
Ning Shulang smiled bitterly. "What else can I do? She’s moved, and the baby is afraid of curing too much. She says that it’s very likely that in the end, the mother’s life will be in danger. I’m going to take the opportunity to get rid of her baby, but she begged me."
He didn’t say anything more, but Congren understood. Obviously, he finally changed his decision because the whole city begged him.
"Am I stupid and cruel to get rid of her unborn child, but I am afraid that she will be very afraid that I will never meet her again because of this matter?"
Jun Yujue didn’t speak, but quietly looked at Ning Shulang. Ning Shulang and Jun Yujue said a lot that night. Two people talked all night like old friends. Of course, most of them were talking.
When Ning Shulang left, he ordered people to understand Jun Yujue’s rope. Jun Yujue didn’t understand at all. After all, Ning Shulang treated him like this and tortured him thousands of times in order to let the news get out and bring the whole city back. Now he has achieved his goal. He is tied to himself and there is nothing wrong with it.
Now that he has solved himself, he is not worried that he will resist and escape, because the whole city is in his hands and the baby is in the belly of the whole city, and he will definitely not leave the country.
The whole situation is a little stable. It’s already three days later. She’s not violently resisting, but she definitely doesn’t allow NingShulang to touch her.
She gradually realized that it was wishful thinking to confront Ning Shulang according to her own ability, and the situation of her baby was unstable, so it was impossible for her to take risks and confront Ning Shulang.
W w w collect and organize, return or leave the club.
Chapter 62 is hanging by a thread (9)
The whole situation is a little stable. It’s already three days later. She’s not violently resisting, but she definitely doesn’t allow NingShulang to touch her.
She gradually realized that it was wishful thinking to confront Ning Shulang according to her own ability, and the situation of her baby was unstable, so it was impossible for her to take risks and confront Ning Shulang.
Ning Shulang actually wants nothing more than to get her back to his memory. In that case, she might as well’ find the memory’ and then get in touch with outsiders.
Ning Shulang wasn’t around during the day, and the whole city took the opportunity to ask the maid around her about her past affairs, but those people seemed to have been ordered by Ning Shulang early in the morning, and no matter what she said, the maid was smiling without a word.

In fact, another reason why Shen Xintang visits less often is that Zhuang is always lukewarm to her, and almost never takes a look at her. Although she is very polite, Shen Xintang can feel that he doesn’t like her.

She also knows that Zhuang is also a person who deals with art, and most of his friends are famous and noble. Gui Yuan is particularly important to girls’ appearance and temperament. Shen Xintang looks ordinary and dresses very backward. He may think that such people entering and leaving his house are an insult to his family.
I can’t blame Shen Xintang for never coming.
Now Zhuang Yi looks haggard, her eyes are deep in the rim of her eyes, and her lips are blue and black, and a circle of beard comes out, which looks very decadent.
"It’s rare for Miss Shen to come to Qinghuan. Why don’t we go out for lunch?" Zhuang also looked up at Ye Qinghuan behind Shen Xintang.
"Do you have to find something for yourself?" Ye Qinghuan sneer at "just eat quietly at home honestly"
☆ Chapter 14 Abort the child! ☆
"Eat at home?" Zhuang was also robbed by Ye Qinghuan. Some of them were shameful, but they still kept their manners and good temper and asked, "What’s to eat at home? Eat instant noodles with quick-frozen dumplings again? "
"What’s the matter with Qinghuan?" Shen Xintang didn’t understand the situation. "Why do you eat instant noodles when you are pregnant now?"
"Hehe, Qinghuan and I can’t cook." Zhuang also rubbed his hands. "Just when you come, please persuade her to let her take the baby off!"
"ah? What? " Shen Xintang gave him a look of amazement and bewilderment, and then suddenly looked at the side. Ye Qinghuan felt quite strange.
"You don’t want to! I won’t kill this child! " Ye Qinghuan almost lost control and yelled at Zhuang. "Are you still not a person? Isn’t he your child? " Do you have spleen condition?
"Qing Huan!" Zhuang also sighed and finally took a step back. He rubbed his eyebrows and said sadly, "Well, let’s discuss this later. Don’t scare Miss Shen. She’s not welcome. Then you sit with Miss Shen and I’ll wash my face and see what else is in the refrigerator."
Zhuang also nodded to Shen Xintang in a very friendly way and went to health by himself.
Ye Qinghuan watched him into the health that self-effacing sat down.
"What’s the matter with Qinghuan?" Shen Xintang felt uneasy and asked eagerly.
"So you don’t know?" Ye Qinghuan reluctantly smiled and a few tears floated in his eyes. "I told you, others can’t avoid it. How can you still come to my house and you don’t know what happened?"
"Not so happy!" Shen Xintang said firmly and decisively, "Even if you really met something, I was the first person to run to your side. What do you think of our friendship? Do you think I’m a mercenary? You are going to tell me what happened? "
"There’s nothing you don’t know, so you can continue to be ignorant." Ye Qinghuan smiled bitterly and looked at her with eyes. "I really appreciate you coming to my house today. I’m really ashamed to compare with you."
"Don’t do that!" Shen Xintang shook her hand and pleaded, "Tell me quickly! I told you everything in secret. Tell me when you treat me as a friend! We are also a difficult sister! "
Qing Ye Huan was about to speak, and Zhuang also came out from the health. He smiled and said hello to Shen Xintang and went to the kitchen. Ye Qinghuan’s eyes followed him to the kitchen, and his face was complicated.
"Oh, there’s nothing in the refrigerator. Just order takeout!" Zhuang also came out from the kitchen to discuss tone of Ye Qinghuan said
"Can’t you? I think there is something in the refrigerator early! " Ye Qinghuan walked to the kitchen puzzled. It’s different now. She doesn’t want to eat ordinary takeout outside. She wants to taste two things. That’s not the average price.
Shen Xintang also followed Ye Qinghuan to the kitchen. Indeed, there is a box of half-drunk milk, two eggs, a cucumber and a few less fresh onions. There are less than ten dumplings left in the freezer, and the instant noodles in the cupboard are also out. There is a handful of dry noodles.
As the saying goes, a clever woman can’t cook rice, but she really can’t make anything decent.
"Then forget it and call it a takeaway!" Ye Qinghuan is so skillful that he accepts her husband’s suggestion, "What are you going to call?"
Zhuang also looked up at the sky and thought about it.
"I’ll do it!" Shen Xintang is eager to try. "It is better to eat instant noodles than to eat dried noodles. Would you like to eat noodles, Mr. Zhuang?"
"I don’t mind eating noodles." Zhuang also rubbed his hands and looked a little embarrassed. "But there is nothing in the refrigerator. What are you going to do?"
"I’ll give it a try!" Shen Xintang smiled gently and said to Ye Qinghuan, "I think no matter how bad it is, it is better than your instant noodles."
"Xin Tang, you are my guest. How can you cook?" Ye Qinghuan expressed his opposition to "let’s order takeout!"
"Actually, I don’t like to eat takeout!" Shen Xintang pushed her outside the kitchen and told Zhuang that "Mr. Zhuang, please take good care of a pregnant woman!" Qing Huan, don’t treat me like a guest. Isn’t that too strange? "
"Well, I’m looking forward to it." Ye Qinghuan laughed and said half-heartedly. "I haven’t tasted your cooking yet, but I remember your mother’s cooking is very good. I guess you won’t be too bad. Then we will have the luck to eat today! Thank you! "
Qing Ye Huan left the kitchen and put away her smile at the kitchen door.
Zhuang also took her to the servant room and praised the door in a rare way. "It’s really rare to have seen so many people like Miss Shen! It can be seen that we are all people with eyes! "
"Of course, are you and my friends like your friends?" Ye Qinghuan snorted from his nose. "How did you get along with the Asia-Pacific bankers today?"
"Don’t let me wait in the office for two and a half hours. The last sentence of’ ability’ sent me away." Zhuang also angrily pulled the tie that was well-behaved, and there was a feeling that the tiger fell flat and the dog bullied me. "Which of these former bankers didn’t try their best to win me over and wanted us to take the money to their bank. Now we are in trouble, and they are as hateful as gloating at jokes!"
"Don’t beg those vampire misers!" Ye Qinghuan stretched out his hand and stroked his hair. "I’ve figured out a way to get money."
"Is it true?" Zhuang also got excited and held Qing Ye’s hand emotionally. "What is the way?"
"Don’t touch me!" Ye Qinghuan glared at him angrily. "Don’t worry about what I do. I’ll get the money myself and the baby in my belly. You don’t like this baby, and I don’t expect you to raise him. I will raise it myself!"
"What did you say?" Zhuang also grabbed her shoulder and said in a hurry, "It is because I have no money that I will let you abort the child. With money, how can I be willing to let you take off the child? Tell me what you think of." Didn’t all your friends turn you down? What else can you do? "
Ye Qinghuan didn’t speak, but gouged out his hand bitterly. He winced in her eyes and withdrew his hand. He sighed and said, "I told you that I am also a victim. I really don’t know what will happen like that. Everything is so puzzling. I don’t even know which link went wrong. I really feel so wronged! I am more wronged than Dou E! "
"Don’t pretend to be there!" Ye Qinghuan snorted coldly. "You haven’t had a criminal record before!"
"I don’t have any criminal record. You always do!" Zhuang Yi also wrung his hands. "I was just playing along with others before, and all those things were before I met you. Why did you always hold on to them?"
"Forget it. There are outsiders here now. I don’t want to argue with you!" Ye Qinghuan took the initiative to stop fighting and warned him, "Be polite to my friend!"

Gao Ge didn’t say anything. Xie got off the ladder with a bag.

At the door of Su Jinghuan’s office, she sang, took a deep breath and gently knocked at the door.
Chapter 3 Wedding Dress
Chapter 3
Gao Ge didn’t say anything. Xie got off the ladder with a bag.
At the door of Su Jinghuan’s office, she sang, took a deep breath and gently knocked at the door.
After a while, Su Jing came to "come in" from the door.
Sing a song to arrange a garment unlined upper garment gently pushed the door.
Su Jinghuan in the office is burying his head in processing files. I haven’t seen him for a while. The other party seems to be still the same, and the eyebrows seem to be more profound than before.
"There is something to say and nothing to fuck off!"
Su Jing is a little cold, obviously not in a good mood at the moment.
Sing back to God and say "Sue is always me"
Su Jinghuan raised his head with a lip lick.
Singing in a light blue trench coat and carrying a handbag, she stood tall and slim.
For a moment, Su Jinghuan sang in a trance, which reminded him of the time when she went to the piano room to wait for him with her drawing board many years ago.
So quietly, the notes in the piano room kept beating. He didn’t notice that she was discussing music scores and problems with the professor.
I talked for a long time until I was thirsty. At a glance, I saw Gao Song quietly looking at him at the door.
When she saw him looking over, she smiled gently and waved her hand to greet him. She gestured in sign language: You continue to be busy, regardless of me.
But how can you ignore it? Just seeing her waiting made him feel distressed, so he gave up discussing with the professor, came over and took her by the hand and pulled her into the piano room.
Section 21
These things have passed for many years, but every time I think of them, it seems like yesterday. He can’t forget singing at that time, and he can’t forget that unforgettable feeling.
Once he was separated from them, but when he was in front of her, he knew that they were separated from each other.
Singing my heart is still there. Where has your heart gone? Or is it true that you have no heart at all?
"Sue always takes a few minutes of your time."
The singing made Su Jinghuan come to her senses.
He frowned and pursed his lips in annoyance and looked at her. "What is it?"
Gao Song walked over and put the handbag on the tea table and bent down to take out a scroll from the inside and handed it to Su Jinghuan.
"Manager Su, what do you want?"
Su Jinghuan applied for a folding of the scroll painting staring at her hand for a long time without speaking.
I’ve been singing for a long time, and my arm is a little sore.
I was expecting to wake up again and suddenly listen to Su Jinghuan’s mouth. "It seems that you really can’t wait to get rid of me."
Singing and pursed lips didn’t speak.
What can she say at this time? Nothing.
Su Jinghuan got up and took it and laid the scroll on the table.
The picture scroll is a picture of a snowy mountain, and a boy in a white shirt is sitting on the edge of a cliff where the snow has not melted.
The boy’s posture is idle by sitting on the edge of the cliff, his eyes blurred and he looks at the distance. The red sun rises in Ran Ran. The whole painting is elegant in color and has no strong color. It looks very quiet by contrast, and a picture makes people feel peaceful.
Su Jinghuan looked at her fingers and clenched them.
It was a long time before he raised his eyes and said, "Do you remember all this?"
Not a question, but an affirmation.
Su Jinghuan was the only person who had seen the painting before it was finished. Even after so many years, he still remembers many details in the painting clearly.
For example, the standing pine and cypress tree behind the boy, and the string of red ropes on the boy’s wrist, he remembered every detail and sang the song completely.
Singing with eyes down, he said, "I learned to draw, observe and remember things better than ordinary people. Of course, it’s not surprising that I remember things myself."
"Isn’t it strange?"
Su Jinghuan sneered, "I don’t wonder why you deliberately explained that you are afraid of what I know? Still afraid to admit what? "
He pushed the song to the corner step by step and looked at her with sharp eyes.
Singing and avoiding can avoid looking up at his pupil.
"You asked me, of course, to explain that I have nothing to be afraid of being known by you and nothing to admit. However, in the final analysis, Mr. Su wants me to admit what I like you or I love you. If this is the case, I can." I sang "Su Jinghuan I like you."
The sound of heavy objects falling behind him
Sing zheng twist a head to see Xiao Yin pale in situ.
The heat preservation box was smashed and the soup splashed all over the floor.
Xiao Yin sarcastically smiled and whispered "disgusting"
With that, she turned and walked out, singing loudly and opening her mouth. She just wanted to explain that a huge force hit her behind her. She was unstable and planted two steps forward, hitting the corner of the desk and her face was white with pain. Su Jinghuan called Xiao Yin’s name and had chased it out of the office.
Singing loudly, I got up and rubbed the place where I was hurt and sighed, "In fact, you don’t love me anymore. Why don’t you be white?"
Everything in the quiet air is quiet, and no one answers her questions, and of course no one cares.
Gao Ge glanced at the desk painting, hesitated to take it, rolled it up and threw it into the wastebasket next to it.
Su Jinghuan, let’s stop here
Singing all the way back from the company was refreshing. Sugar cube stared at her for half a ring and twisted her eyebrows. "What happened to you?"
"Bah!" Give her a white look. "Don’t you see? I’m happy."
"I see it."
Sugar cube holds the bar "but what are you so happy about?"
She had a "you gave the painting to Su Jinghuan? Did he accept it? "

Seeing Wang Ling holding Jiang Jiang’s arm to take pictures, her assistant silently retreated to the side.

Write a short message with your head down and press send.
[Jiang Jiang is pregnant]
Chu Qiao hasn’t had a rest yet. He got up when he saw this message and looked one leng.
Earlier, Yan Shaoqing humiliated her at a press conference, and her parents were furious. The Chu family and Yan family were once deadlocked, and she could not study abroad for two years, hoping that the matter would disappear.
Who knows-
It was only two days after I returned home that I learned that the two men were reasoning about their marriage, but I still couldn’t swallow that tone.
Wang Ling is their star-yue-qi artist. She has been well-known in the circle for the past two years, but she noticed it because she gave Jiang Jiang a blessing in Weibo a few days ago.
Chu Qiao, who is so good, naturally thinks of Gary to add some blocks to Yan Shaoqing and Jiang Jiang’s wedding.
She is a big girl in the company, and it is easy to manipulate one or two small assistants, but I didn’t expect this person to bring her the first news to be so blocked.
How old is Jiang Jiang?
I haven’t graduated from college yet.
People like Yan Shaoqing can’t help it. This will make her pregnant?
Chu Qiao took a deep breath with his mobile phone and walked slowly around the room for two times. He replied, "Where is Wang Ling staying at night?"
[Jinmao Resort Hotel near Jiangjia]
The text message came soon, and she took another look at her lips and continued to reply, "OK, let her contact me directly when I get to the hotel."
The assistant replied a word and installed the mobile phone.
When she was in the circle, it was not long, but she also vaguely knew that Miss Tuanda had previously been interested in Yan’s family, and she couldn’t even connect Wang Ling directly. What’s the good thing?
The assistant thought about it and felt a little toothache.
When Wang Ling took a few more photos, she quickly woke up and said, "It’s getting late, have a good sleep and a good mirror."
Wang Ling didn’t delay when she looked at her eyes with her mobile phone. She said goodbye to Jiang Jiang soon.
As soon as she left, Chu Jingyi followed.
Near eleven o’clock, Jiang Jiang sat on the sofa yawning repeatedly.
At her side, Li Min complained about two people who had just left. When the conversation turned, she advised her that "it is necessary to get up early and put on makeup, and go to bed quickly, otherwise your body will not stay up."
"Well, go to bed early." Tong Tong followed to have them, but his eyes fell on a few people not far away.
Jiang Zhuoning was surrounded by Joey and Demi from the moment they took pictures. They spoke English very fast, but her brain couldn’t turn around. The words "I miss you" and "Take us to play" were captured by the stars.
Jiang Zhuoning replied in distress situation. She couldn’t hear what he said because her voice was not high on her side.
Those two girls like him.
Very beautiful
Speak bright and cheerful, and have a good personality.
It seems that it is always very popular to talk about where Zhuo Ning is from one river
Foreign girls are no exception.
Tong Tong slowly bowed his head to entertain foolish ideas and felt very depressed, but he felt a little ashamed and wanted to find a place to hide.
"Tong Tong!"
A familiar sound suddenly fell on my ear.
Tong Tong looked up at Jiang Zhuoning’s side head in a startled way.
He raised his hand towards her and asked her to come to him.
TongTong one leng watched that a few girls are a face of curiously looked at her face suddenly red a bit.
"Jiang Zhuoning called you three"
Jiang Jiang took a look at her and couldn’t help laughing. Instead, he didn’t rush to make up his mind to see the show.
Tong Tong bit her lip and looked at her. There was no way to get up and walk towards Jiang Zhuoning. He lowered his hand and greeted Joey and others with a shy smile and said, "Hello."
"Her name is Tong Tong, and we are married." Jiang Zhuoning shook her hand and said solemnly.
"God, how can you get married!"
Joey and Demi screamed at once. The latter stared at Tong Tong’s eyes and said directly in front of everyone, "What a surprise, but I don’t mind if he can play with us for a few days?" It’s normal for such a handsome man to have more girlfriends, right? "
Tong Tong was a little silly.
What do they mean, they don’t mind being mistresses?
Tong Tong looked at Jiang Zhuoning a little blankly. Jiang Zhuoning also happened to look down at her.
Joey and Demi have never seen such a shy girl look at each other, but they both laughed and joked, "If you don’t talk, you agree, right?"
"No, no"
Tong Tong one leng hurriedly murmured, "You ask him what he means, I have no problem."
Her voice fell to the ground, and several people in the living room were quiet for a second, and suddenly they burst into laughter. Even Jiang Jiang and Li Minye were no exception.
Jiang Zhuoning looked at her handsome face and turned white with anger.
What do you mean she’s okay with it?
He has already said that they are married, and it is really wonderful that this man can give such an answer.
What do you mean, playing with another woman for a few days? Is she really not white?
Jiang Zhuoning held his breath in his throat, and when he saw one side, everyone laughed and leaned back and felt even more humiliated. Suddenly, he let her hand go directly to the floor to rest.
TongTong looked at his back some measures.
The others finally laughed enough. Joey almost burst into tears and blinked. "So Jiang Gong likes a good girl like you. Haha, we can’t compete."
"No," Tong Tong replied at once. "He doesn’t like me. We were forced to get married. Don’t get me wrong."
Jiang Zhuoning hasn’t gone far. When she heard this, she was even more stiff. She stepped up her pace and left directly.
Behind him came a burst of laughter.
Tong Tong was afraid that Jiang Zhuoning would be angry. At this moment, seeing the people laughing more and more, she also reacted for a while. She was impatient and said the wrong thing, which made her even more embarrassed. I don’t know if it was so good.

Barrymore was ordered to act as an ear probe to find out the news of the battlefield, the enemy’s plans and various news of generals everywhere

These are extremely important for war.
If you want to find a breakthrough point, you can get an opportunity to win.
Li Mo and a group of men mixed out of the city to meet Long Wei, and with Long Wei’s retreat, he came to the imperial city. He went to a corner of a person to get rid of his armor and changed into a very simple suit. He became a support for the people in the war, and then he lurked among the people.
The people spontaneously helped the enemy and prepared some support preparations in the rear.
He sat down beside an old man at random and watched him sharpen his stick, and he also learned to do the same …
"Grandpa, when do you think this war will end?" A hundred miles devoted to talking without moving eyes, but searching around, he is looking at who is the leader of Long Wei.
Maybe who is this general guarding the city?
"It must be pursuit of victory! Is Long Wei afraid of anything? We will win! " As soon as the old man raised his voice, people around him looked at him.
It’s not easy to stare at thyme when I’m caught in the heart.
"Yes, you will win!" Some people immediately agreed that there was no fear when there was war, but they were very excited, like playing
"I heard that the two enemies add up to more than 500,000 …"
What is the idea of more than 500 thousand?
These people don’t know!
They know that God has been blessed by God, and that God is here, and they will win.
"Five hundred thousand? How can you be afraid of these thieves? " The old man was so angry that he patted his chest with a look of disdain that he couldn’t help but ask, "What magic weapon do we have to win?"
"Of course!" The old man lowered his voice and said in Balimo’s ear, "Just now, I accidentally saw the Prime Minister and a group of people who were tall and like monsters walking by. They were carrying a heavy box that ten people couldn’t lift … I saw a lot of balls in it … it’s estimated that there are thousands of boxes!"
Thyme devoted to heart a tight "really? Won’t you be blind and wrong? What are you doing with so many balls? "
"Hum, my eyes are good. I don’t believe you. But if I am caught by a spy, I don’t know anything!"
Thyme devoted himself to following the old man’s direction and glanced at him with a passive smile.
"Come on, maybe we’ll know what those things are in a few days …"
Doing the things in hand, I can’t help but look at it a few times and keep it in mind.
The siege of Baililan caused a lot of heavy deaths. Long Wei suffered damage from both sides of her army. Baililan made a wheel war, and a group of soldiers died to kill Long Wei’s physical strength.
From morning till night, it was only at dawn that the soldiers were ordered to stop attacking and rest …
Long Wei also got a little bit of interest here … However, they dare not rest and guess that the rebels will sneak attack in front of them.
Always be prepared.
The number of troops is so great that they have to bite their teeth to support them.
After everyone had a rest in the middle of the night, a figure walked very skillfully in the military camp and went in a certain direction … There were a lot of people standing in front of a tent and being cautious, which made the hundred miles stranger in the dark not sure.
Looks like this is it.
The guards here are much higher than elsewhere.
There must be something very important.
A barrage of black shadows flashed from all directions of the barracks. They gathered behind Bailicheng and looked at the tent with their faces covered …
Keep observing …
I really can’t find a chance to start work.
I don’t know how long I’ve been waiting in the dark, but suddenly my eyes lit up and a gesture made the dark guard cheer up behind me.
This is an opportunity because the soldiers are conducting handover patrols.
Waved, a dark guard nodded and flashed, and at the same time, Bailimo threw a stone, which made the soldiers look tense. "Who?"
Immediately came running …
Nothing was found …
The dark guards sneaked into the tent while their attention was diverted …
The Dark Guard’s order is to light these gunpowder … These things can’t take away all the destruction on the spot.
If you let NaLanQing on the battlefield, you will slaughter them all.
It’s too dangerous to keep.
If thousands of boxes of gunpowder ignite this barracks, it will probably be destroyed … including the people in Long Wei … and the generals … and maybe even blow a hole in the nearby gate …
If it succeeds, Long Wei will fail!
The dark guard has been silent for a long time. Why doesn’t thyme frown and ignite?
Wait, wait, wait, wait. I don’t feel good in my heart …
However, when his neck is cold, something runs across his neck, so he can roll on the spot …
There’s a blood stain on the neck, and blood seeps in …
Snow … Snow …
I think of the spewing sound continuously, and the blood is sprayed on the face of thyme. He has some ways to react …
What’s going on?
I can’t feel a breath at all … as if by appearing …
No, no!
Everyone else hides the breath potion, and it should be hard to find them even if it is a master of strength.
What, they’re not only found, but also can’t feel each other’s breath?
Is there such a master in the world?

She is not stupid to know that once her news is reported by reporters, she will be caught by the city bureau people within two hours even if she runs far away.

The car can’t be used. With a big suitcase and big bags, people will definitely pay attention to it. At this moment, Lin Jiaxi can’t care so much. Her mind is that she can’t be arrested anyway.
Everything is being watched by others. She’s really fed up!
Lin Jiaxi quickly stuffed some valuable things into his carry-on bag, and gave up clothes, shoes, bags and other things.
She made sure several times that she didn’t go outside, so she went inside along the river.
This place is a blind spot for monitoring, and it is relatively safe.
Fortunately, it is not far from Bai Jiaqi Jiangbei Road Apartment.
Lin Jiaxi and Bai Jiaqi are small. Although they are not particularly good when they grow up, they somehow know each other. Bai Jiaqi is not hiding a lot from her.
When Bai Zhiyuan was still alive, Bai Jiaqi lived in this small apartment with Fang Qianru, and Jia Lin Xi knew it.
At this moment, there is no news of Fang Qianru’s remarriage after Bai Zhiyuan’s death. Think that Bai Jiaqi may also be in this small apartment.
Jiangbei Road Apartment Bai Jiaqi is walking back and forth with her arms around her.
Ding-dong, the doorbell rang, which startled Bai Jiaqi, who was thinking about it. Few people knew that she lived here. Who could it be now?
She put the bed in her room with her limbs tied and her mouth stuck with tape. Bai Xiling was stuffed into a sack again, trapped by the rope. I thought it was uneasy and dragged the sack into a cabinet.
Bai Xiling struggled constantly, and Nai was tied to the limbs and stretched out by the positive method.
Section 131
Bai Jiaqi didn’t go to the door until she finished all this. Through the cat’s eye, she saw Lin Jiaxi looking in all directions at the door and kept knocking at the door.
Damn it, she’s here!
Bai Jiaqi was in a bad mood and was afraid of causing any unnecessary trouble, so she wanted to pretend that no one was at home. She leaned against the door and looked at the outside carefully.
Lin Jiaxi saw nobody knocking at the door and shouted, "Bai Jiaqi, give me the door! I know you’re in there with someone behind me. If I get caught, you can’t run away! "
Sound is not big for Bai Jiaqi Lin Jiaxi is understanding.
She knows what she thinks in her heart.
Who will believe you if you are not at home at the moment?
"Bai Jiaqi, do you hear me? Give me the door if you don’t want unnecessary trouble!" The sound is a little louder. Bai Jiaqi is struggling that if Lin Jiaxi is so noisy, it might really cause unnecessary trouble.
Lin Jiaxi still wanted to talk, but he saw a collision in his ear.
Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang.
Bai Jiaqi is a little uncomfortable while secretly cursing Bai Xiling in his heart and pretending nothing happened on the surface.
It is impossible to convince Lin Jiaxi that there is no one in the room at the moment when the collision keeps going on.
She got up and wanted to go to the birthplace, but she saw Bai Jiaqi stop in front of her. "This is my home, please respect yourself."
Lin Jiaxi also pushed her rudely. Who cares about her home at this time? Lin Jiaxi is in a state of excitement all day today. Naturally, she pushed Bai Jiaqi down beside the sofa and walked quickly to the door.
If I didn’t guess wrong, the voice came from here.
She quickly crashed into the door, and it became more and more important. Jiaxi saw a wardrobe shaking in the small room.
Bai Jiaqi in the living room also knows that she can’t stop her and walks in slowly.
Lin Jiaxi has been in trouble and was shocked when he saw Bai Xiling. He looked at Bai Jiaqi in disbelief. "Bai Jiaqi’s heart is quite cruel. I really underestimated you!"
Bai Xiling is also regarded as Bai Jiaqi’s younger brother. She even tied her younger brother.
But it’s not surprising to think about her. After all, who knows whether Bai Zhiyuan died or not?
Bai Jiaqi didn’t say anything. Who cares?
Lin Jiaxi suddenly thought of something. He raised his eyebrows and seemed to know something.
At the beginning, Bai Zhiyuan died suddenly, but he left a will with his lawyer in case of emergency. For the time being, the Bai regiment is not included, but the villa is reserved for Bai Xiling.

Xu Yi accepted the "Hundred Family Names" and should be a "good"

"Hundred Family Names" can’t beat Xu Yi, even if she is not so familiar with it as the San Zi Jing, she can remember it when she watches it again.
So after she finished reading Hundred Family Names, she finished reading Hundred Family Names word for word.
"Read the Thousand-Character Works, too."
Ling Taifu’s verification seems to have brought another "Thousand Characters" to Xu Yi to see. Now his attitude towards Xu Yi is much better. Looking at Xu Yi’s eyes is like looking at a genius.
Hui Wang and Yan Wang and others voted for Xu Yi’s worship eyes, but Chu Yu was afraid.
"The queen can sit and watch slowly." Ling Taifu gently asked Xu Yi to sit down.
"Xie Taifu" Xu Yi thanked him and sat down with the "Thousand Characters" and looked seriously.
The ancient people’s enlightenment education was mostly from San Zi Jing, then Hundred Family Names, and then to Qian Zi Wen. It is impossible for students like Xu Yi to teach her Qian Zi Wen on the first day. Ling Taifu thought that Xu Yi never forgets anything, so he proved that he ignored that the little queen had never read her before today.
Ling Taifu ignored Chu Yu and was afraid because he didn’t ignore him.
Xu Yi has no education. He believes that Mrs. Xu can’t lie to him. After Xu Yi entered the palace, she either played or ate, and she never read calligraphy. How did she know so many words? She can recite "Three Character Classics" and "Hundred Family Names", which means that she knows a lot of words.
Said this Xu Yi not Xu Yi!
Chu Yu finally found a woman who can save his male glory or his little queen. Besides the little queen can cure his strange diseases, he also likes this chubby girl. Even though she is still chubby and not very good-looking, he still likes her. What he likes is not her appearance but her sex.
But if she’s not his little queen, will she suddenly disappear? Will it change back to the old fool?
Chuyu was terrified.
Qiwang w w w q i s u w a n g
He clenched his fist secretly. He is the God of Heaven. No one can take away the woman he wants, not even God.
Xu Yi was afraid of being beaten by a hand and ignored that she was illiterate before today. She not only recited the Classic of Three Characters, but also recited Hundred Family Names. Now she is reading Thousand Characters. In fact, she is not interested in these ancient texts. What she needs to read is that she can recite them. Hehe, I’m sorry she didn’t understand what that means.
By the time Xu Yi finished reading and reciting a thousand words, it was time to leave school.
"Emperor" Ling Taifu turned back to Chu Yu and bowed respectfully to Chu Yu. He said, "The queen has a very good memory and never forgets anything. I am afraid that I will bury her. The emperor can invite another special pope." Ling Taifu didn’t want to teach Xu Yi, but he had four other students whose qualifications were not bad, but it wasn’t good. Xu Yi never forgets anything. Those four students didn’t have a natural method to teach together, which would slow down Xu Yi’s progress. He thought that having an unforgettable memory like the little queen would lead students to teach students in accordance with their aptitude.
Chuyu took a glance at Xu Yi and said to Ling Taifu, "The queen often sends me sugar water to the imperial house to drink. Every time she comes, I am watching the queen. I am curious and asked her to read these. It is just to teach her. I didn’t expect the queen to remember them, but I didn’t explain them to her. She still doesn’t understand them."
Ling Taifu was stunned. "Isn’t the empress unforgettable?"
Xu Yi also froze and quickly reacted without worrying. She quickly replied, "A teacher read these with the emperor before the students, but the students don’t remember very clearly. After a teacher showed them to the students again, the students can recite them, but the students really don’t understand what they mean."
She doesn’t want to be treated as a genius. At best, she is deceiving the ancients.
Ling Taifu was a little surprised, but he still praised Xu Yi’s good memory. Some students couldn’t recite it after reading it for a month. However, the emperor’s attitude towards the queen improved in the last two months. When it was less than two months, the little queen was able to recite Sandu’s memory.
"A teacher is flattering me. The emperor taught me well." Xu Yi was not treated as a genius by a teacher. He was willing to think of himself as a student of Chu Yu. Was he confronted with Chu Yu’s questioning when he returned home?
Chu Yu said coldly, "I don’t have much time to teach the queen when I am busy with state affairs. Let’s teach the queen by a teacher."
Ling Taifu respectfully replied "I obey the decree" and knew that the little queen was not as stupid as she said. Ling Taifu was already willing to accept Xu Yi, a female student.
Chu Yu got up and said to Xu Yi, "Come here today. The queen will go back to the palace with me."
"I (my brother) respectfully send the emperor empress."
King Hui and Prince Yan will stay in the room all day, but Xu Yiwu is going to learn riding. The two little princes really envy the little emperor’s wife for not learning at noon.
Chu Yu wouldn’t talk when he came out of the room. Xu Yi followed him and didn’t dare to talk. He was thinking about how she could recite the words if Chu Yu asked her what she knew.
Out of Nanyuan Chuyu’s car, Xu Yi has a phoenix car, but she didn’t sit today and rarely sits. She likes to walk and enjoy the scenery of the palace. When she sees Chuyu’s car, she can respectfully say "male and female servants are ready to send the emperor."
Chuyu turned around and held out his thick hand toward her and ordered her to "come"
Xu Yi one leng he asked her to take his car?
Smoke saw the little master become speechless and hurriedly touched a Xu Yi Yindefu, who was also awake at a side. Xu Yi hurried to get a car with the emperor. It was a great honor.
Xu Yi return to absolute being, put his chubby hand into Chu Yu’s big palm. He grasped it and dragged her car. After two people sat down, Yindefu commanded to "drive".
Xu Yi was a little nervous in the same car, but he was afraid that ChuYu would ask her how to read.
Fortunately, ChuYu didn’t ask if she was holding her hand.
ChuYu don’t talk Xu Yi also dare not speak occasionally glancing at a ChuYu see ChuYu is staring at the front and didn’t look at her, slowly she rest assured to stretch the string a loose she enjoyed the scenery.
The palace is really beautiful, even if you live here, you will easily lose your life, but you can’t hide its charm.
"It’s windy today," Xu Yi enjoyed the scenery and found a topic to chat with Chu Yu, trying to break the silence of the car
Chuyu glanced at the outside of the car and Xu Yi said coldly, "The wind is great for flying kites."
"Yes, it’s suitable for flying kites." Xu Yi responded with a smile. After realizing something, she said carefully, "The emperor’s servants and concubines will learn riding in the afternoon, and they will certainly study hard and won’t be lazy." Even if she wants to fly kites, she should have kites for her to fly.
Chuyu well there is no text.
Xu Yi always feels that Chu Yu’s silence is abnormal, but if he doesn’t ask her what she can read, he will be silent. His silence is not necessarily a kind of playing the fool. Everyone can play the fool happily.
"Are you ready for Toffee’s birthday present?" Chuyu suddenly asked
Xu Yi didn’t answer the rhetorical question, "What gift does the emperor want to give toffee?"
Chu Yu put her hand high on his thigh. He toyed with her little hand and said lightly, "I know what to send, but you are too young to choose a gift. If you are not ready, I will ask Yin Defu to help you choose a gift and send it to Fengyi Palace. You need to give it to Toffee on her birthday."
"Thank the Emperor", she wanted to send a jade ruyi to Toffee. Since Chu Yu was willing to help her prepare a gift, she saved the cup of jade ruyi.
Chuyu doesn’t talk again.
Chu Yu ordered the car dealer to stop the car. He took the Xu Yi car and said to the slaves, "I will visit the imperial garden with the queen."
Yindefu immediately waved his hand to evacuate the car.
Maybe it was a heavy rain last night. The vegetation in the imperial garden is greener.
The Empress walked slowly surrounded by a group of minions. Chu Yu still took Xu Yi’s hand and handed it over to him from Xu Yi. He never let go of pulling her car and pulling her car again.
Xu Yi tried to withdraw his hand, but his palm was sweating, and he realized that she was going to withdraw her hand, and Chu Yu held it tighter.
Xu Yi, the "Emperor", dared to ask "Do the male and female servants think that the hot emperor can release the male and female servants?"
Chuyu lived and looked at her quietly.
Xu Yi was a little flustered by him and knew that he suspected her, but he didn’t ask anything and didn’t know what he was thinking.
Pull up her hand ChuYu pulled out a handkerchief Xu Yi from his arms and recognized it at a glance as her rice. Later, she wiped her mouth and was stuffed into his arms by ChuYu. The handkerchief should be cleaned. He carefully helped Xu Yi put his palm out and wiped his mouth with sweat and said, "It’s good to wipe the sweat."
Xu Yi … This little emperor is considerate when he is not crazy. Yes, he is an emperor.
"Xie Huang" Xu Yi Shane
Chu Yu helped her wipe away the sweat on her palm and then put Paser back into his arms. Is it going to take her Paser with him all the time?
"Let’s go"
Chuyu took her forward again.
In the distance, melodious music came.
Xu Yi thought the sound of the piano was very nice and asked, "Who is playing the piano really well?"

Looked up and saw that there was no Shen Xuefu figure. Jiang Muhan was relieved to take off his face skin mask. The difference is that his face is very handsome. If it is put in modern times, it will definitely be caught by talent scouts as a star column.

It’s a pity that the light in the room is too dim, so I can get a general outline
Shen Xuefu was stunned and then, just like in the TV play, she accidentally kicked over the bucket next to her calf.
Shen Xuefu was very flustered after hearing the sound of Mu Han, and she was even more flustered when she saw Jiang Muhan getting up from the bucket. If she was found, would her neck be directly erased as those novels said?
Don’t! She is so young and has two children to take care of. How can you just explain your life?
When Shen Xuefu looked up again, he found that Jiang Muhan had brought the human skin mask back to his face. I don’t know why Shen Xuefu breathed a sigh of relief and asked himself not to reveal that he had just seen his mask, so he probably wouldn’t die, would he?
Thought of here Shen Xuefu wryly leaned into a head.
"It’s me. Ha ha ha."
See bearer is not his enemy houjiang Mu Han corners of the mouth twitched up before he didn’t know that this guy has the habit of watching people bathe?
But I don’t know what it is to look at Shen Xuefu’s self-knowledge and indefensible, and then dare not be like before. Jiang Muhan actually played a role in Doby’s psychology.
"Since you want to see it, you might as well come in and have a close look."
After hearing Jiang Muhan’s words, Shen Xuefu came to strength and looked forward to walking into the screen, but she had not walked a few steps, and her foot slipped and fell into the bath bucket.
This chapter has been locked.
Chapter 5 New Plan
Shen Xuefu immediately set foot on the road back after getting what she needed, but before she left, she went to Qin Baixue as usual. I didn’t expect Qin Baige to be there.
"Xuefu got the antidote for Beibei?"
Qin Baixue took her hand and spoke very well after seeing the bearer, throwing Qin Baizhi aside directly.
The latter seems to have been used to being left out from time to time, and did not say what it is to spoil and look at two people.
Shen Xuefu smiled and patted Qin Baixue’s hand and told her what she had experienced these days. After chatting for a while, Shen Xuefu got up and was ready to leave.
"Is going to the cloud country? Why don’t you let your brother go with you? You are a girl, and you are uneasy about going out by yourself … "
Qin Baixue knew that Shen Xuefu’s first visit to Yaogu was to find Xuelian for her son Shen Beibei, and the second was because she was going to find herbs that could cure Wang Quan’s wife’s illness.
To say that Wang Quan is really a rare talent, smart and a forged iron.
It’s not very helpful to Shen Xuefu, but there is one thing that he can’t do, that is, he and his wife are very good, but his wife has a strange disease that can only be saved by medicine valley herbs
If ordinary people Shen Xuefu wouldn’t try so hard to find medicine, they would feel uncomfortable. That person is not an ordinary person.
"Well, it’s okay. I’m going to Yunguo by the way. You have a good rest and take care of Snow White in Taidian. I’ll go first."
Shen Xuefu raised his hand and patted Qin Xuetou, then simply explained a few words and went out to cross his horse.
Looking at Shen Xuefu’s freedom, Qin Baixue said that he didn’t envy it, but he couldn’t stand it if he went out on horseback or in a carriage.
Qin Baizhi looked at his sister’s yearning eyes and his heart was full of pain. How could he not know what his sister likes? But she doesn’t go out much now. She depends on drugs every day. If she goes out, how can she tell her parents if something goes wrong?
Thought of here Qin Bai touched Qin Xuetou didn’t speak.
On the other hand, Shen Xuefu worked hard all the way and finally arrived at Yunguo before the appointment with Wang Quan. After watching the scenery for a long time, Shen Xuefu was quiet.
"Wang Quan, I’m coming."
Finally, I came to Wang Quan’s house and patted his door, which was beaten from the inside.
When Wang Quan saw Shen Xuefu’s eyes lit up, he knew that Shen Xuefu would not break his word and invited her to the room to help his wife see a doctor.
Shen Xuefu looked around the room after she went in, which was not much different from when she came. If anything is different, it is that some big valuables seem to have disappeared.
Looking back at Wang Quan with a suspicious face.
The latter was looked a little embarrassed and scratched his head.
"She is in so much pain that I can’t help it. Can’t I sell something valuable and change some medicine for her?"
Listen, Wang Quan is a little sad. I don’t know what Shen Xuefu is also sad.
But Shen Xuefu didn’t ask about other people’s family habits, even if she was about to become her own person, she wasn’t interested in asking. She said coldly, lead the way, and then followed Wang Quan.
Shen Xuefu came to the back room and saw Wang Quan’s wife, who probably had no appetite to eat because of severe pain. She looked thinner than when she left.
Went over and took a pulse for her and found that although it was very weak, there was less Shen Xuefu who breathed a sigh of relief.
Then there is no expression on Shen Xuefu’s face when saving people.
But when she’s there, people will feel very at ease. It’s very simple to save Wang Quan’s wife. It’s just a matter of taking a few injections and taking a medicine. After Shen Xuefu has fixed everything, the woman who was lying in bed and dying can see some spirit with the naked eye.
"This can’t be a blip, can it?"
Listening to Wang Quan’s words, Shen Xuefu rolled his eyes. Are ancient people’s thoughts so free? It’s too much to think about it.
Wang Quan asked for a long time, but no one paid attention to himself. After looking back, he saw Shen Xuefu’s face of nai expression, and he realized that he had put my foot in my mouth for a while, but fortunately Shen Xuefu was not entangled in this matter.
"Miss Shen thanked you, and I am willing to be your genus."
"I’m sure I won’t refuse if you want."
Shen Xuefu tone is very natural, and Wang Quan won’t mind. After all, this is what he promised before. He immediately nodded and thanked Shen Xuefu for his kindness, but he was stopped by the latter.
I don’t know how these ancient people wanted to kowtow and kneel at every turn. Don’t you know that men have gold on their knees?
"I’ll let you kowtow to me when I’m not ready for you. I have to leave in advance, take care of your wife and promise to advance your salary."
Shen Xuefu never knew where to take out a whole piece of silver and threw it to Wang Quan. No matter what the expression of the latter was, he left the first time to get such a large amount of silver. Wang Quan was shocked.
On the other side, Kyoto
"What? You mean frustrated? !”
Shen Mengfu was so angry that she broke a favorite cup when she heard someone report to her, and those people hung their heads against the wall and trembled for fear that they would become a goal of Shen Mengfu.
In a huff, Shen Mengfu didn’t think so much. All she can think about now is how to kill that inexplicable night alliance leader.
She can’t figure out why she has nothing to share with her, and why she should be so targeted.
And come in and report that the page has been scared to death. If it weren’t for knowing that he was afraid that Shen Mengfu would be more angry, he might have been stunned directly.
"Come on, don’t kneel here. It’s an eyesore. Get out of here!"
After hearing this sentence, the page got up and rushed out of the room directly. Looking at the page’s back, Shen Mengfu was so angry that she could pull it out at will. A servant girl gave her two slaps as if she were still Japanese and gave her a heavy foot.
The servant girl also dare not say much. She can silently endure Shen Mengfu’s light and flint, and she came up with a box of wonderful ideas.

"Ling days blame me …"

Ling day directly interrupted Sue elegant words said with a smile
"Don’t blame you, blame them."
"They have no bottom line for your kindness."
"Now they get what they deserve!"
The taxi driver suddenly came running at this moment with a grateful way
"Thank you, gentlemen. Thank you!"
"They were touching porcelain just now."
"I’m not afraid when the police come."
"I’ll just go first."
With that, the taxi driver turned around and started the car.
"Wife, let’s go."
Ling Tian smiled and gently took Sue elegant shoulders and walked out.
When the crowd saw it, they quickly made way.
Ling Tianhe and Su Qingya just left without two steps, and suddenly a car floor oil sound came.
Woo ~ that taxi stepped on the bottom directly.
Towards LingTianHe Sue elegant bump up.
Next to the crowd suddenly stare big eyes a face of shock.
Taxi is one or two meters away from LingTianHe Sue elegant two people.
When people don’t respond at such a short distance,
I’m afraid even immortals can’t hide.
Sue elegant beautiful eyes suddenly revealed deep panic and despair.
I never thought that the taxi driver was thanking her and Ling Tian just now.
This moment will kill them.
Even if Ling Tian is strong, how can he hide at such a close distance?
Ling day face also changed.
My heart is not dark scold a really careless.
The taxi driver didn’t care if he didn’t have a murderous look.
But I didn’t expect to hide so deep and dwarf. They turned out to be a group
Ling day to like a hugged Sue elegant waist.
When I was hit by a taxi, I suddenly rolled.
It rolled to the top of the car and fell from the back of the car.
Then Sue elegant small waist hug a face of vigilance.
This can’t even be killed!
The onlookers were surprised that their mouths couldn’t close properly
The speed of Lingtian was too fast just now.
People arrived at the rear of the car without seeing how Ling Tian moved.
And unscathed!
Is this still a person?
The taxi driver was surprised, too. I didn’t expect it to hit the sky.
Eyes a cold hand steering wheel suddenly turned back to the front.
"Kill you!"
A loud roar loud, the taxi driver will step on the accelerator again and hit LingTianHe Sue elegant.
The onlookers were scared to death.
One by one, they hurried around for fear of being hit by a taxi
However, Ling Tian looked at the speeding taxi but her eyes narrowed and her eyes were cold.
There motionless murderous look is boiling up.
Seeing that the taxi is about to hit the body, the fingers suddenly move.
A cold mountain flies out!
For a moment, a tiny pinhole appeared on the windshield of the taxi.
The taxi driver’s ferocious face suddenly froze and his eyes became gods.
There is a silver needle on the forehead, trembling slightly.
Ling day took Sue elegant small waist a rotating light hid the taxi collision.
There was a loud noise and the taxi hit the railing of the road and stopped.

(Please turn the page before the chapter is finished)

Qing smiled and filled Chen Jisheng with a glass of wine and took the lead in gulping it off for himself.
Chen Jisheng’s mood is also excellent. Laugh and drink to Li Yuanqing.
After a few more drinks, Li Yuanqing remained calm and said, "By the way, how long are you going to stay here this time, big brother?"
Chen Jisheng thought for a moment and suddenly laughed: "Yuan Qing, the situation is stable at this time. Everything is under the control of our army. I want to stay here for a little longer, so I won’t bother you, will I?"
In fact, Mao Wenlong gave Chen Jisheng an order to win over Li Yuanqing and stabilize the morale of the two southern Liaoning departments.
But at this time, how can Li Yuanqing "understand people’s minds" Chen Jisheng still need to win over?
He should go back to me overnight, but Zhang Pan’s case is just around the corner, which makes Chen Jisheng seem to have planted a thorn and a seed in his heart.
This choice is not difficult for him to make. Anyway, when Mao Wenlong didn’t stipulate this for him, he stabilized the overall situation here in Li Yuanqing.
Li Yuanqing and other experts? Chen Jisheng quickly understood his meaning and smiled: "Big Brother, let’s have another toast."
Accompany Chen Jisheng to drink wine and arrange accommodation for him. It is already late at night when Li Yuanqing returns to his tent.
Nianer hasn’t slept yet and is eagerly waiting for him to come back.
Seeing Nianer’s gaunt little face, Li Yuanqing couldn’t help laughing with some distress: "Has my little girl eaten?"
Read son shook his head but busy nodded "ye menservants have eaten menservants to wait on you to rest"
Li Yuanqing read a son expression in the heart has probably smiled and took the son in her arms "eaten? I’ll check to see if my belly is bulging. "
Said the Li Yuanqing potential will touch the lower abdomen.
Nian Er was ticklish and giggled. "I’m wrong. I won’t dare again."
Li Yuanqing touched her little face with some love. "You can eat first when I’m not here. I’m still a little hungry today. Let them fry some side dishes and let’s eat together."
Nian Er couldn’t help but be overjoyed. She likes to accompany Li Yuanqing to dinner most. She is busy and clever: "I’m going to get ready."
Looking at read son happy little face Li Yuanqing corners of the mouth can’t help but reveal a smile.
I’m going to have the third meal tonight, but what if I can make my woman feel better?
Chen Jisheng came to the camp and there was a lot of excitement.
Whether Chen Zhong or Zhang Pan Chen Jisheng is long-standing friendship, Wei Liang and Zhang Qiliang, both of whom are acquaintances.
Add Chen Jisheng is on behalf of Mao Wenlong. Chen Zhong and Zhang Pan, including Wei Liang and Zhang Qiliang, can’t help but say that this banquet will be one after another.
Of course, Li Yuanqing is indispensable to accompany him.
However, although the surface works are continuous, the troops in the camp have never been neglected
The improvement of the staff system seems to be a small change, but it has made all officers have a long memory, and they can think about the overall situation and take precautions after training.
In a flash, seven days passed.
These days, Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong’s two sentries and boats have been gathering in the mouth of Yalu River and the swimming basin, firmly monitoring the main force of the post-8 Jin J.
Li Yuanqing, Chen Zhong, Zhang Pan and Chen Jisheng, including Wei Liang and Zhang Qiliang, sometimes went to the river to inspect the situation.
Just after dinner on the evening of November 23rd, a group of people in Li Yuanqing were holding a military meeting when suddenly a sentry came to report that the river was frozen.
(End of chapter)
Chapter 44 Mao Wenlong arrived.
The news that the great river was frozen made everyone feel refreshed.
This means that the main force of the post-8 Jin Army has been able to cross the river and rush into the DPRK.
Big account
Chen Jisheng couldn’t help but be overjoyed and said, "The two prison officers, Yuan Qing, Lao Chen and Lao Zhang, have frozen the river. Everything is on track as expected. Let’s work together!"
Chen Zhong is also very excited. "We can’t neglect the fact that Yuan Qing, an adult of the two prison guards, is here. I’ll go back to arrange the army now and keep an eye on all the movements of 8 Jin J."
Seeing Chen Zhong rushing away, Zhang Pan couldn’t sit still. Busy way: "Yuan Qing, two adults of the prison army, I will also arrange the army now."
Said also busy hurry to leave.