Barrymore was ordered to act as an ear probe to find out the news of the battlefield, the enemy’s plans and various news of generals everywhere

These are extremely important for war.
If you want to find a breakthrough point, you can get an opportunity to win.
Li Mo and a group of men mixed out of the city to meet Long Wei, and with Long Wei’s retreat, he came to the imperial city. He went to a corner of a person to get rid of his armor and changed into a very simple suit. He became a support for the people in the war, and then he lurked among the people.
The people spontaneously helped the enemy and prepared some support preparations in the rear.
He sat down beside an old man at random and watched him sharpen his stick, and he also learned to do the same …
"Grandpa, when do you think this war will end?" A hundred miles devoted to talking without moving eyes, but searching around, he is looking at who is the leader of Long Wei.
Maybe who is this general guarding the city?
"It must be pursuit of victory! Is Long Wei afraid of anything? We will win! " As soon as the old man raised his voice, people around him looked at him.
It’s not easy to stare at thyme when I’m caught in the heart.
"Yes, you will win!" Some people immediately agreed that there was no fear when there was war, but they were very excited, like playing
"I heard that the two enemies add up to more than 500,000 …"
What is the idea of more than 500 thousand?
These people don’t know!
They know that God has been blessed by God, and that God is here, and they will win.
"Five hundred thousand? How can you be afraid of these thieves? " The old man was so angry that he patted his chest with a look of disdain that he couldn’t help but ask, "What magic weapon do we have to win?"
"Of course!" The old man lowered his voice and said in Balimo’s ear, "Just now, I accidentally saw the Prime Minister and a group of people who were tall and like monsters walking by. They were carrying a heavy box that ten people couldn’t lift … I saw a lot of balls in it … it’s estimated that there are thousands of boxes!"
Thyme devoted to heart a tight "really? Won’t you be blind and wrong? What are you doing with so many balls? "
"Hum, my eyes are good. I don’t believe you. But if I am caught by a spy, I don’t know anything!"
Thyme devoted himself to following the old man’s direction and glanced at him with a passive smile.
"Come on, maybe we’ll know what those things are in a few days …"
Doing the things in hand, I can’t help but look at it a few times and keep it in mind.
The siege of Baililan caused a lot of heavy deaths. Long Wei suffered damage from both sides of her army. Baililan made a wheel war, and a group of soldiers died to kill Long Wei’s physical strength.
From morning till night, it was only at dawn that the soldiers were ordered to stop attacking and rest …
Long Wei also got a little bit of interest here … However, they dare not rest and guess that the rebels will sneak attack in front of them.
Always be prepared.
The number of troops is so great that they have to bite their teeth to support them.
After everyone had a rest in the middle of the night, a figure walked very skillfully in the military camp and went in a certain direction … There were a lot of people standing in front of a tent and being cautious, which made the hundred miles stranger in the dark not sure.
Looks like this is it.
The guards here are much higher than elsewhere.
There must be something very important.
A barrage of black shadows flashed from all directions of the barracks. They gathered behind Bailicheng and looked at the tent with their faces covered …
Keep observing …
I really can’t find a chance to start work.
I don’t know how long I’ve been waiting in the dark, but suddenly my eyes lit up and a gesture made the dark guard cheer up behind me.
This is an opportunity because the soldiers are conducting handover patrols.
Waved, a dark guard nodded and flashed, and at the same time, Bailimo threw a stone, which made the soldiers look tense. "Who?"
Immediately came running …
Nothing was found …
The dark guards sneaked into the tent while their attention was diverted …
The Dark Guard’s order is to light these gunpowder … These things can’t take away all the destruction on the spot.
If you let NaLanQing on the battlefield, you will slaughter them all.
It’s too dangerous to keep.
If thousands of boxes of gunpowder ignite this barracks, it will probably be destroyed … including the people in Long Wei … and the generals … and maybe even blow a hole in the nearby gate …
If it succeeds, Long Wei will fail!
The dark guard has been silent for a long time. Why doesn’t thyme frown and ignite?
Wait, wait, wait, wait. I don’t feel good in my heart …
However, when his neck is cold, something runs across his neck, so he can roll on the spot …
There’s a blood stain on the neck, and blood seeps in …
Snow … Snow …
I think of the spewing sound continuously, and the blood is sprayed on the face of thyme. He has some ways to react …
What’s going on?
I can’t feel a breath at all … as if by appearing …
No, no!
Everyone else hides the breath potion, and it should be hard to find them even if it is a master of strength.
What, they’re not only found, but also can’t feel each other’s breath?
Is there such a master in the world?

Xu Yi accepted the "Hundred Family Names" and should be a "good"

"Hundred Family Names" can’t beat Xu Yi, even if she is not so familiar with it as the San Zi Jing, she can remember it when she watches it again.
So after she finished reading Hundred Family Names, she finished reading Hundred Family Names word for word.
"Read the Thousand-Character Works, too."
Ling Taifu’s verification seems to have brought another "Thousand Characters" to Xu Yi to see. Now his attitude towards Xu Yi is much better. Looking at Xu Yi’s eyes is like looking at a genius.
Hui Wang and Yan Wang and others voted for Xu Yi’s worship eyes, but Chu Yu was afraid.
"The queen can sit and watch slowly." Ling Taifu gently asked Xu Yi to sit down.
"Xie Taifu" Xu Yi thanked him and sat down with the "Thousand Characters" and looked seriously.
The ancient people’s enlightenment education was mostly from San Zi Jing, then Hundred Family Names, and then to Qian Zi Wen. It is impossible for students like Xu Yi to teach her Qian Zi Wen on the first day. Ling Taifu thought that Xu Yi never forgets anything, so he proved that he ignored that the little queen had never read her before today.
Ling Taifu ignored Chu Yu and was afraid because he didn’t ignore him.
Xu Yi has no education. He believes that Mrs. Xu can’t lie to him. After Xu Yi entered the palace, she either played or ate, and she never read calligraphy. How did she know so many words? She can recite "Three Character Classics" and "Hundred Family Names", which means that she knows a lot of words.
Said this Xu Yi not Xu Yi!
Chu Yu finally found a woman who can save his male glory or his little queen. Besides the little queen can cure his strange diseases, he also likes this chubby girl. Even though she is still chubby and not very good-looking, he still likes her. What he likes is not her appearance but her sex.
But if she’s not his little queen, will she suddenly disappear? Will it change back to the old fool?
Chuyu was terrified.
Qiwang w w w q i s u w a n g
He clenched his fist secretly. He is the God of Heaven. No one can take away the woman he wants, not even God.
Xu Yi was afraid of being beaten by a hand and ignored that she was illiterate before today. She not only recited the Classic of Three Characters, but also recited Hundred Family Names. Now she is reading Thousand Characters. In fact, she is not interested in these ancient texts. What she needs to read is that she can recite them. Hehe, I’m sorry she didn’t understand what that means.
By the time Xu Yi finished reading and reciting a thousand words, it was time to leave school.
"Emperor" Ling Taifu turned back to Chu Yu and bowed respectfully to Chu Yu. He said, "The queen has a very good memory and never forgets anything. I am afraid that I will bury her. The emperor can invite another special pope." Ling Taifu didn’t want to teach Xu Yi, but he had four other students whose qualifications were not bad, but it wasn’t good. Xu Yi never forgets anything. Those four students didn’t have a natural method to teach together, which would slow down Xu Yi’s progress. He thought that having an unforgettable memory like the little queen would lead students to teach students in accordance with their aptitude.
Chuyu took a glance at Xu Yi and said to Ling Taifu, "The queen often sends me sugar water to the imperial house to drink. Every time she comes, I am watching the queen. I am curious and asked her to read these. It is just to teach her. I didn’t expect the queen to remember them, but I didn’t explain them to her. She still doesn’t understand them."
Ling Taifu was stunned. "Isn’t the empress unforgettable?"
Xu Yi also froze and quickly reacted without worrying. She quickly replied, "A teacher read these with the emperor before the students, but the students don’t remember very clearly. After a teacher showed them to the students again, the students can recite them, but the students really don’t understand what they mean."
She doesn’t want to be treated as a genius. At best, she is deceiving the ancients.
Ling Taifu was a little surprised, but he still praised Xu Yi’s good memory. Some students couldn’t recite it after reading it for a month. However, the emperor’s attitude towards the queen improved in the last two months. When it was less than two months, the little queen was able to recite Sandu’s memory.
"A teacher is flattering me. The emperor taught me well." Xu Yi was not treated as a genius by a teacher. He was willing to think of himself as a student of Chu Yu. Was he confronted with Chu Yu’s questioning when he returned home?
Chu Yu said coldly, "I don’t have much time to teach the queen when I am busy with state affairs. Let’s teach the queen by a teacher."
Ling Taifu respectfully replied "I obey the decree" and knew that the little queen was not as stupid as she said. Ling Taifu was already willing to accept Xu Yi, a female student.
Chu Yu got up and said to Xu Yi, "Come here today. The queen will go back to the palace with me."
"I (my brother) respectfully send the emperor empress."
King Hui and Prince Yan will stay in the room all day, but Xu Yiwu is going to learn riding. The two little princes really envy the little emperor’s wife for not learning at noon.
Chu Yu wouldn’t talk when he came out of the room. Xu Yi followed him and didn’t dare to talk. He was thinking about how she could recite the words if Chu Yu asked her what she knew.
Out of Nanyuan Chuyu’s car, Xu Yi has a phoenix car, but she didn’t sit today and rarely sits. She likes to walk and enjoy the scenery of the palace. When she sees Chuyu’s car, she can respectfully say "male and female servants are ready to send the emperor."
Chuyu turned around and held out his thick hand toward her and ordered her to "come"
Xu Yi one leng he asked her to take his car?
Smoke saw the little master become speechless and hurriedly touched a Xu Yi Yindefu, who was also awake at a side. Xu Yi hurried to get a car with the emperor. It was a great honor.
Xu Yi return to absolute being, put his chubby hand into Chu Yu’s big palm. He grasped it and dragged her car. After two people sat down, Yindefu commanded to "drive".
Xu Yi was a little nervous in the same car, but he was afraid that ChuYu would ask her how to read.
Fortunately, ChuYu didn’t ask if she was holding her hand.
ChuYu don’t talk Xu Yi also dare not speak occasionally glancing at a ChuYu see ChuYu is staring at the front and didn’t look at her, slowly she rest assured to stretch the string a loose she enjoyed the scenery.
The palace is really beautiful, even if you live here, you will easily lose your life, but you can’t hide its charm.
"It’s windy today," Xu Yi enjoyed the scenery and found a topic to chat with Chu Yu, trying to break the silence of the car
Chuyu glanced at the outside of the car and Xu Yi said coldly, "The wind is great for flying kites."
"Yes, it’s suitable for flying kites." Xu Yi responded with a smile. After realizing something, she said carefully, "The emperor’s servants and concubines will learn riding in the afternoon, and they will certainly study hard and won’t be lazy." Even if she wants to fly kites, she should have kites for her to fly.
Chuyu well there is no text.
Xu Yi always feels that Chu Yu’s silence is abnormal, but if he doesn’t ask her what she can read, he will be silent. His silence is not necessarily a kind of playing the fool. Everyone can play the fool happily.
"Are you ready for Toffee’s birthday present?" Chuyu suddenly asked
Xu Yi didn’t answer the rhetorical question, "What gift does the emperor want to give toffee?"
Chu Yu put her hand high on his thigh. He toyed with her little hand and said lightly, "I know what to send, but you are too young to choose a gift. If you are not ready, I will ask Yin Defu to help you choose a gift and send it to Fengyi Palace. You need to give it to Toffee on her birthday."
"Thank the Emperor", she wanted to send a jade ruyi to Toffee. Since Chu Yu was willing to help her prepare a gift, she saved the cup of jade ruyi.
Chuyu doesn’t talk again.
Chu Yu ordered the car dealer to stop the car. He took the Xu Yi car and said to the slaves, "I will visit the imperial garden with the queen."
Yindefu immediately waved his hand to evacuate the car.
Maybe it was a heavy rain last night. The vegetation in the imperial garden is greener.
The Empress walked slowly surrounded by a group of minions. Chu Yu still took Xu Yi’s hand and handed it over to him from Xu Yi. He never let go of pulling her car and pulling her car again.
Xu Yi tried to withdraw his hand, but his palm was sweating, and he realized that she was going to withdraw her hand, and Chu Yu held it tighter.
Xu Yi, the "Emperor", dared to ask "Do the male and female servants think that the hot emperor can release the male and female servants?"
Chuyu lived and looked at her quietly.
Xu Yi was a little flustered by him and knew that he suspected her, but he didn’t ask anything and didn’t know what he was thinking.
Pull up her hand ChuYu pulled out a handkerchief Xu Yi from his arms and recognized it at a glance as her rice. Later, she wiped her mouth and was stuffed into his arms by ChuYu. The handkerchief should be cleaned. He carefully helped Xu Yi put his palm out and wiped his mouth with sweat and said, "It’s good to wipe the sweat."
Xu Yi … This little emperor is considerate when he is not crazy. Yes, he is an emperor.
"Xie Huang" Xu Yi Shane
Chu Yu helped her wipe away the sweat on her palm and then put Paser back into his arms. Is it going to take her Paser with him all the time?
"Let’s go"
Chuyu took her forward again.
In the distance, melodious music came.
Xu Yi thought the sound of the piano was very nice and asked, "Who is playing the piano really well?"

Thoughts flashing Zhou Jia reaction is not slow, and the shield in his hand gently flashes before the five fingers strike.

Five fingers peck at the protector and tap the shield lightly.
It seems that a light blow hides seven different forces, and there is a dark energy hidden shield explosion, which also makes Zhou Jia have to take a step back.
Xu Lao hummed like a python, twisted his arms and twisted against the shield, which seemed to want to take away the shield.
"Hey …"
The two sides struggled, even though the shield was of good quality, they groaned with difficulty
Zhou Jia felt that there was a strong force to drop the shield and shake it from side to side so that the veins stood out in his arms bulged high.
Violence has long been stimulated.
So vigorously!
Not the kui is a bello people’s single theory of power to stimulate violence, hand-melting keel itself is not the same.
Xu Lao’s mouth is full of wine, and all kinds of animals pounce, scratch and scratch, and sometimes clench their fists and smash the five elements of the plough and stagger it.
Sue nine ye also not idle.
He grinned grimly, his hands each holding a machete and pouncing on a double knife. He cut it and entangled Zhou Jia’s arm with a double-edged axe.
In the later period, the two black irons teamed up with Zhou Jia, and the situation was extremely dangerous.
Jize folded his hands with disdain.
Xu Lao and Su Jiuye are not weak. Even Ji Xian may not be able to win together. It should be easy to solve the opponent.
Unless the black iron peak can’t win.
"It’s a pity that there are such talents in a small stone city … ungrateful!"
Dissolving the moon nodded and echoed the same feeling that there would be any changes in the war situation.
"Little Shicheng has ruined many people, even Master Ji Xian and the gangster Zhang Bingzhong, who are so strong, have died here."
"This place is ominous."
"JiXian" JiZe she chuckled cold hum a way
"Although I don’t like this person, he is Ji Jiadi after all. When he goes back, he can always lock the murderer by casting spells on the bones."
"The man who can kill the late black iron is by no means a weak person’s achievement method, but it is just Yang, fierce and sharp, which is surely not much …"
His mumbling sound is getting lower and lower, staring at the three people fighting in the field, and his eyes are sad and a ray of panic emerges.
Fierce and fierce?
Can Shicheng kill the late black iron?
There seems to be such a one in front of them!
What a coincidence that there are two such masters in a Shicheng?
Dissolving the moon, Qiao face is pale, beautiful eyes are trembling, and there is a chill in my heart. Jize’s opponent is not good at dark calling at the same time.
"Do it!"
Jize finally deserves to be born in a military family. When he realized that it was wrong, he yelled at the wrist and shook the sand. Wan Li’s firm but gentle surge came out.
If you can kill Ji Xian and Zhang Bingzhong, you can’t kill Xu Lao and Su Jiuye?
The former is much stronger than the latter.
Xu Lao long attack don’t see JiZe again, dissolve the month came although I don’t know what happened, but intuition felt a little wrong.
I always feel that I am attacking a fierce beast. Although the fierce beast has not yet made a fuss, it still makes him jumpy.
When there is no longer any force left, the punch front explodes and the boom shield suddenly retreats and bounces back with the help of the anti-seismic force.
Tiger tail whip!
Whip and split on one leg
The whip was so hard that it hit like an iron rod, and the visible gas was abruptly separated from it.
The shield suddenly sank to the ground and burst.
Su Jiuye is even more low-pitched, born with double knives and several knife lights, almost drowning Zhou Jia completely.
Five-color thunder light emerges
Zhou Jia’s body shook, one point and three shields suddenly flew out and hit the attack, and the axe light increased with the increase.
It thunders for five days!
The body is close to forty percent of the source force, and qi qi erupts in an instant, which motivates the five-thunder-axe method of dzogchen state to go towards several people.
The sky rises sharply and roared in the daytime.
Inexplicable breath in the virtual space collides with filar silk, and Lei Guang emerges, but the thunder is chopped off from the semi-winding in the blink of an eye.
Thunder falls, double-edged axe turns into five-color Lei Guang.
"Rumble …"
The five-color Lei Guang collided, melted and decomposed, and the harsh light almost covered everything except the thunder sweeping in all directions
If the dzogchen precursor of the five-thunder axe method can only support a thunder.
Half the source force can evoke two thunders, which is not only an increase in quantity, but also a doubling of power.

Li Yuanqing analysis is very detailed and they all nodded.

Although Hou Jin is close to the enemy on land, they have awe of the sea.
This sea ban policy can certainly help them stabilize the land rule in Liao, but they are able to do so along the coast
When the old slave led the army to break through the defense lines of Sancha River and Liaohe River, it was during the freezing period that they didn’t have the strength to cross the river, but at this time, they had to spend some effort to thaw the river.
Since Mao Wenlong’s surprise attack on Zhenjiang, the ships in southern Liaoning have been searched by several departments in Mao Wenlong, and most of them have been destroyed by Houjin himself. In this state, even if there are boats, there will never be many fishermen.
Li Yuanqing smiled and said, "That’s it. Let’s do it for these sailors and boats."
Zhang Pan was also white at this moment. Li Yuanqing couldn’t help but be overjoyed. "If Yuan Qing is like this, there will be a lot of room for us. Tell me what you are going to do?"
Chen Zhong also reacted, "Yuan Qing, I can say that I must take the lead this time."
Li Yuanqing smiled. "Don’t worry, two brothers. According to this true slave time, this team will arrive at us at noon as soon as possible. We can carefully arrange a specific plan …"
After a quiet night, the sun rises from the clouds, and the soft sunshine spreads on the ground, which will slowly nourish the withered things and give them a glimmer of life.
This ferry post also ushered in a new day.
The courtyard has been cleaned and almost spotless. Several’ Han flag soldiers’ are working hard to burn hot water beside several cauldrons in the courtyard, and others are killing pigs and sheep.
Everywhere is hard to prepare and welcome the Lord.
The only difference is that there are more than a dozen boats on the west river, and 3 or 4 sailors are sitting on the shore waiting for the Lord to send them.
Li Yuanqing, Chen Zhong and Zhang Pan also changed their uniforms at this time, and’ monitored’ these dozens of sailors at the ferry, ready to send them to live.
At seven o’clock, many fishermen and sailors gathered towards the ferry.
They are all Han Chinese, and they are arranged by Guan Canghai.
People don’t say that they have seen the real slaves, but they have seen Guan Canghai, a soldier with a "Han flag". They have to bow and scrape for fear of causing death to the soldiers.
Soon these fishermen and sailors were gathered on the river bank.
In a short time, there were more than a dozen boats, and there were already more than 30 boats by the ferry. Sailor No.70 coolies.
A few people in Li Yuanqing have tied up simple money behind their heads and wore thick fur hats. At this time, the weather is still very cold. If you don’t take off your hat, it is difficult to find the abnormality.
It’s almost noon, and there’s still no movement on the other side. Chen Zhong can’t wait. He whispered, "Will Yuan Qing have the wrong information? These dogs can’t get through today?"
Li Yuanqing smiled. "Chen Dage can’t be impatient and can’t eat hot tofu."
Zhang Pan was already in a much faster mood at this time and smiled: "Mr. Chen, what’s your hurry? The meat is coming to the pot soon. Are we in a hurry? "
Chen Zhong was upset and said, "You two are really full. I don’t know if you are hungry. I’m too lazy to talk nonsense with you."
Li Yuanqing and Zhang Pan smiled at each other, and the sky became brighter and brighter.
There is a great contrast in climate here.
It was very cold at night, but there was a hint of heat at noon. Several people in Li Yuanqing were wrapped so tightly at the bottom of the sun, but they were already sweating.
When the three of them are talking and sleeping in the sun, there is movement on the other side.
Several fine horses galloped to the river bank and shouted at it.
At this time, it was the peak of the old slave. Although the old slave was very familiar with Chinese, he was born in Li Chengliang, but in the later Ministry of Finance, he was mainly a slave. He was able to speak Chinese, which was a lot of slaves, but it worked and showed his dominant position. Most of the true slaves still spoke slave words proudly.
Some people, such as Huang taiji, admire the Chinese culture and speak Chinese, but at this time, he dare not rashly remain a slave speaker on formal occasions.
At this time, seeing the opposite bearer Li Yuanqing is a mental shock.
Zhang Pan quickly winked at a real Han flag soldier next to him.
Yesterday, Zhang Pan didn’t have much effect on the real slave means, but it scared the soldiers of the Han flag to urine. Li Yuanqing also made a profit to win over the soldiers of the Han flag. They had to work well.
This Han flag soldier also blared and blared across the street.
He quickly said to Li Yuanqing, "I’m opposite the master. I don’t want to prepare hot water and mutton for the dog. Most of them come here to take a bath."
Li Yuanqing took a look at Chen Zhonghe, three people spirit is a flap.

Whether Qiao Luo’s wife knows his company and can be Qiao Luo’s wife is natural or a person with something to do.

She took a look at Qiao Luo and smiled. "Thank you for your compliment. This time is the most naughty."
I think I just learned to walk and talk, so it’s especially noisy.
Qiao Luo knows that Xiao Jing and An Yan should not be seen by An Yan, who will hook up the fragile and painful memories.
At this point, Qiao Luochong Xiao Jing smiled apologetically and indicated that he could take an Yan away first.
Nothing in Anyan is to reach out and pinch the soft face of the child very carefully, but I didn’t expect the baby to smile assiduously from Anyan and finally reach out to Anyan "Ma Ma …"
Everyone was surprised that Qiao Luo’s wife’s face was in distress situation and spoiled.
A few people have she doesn’t know the situation or Qiao Luoxian reacts to rush his wife and beckons her to quickly grasp the baby’s finger and squat down lightly to appease her. "Is the baby aunt?"
But what does a child know?
She still smiled at her in the direction of Anyan and vaguely called her that.
Xiao Jing clung to Anyan’s shoulder and could feel her body trembling more.
For the first time, I feel that some injuries have to be put in front of myself in order to make you feel miserable.
In an instant, there were big tears rolling from the corner of my eye, and my heart ached badly. Some memories flooded out from the depths of my body. She whispered a sentence of sorry and strode to the super Xiao Jing car.
Men don’t say anything to chase Anyan.
Qiao Luo was in the same place in regret, and his wife was puzzled and didn’t know what had happened.
An Yan’s tears kept rolling down from her eyes like a burst of its banks at this moment. When the man arrived at her, he pulled the door and sat in.
Xiao Jing went from going around to the driver’s seat to angina pectoris to not being able to stop crying.
He leaned over and hugged her tightly in his arms.
"Xiao Jing, let me think about it. I’m so bad. If it could run and jump now, it would certainly be able to learn."
Some emotions can’t stop after pouring like a flood in an instant, so she can vent.
If she is in pain, he is in more pain.
Xiao Jing couldn’t wait to be integrated with her or to transfer her grief to him. He kissed the tears off her face and comforted "You are the best in this world. How can you be bad?" You’re never the bad guy, you know? "
An Yan kept shaking his head in a blur. "I’m so bad."
She repeated this sentence several times, but suddenly she grabbed his finger and looked up at him. "But I was looking forward to it. I expected it to come to this world. I will teach it to show it all my good side …"
In the end, Anyan couldn’t cry, so she threw herself in his arms and cried hard.
Xiao Jing hugged her and followed her back. "It’s not your fault that you don’t even know how good you are. It’s my fault. I shouldn’t have said that at that time, but we have a long future. Let’s live well after crying today, huh?"
"I never told you about it. I don’t care. I didn’t feel anything when it left me because it was too cold. When it left me completely, I really didn’t feel that I woke up. I don’t care, but it still hurts here. What?"
She covered her heart while crying.
Xiao Jing stretched out his hand and slowly stuck it to her and said that he was heartbroken and choked. "Because I didn’t do it well enough, I didn’t let it feel warm, but I won’t do it later. I’ll try to do better. You cry. I’ll watch you. I won’t escape or advise you to let go."
He wiped the tears from her face with a kiss. "But you can’t deny yourself that you have always been the best."
Love and hate separated her. Love was desperate, and she lived freely. From beginning to end, he hindered her from moving forward.
To be wrong, the only mistake in this life is to meet him.
But he couldn’t bear that she didn’t meet him in her life. otherwise, how could she gain such an unforgettable love?
They came to work early this day, but it was already dark when they left the parking lot.
After great compassion, it is a profound silence for Anyan.
She felt that she had to say something. She was no longer an ex-promise. At this point, they have sacrificed enough things, and they can no longer be bound by the painful memories of the past and dare not step out.
This is the first time that Anyan told him in detail how she lived in northern Europe and found out that she was pregnant when she was desperate, and then welcomed the baby with hope, how she met Huo Jingyan and how they told each other their experiences and became bosom friends.
Say a lot of everything
When it comes to the end, Anyan has been very calm. She leans slightly and holds the man on the steering wheel. The blue veins stand out. She purses her lips and smiles. "It’s really tiring to bear this memory. Now all my bad emotions are crying to your body. Let’s share these pains together."
"Xiao Jing, I’m really not particularly sad, so don’t be particularly sad."
In fact, she must not be so sad, saying that you can’t miss people too much and you can’t let them go, otherwise it will go restless, and if worldly things get stuck, you can’t be reborn properly.
There is a dividing line between birth, old age, illness and death. We can’t let go of these personnel absolutely, but we can’t be too persistent.
Going back to Xiaoshan villa is not as early as usual, but a little late.
Section 612
An Yan is in a bad mood, but Xiao Jing can’t. He has to take care of her, and he can’t be too sad like her.
As soon as Li Ma saw Anyan coming in, she was in a bad mood. She quickly asked Xiao Jing before, shook her head and took her downstairs.
At the same time, she told Li Ma to ask the kitchen to cook some soup to dispel the cold. It was cold tonight. She wore thin clothes and cried once, fearing that her body resistance was too poor and she caught a cold directly.
The upstairs man asked her to stay in the bedroom well, and went downstairs to pour her hot water.
When he came, he found that the woman heard the ring by the French window and she was waiting for him to come over.
Xiao Jing put hot water on the tea table and walked towards her.
It’s like doing it thousands of times. His arm just snuggled up to his arms and put it around his waist. His voice was muffled. "Don’t worry too much about me. I’m too sad to think of it. I haven’t seen Brother Shen for a long time. I don’t know what happened to him and Sister Jing, and I don’t know what happened to their baby. When shall we go and see them?"
Since it is her brother and sister Xiao Jing, she naturally respects it.
He slowly exhaled and patted her on the back. "I’ll go with you when you find it, huh?"
Ann said slowly close your eyes "good"
After two days, this matter was completely recovered.
This morning, the man went to work early. She went upstairs slowly and wanted to read the newspaper for the first time at breakfast. Of course, it was not the kind of serious newspaper that men read.
What she wants to read is the headline divination newspaper of Wencheng Entertainment.
But when she’s not looking, it’s sent every day. Not today.
The first volume Chapter 335 So in the end, he made a thousand exhortations.
She was sitting in a restaurant drinking milk, that is, she had a whim to read an entertainment newspaper.
Two dog was lying on his side listless. Maybe it was winter. He was a little fatter than when he first saw it. When he bathed him, he also found that this fellow was not puffy but really fat.
An Yan rushed to one side and Li Ma shouted, "Didn’t Li Ma send the newspaper this morning?"
Li Ma didn’t know what she was doing. When she heard Anyan calling, she quickly walked to Anyan from what she had lost. "Madam, I don’t know what happened in today’s newspaper. Maybe it didn’t arrive."
Not delivered?
It’s usually impossible for this to happen. She frowned. "Did the gentleman send the newspaper early if he wanted to read it?"

Perhaps it is because of the first trial that the results came out quickly at startup.

"The remaining life of the theory of medium qualification is 403 years, and the third-order repair of silver"
Ender nod to encourage way
"Miss Zhao doesn’t have to mind. In fact, after my test, the strong silver is very rare."
I don’t know how many years it took Yu Changsheng to meet one
Strange species?
In other population
"So that’s it" Zhao Qingping suddenly.
"Thanks a lot"
"I’ll do it!" Zhou Jia’s previous step
"Compared with the qualification, Zhou is more curious about how many years he still has to live?"
"Well …" Ender explained slightly manually.
"The theoretical residual life is the maximum number that a person can live. In fact, it is impossible to live that long even if it is not natural or man-made disasters."
"I am white" Zhou Jia nodded.
"that’s good"
Ender inspired the trial day plate to reach out and signal.
"Da …"
A little drop of blood
Brown, Zhao Qingping, and Zhao Fujia’s conscious bodies stretched forward and their eyes looked straight into the sky. There was an urgent curiosity in their eyes.
Zhou Jiashen, they have seen too many miracles.
In Zhou Jia’s news, Brown and others, the top figures of the major forces, have a way to understand.
The more you know, the more surprised you are.
In just a few decades, it’s incredible to be the first master of Hongze domain name from an unknown person.
Especially after advanced silver, it’s like hanging up. Generally, it’s the first time to enter silver. Goodbye is already a top player.
Many strong men have become a stumbling block to him.
Such a miracle!
Should we wait for qualifications again?
Immortal species?
Still odd?
Even if it is strange, they are not surprised at all. After all, Zhou Jiashen has too many magic and strange qualifications, which seems to be taken for granted.
"Well …"
Ender first looked at talents such as Zhou Jia, and others hoped to slow down in their eyes.
"Four-stage repair of silver with medium qualification remaining life of 173 years"
"This is impossible!"
Brown, Zhao Fujia and others are full of incredible faces.
Zhao Qingping is frowning.
"Will General Ender be wrong?"
Ender shook his head.
"It may be bad but it won’t go wrong, and this friend is really talented, but he is too old."
"If you are younger, you should be qualified."
"What do you mean?" Brown frowns
"Is it difficult to be old and qualified?"
"Of course!"
Ender a face of course.
"The old man’s vigor is certainly inferior to that of the young man, just like this friend, who is qualified for the strong body, but he is such an age …"
"It’s already good."
Zhou Jia is thoughtful.
It is not surprising that the qualifications of the earth people are not high. His high qualifications should also benefit from the promotion of Jing Yuan by Long Hu and Xuan Zang.
But …
Obviously, the qualifications of five thunder, water-bending, and palm soldiers are not within the scope of calculation.
"Thank you!"
With a sigh, he surrendered his fist.
Ender chuckled.
"But will friends still go to Yuancheng?"

Even worse, I also took over the business of Li Ji restaurant. This package will be sold more and more, and the money will be earned more and more. It is very suitable to give Deng’s family a silver or two, and it can also make the two families work with gratitude and peace of mind.

"But that’s too much!" Yu worked hard to do laundry for others for a month, and Qin Lan paid her less than 300 pence, so she said that she was grateful and took measures.
"I haven’t seen anyone who thinks it’s too much money. Hehe, this money is settled. Aunt Zhang Dabo is tired when he goes fishing in the river. I also want him to help. The same is true for the money. Besides, I also want to find someone who works hard and has the strength. It’s good for a worker to know the basics. Can you introduce me to such a person?"
In Qin Lan’s mind, the Deng family and Yu’s mother are people who are grateful and enthusiastic, so she can help them at ease and comfort them.
Poor collection ~ (_) ~ Dear friends, please bow down and ask for a collection … It depends on your support!
Chapter 21 Yu’s maiden
One second, remember ♂ update and read quickly!
"I’ll ask Zhang Dabo what he means when you come back! Lan Xin, if you still want to find someone, Aunt Yu thinks your little brother is a good person, and he is the most clever and diligent in his work. Don’t look at him, but he is not a big man, but his strength is not small, isn’t he? " Know Yu’s embarrassed mouth Deng’s straightforward to say out.
Generally speaking, it is better to think of one’s own family first when selling human feelings like this, but Zhang Fa’s brothers have long since lost contact with their parents, and the three brothers and their daughters-in-law are unreliable. Deng thought it would be better to give this opportunity to Yu’s family.
Yu smiled gratefully at Deng’s family. Her two brothers, a sister and a big brother knew that they were working hard in the field, and they were smart. My little sister was married in the mountains for a year, and it was also a bitter day for her family. If she could really come to Qin Jiagong, that would be a great thing.
"Sister-in-law Hong Lian is right!" At this time, Yu Shi is not modest. This job is likely to make a living for his second brother’s family. "My second brother’s name is Yu Lei, who is three years younger than me. My second brother is very hardworking and practical. If you don’t believe me, you can try him for a while without paying."
Yu, who has seen people’s hearts for a long time, believes that the Qin family will definitely give him this job if they see their brother working hard. She has this confidence as a sister!
The Yu family has always been able to say such confident words, and Deng’s family is also very optimistic about Yu’s younger brother. Qin Lan thought that this person is not much worse.
So Qin Lanxin asked Yu to go back to her family another day and bring her second brother Yu Lei to Baishi Wharf. If this person is really nice, she won’t find another worker.
Yu didn’t dare to delay at all. If it wasn’t too late, she wanted to inform her family that night. It was very difficult to bear it. She sent her son john young to Qin’s house to buy twenty hot packs as a gift, and took Han’s three-foot broken peach blossom coarse cloth. This was the only way to hurry and lead her son to take a cheap ferry down the river.
The ferry traveled five miles in the middle of the river, and then at the bank of a small village, Yu’s mother got on the boat, crossed the small village called Dutingkou and walked another mile to Huaning Village, where Yu’s family was located.
Yu’s two maiden brothers have separated, and now the eldest brother Yu Lin’s family lives in the west of the village, and the second brother Yu Lei’s family lives in the village with her parents. Although the two younger brothers have quarrels, they are not bad.
When I arrived at Yu’s old house in the village, I saw my mother Qi’s sitting at the door picking vegetables. john young even shouted a "grandmother" affectionately.
The eldest daughter suddenly went back to her mother’s house with a bulging bag, and Qi’s mother was wronged at Baishi Wharf. Even in the most difficult time of the day, I didn’t see Yu come back like this, but she looked smiling and didn’t look like it.
Yu Lei’s wife, Zhang, quickly welcomed her when she saw her elder sister-in-law coming back with her son, and Yu Shi was busy asking her to call her mother’s father, old Yu Tou, and her second brother Yu Lei back from the ground.
Zhang saw that Yu was in a hurry and didn’t dare to delay, so he ran to the field. In a short time, Lao Yutou and Yu Lei came back with hoes and a laundry list, and even the Yu Lin family came in a panic.
"Elder sister, what happened? Did someone bully you and your nephew? " Yu Lei and Yu Lin hurriedly asked as soon as they entered the door.
Looking at two brothers and two brothers’ daughters-in-law’s worries, I don’t know whether to laugh or cry when Yu’s heart warms up, saying, "No one bullied our mother, and she just didn’t go to the village west to call your family. I brought a bag and it’s still warm. Please sit down and eat quickly!"
"Big sister has food at home. Why do you still spend money to buy a bag? If you want to eat it back, I’ll make it for you!" Yu Lin’s wife, Sun Shi, looked at Qi’s dozen bags coming out of the room and said with some love.
"Aunt, your bag is not as delicious as my sister’s!" John young proudly said as if Qin Lanxin were his own sister.
When the family ate the bag and everyone was full of praise, Yu told Yu Lei to go to the Qin family for a trial job in front of everyone in her family.
When I heard that I could earn one or two taels of money a month to help the Qin family sell bags, the whole family was very happy. Although Sun Shi was a little envious, he didn’t show much.
After lunch at home, Zhang cleaned up two pieces of laundry for Yu Lei, and then Yu’s mother went back to Baishi Wharf with Yu Lei. When she arrived, she took Yu Lei into Qin’s yard without even entering the house.
"Lan Xin, this is my second brother Yu Lei. Try him first!" Yu believes in his younger brother, but everything has to be decided by Qin Lan.
"Miss Qin, I promise to work hard and not give you any trouble or shame to my sister!" Yu Lei wore all his best clothes today, but it was just a little cleaner and a gray blouse without patches.
At present, the male is in his mid-twenties, his age is not high, his skin is dark and his eyes are healthy, and Zhou Zheng’s eyes are very similar to Yu’s.
This man gave Qin Lan a good first impression, and he was also enthusiastic and had a look. After talking, he saw Qin Lanbing tearing down the small kitchen next to Qin’s East House and took the initiative to help.
Just after Yu’s visit to her parents’ home for half a day, she also decided to find two familiar neighbors to cut wood in the mountains according to Qin Lan’s entrustment. Qin Xiangzheng went to the Qin family to rebuild the stove. Deng’s family went to the blacksmith’s shop to order a pot of water, and Qin Lanyue went to carpenter Chen’s house to order a steamer. Zhang Miaoer did some chores. Qin Lan’s heart and Han’s family were busy with the subway restaurant business.
Qin Family Courtyard doesn’t hold much firewood because restaurants take up a lot of places, so Zhang Fa and his men cut firewood and put them in Zhang Jia’s house for the time being, and everyone is eating at Qin’s house.
The next day, when it was time to make bags, Deng’s, Yu’s and Zhang Miaoer got up earlier than Qin Lan’s mind, saying that they would follow Qin Lan’s mind to make those ten folded bags. If you can’t spoil those white flour, you should practice your hands with this miscellaneous bread first.
Qin Lan knew that they were kind enough to help, but she regarded it as everyone’s first day’s work as early as yesterday. Besides, she felt that they also said that it would be good to sell the bags to Li Ji restaurants, so the sales volume would be high, and she didn’t refuse them.
With the participation of Deng’s three people, the package was quickly wrapped, and Yu Lei also came to Qin’s home early to help light the fire. Qin Lan told him that steamed buns need to pay attention to the temperature, and Yu Lei was really smart and smart, and he was also worried about what to do without Qin Lan saying it again or telling him first, and he remembered it very well.
In the next few days, cooking stoves, washing the steamer, chopping wood, buying vegetables and meat were all carried out in an orderly way. The day before the delivery of the package to the Li Ji restaurant, the three families gathered at Qin’s house, and they were afraid to be busy all night tonight.
Deng’s, Yu’s, and Han’s dough kneading, Qin Lan’s heart is filled with stuffing. At four o’clock, smoke billowed from the chimney of subway restaurants, and the wind blew out the smoke, which was more gentle and graceful, but it could not be blown away.
In the East, it was faint and pale. The man in Li Ji Restaurant had already pulled the modified carriage to the Qin family yard to drive the car. The little boy’s nose had to smell cramps. It was so far away that he could smell the fragrant package and the big meat stuffing was really appetizing!
"Qin guniang Lin, the shopkeeper, asked me to pull three drawers first!" Restaurant man walked to the Qin family yard and shouted
"Well, I’ll carry the carriage for you!" Qin Lan’s bag-making speed is almost catching up with modern machines, and there are guests coming to buy coarse bread in front of Baiwei restaurant here.
Is just back to talk when there is no a lamp of tea, Li Ji restaurant guy panting ran to the front of her and said anxiously, "Miss Qin’s bag is not enough to sell. The shopkeeper asked you to pull the leftovers over quickly, and the guests will be crazy to grab the bag!"
Ah-is it so exaggerated? Qin Lan heart very unexpectedly stood on the spot!
The collection of the first article is too poor ~ (_) ~ Dear friends, please bow down and ask for a collection … It depends on your support!
Chapter 22 Make people jealous (first and foremost)
One second, remember ♂ update and read quickly!
Li Ji Restaurant is located in the middle of the street on the back of the fishing lane, not far from Xianmanlou, the largest restaurant in the fishing lane, and Dongji Restaurant, which is famous for its wine. However, each of the three restaurants does its own business, but in fact, they are also struggling secretly.
Li Jiahe’s overseas fishing lane Qin Jiahe’s selling of packages has been repeated in the fishing lane. Speaking of it, whether it’s several big package shops in the fishing lane or the county grandfather’s little brother’s fairy building and Dong Ji restaurant, they all regard this as a joke and laugh at it.
But the Li family went to pull the package and the carriage walked back and forth from two lanes. I was shocked by the smell. This Qin family package is really fragrant. The smell of this package can make people sleep uneasily in the early morning.
As soon as the three-steamer bag was pulled to Li Ji Restaurant, there was an early morning to catch the boat before the kitchen was moved. The merchant stopped the bartender and said he wanted to eat the bag.
After the kitchen didn’t send Lin, the shopkeeper immediately decided to put the bag in the restaurant lobby, and the guys washed their hands to get the bags for the guests.
Really, after two or three turns, these three cage bags were robbed by the guests who stopped here to rest. If they didn’t grab them later, they were anxious to ask the shopkeeper Lin to hurry to pull the bags.
Wait until the second time, I hurried to pull the six-steamer bag, and it was sold out quickly. Then I went to Qin’s house to pull the bag, saying it was white flour. Today, I made a trial sale of nine-steamer bags according to the prior agreement, that is, the subway restaurant was almost sold out of coarse bread.
Lin, the shopkeeper, regrets that he wants to slap himself. This is the first time he tried to sell the nine-drawer bag. He decided after consulting with Zheng, the shopkeeper.
Although Qin’s package is famous, there is no guarantee that it can be sold in restaurants, so Qin Lan’s heart will not be made to do too much, but it will be sold out in less than half an hour, and many guests are annoyed by smelling the fragrance and not eating the package.
No matter how anxious you are, you can’t help it. The two articles written by Qin and Li are very clear. Bai Qin’s family gave packages to Li Ji restaurants early, and if you want to eat them, you have to wait until early morning.
For more than half a month in succession, the early guests in Li Ji restaurant were full, and many adults and family members also came to the restaurant to buy bags, and once they bought them, they were one or two drawers.
Even a piece of white bread costs ten pence. For these rich people in Fujiangkou and the guests who can afford to live in Li Ji restaurants, even nine Niu Yi Mao is not a package that costs twenty or thirty pence, but many people buy it.
Li Ji Restaurant is a bustling place, and Dongji Restaurant is not cold and cheerless, but it also gets a lot of complaints from the guests that they want to eat a white bread from the Qin family. Some guests who live in these two restaurants ask the bartender to go to Li Ji Restaurant to buy them food.
Our guests are thinking about other people’s meals, which is very critical for businessmen who welcome guests. The "signal" is jealous of Li Ji Restaurant, and the two families are also thinking about ways to deal with it
"Madam, although this bag is not a big business and can’t earn a few dollars, it can attract guests. No matter how thin the grasshopper’s legs are, it’s also meat. Do you think we can take this business away from the Li family?" Dong Ji restaurant ke shopkeeper with a pair of small eyes like a fox to Dong Gu now take charge of mistress Lushi offer a way
"No, my Lord said that we can’t move the Li family in Fujiangkou now. That Sir Zhong is now a favorite of the emperor and can’t offend even if he doesn’t please." Lu shook his head and said with a calm face.
I almost blinded Li Bao when my child Dong Huaichen fought with Li Jia’s young master Li Bao. When he came back from Kyoto, the master knew that he had severely whipped Dong Huaichen, which made her feel bad and hated Li Jia even more.
But now that she’s Dong Gu, she must bear to be resentful and resentful in the future. If she really annoys the Li family, the ruthless old lady is hard to let Mr. Li go to the emperor and say a few words about Dong Gu’s failure, it will not be worth the loss.
"Madam, then we can’t watch the guests run to Li Ji Restaurant!" The better the business of this restaurant, the more silver you can have in your pocket. The shopkeeper Ke won’t have a hard time with silver. "Mrs. Li can’t move, but the Qin family in the fishing lane is just a victim. It’s as easy to run them over like an ant."
Lushi binocular micro pick sneer at a said, "you when I don’t know hum! But now is such a pariah also temporarily can’t move Dong Gu’ big good man’ outside the girl and just entered the palace to do is five talents can’t what’s wrong at this time, you send someone to the fishing lane outside the Qin family and say Dong Ji restaurant should also be with her. If she is not available, don’t be annoyed. There is always another one she can’t provoke. "

Is it true that blood is a great supplement to these giant worms when it is destructive to other creatures?

A group of workers, look at me, I think you are dumbfounded.
The leader of the villa has high hopes that the whip is not a powerful weapon but …
Reverse amplifier?
"These worms are like being smoked by the owner? They are not trying to attack the landlord … Are they leaning towards the landlord? "
Everybody wink and wink.
Instead of a group of vicious giant worms, a group of grinning dogs wagged their tails.
This …
Not quite right, is it?
Not far from Zhuang, I am also worried. What can I do?
I can’t get rid of this thing myself!
Smoke it, quench your thirst with poison, smoke it and come back.
Don’t smoke. They’re all around themselves and won’t leave.
What should I do?
Just when Zhuang was worried, suddenly there was a terrible wave coming from afar.
When I felt this fluctuation, the giant worm turned and ran away in fear, and seemed to see the bully pupils on campus.
Not far from Zhuang, he turned around and saw a giant bug several times bigger than his own. When it was huge, the giant bug appeared behind him.
It floats silently, where two dark reds are particularly ferocious, and the dark eyes slowly turn and stare at Zhuang not far away.
Suddenly, the giant bug opened its mouth not far from Zhuang.
"Master Zhuang, hide!"
Knowing that Zhuang was not far away, everyone shouted.
However, Zhuang didn’t hide not far from the figure because he saw that the giant worm didn’t attack him at that time, but vomited.
"Ouch … Ouch!" A golden thing was spit out by it and floated.
"Is the landlord … plank brick?"
"Is it … is it …" The earth worker looked at this scene. "This is … the way it moves and habitually moves. It is No.1!"
It was the first giant bug to attack the earth!
But this guy … How did he get so big?
Did this guy eat the golden clover?
This big guy spit out the brick not far from Zhuang and arched forward, pushing the golden brick to fly not far from Zhuang.
Not far from Zhuang, he stretched out his hand and the plank brick immediately fell into his hand and became the size of an ordinary plank brick.
Not far from Zhuang, look at this giant bug, and then look at that huge one. The giant bug flew out again with the plank brick in his hand.
"Shout" At that time, the giant worm turned and chased the plank brick, grabbed it and pushed it back to the side not far from Zhuang, arched it and handed it to him.
All "…"
Why does this scene feel more and more weird?
Like training a puppy?
Is this still a terrible and ferocious giant bug?
Not far from Zhuang, he grabbed the plank brick and waved it. The plank brick flew to another corner. At that time, the giant worm chased it and picked it up again.
Then not far from Zhuang, he was very intimate and turned his body over to show his belly.
This is better than a dog!
"The owner of the manor is really a natural manor owner," Indigo sighed with emotion. "No matter what creatures are in his hands, they can be domesticated …"
"Now is not the time … but what is this?" Everyone is puzzled.
"Ah, I’m white!"

Qin Yu glanced at Zhu Wei’s back and frowned thoughtfully.

"Zhu Wei, the group leader, is not the same as the third child. He has no bad intentions. He usually likes to joke and make fun of others." Qi Lin came over and said softly, "Don’t take it to heart!"
I don’t know if you’ve ever met someone like Zhu Wei in your life. No matter what your personality is, they are always willing to make some outrageous jokes. They don’t play around with themselves every day and don’t consider other people’s feelings. When you want to get angry with him, he always smiles and says, "We are just joking. Why are you so stingy?" And then go on like this and never change …
If you meet such a person in the ordinary circle, you may choose to stay away and ignore him, but Qin Yu can’t. Because Zhu Wei is his colleague, everyone needs to stir the horse spoon in a pot every day. You can’t avoid him, but he often gives orders for himself in front of ordinary police officers but grabs the team leader’s lines. How can Qin Yu work? And the most difficult thing is whether the three groups of these people are friends of Zhu Wei. You fucked him just after you came here, which is easy to make a contradiction …
What should we do?
Qin Yu weighed in his heart, and at the same time, Ji Lin also looked on coldly. He also wanted to see when the new kid would turn against Zhu Wei and whether he could be the leader of the three groups.
Late half an hour
Two police cars stopped at the intersection of muck street gate, and Qin Yu and others dressed in them loaded the car and strolled down the street.
Tuzha Street is the most chaotic place in the whole black block, where there are 10,000 people who live but have no stable jobs. There are at least seven women at the entrance of each shop with pink lights on both sides of the road. They are always posing and waving their hands to attract customers. In dark hutongs, you can often see "heavy smokers" sucking their noses and sweeping their eyes to the streets. Today, they may steal a day, grab a stutter and buy some happiness. Maybe they will be buried in this cold alley as soon as a heavy snow falls ..
Qin Yu has seen too many such people in the planning area, and his eyes are numb in this environment, so he bowed his head and walked forward.
The crowd marched for about a kilometer before stopping at the door of a shop without a facade.
Zhu Wei scratched his nose and whispered, "This family sells medicine."
"Look at no one." Qin Yu turned his head and glanced around and said, "I don’t know much about the situation here. Can I take people away if I catch them directly?"
Qi Lin thought, "Let’s go in again when someone comes to buy medicine."
Qin Yu thought for a long time with a frown on the side of the road and said, "Can they dare to buy and sell here without any preventive measures?" I’m afraid I can’t catch it, but I’m surprised. "
Zhu Wei immediately looked impatient when he heard this. "I told you that nobody cares about this before. If you want to clean it up, you have to be sudden. When you secretly investigate it, people will definitely hear the wind, and the resistance to solving the case will be much greater."
Qin Yu really doesn’t have the experience of living in the Ninth Special Zone, and he is not an old hand for the case detector. He turned his head for a long time and looked at Lao Hei and asked, "Do you think Zabi can be caught?"
"This kind of thing is really nobody’s business before." Old Hei Han almost replied, "But if you want to find out the news for a long time, it will definitely reveal that there is no secret in the company."
Qin Yu was silent for a few seconds and immediately spoke and ordered, "The police car is too ugly to come in … Old black and small six, you two put the car behind the street and we will leave as soon as we catch our car."
"Others randomly check a gun, ammunition and bulletproof vest." Qin Yu ordered again, "We will rush in as soon as people enter the opposite store."
"Ha ha you still wear body armor? You are so timid "Zhu Wei pie mouth quipped" this selling medicine has nothing to do with Jianghu status. A few years ago, I always beat them when I was patrolling … "
Qin Yu glanced at Zhu Wei and was still cautious and ordered, "Do something."
in half an hour
Two young men led an old man into the facade shop, and Qin Yu hid in an alley with a walkie-talkie and asked, "Look through the glass and see if you take medicine."
After waiting for a while, Qi Lin replied "Yes"
"Let’s move," Qin Yu immediately shouted, "Come in."
Voice down personal rushed to the front of the shop from three directions, raised my hand and pulled the wooden door and rushed into the room.
In the dark hall, next to the old counter, the medicine is being dressed at the moment, and a strong guy with a cigarette in the bar is looking at the door in amazement.
Before Zhu Wei stepped forward, his right hand held a gun and his left hand pointed to the strong guy and shouted, "Sergeant, hold your head and pull over!"
When the young man came to his senses and hurried back, he showed his waist pistol and no horse to hold his head.
In this chaotic environment, gangsters may do anything excessive when facing police officers. When Zhu Wei saw that he had a gun, he grabbed the young man’s neck with his left hand and ran for his head when he couldn’t get used to the butt.
"Bang bang …!"
Zhu Wei smashed the other side with a gun in a row, but the young man was still struggling. When he was in a hurry, he dragged the other side’s hair and crashed into the corner of the counter.
Blood flowed from the strong guy’s head, and his eyes turned and he fell to the ground.
At the same time, a bald man in a military coat rushed in and glanced at the room in amazement. He picked up the walkie-talkie and shouted, "Come out when the fucking shop 2 was swept!"
Quiet. After a short silence.
The street suddenly sounded deafening footsteps, and dozens of people rushed out of the bungalows on both sides of the road.
These people, armed with knives, steel pipes and chain guns, blocked the front of the facade shop like a tide.
Qin Yu looked at the vast crowd outside and instantly felt numb. He thought of the scene of grabbing food in the planned area and then unconsciously pushed the pistol insurance.
Zhu Wei through the glass to see the scene outside the forehead sweat swallowed "what … when the team developed to this scale? ….. It’s a little inflated … "
Chapter 10 Tuzha Street veteran covers the sky
The bald man’s shoulder was covered with a military coat, and the wooden stairs glanced coldly and was knocked down by Zhu Wei. The strong guy asked quietly, "Whose dog didn’t tie it and dared to come to my old horse shop for the whole thing?"
Qin Yu looked back at the door of the store with fine sweat on his forehead and saw that twenty people had pulled the door into the room and blocked the exit.
"We’re the superintendent," Zhu Wei said. "Don’t move. We’re here to solve the drug trafficking case."
"Hehe," the bald man sneered. "Who sells fake drugs here?"
Zhu Wei pointed to the counter with a gun in his hand and shouted, "We saw these people trading with our own eyes when we came."
"Do you see that you represent the law?" The bald man didn’t move the steps, raised his hand and pointed to the man at the door and shouted, "Ask them who saw people selling drugs in this room?"
At the door, more than 20 people didn’t say anything. Before carrying the guy in their hands, three groups of people surrounded the middle of the living room.
Zhu Wei was very embarrassed when he heard this, and he didn’t know what to say in situ. At the same time, he was a little timid because no one rushed in outside and looked at it as a good crop
Qin Yu hesitated briefly before taking a step.
At this time, the strong guy who was just knocked down by Zhu Wei sat up and screamed at his bleeding head, "How dare the dog hit me here?"
"You don’t move" JiLin next to the guy shouted a pointing at him.
"Don’t move? I go to your mother! " The strong guy immediately rushed up without saying anything, raised his fist and smashed Zhu Wei’s head. "Are you scaring your dad with a broken gun?"
Zhu Wei was beaten back three or four steps.

Ji night regression of looking at Ji Dong is like watching a monster patted his forehead "my god, my little ancestor, haven’t you seen the announcement? It’s called the sorority ball day tonight! There’s food in the canteen. Naturally, you won’t eat. Brother Frey asked me to come to you when he saw that you didn’t come. It turned out that you had long forgotten that I really loved you. "

After hearing what Ji Ye said, Ji Dong remembered that it was really three days since he saw the original announcement. Today was the time to call a dance, but he really didn’t have any idea about this social dance. He stopped and said, "Brother, this dance is not necessary and I am still young. This kind of dance is not suitable for me."
Ji Dong has been 15 years old these days, and he has not yet reached the age of 16 in the five elements of the mainland. However, in recent days, a series of changes have made him look more mature than when he first arrived at Tiangan College, and many of his heights have reached about 1.75 meters. Although his shoulders are slightly thin, his arrogant temperament is not very handsome, and his face also has an unspeakable attraction.
Ji night wounds hey hey a smile "little what! I’ve been through a lot when I was your age. Go and see Brother Frey, but he’s waiting for you. This is also a rare day for our cousin Congyang to get together. Even if you don’t plan to find the other half, you always have to eat and get something to eat. There are many delicious things today.
The college bought a frozen arowana from a big chamber of commerce. "
"Ice and snow arowana? What’s that? " Ji Dong asked curiously.
Ji night wounds hey hey smiled. "The ice and snow arowana is said to be a dragon subspecies with a body length of more than three meters. In seawater, the strength is greater than the most favorite cold body. It is a five-order Warcraft fish cake with delicate meat and delicious taste, which is even more delicious.
This is the main course today. Let’s try it together. "
Ji Dong is a little hungry when she comes to the belly. Isn’t it good to listen to Ji Ye’s remarks that she doesn’t want to go to the dance without fasting? There’s nothing to go when she’s full?
Thought of here, he no longer insisted that Ji Yeshu led them out of the school of Yin and Yang.
The party venue is very close to Congyang School, and no teaching building is unearthed. The open-air auditorium on the top floor of the teaching building is on the ground.
Although I have been in Congyang School for some time, Ji Dong has been practicing in Yin and Yang School for most of the time except for going out for a preliminary exam. This is the first time to set foot on a higher place in the teaching building.
There are five floors in the earthen teaching building, the main body of which is thick, yellow and gray. The owner represents Wu and Ji. Perhaps it is due to the establishment of the empire in Tiangan College, or it may be due to the respect of the position in the five elements of the earth. This teaching building is also the most magnificent of the five teaching buildings. Each floor is more than five meters high and hard. The marble stairs on the rock floor are decorated with gold, which looks dignified and stable as a stone.
Ji Ye’s wounds took Ji Dong all the way to the last stairway on the fifth floor, where four students, aged about 20, guarded. These are two official students who are responsible for the open-air dance gatekeepers, which shows that the status of Yin and Yang School students is respected.
The formal students who are also students want these students with special names.
Of course, the formal students will not be dissatisfied with this, but will feel very honored.
What’s wrong with some students who rank higher in Yin-Yang School, who are much stronger than most teachers in the college?
Four formal students of "Ji Xuechang" obviously know Ji Ye’s wounds, and when they see him, they stand and bow down to him.
Ji night wounds nodded with Ji Dong went inside.
A formal student hurried to the previous step, "Who is Senior Ji?"
Ji Dong’s public appearances were so few that there was one exchange day. No wonder these formal students didn’t know him.
Ji night wounds ha ha a smile "how three you still I ask private? This is Ji Dong, the No.49 student of Yin and Yang School. "
Ji Dong was a little hungry, took out his own trademark token and handed it to several formal students. Seeing that he was so young, he couldn’t help showing a somewhat envious look. After a little inspection, his token was immediately returned to him.
Climbing the last flight of stairs, Ji Dong suddenly felt suddenly enlightened when she pushed the door leading to the rooftop in front of Ji Ye’s wounds.
The night was fresh and a bit cool and refreshing, which made him practice all day. He suddenly felt that his brain was clear and his gas and blood were surging, and he could not express his satisfaction.
Walking out of the door, a huge auditorium comes into view. The floor of this earthen teaching building is covered with black marble with gold edges. Although it is the roof, there is no difference in the various arrangements of the auditorium. There are neat long tables and chairs on both sides, and there are all kinds of delicious food. There are generous and comfortable sofas at the corner. The whole roof is illuminated by more than 50 glazed palace lanterns. In the center, there is a round dance floor. A professional band is playing melodious music on the north side of the auditorium.
Looking up at the sky, I saw that the sky was full of stars, but my eyes were full of nobility and splendor.
This kind of feeling is really wonderful and very comfortable.
The students of Yin and Yang School know Ji Dong or not. Today, they all changed their gorgeous gifts, talked in twos and threes, or simply ate something leisurely and couldn’t say freehand brushwork.
There are ten men and ten women in the auditorium, and twenty students are interspersed with all kinds of drinks and drinks. There is no doubt that these should be the ordinary students who have been selected to attend the dance.
It turns out that their so-called participation is just to come.
Ji Dong’s eyes stayed at a huge semi-circular table on the south side. Behind the bar, two huge wine cabinets were short of thousands of kinds of wine, and three bartenders were busy mixing wine.