Let that memory fall to the ground and turn to mud

Quietly and gently
It’s drizzling in my world again.
You also need to have too many words.
Will also have different worlds.
I can slowly forget you.
Kiss you
Give me the most beautiful memories.
Erase again
Love you deeply and leave traces.
Wave and leave
Maybe it’s the end.
Stop being silly and stay where you are.
Kiss you
Give me the most beautiful memories.
Erase again
Love you deeply and leave traces.
Wave and leave
Maybe it’s the end.
All the past is gone with the wind.
Mu Huancai was deeply attracted by Su Yiming when he took a bite. He never knew that a person’s piano sounds and songs could be so beautiful. He couldn’t help but get up and look at a white dress in the gazebo.
I can’t tell whether I am intoxicated with my own melody or lost in my own mind. Mu Huan has forgotten the people and things around him. He is playing the strings and singing the melody emotionally. His lyrical voice is so round and unique, and he expresses his complex emotions like crying.
Su Yiming looked at Muhuan quietly, and this song seemed to tell that she was once sentimental, that she couldn’t extricate herself, that she missed her former lover, and that everything in the past made people cry.
Aside sogeum has long been red in the eye and lowered his eyes. I don’t know what to think. Xiaobai always feels sour in the nose. Fire Xuan and Meow Meow have also listened to it. Fire Xuan cocked his head and wondered what happened to this woman. Is Cold King heart breaker abandoning her at random?
Stay MuHuan waist soft sword Nini already tearful mother you are still in love with dad, why do you want to hide this place from him? Go back if you miss him. Dad really loves you! Are you suffering? Do you really want your baby to be born without a father?
At this time, there was another person standing outside the wall. It was just a few miles away.
The galloping horses and the small arms arrived at the time when Muhuan was playing the piano, but when she walked around the garden, she heard her singing, and her heart shrank like someone reached into her body and grabbed the small organ. It was so painful that she could not speak.
Suddenly the strings were broken, and Xiaoqin sounded in the garden and exclaimed, "Sister-in-law, what’s wrong with you?"
Thyme devoted to the heat can not consider so many leaps to fly to a big tree but see MuHuan corners of the mouth with blood faint GuQin Chapter two hundred and thirty-three Father and daughter meet!
Seeing Xiaoqin holding Muhuan in panic and shaking her gently, she cried, "Sister-in-law, wake up!"
Ah, before a step, two kittens, one black and one white, also rushed in. As soon as the black cat rushed into the pavilion, it became many times bigger, and stretched out its claws to lift Muhuan’s eyelids.
At the same time, I saw a man dressed in a moonlight gown rushing forward and pulling up Muhuan’s wrist, taking the pulse and touching some blood on her mouth, putting it on the nose and smelling it, and grinding the fingertips before sticking out the tip of her tongue and gently tasting it. The man then frowned and took Muhuan from Sogeum’s hand and picked her up and went into the room.
The man turned around for a moment, but he finally saw clearly his appearance. He had a face that was so enchanting to the extreme, but he just didn’t take half a feminine lip angle. The natural bend seemed to be born with a smile, but a closer look made people feel that the smile was somewhat unreal, which made people feel that although this person was gorgeous, he was also inscrutable. Presumably, this is the owner of the happy gate.
"What happened to my sister-in-law?" Sogeum with Su Yiming side while anxiously asked
Su Yiming frowned and looked down at her arms in a coma. Muhuan looked at the crystal tears in her eyes and suddenly felt a little distressed. "I was dizzy with poison."
"What?" O sogeum and changed his face at the same time "poison? !”
Su Yiming didn’t say anything, holding MuHuan into the room, and Sogeum and the little white followed him and went in.