With such a captain and Li Cheng’s personal ability, everyone feels warm.

Those players who just entered the nba or were traded this summer all felt at home in Indiana.
With such a captain and Li Cheng’s personal ability, everyone feels warm.
Today, Li Cheng will meet his biggest enemy in the league, a member of the Pacers, and everyone has worked hard to avenge Li Cheng.
Today, Li Cheng will meet his biggest enemy in the league, a member of the Pacers, and everyone has worked hard to avenge Li Cheng.
The 76ers were completely rebuilt after the next season. They built a team around Saidi Yang and Iguodala. However, these two people did not grow at the speed of Li Cheng. So far, they are still very immature and their combat effectiveness is very weak. For the pacers who are now ranked first in the league, defeating the 76ers is not enough.
However, the question now is how many points will the pacers win in this game?
O’ Brien also paid enough attention to this game. He directly arranged a crazy attack tactic, and O’ Brien had already said, "Even if we lead the city by 5 points, we will not be the main force."
Li Cheng is everything to the Pacers now. He is the soul of Indiana. This team almost revolves around him.
However, O ‘Brien’s words did not arouse opposition in the Pacers. They all agreed with O ‘Brien’s arrangement very much, and every one of them asked for more games, which was enough humiliation for the city.
"Captain, I will definitely blow their line." hibbert sat in the locker room * * and his perfect muscle lines were naked in front of everyone.
Ibaka said, "Captain, I will try my best to score, and I will never let the score difference in this game be too small."
"Captain, I will try my best not to let the city line score. Trust me!" Lopez said firmly
There are others who have also expressed their opinions.
Granger saw everyone’s attitude and smiled. "Even if you are injured in this game, you don’t need to play the part of God of War. We will help you wipe out the enemy."
"Thank you!" To tell the truth, Li Cheng was a little touched, and he showed his most sincere gratitude to everyone.
"Let’s play this game well, don’t be too hard and don’t get hurt. If any of you get hurt in our big lead, I will feel sorry for a long time and …" Li Cheng paused. "I want to take revenge for this game myself. Please give me the ball."
"I think Li Cheng will take over the game from the beginning, he will start his explosion scoring method from the beginning, and he will give the city the strongest humiliation."
"Maybe this game will be an Indiana runaway scoring performance."
"The Indiana game is really exciting these days. I love scheduling, man."
"The city had better pray for an emperor to make Li Cheng a little soft-hearted, otherwise they will feel the madness of Indiana today and they will be destroyed to pieces in the madness of Indiana."
The fans are looking forward to the reporters and what big news will come out in this game. Li Cheng played the "Return of the King" in a game, and I don’t know what kind of exciting drama Li Cheng can play today.
Today, when shooting and training the pacers and training tactics, everyone got together to discuss how to give the city 76 ers a painful memory.
After Li Chengkat’s gambling game, the cohesiveness of the pedestrians went further. Everyone paid attention to Li Cheng’s help to Lopez. They also saw Li Cheng’s attitude. Li Cheng once said more than once that if Lopez was really inferior to his brother in the end, he would not blame Lopez. Everyone could feel that he was sincere from Li Cheng’s tone and eyes. What he said was really true.
With such a captain and Li Cheng’s personal ability, everyone feels warm.
Those players who just entered the nba or were traded this summer all felt at home in Indiana.
Today, Li Cheng will meet his biggest enemy in the league, a member of the Pacers, and everyone has worked hard to avenge Li Cheng.
The 76ers were completely rebuilt after the next season. They built a team around Saidi Yang and Iguodala. However, these two people did not grow at the speed of Li Cheng. So far, they are still very immature and their combat effectiveness is very weak. For the pacers who are now ranked first in the league, defeating the 76ers is not enough.
However, the question now is how many points will the pacers win in this game?
O’ Brien also paid enough attention to this game. He directly arranged a crazy attack tactic, and O’ Brien had already said, "Even if we lead the city by 5 points, we will not be the main force."
Li Cheng is everything to the Pacers now. He is the soul of Indiana. This team almost revolves around him.
However, O ‘Brien’s words did not arouse opposition in the Pacers. They all agreed with O ‘Brien’s arrangement very much, and every one of them asked for more games, which was enough humiliation for the city.
"Captain, I will definitely blow their line." hibbert sat in the locker room * * and his perfect muscle lines were naked in front of everyone.
Ibaka said, "Captain, I will try my best to score, and I will never let the score difference in this game be too small."
"Captain, I will try my best not to let the city line score. Trust me!" Lopez said firmly
There are others who have also expressed their opinions.
Granger saw everyone’s attitude and smiled. "Even if you are injured in this game, you don’t need to play the part of God of War. We will help you wipe out the enemy."
"Thank you!" To tell the truth, Li Cheng was a little touched, and he showed his most sincere gratitude to everyone.
"Let’s play this game well, don’t be too hard and don’t get hurt. If any of you get hurt in our big lead, I will feel sorry for a long time and …" Li Cheng paused. "I want to take revenge for this game myself. Please give me the ball."
Li Cheng’s voice just fell and everyone said that there was no problem. They would definitely give Li Chengqiu to be continued.